Few of us can do great things, but all of us can do small things with great love.
1) 感谢所有在疫情期间帮助我们的义工。
2) 小黄花教育基金会聘请新员工,如果你有兴趣可以联络我们 (017-384 4123)。 (只限女性) 😊
Let’s talk about….. Little Yellow Flower
Many years back, I went to Yunnan with my friend. It was a sunny afternoon. Our car was driving along the road, both sides covered in vast fresh and green grassland. The heavy clouds were hanging so low that you will feel as though as it is within reach just by stretching out your hands while tip-toeing. Also, passing through the clouds, were the divine looking crepuscular rays sprinkling over the grasses…. It was really, really beautiful and magnificent.
I just could not help it but to request for the chauffeur to pull up by the roadside, running into the grassland to take a picture. I walked and followed the ray’s directions in the lush green grassland towards a spot where there were just many small little radiant looking yellow flowers. I pointed the long camera lens towards one of the little yellow flower, wanting to keep its brilliances while under the sunshine.
Taking a closer look at the flower, I was suddenly deeply moved. The petals of this little yellow flower are heart-shaped. It seems to be saying “I Love You” to me through the camera lens. Perhaps it was the one who is calling me, letting us meet and bestowing me a sense of powerful love.
In the year 2007, with the initiative from Charlie Young, who is one of my best friends, and together with Gigi Leung and Valen Hsu, we decided to set up an education charity Foundation for the children.
When we were naming the Foundation, I thought of the little yellow flower which was full of love and proposed to use “Little Yellow Flower” as the name of the Foundation.
The little yellow flower is a flower which grows in the wilderness. It has to grow under the harsh environment, experiencing the beating weather like the scorching hot sun, drenching under the rain and bracing itself in the forceful windy storms. Yet it endures and accepts it bravely, growing into a splendid looking little yellow flower, shining radiantly and brightly.
This spirit can be used to encourage the children of poor families and communities. Through the Foundation, it enables us to transmit our love to nourish their soul and become their sunshine.
After deciding to use this name, I gave this picture to my daughter and the Little Yellow Flower logo which you all see today is actually drawn by her who was only 8 years old at that time.
Year 2008, I returned to my homeland. End of 2010, we started to provide free lunch for the children in the slum area and in 2012, we are registered formally in Malaysia.
10 years… from providing free lunch program in the slum areas, and now at present, we have 2 centers known as “Little Yellow Flower Wonderland”; Taking care of more than one hundred children from poor families, providing them free nutritious lunch, education, extra curriculums, fun learning and future planning…..During this pandemic and Movement Control Order period, we have purchased, donated Personal Protection Equipment and goods which are medically treated to the hospitals and also provided essential needs and food for over 600 poor families and individuals.
During this journey, with the original intention of the Foundation, all the staffs in Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation, sensed the deep power of love.
These children have lighten up our innermost compassion, allowing us to realize that love is the nutrient that makes us more powerful. However, this strength is not intensive, not aggressive, not arrogant but rather one that is much gentler, tender and warm.
I have read Mother Teresa’s biography many years ago. Throughout her life, her entire assets consist of only a Jesus statue, 3 sets of clothes and a pair of sandals. She served countless numbers of the poor and cared for the sick who are at the brink of death in India. She devoted her life to the poor, allowing them to be respected, cared for and loved.
She has said: “Love yourself, Love others, Love everything in life that needs to be loved. Even if life is as tiny as a wick, when ignited, it is able to illuminate oneself and also others. So much so that you may even try to light up the whole world.”
The corners of my eyes would easily tear up whenever I look back at Mother Teresa’s achievements or quotes, even though it is just those few simple words.
With the intention of “Must feed these children” from 10 years ago up to today, to be able to combine the strength from the public together to care for these poor, I am forever, over and over again filled with gratefulness.
Many people think that to serve in charitable work is very difficult. Difficult to find like-minded partners in this modern society where it is all about fame and profit. But during these 10 years, ever since engaging in this charitable work, I have met many great and kind-hearted people. It is also because of this work, I am able to meet up with a lot of successful people from various industries (people who are not in the entertainment industry). These people are also actively involved and committed in charitable work. This reminded and gave me a great sense of energy, strength and warmth still exists in the society.
