【玳瑚師父講座課室】 《第十一場回顧:人體風水》
11th Workshop Recap: Feng Shui Dynamics in The Human Body
(English version below)
2016年九月十五日,中秋佳節晚上,玳瑚師父舉辦了他第十一場《以茶會友 - 人體風水》。
面相解析 - 上停 ~
一、 多才多藝的面相
二、 額頭的五行所屬,及對個人事業的影響
四、 李資政為何注定是新加坡的「人王」?
五、 原來自殺的人,都有這樣的眉毛!
七、 房屋經紀要成功,眉毛要如此!
八、 要成為當紅的明星,眉毛必須這樣的形狀。
九、 想和家人感情好,眉毛可以這樣修。
十、 美女都是什麼季節出生?
面相解析 - 中停 ~
十八、 想要擁有財富,要如此護理鼻子。
十九、 面相代表「水」的部位
二十、 有名氣的人,必定有此特徵。
面相解析 - 下停 ~
世界和居家風水 ~
三十、 哪一種屋子保證賺大錢?
好名字一生也溫飽 ~
病從口入 ~
四十、 八字很熱,簡單補運的方法是什麼?
四十一、 被動的人,是哪個季節出生?
現場答客問 ~
四十四、 請問如何能在房内結界,保護自己不被魍魎鬼怪騷擾?
事後,師父更為所有出席者加持他們的個人物件,並在一位出席者要求下,簡單地示範如何使用念珠,賜吉祥和福給大衆, 為這花好月圆之夜的聚會劃下了完美的句號。
It's the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15 Sep 2016, as Master Dai Hu held his 11th Tea Session to share the intricate knowledge of Feng Shui Dynamics in the Human Body.
Due to the overwhelming response, Master Dai Hu took into account the comfort of the participants and decided to change the venue to a classroom, making it his FIRST workshop!
As a way of giving back to the sentient beings, Master Dai Hu is more than willing to invest in a well-fitted seminar room and deliver this wisdom-filled session at no charge at all. It is his big gift to all on his "birthday".
Before the seminar began proper, Master Dai Hu noticed the weak facial aura of the participants. He showed his sense of humour and demonstrated a dance move, in a bid to remind everyone that movement of the Qi energy and blood in the body is vital to one's prosperity and good luck. A great circulation of the Qi and blood in the body forms a strong foundation for one's good fortune.
1. How do you recognise a face that belongs to a multi-talented person?
2. The element of your forehead and its impact on your career prospects.
3. What kind of face signifies a life of toil with no returns?
4. Why is the late MM Lee destined to be the leader of Singapore?
5. These kind of eyebrows belong to people with suicidal tendencies!
6. A woman should sport such eyebrows to have a blissful marriage.
7. A property agent should sport such eyebrows to have a successful career!
8. A celebrity should sport such eyebrows to enjoy stardom and fame.
9. You will enjoy good family relationships if you trim your eyebrows this way.
10. Which season is a beautiful woman usually born in?
11. The importance of your hair in your life fortune.
12. 90% of rich people have such characteristics in their ears!
13. What are some facial features of a woman who marry into a rich family?
14. How can you tell from the face of a man, to know that he is having an extramarital affair?
15. If your eyes are not good, you will not strike rich even when you are 40 years old.
16. What are the 4 things that you can tell from a pair of bloodshot eyes?
17. What are the special features in the eyes of a person with a successful career?
18. Please maintain your nose this way if you want to be wealthy.
19. Which facial feature represents the water element?
20. Famous people will definitely have such unique features.
21. What effect does freckles on the wife's face have on her husband?
22. The facial features of a person in civil service.
23. Danger signs to look out for when it comes to female health! How do you maintain good female health?
24. The lower chin represents your senior years. If your chin has these flaws, what does it mean for your silver years?
25. What kind of mouth shape signifies that a woman can control her husband?
26. If you sport a small mouth, how can you enhance your wealth luck with Feng Shui at home?
27. TOP 3 countries in the world with the best Feng Shui.
28. Why does USA lead the world in many IT technological advancements?
29. Why does China call the shots in these 20 years?
30. Which type of house guarantees you of huge earnings?
31. Which type of house is devoid of warmth and love?
32. If you experience "wind" in your digestive system, which part of your house is having Feng Shui issues?
33. To have more weight in your words, a woman must do this at home!
34. The empire of a man is found in this spot of the house!
35. The Destiny link between your name and Bazi.
36. Master Dai Hu's live analysis of the Chinese names of two participants.
37. Master Dai Hu explains the elemental type of some common Chinese surnames, so that you can easily identify your benefactors and enemies!
