【「語言學」、「語言學習」雙角度分析】 BBC 記者的 have sb to thank for 有在諷刺嗎?真的要謝謝維尼嗎?
因為 BBC 記者在蔡英文總統勝選的國際記者會上所問 "Do you have the Chinese President Xi Jinping to thank for this victory? " 一問題,在網路上引起了眾多的討論。
• 短短一句包含核心片語 have sb to thank for 的句子,到底為什麼會引起了那麼多的討論?
(a) 從「語言學」切入討論文意解讀的複雜性
(b) 從「語言學習」切入,探討那對於大部分不是要當專業逐步、同步口譯、不是要當英文老師的大家,學習英文時何去何從。
✔︎ 該記者有沒有在諷刺?
(a) 語言學視角
講話當中,paralinguistic cues (副語言) 也是幫助我們解讀文意很重要的一環。這包含了音量大小、語調、語氣停頓、聲音表情。除此之外,「臉部表情」或是「手勢」這樣的 non-verbal communication 也會幫助我們解讀語意。
這次事件的複雜性之一就來自於大家對於這位 BBC 記者在說該句話時的聲音和臉部表情,到底有沒有諷刺 (sarcasm) 的意味在裡頭有不同的看法。
➠ 「字面」、「逐字」的方式解讀我們會稱為 denotation (literal meaning)
➠ 「衍伸」意義又稱為 connotation (implied meaning, secondary meaning)。
以 have sb to thank for 為例, Macmillan dictionary 就提供給我們 2 個定義:
(1) used in a positive way to say who is responsible for something good
表面上我們看到 thank 就會想到是謝謝,所以第一層字面上含義就可以理解成歸功於、感謝~的意思。
(2) used in a negative way to say who you blame for something bad
但字典裡也提供了另外一層比較負面、歸咎的字義了。但因為表面上「字字都看不出有負面、要拼湊起來才有負面」,可以看到這個片語有他的 connotative meaning.
⚑ 英文裡有些看似簡單的用法,其實都有其複雜性:
1️⃣ Tell me about it. 如果一路語調往下降,其實是在應和人家某見不滿的事情。
2️⃣ That's interesting. 依語調不同,可以是真的表達覺得有趣、也可以是個社交辭令 (實際覺得
3️⃣ Thank you. 若聽到美國人講的是 Thank U. 把重音放在 U 上,很多時候是在反諷 (but not always)。
4️⃣ You're such a good friend. (一般中文我們講反話,是否這句話也會有兩層意思呢?)
✔︎ 英文該怎麼學勒?
教育部公布的最新課綱,認定高中生要學會 5000 字左右的英文字彙 (有往下調)。但我們仔細想想,have sb to thank for 這每一個字,是否都在 1000 字以內?是的。但我們學了 thank 後就會這個片語的意思嗎?答案是否定的。同樣的大家看看下面幾個用法:
(a) have one's hands full
(b) have a lot on one's plate
(c) out of the blue
(d) work out on and off
下面沒有一個用法的單字難度範圍落在 500 字以外。但是為何「字字看得懂,句句看不懂呢?」
這告訴我們學習英文的時候,要特別注意這些生活常見、口語的片語用法。為了檢定、考試,學完 fall, 學 drop, plummet 是一個方向。但是將已經會的字,做重新的排列組合去學習新的意義,更是另外一個重要但常常被忽略的學習方向。
Photo credit: 三立新聞網
have a lot on one's plate 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
【「語言學」、「語言學習」雙角度分析】 BBC 記者的 have sb to thank for 有在諷刺嗎?真的要謝謝維尼嗎?
因為 BBC 記者在蔡英文總統勝選的國際記者會上所問 "Do you have the Chinese President Xi Jinping to thank for this victory? " 一問題,在網路上引起了眾多的討論。
• 短短一句包含核心片語 have sb to thank for 的句子,到底為什麼會引起了那麼多的討論?
(a) 從「語言學」切入討論文意解讀的複雜性
(b) 從「語言學習」切入,探討那對於大部分不是要當專業逐步、同步口譯、不是要當英文老師的大家,學習英文時何去何從。
✔︎ 該記者有沒有在諷刺?
