《BBC》2/28 (照片由緬甸民間人士提供)
* 美國食藥監管機構已正式批准強生全球第一個單劑注射冠狀病毒疫苗。
臨床試驗發現,它可以預防COVID -19轉為嚴重疾病,包括中度病情:總體防疫有效率為66%。
此疫苗由Johnson Johnson 旗下比利時Janssen公司生產。該公司已同意在6月底之前向美國提供1億劑。首批藥最早可在下周向美國公眾提供。
Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine: FDA approves single-shot jab https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56226979
* 一位德國資深免疫學家敦促德國改變政策,允許65歲以上的人接種牛津-阿斯利康疫苗。
在英國廣播公司(BBC)的一次採訪中,德國免疫學會負責人卡斯滕·沃茨(Carsten Watzl)預測,監管機構將不得不改變他們的決定,即不建議老年人使用牛津疫苗。
他敦促梅克爾(Angela Merkel)公開接種疫苗、直播電視,以證明它是安全的。
Covid vaccine: Germany urged to back AstraZeneca jab for over-65s https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56227171
* 緬甸軍方表示,在緬甸駐聯合國大使呼籲軍隊撒出,還政於民後的第二天,他們已經解散了該國駐聯合國大使。
Kyaw Moe Tun在一次激動人心的講話中說,於聯合國大會上主張將權力移交給民主選舉的政府之前,任何人都不應與軍方合作。
Myanmar coup: UN ambassador fired after anti-army speech https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56222987
* 隨著製藥巨頭在為世界接種疫苗的競賽中提高產量,一家印度公司悄然佔據了領先地位。
SII首席執行官阿達爾·波納瓦拉(Adar Poonawalla)告訴英國廣播公司,“我們冒著巨大的風險”,於2020年在監管機構批准之前押注了幾種疫苗。“這不是盲目的風險,因為我們從與瘧疾疫苗的早期合作中認識了牛津大學的科學家。”
Covid: How this Indian firm is vaccinating the world https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56218058
* 聯合國呼籲緊急救援數十名滯留在印度水域海上的羅興亞難民。報告表示已經有八人死亡。
視頻提供:Rajini Vaidyanathan,Sanjay Ganguly,Mohammed Farouk,Saidul Hoque,Shalu Yadav。
Rohingya refugees adrift at sea https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56218415
* 愛爾蘭都柏林市中心針對Covid-19限制的示威遊行中,三名警官受傷。數百名抗議者被阻止聚集在St Stephen's Green,並被警員用警棍轉移到Grafton Street)。
Covid-19: Police officers injured at Dublin anti-lockdown protest https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56222942
* 拜登上台後其政府採取的第一項軍事行動中,美國對伊朗支持的敘利亞民兵發動了空襲。
Biden takes first military action with Syria strike on Iran-backed militias https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56205056
iran army 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[時事英文] 新冠病毒將如何改變教育?
How will the coronavirus change education?
No one knows for sure, but some schools have begun switching entirely to online programs. Just yesterday, Stanford University announced that it will move all of its classes online.
The coronavirus has forced at least nine countries, as well as countless provinces, cities and towns, to close schools in an effort to contain the outbreak’s spread. Hundreds of millions of students around the globe are now out of school in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Japan, France, Pakistan and elsewhere.
1. in an effort to 致力於
2. contain the outbreak’s spread 控制疫情的傳播
It is a grand social experiment with little parallel in the modern era of education. Schools and the school day help provide the structure and support for families, communities and entire economies. And the effect of closing them for weeks and sometimes months en masse could have untold repercussions for children and society at large, transcending geographies and class.
3. a grand social experiment 這是一場宏大的社會實驗
4. with little parallel 幾乎沒有同情況發生過
5. the modern era of education 現代教育領域
6. en mass 一起,全體
7. have untold repercussion 無法估量的影響
8. at large 普遍地,全體地
9. transcend 超越,超過,超出(尤指界限)
Older students have missed crucial study sessions for college admissions exams, while younger ones have risked falling behind on core subjects like reading and math. Parents have scrambled to find child care or to work from home. Families have moved children to new schools in areas unaffected by the coronavirus, and lost milestones like graduation ceremonies or last days of school.
