Sepuluh tahun menjadi Kaunselor Pelajar dengan menimba pengalaman di universiti swasta terbaik hingga ke IPTA terkemuka dan bekerja dengan personality terkenal seperti Datuk Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah menjadikan perkara itu salah satu kebanggaan buat ayahnya. Namun kebanggaanya itu lesap apabila beliau nekad untuk berhenti kerja demi menyambung impiannya untuk berbisnes. Ini kisah Puan Carmelita Mohd Zainol pemilik kepada Carmelitaco Sdn Bhd.
Nekad berhenti kerja merupakan satu tindakan yang terpaksa dirahsiakan oleh ibu dan ayahnya kerana bagi kedua - duanya, perkerjaan hakiki yang beliau jawat sekarang adalah jawatan yang tetap dalam kerajaan. Namun enggan lagi menjadi “seperti tikus di dalam roda” akhirnya beliau nekad untuk meminta restu dan memberitahu rahsia tersebut kepada ayahnya tentang situasi yang dihadapinya. Namun, tiada satu kata yang diucapkan oleh ayah umpama sepi, tiada jawapan.
Pada pertengahan tahun 2016. beliau hadir ke Intensif Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan (IMKK) bersama adiknya dan melalui program itu beliau meluahkan kerisauan terhadap masa dan kesempatan untuk beliau membuktikan kepada ayahnya yang bisnesnya mampu berjaya. Namun, malangnya belum sempat beliau mengecapi nikmat impian yang beliau ingin capai, ayahnya meninggal dunia. Maka dari situlah zaman kegelapan hidupnya kian bermula. Menjadikan keluarga, ibu dan ayah sebagai BigWhy untuk berjaya dalam bisnes bukan satu perkara yang mudah untuk beliau.
Akhirnya, beliau bangkit dengan matlamat yang lebih jelas dengan RichWorks apabila bukan hanya ilmu bisnes yang diajar, bukan soal buat duit, pemasaran, jualan dan jadi pemimpin yang baik semata tapi juga bab membina diri beliau sendiri. Kini dengan ilmu IMKK yang dibawa dan dipelajarinya, kini Carmelitaco Sdn Bhd berjaya mencecah sales sebanyak RM440,000 pada 2017, kemudiaanya meningkat naik apabila beliau menyertai Circle Titan pada akhir 2018 apabila sekali lagi meraih jualan RM3.1 juta dan meningkat kepada RM5.3 juta pada 2019, Kini, suku pertama tahun ini saja (2020), beliau berjaya mencatat jualan RM1.7 juta, di mana sebanyak RM351,000 diperolehi pada April iaitu ketika Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) berkuatkuasa! Dan kini Januari hingga September 2020, sales beliau mencecah RM5.5 juta! amacam?
Ada yang nak jadi seperti Puan Carmelita ?
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Ten years of being a Student Counselor by gaining experience in the best private university to the leading IPTA and working with a famous personality like Datuk Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah made it one of the pride for his father. But the pride is lost when he is determined to stop working to continue his dream of doing business. This is the story of Mrs. Carmelita Mohd Zainol, the owner of Carmelitaco Sdn
Determined to stop working is an act that has to be kept secret by his mother and father because for both, the essentials he is currently a fixed position in government. Yet reluctant to be ′′ like a rat in the wheel ′′ finally he was determined to ask for blessing and tell his secret to his father about the situation he faced. However, there isn't one word that dad said is quiet, no answer.
In mid-2016. he attended the Intensive Magnet of Wealth & Success (IMKK) with his younger brother and through the program he expressed his worries for his time and opportunity to prove to his father whose business is able to succeed. However, unfortunately he hasn't had time to reach the enjoyment of the dream he wanted to achieve, his father died. So that's where the darkness of life begins. Making family, mom and dad as BigWhy to succeed in business is not a simple thing for him.
Finally, he rose with a clearer goal with RichWorks when it was not only the business knowledge that was taught, it wasn't about making money, marketing, sales and being a good leader but also about building himself. Now with the IMKK knowledge brought and learned, now Carmelitaco Sdn Bhd has successfully reached a sales of RM440, 000 in 2017, he increased when he joined the Circle Titan in the end of 2018, when he once again earned a sale of RM3. 1 million and increased to RM5. 3 million in 2019, Now, the first quarter of the year is only (2020), he managed to record the sales of RM1. 7 million, which was RM351, 000 obtained in April which is during the Movement Control Order (2020 PKP) effective! And now January until September 2020, his sales reached RM5. 5 million! How is it?
Anyone wants to be like Mrs. Carmelita?
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he has died for ten years 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 八卦
The Great Multitude in Heaven
“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could count, out of every nation and of all tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands. They cried with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation be to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” All the angels were standing around the throne, the elders, and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before his throne, and worshiped God, saying, “Amen! Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power, and might, be to our God forever and ever! Amen.” One of the elders answered, saying to me, “These who are arrayed in the white robes, who are they, and from where did they come?” I told him, “My lord, you know.” He said to me, “These are those who came out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes, and made them white in the Lamb’s blood. Therefore they are before the throne of God, they serve him day and night in his temple. He who sits on the throne will spread his tabernacle over them.” (Revelation 7:9-15 WEB)
The passage above depicts the scene of the saints arriving in Heaven right after the Rapture.
The main confusion for most people here regarding the timeline of this event is because of the words “came out of the great tribulation”, making them think that it happens in the middle or end of the Tribulation.
However, I believe that the Rapture happens once the appointed time for the Tribulation begins.