(a) 語言學視角
講話當中,paralinguistic cues (副語言) 也是幫助我們解讀文意很重要的一環。這包含了音量大小、語調、語氣停頓、聲音表情。除此之外,「臉部表情」或是「手勢」這樣的 non-verbal communication 也會幫助我們解讀語意。
這次事件的複雜性之一就來自於大家對於這位 BBC 記者在說該句話時的聲音和臉部表情,到底有沒有諷刺 (sarcasm) 的意味在裡頭有不同的看法。
➠ 「字面」、「逐字」的方式解讀我們會稱為 denotation (literal meaning)
➠ 「衍伸」意義又稱為 connotation (implied meaning, secondary meaning)。
以 have sb to thank for 為例, Macmillan dictionary 就提供給我們 2 個定義:
(1) used in a positive way to say who is responsible for something good
表面上我們看到 thank 就會想到是謝謝,所以第一層字面上含義就可以理解成歸功於、感謝~的意思。
(2) used in a negative way to say who you blame for something bad
但字典裡也提供了另外一層比較負面、歸咎的字義了。但因為表面上「字字都看不出有負面、要拼湊起來才有負面」,可以看到這個片語有他的 connotative meaning.
⚑ 英文裡有些看似簡單的用法,其實都有其複雜性:
1️⃣ Tell me about it. 如果一路語調往下降,其實是在應和人家某見不滿的事情。
2️⃣ That's interesting. 依語調不同,可以是真的表達覺得有趣、也可以是個社交辭令 (實際覺得
3️⃣ Thank you. 若聽到美國人講的是 Thank U. 把重音放在 U 上,很多時候是在反諷 (but not always)。
4️⃣ You're such a good friend. (一般中文我們講反話,是否這句話也會有兩層意思呢?)
✔︎ 英文該怎麼學勒?
教育部公布的最新課綱,認定高中生要學會 5000 字左右的英文字彙 (有往下調)。但我們仔細想想,have sb to thank for 這每一個字,是否都在 1000 字以內?是的。但我們學了 thank 後就會這個片語的意思嗎?答案是否定的。同樣的大家看看下面幾個用法:
(a) have one's hands full
(b) have a lot on one's plate
(c) out of the blue
(d) work out on and off
下面沒有一個用法的單字難度範圍落在 500 字以外。但是為何「字字看得懂,句句看不懂呢?」
這告訴我們學習英文的時候,要特別注意這些生活常見、口語的片語用法。為了檢定、考試,學完 fall, 學 drop, plummet 是一個方向。但是將已經會的字,做重新的排列組合去學習新的意義,更是另外一個重要但常常被忽略的學習方向。
Photo credit: 三立新聞網
have a lot on one's plate 在 pindaPanda Facebook 八卦
I turned vegetarian a year and a half ago:) Again with this, I do not intend to impose my opinions on you. This is solely how I feel and believe. Thank you la Jangsem Monday for including me in the pledge-fie 🙏
A very Happy Jangsem Monday to all OUR JANGSEMIANS! 💚👍👌😊
On Our Jangsem Monday Pledge-fie platform today We have a very Special 139th JM Pledger all the way from Malaysia, also known for being One of the most Inspiring Young Bhutanese woman of our times making a name in online gaming. YES We have heard of this Special Being *Pinda Rika Dorji also popularly known as pindapanda in the gaming world. Yes She is a Bhutanese and Extra Ordinary!! Extra ordinary We say because She's not only a full time Gamer abroad making a living, loving what she does, apart from her talented, exuberant, charming, sweet, smart, kind, humble and funny personality(limited edition) but SHE is THE only Bhutanese Gamer abroad making a living doing what she loves thus being A Trail Blazing Star for all the Gamers and youngsters here in Bhutan, must we add.. YES she is Human and a young Warrior, a kind one at that too :) She who has over countless followers and fans rooting/Cheering for her on social media/reality and..let us not Stop here....SHE.. Who has also made a special Appearance on our very own BBS Tele and local news section as ''Pinda Rika Dorji, 22, the only gamer from Bhutan who is making a living through online games. Her passion for online gaming got Pinda a job as a Television anchor with e-sport channel in Malaysia '' :)
WELL What YOU DID NOT KNOW about This Special and talented Gamer Girl who is not just your Average Gamer girl, but SHE is also an Animal lover and a Vegetarian. A Compassionate, Beautiful and Inspiring Soul altogether <3 :*)
Born and raised here, Pinda is from *Changangkha, Thimphu Bhutan. She has a degree in Construction management and *Currently works in Malaysia as an eSports Tv Personality and Host. Individually she says she makes her own content such as vines and videos for digital platforms as well as host events.
She loves *pizza, gaming, art, music, dancing and jokes all in all.
We are SUPER EXCITED and GLAD to have pindaPanda board the Jangsem Express!! She was super Kind enough to spare us her time even during her busy schedule and to be here to share with us her beautiful thoughts on this cause Today, what a wonderful opportunity to know that this beautiful soul is Jangsemized to the max :) (Y) We are truly Awe-inspired, truly! <3 :)
When We asked her if she has heard of Jangsem Monday before:
*No, not until today.