10. crucial study session 重要學習環節
11. college admission exam 大學入學考試
12. scramble to find 爭先恐後地尋找
13. milestones 里程碑
All of this is compounded for families who do not have the financial means or professional flexibility, forcing parents such as Ms. Gao to take unpaid leave, or leaving students indefinitely without an educational backstop.
14. compound (v) 使加重,使加劇,使惡化
15. financial means 經濟能力
16. an educational backstop 教育支持
Governments are trying to help. Japan is offering subsidies to companies to help offset the cost of parents taking time off work. France has promised 14 days of paid sick leave to parents of children who must self-isolate, if they have no choice but to watch their children themselves.
17. offer subsidy 提供補助
18. offset the cost 抵銷成本
19. paid sick leave 帶薪病假
20. self-isolate 自我隔離
21. no choice but to... 別無選擇只能...
But the burdens are widespread, touching corners of society seemingly unconnected to education. In Japan, schools have canceled bulk food delivery orders for lunches they will no longer serve, affecting farmers and suppliers. In Hong Kong, an army of domestic helpers have been left unemployed after wealthy families enrolled their children in schools overseas.
22. touch every corner of society 觸及社會的各個角落
23. seemingly unconnected 看似無關的
24. cancel bulk food delivery order 取消批量食物配送的訂單
25. no longer serve 不再供應
26. domestic helper 家庭幫傭
School and government officials are doing their best to keep children learning — and occupied — at home. The Italian government created a dedicated webpage to give teachers access to videoconference tools and ready-made lesson plans. Almost two dozen Mongolian television stations are airing classes. Iran’s government has worked with internet content providers, such as Iran’s version of Netflix, to make all children’s content free.
27. give access to 有管道可以
28. videoconference tools 影片會議工具
29. ready-made lesson plans 現成的教案
30. air (v.) classes 播出課程
31. internet content providers 互聯網內容提供商
Even physical education takes place: At least one school in Hong Kong requires students — in their gym uniforms — to follow along as an instructor demonstrates push-ups onscreen, with the students’ webcams on for proof.
32. physical education 體育(課)
33. follow along 跟著做
The offline reality of online learning, though, is challenging. There are technological hurdles, as well as the unavoidable distractions that pop up when children and teenagers are left to their own devices — literally.
34. technological hurdles 技術上的障礙
35. unavoidable distractions 不可避免的令人分神的事物
36. leave sb to their own devices 讓(某人)自行決定
37. literally 字面意思上的
The new classroom at home poses greater problems for younger students, and their older caregivers. Ruby Tan, a primary school teacher in Chongqing, a city in southwestern China that suspended schools last month, said many grandparents were helping with child care so that the parents can go to work. But the grandparents do not always know how to use the necessary technology.
38. pose greater problems 造成更大的麻煩
39. caregivers看護者,護理員
家庭教室給年幼的學生和照顧他們的長輩帶來了更大的麻煩。上個月,中國西南部城市重慶一所停課小學的老師露比·譚(Ruby Tan)說,很多家庭是祖父母幫忙照顧孩子,讓父母去上班。但祖父母並不總是知道如何使用必要的技術。
Entire industries and businesses that rely on the rituals of students going to school and parents going to work are also being shaken. School administrators in Japan, caught off guard by the abrupt decision to close schools, have rushed to cancel orders for cafeteria lunches, stranding food suppliers with piles of unwanted groceries and temporarily unneeded employees.
40. rely on 依賴
41. be shaken 陷入恐慌
42. be caught off guard 使(某人)措手不及;趁(某人)不警惕時(做某事)
43. an abrupt decision 突然的決定
44. rush to 倉促去
45. strand 擱淺;處於困境
To blunt the economic effects of the coronavirus, Japan’s government is offering financial help to parents, small businesses and health care providers. But school lunch officials said they had not heard about compensation for their workers.