38. The importance of getting your Bazi read is to find the antidote to improving your life.
39. The diet differences for people born in different seasons of the year.
40. If your Bazi is full of fire, what would be a simple way to improve your fortunes?
41. A person with no initiative is usually born in this season.
42. Why do 2 persons end up in a relationship?
43. A person who is perpetually sick has bad energy field, because an inauspicious star has entered his/her body!
44. How do I demarcate my room, so that I will be protected from ghostly disturbances?
45. How can my friend recover from his long-time stubborn cough?
46. I have a big balcony at home. How will this affect the wealth-storage ability of my house? What should I do?
And more.
As the workshop drew to an end, with compassion, Master Dai Hu reminded all participants to be free from afflictions, as these accelerated the aging process.
Using a real-life story of how a Chinese mother got humiliated by a foreigner, Master Dai Hu emphasized the importance of speaking Mandarin frequently, and learning Chinese Metaphysics to the participants of Chinese descent. The beautiful language and the Metaphysics knowledge are the roots to our Chinese culture. A race that neglects and abandons its roots will not get any respect from others and eventually die out.
Just before leaving, Master Dai Hu performed a round of blessings for everybody's personal objects. Upon request, he also did a simple demonstration on how to use the chanting beads, ending the night on an auspicious note
Thank you to all participants who made an effort to dress up and Mr & Mrs Gordonn Chiu for their beautiful flower bouquets, as a birthday gift to Master Dai Hu.
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【玳瑚師父出差錄】 今天乃觀世音菩薩成道日。附上此照片及今天的文章,感恩菩薩的“千處祈求千處應“。
Today is the Enlightenment Day of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva. Photo attached and the posting of an article today expresses my gratitude for the great mercy bestowed by the Bodhisattva. Thank you so much.
His and her silhouettes (English version below)
在一間英式酒店,等待欲前來給吾批八字大運的客人。一聲師父。吾抬頭一望,先望見的是一位女生。再來這女生就朝其右手邊,介紹說: "師父,這是我的男朋友。" 這位男生就是來批大運的主角。于是吾就朝左手邊望。呈現在吾眼前的,並不是這男生長得高頭大馬。而是這男生的習氣,以及他的"背影"。這男生到底有甚麼樣的"背影"?
That is right. This article is a sequel to my previous one on the 'Shadow of Debt'. Is it necessary? It sure is! And for the following reasons:
1) Great response to my previous article
2) To let everyone knows the huge consequences of killing
3) Salvation for sentient beings
During an overseas trip, accompanied by my students, I went shopping for clothes and met this sales lady. She was smiley as she approached and has the gift of the tongue. Beside her loveliness, I also saw the 'silhouette' behind her. Frankly speaking, her service attitude was prompt and friendly, but I was slightly distracted by what I saw. She must have spotted my slight unease at that moment and looked at me oddly. I guess it must have been my own weird facial expression that prompted that.
Fact is, I saw the fetus spirit of the sales lady and how it will affect her mental health in the future. As a spiritual cultivator, we should all exercise compassion for all. I was distracted as I was thinking how to broach this issue with her. Finally, I decided to tell her what I saw. Indeed, she had indeed underwent abortion. I then instructed my students to convey to the sales lady the method to resolve this grave mistake of hers.
I was waiting for a client in a colonial-styled hotel to provide consultation on his life destiny (Bazi reading). I heard a greeting and looked up to see a lady. She looked to her right and introduced, "Master, this is my boyfriend." The guy was the client I was waiting for. I saw, not his towering frame, but his energy and the silhouette behind him. What kind of silhouette was that?
At that moment, I saw a silhouette of densely packed black dots behind him. The black dots resembled small insects. In a later part of our conversation, he admitted that he used to have a habit of killing insects. I told him, seriously, what I saw and educated him on the bad karma of killing. I advised him not to wilfully take lives.
In the eye of the Ultimate Truth, killing a human being or an insect does not make a difference. It is a sin of similar huge proportion. Master Dai Hu shall tell you now the consequences of abortion and killing insects. Women who aborted their unborn child suffer from hair loss, look aged with fast aging skin, bad breath and body odour, insubordinate children and obstacles in their career and family. Killing of insects will results in bodily illness like skin disease, tumour growth etc.
Please don't think that Master Dai Hu is scaring you. I am definitely not in the mood for this now. All these are facts and I have stated my reasons at the beginning of this article. I looked forward to everyone of you appreciating the law of cause and effect. Should u know anyone with the same issues mentioned above, please get them to read this article. Consider it as a merit earned! Taiwanese singer Dave Wang sang a song with similar title, 她的背影, but that is just a mere proportion to what I have just shared!