When We asked her if she would like to take the JM pledge/promise:
*Definitely, I'm a vegetarian myself.
Her Thoughts about the Jangsem Monday cause:
*Its a great initiative ! It doesn't completely annihilate animal slaughter but its a step atleast, a great start indeed.
Her Thoughts about the importance of going meatless:
*I believe we don't have the right to own one's life. It's really simple actually, just try to put/imagine ourselves in those millions of helpless animal's shoes who suffer daily without ventilation, are mutilated, suffocated, made to reproduce countless times without their will or the power to stop it and ask ourselves, did they choose that life? No, "we" did.
Vegetarian or vegan:
*I am a vegetarian. I turned two years ago. An online video had caught my attention and it was 49 mins long. I watched it entirely and to my horror, it really broke my heart watching how all these animals were being treated. Mother cows having their calves snatched away from them. Tears were literally pouring out. Piglets squealing and beaten to death. I couldn't stand the thought of consuming meat again after that.
the Benefits of going meatless:
*I've never felt better ! I've learnt to cook vegetables so many ways that I sometimes have 5 meals a day. Potatoes ! God I love potatoes. I have them at least six times a week.
*Firstly I believe there are lower risks of getting diseases such as heart diseases, arthritis, diabetes, acne and so on. There are endless health benefits to be honest. Having a control on our cholesterol levels, maintaining our diet in a healthy manner, even with our weight control and there's just so much more...
I even read it helps with keeping our skin young. Don't know how far that's true but sounds delightful to me. Hell even Miley Cyrus is a vegetarian and I love her skin ! Although I must agree at a certain level, I used to suffer a lot from acne but now it has definitely toned down and I don't even use any special products to control it. (I follow a lot of vegetarian pages online and their articles are just wonderful)
Her Favorite veggies, veggie dish and fruits:
*Any vegetables with cheese is heaven for me. I just throw in some veggies in the pan, fry them and add some cheese later on and that's more than enough to make me gobble them with two bowls of rice.
I loveeeee grapes, papaya, pineapple, peach, guavas and mangoes.
Her Favorite animals: Domestic or wild.
*Dogs, cats, donkeys, owls, dolphins and chimpanzees.
Her beliefs or your motto in life:
*Hmm.. I believe in all the good things, of course there'll always be things that are bad as well, but that is the way of life. We couldn't survive with just good in the world. How we face it is the real challenge. And I believe in change, although I am, a little bit conservative but yes I do believe in change for the good.
My motto in life is to live each day to the fullest, well not everyday everyday, sometimes I tend to oversleep but you know what I mean:p
Some days can get really hard at times but not giving up and pushing myself to the limit have been the best decisions I've made up until now.
As for my work, my objective is to make people laugh in some sort of way, or smile at the very least through the content I make. And when it does, it makes me happy, its just that feeling I can't describe. It's overwhelming and pushes me to do more.
And my dream includes living in a home where I can raise a cow, two hens, one dog, a cat or two and two pigs :D Something I intend to do in the future.
Her message to everyone on going meatless:
*Well, I wouldn't praise you that's for sure. Just because we're vegetarian we shouldn't be proud about it cause' there really is nothing to be proud about. All these animals deserve to live as much as we do. We have no right whatsoever to have them on our plates despite what we pay. We are as much responsible for the slaughter of these helpless animals as the people who slaughter them.
We demand, thus they slaughter, the only difference is we don't want to get blood on our hands.
The only regret I have is not having to realize this sooner and turned meatless. Over the past two years I'd say I have avoided consuming atleast 300 hens, 15 cows, 4 pigs (rough calculation) given that I used to have two mcspicy chicken every time I visited McDonalds/KFC before this:p
Again I don't intend to impose my thoughts and beliefs on you. Whether you go meatless or not, it's solely up to you, it's YOUR CHOICE. You have to make that on your own rather than people telling you what to do. I hate that as well. But please, please don't say/write "you love animals" and then have another one on your plate.
Thank you:)
We Thank you so much Pinda Rika Dorji for taking the JM interview and pledge, it has been honored and witnessed.
We wish you many Happy Veggie days. We appreciate and are inspired by your thoughts and effort to keeping Everyday special by making it a Jangsem Monday. Thank you for your Beautiful pledge - Fie picture and your precious Words and time. KEEP UP THE GREEN SPIRIT! 👍 SPREAD THE WORD! keep inspiring.* 😊👍
As for you guys, get liking, commenting and sharing our special 139th JM pledgefie* also send us your pledge-fies, we shall honour and witness your Jangsem monday pledge here!
visit us on-www.jangsemmonday.org