【NTU MIC講座:視網膜內特殊感光視神經調控光適應】
Neuronal connection of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells: how light influence physiological functions
時間:2/17 (五) 12:30
地點:國立臺灣大學校總區生物科技館 R101
摘要:Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the retina receive input from classical photoreceptor rod and cone through bipolar cells and many lateral processing from amacrine cell. For image forming function, classic photoreceptor rods and cones are primary photon detector located at the outer retina. However, recent studies showed that a small population of melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) located at the inner retina is essential for many non-image forming visual functions. There are many subtypes of ipRGCs which provide environmental luminance signal for circadian photoentrainmnet, pupillary light reflex. Furthermore, ipRGCs could also influence the physiological functions of upstream order of retinal neuron such as dopaminergic amacrine cell and even the retinal development through intra-retinal axon collaterals. Therefore, ipRGC could conveying luminance signal from the inner retina to outer retina to control light adaptation and simultaneously to the hypothalamus for other non-image forming function such as circadian clock modulation. We also construct the innervation pattern of ipRGC to the SCN, the brain nucleus controls circadian clock. Unlike regular sensory neurons which usually innervate opposite side of the brain, a single ipRGC can project bi-lateral innervation to both left and right side of the brain. This innervation pattern could provide information input to SCN for potential better synchronization of the biological clock. Together, our studies showed that the atypical photoreceptor in the retina can modulate many of our physiological function from vision to clock.
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Semiconductor restructures - Toshiba exits packaged LED and image sensor business
東芝(Toshiba)昨日發布新聞稿宣布,將針對系統整合晶片(System LSI)事業以及離散元件(discrete)事業進行結構改革措施,具體內容為退出CMOS影像感測器以及白光LED市場。
CMOS的合約將在今年底前簽署完成,交易則預計在明年三月前完成,總交易額約200億日圓。Sony 除了接收300mm CMOS的生產設備(月產能15,000片晶圓)與1100名設計、製造與銷售人員外,也會直接接收東芝現有的客戶。東芝200mm與150mm生產線將會合併以提高效率,集中研發資源,未來SoC部門也會更專注在motor control driver與類比IC,記憶體控制器與圖像識別處理器則交由外包。在CMOS影像感測的市佔率部分,東芝去年僅有1.9%,落後Sony的40.3%、OmniVision的15.8%與三星電子的15.4%。若只考慮高階CMOS,則該交易對於Sony欲衝出與三星競爭之突圍有正面助益,尤其iPone 7及越來越多高階手機搭載雙鏡頭,Sony可藉此一舉拉高總產能。