Whether someone comes out of the Tribulation at the start, in the middle, or at the end of it does not matter—it is still coming out of the Tribulation.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say you go and watch a movie at a cinema. You did not like the movie immediately, so you left the cinema shortly after arriving. The fact is, you still came out of the cinema, even if it was at the start of the movie. Makes sense?
Additionally, the Tribulation saints who miss the Rapture and only believe in Jesus during the Tribulation will not receive salvation immediately, but only at the end of the Tribulation when Jesus returns. They have to endure to the end (without receiving the mark of the beast) to be saved.
Read the following passage which takes place after the Tribulation, at the start of the Millennial reign of Christ. It shows that the martyred Tribulation saints will only come alive again and receive eternal life after the Tribulation has ended:
“I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as didn’t worship the beast nor his image, and didn’t receive the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead didn’t live until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” (Revelation 20:4-5 WEB)
Jesus said the following words to the church of Philadelphia (all of them have fallen asleep since then):
“Because you kept my command to endure, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, which is to come on the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10 WEB)
There is an hour of testing coming upon the whole world, which is the seven years of Tribulation, but it is not for the church. Jesus’ message is true for the church today as well. We will not be going through the Tribulation.
“But let us, since we belong to the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and, for a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.” (1 Thessalonians 5:8-10 WEB)
We are not waiting for the Antichrist to appear. Instead, we are looking forward to Jesus’ return. We will obtain the last part of our salvation: the transformation of our mortal bodies into glorified bodies. Those who have fallen asleep will be raised from the dead first, and then we will all be transformed in the twinkling of an eye, to have immortal bodies that match our righteous spirits.
We are not appointed to go through the time of wrath. God knows how to separate the righteous from the wicked, just as He made a distinction between the children of Israel and the Egyptians during the ten plagues in Egypt. The children of Israel were preserved alive, and so were their flocks, but the Egyptians and their flocks suffered/died.
So do not fear—lift your head and confidently expect Jesus to return for us any day now!
Let me end off with a poem I wrote called “Jesus I Need You”. As you read, tune your heart to expect His imminent return. It is a hope that purifies you!
Jesus I’d be lost without Your love,
everyday would be so hard.
When things don’t go my way,
I fall into Your embrace,
I am forever Yours.
I can’t imagine life without You,
that would be Hell for sure.
I need grace and mercy that’s from You,
by myself I’m powerless.
Let me abide in the Vine,
I’ll hear of You and be fine.
Faith will rise—I’ll speak forth life,
fruitfulness is sure.
Take my hand and guide me through life,
I know you’ll never let me go.
With You I’ll walk on water,
we’ll rise above every power.
Lord Jesus,
you’ll catch me when I fall.
Amidst every trial,
You are there through it all.
I just want to see You,
I long for that perfect day.
Where we’ll meet in the clouds,
and I’ll see Your lovely face.
Did you enjoy this post? Unlock the other intriguing mysteries in the apocalypse when you read my eBook “The Book of Revelation Explained”. This epic and yet difficult final book of the Bible does not have to remain confusing to you anymore: https://bit.ly/bookofrevelationexplained
he has died for ten years 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 八卦
Your Body can be Holy and Without Defect
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the assembly, and gave himself up for it; that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word, that he might present the assembly to himself gloriously, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without defect.” (Ephesians 5:25-27 WEB)
When God sanctifies you, it means He is separating you from what is unclean and part of the curse that is upon this world due to Adam’s sin.
God never wanted man to grow old, weak, and die. Death entered the world because of Adam’s sin. All forms of death are perversions of God’s original design.
Most people shower their physical body daily, but many do not wash their soul. After receiving filth from the world through our eye and ear gates, we should wash the dirt off by receiving the preached Word of God. It is not good for wrong beliefs to remain in your heart because they will take root and produce fruits of death.
For example, this belief, “Everyone grows old. It is normal.” Many of us would agree with this belief immediately because it has been programmed into our minds and hearts ever since we were little. This is what we observe even as kids. People get older, weaker, sick, and they eventually die.
However, we must remember that not everyone is a child of God, and even among believers, many are clueless about youth renewal as part of their inheritance in Christ.
The passage above says that Jesus washes the church (assembly) with the Word, so that she will not have any “spot, wrinkle, or any such thing”. These imperfections mentioned are signs of aging which is a form of death.
When you receive the Gospel which is a message that is brimming with life, you also receive life-giving power in your mortal body when you believe and confess it.
God does not want you to have spots, wrinkles, or any such blemishes. When He renews your youth and give you beauty instead of ashes, He does a perfect work.
At the cross, God allowed Jesus to have His visage be marred more than any man. Jesus died young at 33 years old. Jesus suffered these to purchase beauty and enduring youth for you, redeeming you from the curse.
We must shake off the death programming in our language, and in our beliefs. These only cause accelerated aging and death. When you are expecting death, you shall reap death.
God wants you to be “holy and without defect” in all ways, including your physical body. If you feel like this truth is attacking you and you take offense at it, you will not experience the transformational benefit.
When you are holy, it means you are set apart from what is common. Just because a thousand are falling sick, weak, old, and dead on your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, does not mean you have to accept it for yourself. Yes, it is happening to the people of the world, but it shall not come near you. Will you boldly stand on God’s promises patiently and with perseverance, even if people think that you are being crazy, unrealistic, or delusional?
Join me on a life-changing journey for a month in my best-selling eBook, “Younger and Younger: 31 Days of God’s Youth Renewal Promises”. Many readers have seen the change and people around them have noticed too. You can be the next one to turn back the clock on aging in your body: https://bit.ly/younger-and-younger
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