Because of this care and love, it has opened up my mind, heart, eyes and my whole world.
During the Movement Control Order, due to the enormous responses from the fundraising event, all the 5 staffs in Little Yellow Flower were extremely busy.
Every day, they are busy receiving donation, processing documents, responding to the donors’ messages, regularly updating the public about the funds raised and used, finding out about the condition and needs of our local poor families, refugees and migrant workers. Making orders, preparing and delivering out essentials and food to these families in need, handling orders and making arrangements for the medical personal protection equipment.
When the Movement Control Order restrictions were relaxed, they are now busy with visitations to households of special cases and nursing homes to further understand their situation, to be able to provide them long-term support.
They are awfully busy and very tired but they told me this: “We are deeply moved. Never have we thought that there will be a day when the country would be in difficulties and we would be heavily involved, working together with so many kind people whom we have never met before to provide assistance to the people living on the same land as us.”
I love my workmates very, very much. This work is able to continuously grow and develop because of their participation. It is because of their efforts, more poor people are being cared for.
Although Mother Teresa has left this earthly world, her spirit and energy is still exerting powerful influences and guidance. To those of us who are still in this secular world, as she has said: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
A) Thank you very much to all volunteers who have helped out during this period of time.
😎 Little Yellow Flower Education Foundation is now hiring. If you are interested to join us, you may contact us at 017-3844123. (FEMALE ONLY) 😊
Little Yellow Flower
hanging tender 在 柴窯火腿製造所 Facebook 八卦
🥩沙朗 Sirloin
(屬於腰脊邊肉) 此部位取自於牛隻肋脊部靠近背肌之肌肉,肉質嫩度僅次於菲力,大理石油花分布均勻,中間部位有塊明顯油脂,散發出牛油香味。