46. blunt (v.) economic effects 削弱經濟影響
47. offer financial help 提供財政協助
48. small business owners 小型企業主
49. health care providers 健保提供者
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/2uZAowG
史丹佛大學改採線上授課: http://bit.ly/3cIaAGk
圖片來源: https://econ.st/2Iui1mO
保健心智圖: https://goo.gl/seqt5k
保健相關單字: https://wp.me/p44l9b-Tt (+mp3)
時事英文大全: http://bit.ly/2WtAqop
教育時評: http://bit.ly/39ABON9
iran army 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 八卦
Idlib sitrep
The SAA has been losing a lot of ground on the Ghab Plains in Western Idlib. Three days ago, Almost all of the plain had been reconquered by the Syrian army and the M-4 Highway was in sight. Right now the SAA has been pushed roughly half way back the plain.
However, government forces are apparently regaining some ground toward Saraqib (East Idlib). There were fights along the strategic city's suburbs all night long. Hezbollah was apparently heavily involved in the fight...
So far, the Hezbollah had been careful not to get involved in a fight with Turkish troops and Turkey avoided targeting Hezbollah camps and bases. This has changed this weekend: Hezbollah militiamen were targeted by Turkish strikes, causing casualties. Both the Hezbollah and Iran warned Turkey not to target Lebanese and Iranian proxies in Syria. Tehran went as far as threatening Ankara by reminding the Turks that they are within range of many Iranian ballistic and cruise missiles.
Turkish drone warfare has turned the tables in this conflict and will most certainly become a case study in the near future. Turkish operators are getting good at targeting Syrian reinforcements columns, sapping their morale and effectiveness before they even reach the frontline. Said operators are also targeting any retreating forces, often turning orderly retreats into mini routs and forcing said men to abandon hardware and vehicles behind them. The Turkish drone campaign has inflicted a fair amount of casualties and hardware on the Syrian forces. Hardware can be replaced by Moscow, but Damascus is already short of manpower as it is. It is good to keep in mind that while the Syrian losses figures are probably high, the ones published by Ankara are overly overestimated. The information warfare on both sides is in full swing.
The SyAD seems powerless against those drones: It lacks short and medium range mobile SAM batteries to protect its forward positions and convoys on the move. And the few batteries it has are needed around Damascus to try and mitigate the effects of constant Israeli strikes.
The SyAF lost two Su-24 Fencers over the province, yesterday.. Most probably shot down by Turkish F-16s.
Turkey seems to be shifting some more HTS (Al Qaeda) fighters from Idlib to Libya. Ex-Syrian rebels and foreign jihadis that fought in the Syrian civil war have been fighting on behalf of Ankara in Libya for the past month or so.
General Haftar of the Libyan National Army was in Damascus yesterday, to coordinate action against Turkish policies in both countries. An agreement was reached: Any Syrian caught prisoner in Libya will be handed over to Damascus...
Washington, which has spotted a golden opportunity to drive a wedge between Ankara and Moscow, has pledged to (politically) support Turkey in Idlib. The Turkish request to have US Patriot batteries deployed in Turkey hasn't been granted, however.
Moscow, using almost the same language, has pledged to keep on supporting Damascus in its fight against terrorism...
Putin and Erdogan are supposed to meet up within days to bridge their differences. Delegations from both countries' foreign ministries have already met to prepare the upcoming high level meeting. This might not be as straightforward as it sounds: This weekend, Turkey has requested Russian forces to move back to their Syrian bases and let the Turkish army conduct its business in Idlib... Moscow reminded Ankara that Russia is currently the only country operating in Syria whose armed forces were legally deployed on Syrian territory after having been invited there by the country's official government...
Pretty big bridge to gap, then...
iran army 在 I.R. Iran Army the army of Islam, Islamic system/Army, other ... 的相關結果
Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day is the army of Islam and the Islamic system and it belongs to the great Iranian nation, not possessed by any party, ... ... <看更多>
iran army 在 2022 Iran Military Strength - Global Firepower 的相關結果
Detailing the current military strength of Iran including air force, army, navy, financials and manpower. ... <看更多>
iran army 在 Islamic Republic of Iran Army - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Islamic Republic of Iran Army acronymed AJA (Persian: آجا), simply known as the Iranian Army or Artesh (Persian: ارتش, romanized: Arteš), ... ... <看更多>