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🌹Rosytime Q and A
1. What is the main ingredients of rosytime ?
Cactus fruit
Cactus fruit is rich in nutrients. It takes up to four yeas to develop and ripen.
– Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients
– Prevent DNA damage
– Promote wound healing
– Improve skin texture and appearance
– Encourage phagocytic activity
– Has significant anti-inflammatory effect
Once the cactus fruit is plucked, it has to process immediately to avoid nutrient loss. In addition, the skin of cactus fruit must also be removed in a gentle way. The study found that cactus fruit is able to promote the regeneration and repair of human cells and has a powerful function.
Cranberry grows in cold and acidic sandy wetlands, it takes 3 to 5 years to grow and harvest. It can grow in a harsh environment with such climatic conditions, thus it is very limited and precious.
– Regulate psychological function, thus it can help to maintain health and protect private part of our body
– Prevention of urinary tract infections and cystitis
– Reduce the risk of gastric ulcer and gastric cancer
– Reduce cardiovascular ageing
– Anti-aging, to avoid Alzheimer’s
– Maintain skin healthy and appearance
#Acerola cherry
Known as the Gods of Brazil, the vitamin C is 33 times the amount of vitamin C in orange juice. The growth conditions of cherry are complicated, it doesn’t stand in cold weather nor hot weather, dry or humid weather, and easy to attack by pests.
– Ideal for the development of child
– Protect the joints
– Improve skin appearance
– High in iron content, it can increase haemoglobin in our body
– Protect womb
– Reduce blemish, promote skin health such as elasticity and texture
– Enhance our body system to prevent colds
Bright and beautiful roses are the representative of love, its beautiful appearance is women favourite.
Scientific research has confirmed that Rose is like a human body, it needs water to care for the body and texture from inside out. It contains a rich and high value of the nutritional essence, thus it can provide our body nutrients and antioxidants.
– Antioxidant content are 50 times higher compared to lemon
– Effectively enhance our body to produce collagen on its own
– Delay ageing process
– Lighten dark spots, to have brighter and smoother skin
– Clean and purify skin
– Enhance stomach function
– Reduce women’s health problem
– Promote blood circulation
2. How does rosytime help to fight aging ?
If you are able to find ways to fight free radicals, this means you are able to reverse ageing process!
How to fight against free radicals?
The ‘enemy’ of free radicals is antioxidant.
Our human body has own antioxidant enzyme system to eliminate free radicals. However, our body produces a lot of free radicals as compared to antioxidants, hence an antioxidant rich nutrition has become modern necessities.
“Dr. Lester Packer the expert of antioxidants said [‘If I tell you antioxidants are able to make a human’s heart younger, a mind to be more flexible, a body that is more energetic till the age of 70 years old, 80 years old or even more; If I tell you antioxidants are able to extend your life, prevent cancer while making you look younger, you must think that I am a problematic idealist.
In fact, I am a very serious scientist. Numerous scientific research results show that: Antioxidants can help human to stay healthy and longevity, it can also affect the ageing process of our human body.]’”
Where can we get the rich antioxidants?
The mysterious nature provides antioxidants to our body. However, it has to be ‘natural’, ‘complete’ and ‘multi-variety’ type of antioxidants in order to give the greatest benefits to our body.
Many data has shown that synthetic antioxidants supplements are likely to increase the risk of cancer, especially lung cancer.
Rosytime contains the most precious cactus fruit, cranberry, acerola cherry and rose. With the world’s top extraction technology, it will provide you with the most natural antioxidant source.
3. Where is rosytime made from ?
4. Rosytime is made in USA
4. Is the product safe ?
5. ❌ No side efffect
6. ❌ No preservatives
7. ❌ No additives
8. 💯 Certified by GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices)
9. 💯 Certified by AVA Food in Singapore
10. 💯 Cwrtified by AVA Food in Taiwan
11. 💯 Wholesome plants food product
12. 💯 Safe for all ages, baby,children and adult
5. What are the benefits of rosytime ?
6. Women
7. Reduce dark spots and whitening to let our skin glow naturally and improve skin elasticity
8. Anti-aging and prevent organ problem
9. Women who are having imbalanced diets, such as not enough fruits and vegetables.
10. Pregnant women, lactating women, and women who take contraceptives pills regularly
11. People who are Anemia
12. Bleeding gingival problem
13. Hormone imbalance
Prevent colds
Help the absorption of vitamin B12 and iron
Ideal for child development
People who always intake high fats, high calorie and high cholesterol food
Contact : http://www.wasap.my/60172552022
how does aging affect health 在 What is the Decade of Healthy Aging? - YouTube 的八卦
The Decade of Healthy Aging envisions a world in which all people can live long and healthy lives, where they can do the things they value ... ... <看更多>