建議:燒烤5 - 7分熟把油脂燒透來吃更美味,肉質鮮嫩,具有嚼勁。
🥩肋眼蓋 Ribeye Cap
(屬於腰脊邊肉) 非常特殊部位,入口即化,肉質珍貴,肥嫩,肉汁富有奶香,是頂級中的極品。
建議:牛排5 - 7分熟。
🥩紐約客 Strip
(屬於腰脊邊肉) 此部位運動量較大肉質較緊實 ,大理石紋油花分布均勻,油脂含量介於肋眼與菲力之間,具豐富牛肉風味,嚼勁十足適合豪邁 品嘗。
建議:牛排 3 - 5 分熟
🥩菲力 Filet
(屬於腰部肉) 取自牛隻腰內肉部位,每頭上千磅的牛只能切出幾磅的菲力,是牛肉最嫩的部位, 通常也是最昂貴的牛排,這部位運動量極少所以肉質如奶油般的細嫩,且油脂含量較低是可以優雅來品嘗的牛排。
🥩後腰翼板肉 Bottom Sirloin Flap
(屬於腹部肉) 位於肋骨之後,瘦肉與油脂比例均勻,外型和側腹橫肌十分相似,側面內腹筋的部份內纖維為細,切成厚片也很柔嫩美味。
🥩牛肋條 Rib Fingers
(屬於腹部肉) 肋骨間的條狀肉, 肉塊上方有一層白色的筋膜,燉煮後吃來入口即化,台灣知名小 吃牛肉麵經常使用的部位。
建議:可兩面先煎至酥酥的,再 進烤箱烤約15-20分鐘,依肉的厚度大小而定。
🥩牛小排 Short Rib
(屬於腹部肉) 取自牛隻的前胸肋骨,油脂含量豐富且肉質結實。
建議:非常適合炭烤或燒烤,與骨頭連接的筋膜處,會烤得相當酥脆誘人,也可以切成薄片香煎 、熱炒。
🥩中腹肉 Short Plate
(屬於腹部肉) 是脂肪沉積到肌肉纖維之間形成明顯的紅白相間, 狀似大理石花紋的牛肉,含有大量人體所需脂肪酸。
🥩內橫膈膜 Hanging Tender
(屬於腹部肉) 俗稱的肝連或是隔間肉,支撐內臟的一塊肉,由於 靠近肝臟,鐵質含量高,類似紅豆色,非常軟嫩稀有,卡路里含量較低,深受日本女性喜愛。
🥩扇子肉 Flank
(屬於腹部肉) 油花一般分佈就像 一把扇子,優雅的扇子肉位於菲力下方與後腹肉旁,一般稱牛腩的部位最前端出的位置,擁有菲力的鬆軟口感與後腹肉剛剛好的油脂,均勻的分佈在整個面積, 大火燒烤入口更能充滿油花與牛肉香味。
🥩肩卷心 Chuck eye log
(屬於背肩肉) 位於牛的後頸,油花分布均勻,肉味濃郁,口感鮮甜且香氣十足。
🥩翼板肉 Chuck Flap
(屬於背肩肉) 又名羽下,含有許多筋絡及油花,吃起來軟嫩適中,是牛肩唯 一較軟的部位。
建議:可以切厚片當作煎烤牛排 或薄片肉片。
🥩肩胛蓋肉 Rib Cap
(屬於背肩肉) 由於肩胛是經常運動的部位,肌肉發達,筋多,肉質較堅實,厚度均勻,脂肪含量低富有嚼勁。
🥩下肩胛 Chuck Roll
(屬於背肩肉) 又名鞍下,位於牛隻肩胛的部位,是牛運動量較大的部位,肉質有嚼勁、油花豐富,是由多塊 不同紋理的肌肉所組成,因此口感豐富。
🥩臀肉蓋 Rump Cap
(屬於後腿肉) 能同時嘗到油汁甜味與瘦肉鮮味的稀有部位,是老饕最愛的部位之一。
🥩臀肉心 Roast beef
(屬於後腿肉) 位於臀肉與臀肉蓋中心的稀有部位,屬於瘦肉,帶有適量的油花,口感軟嫩。
建議:可做牛排、燒肉片,炙燒 表面5分熟。
🥩頭刀 Top side
(屬於後腿肉) 來自後腿近臀部的一塊肌肉。
建議:切塊作碳烤、燒烤、煨或 紅燒皆宜,較大塊的則宜用來燉 ,兩端較小肉塊可製沙嗲、串燒 或肉絲、煎炸皆宜。
🥩和尚頭 Knuckle
(屬於後腿肉) 位於牛後腿內側, 因為外型渾圓光滑,使得台灣人 將其命名為和尚頭,肉質較瘦、 纖維粗較有嚼勁。
🥩三角肉 Tri Tip
(屬於後腿肉) 位於牛後腿外側, 靠近股骨一端臀肉中分割而出, 主要由闊筋膜肌等肌肉組成,一頭牛只能取出兩枚三角肉,非常稀少珍貴,淡粉的牛肉中夾雜著雪花般美味的豐富脂肪,是烤肉店最受歡迎的品種。
🥩三叉 Outside Round
(屬於後腿肉) 取自牛隻的後腿部位,可分為兩塊主要肌肉:三叉和鯉魚管,絞理細嫩但肉質韌。
🥩鯉魚管 Eye Round
(屬於後腿肉) 居於外側後腿肉部位,狀似菲力,但是肉質比較粗且硬質,處理時先去筋或以拍打方式加以嫩化,口感更佳。
🥩腱子心 Heel Muscle
(屬於腿肉) 是牛隻前後小腿去骨後的肉塊,和腰窩肉一樣,腱子肉中的脂肪很少,肉中有許多連結組織,筋紋呈花狀,烹煮後Q勁又多汁。
🥩板腱 Top Blade
(屬於前腿肉) 附著於肩胛骨上方的肉,梅花牛肉和嫩煎里肌即出於此處,中間帶筋、油花較少、 肉質結實、肌肉纖維多,CP質相當高。
建議:喜歡嚼勁的人可直接香煎或燒烤,牛排5-7分熟,或是燉煮 ,也是做成牛肉乾的上選部位。
🥩黃瓜條 Chuck Tender
(屬於前腿肉) 背肩部中較軟的部位,肉質甚佳。
🥩三角肩小排 Chuck Short Rib
建議:燒肉片3-5分熟,燒烤要讓瘦肉流出的肉汁和油脂達到平衡 ,建議 7分熟。
🥩前腿心 Clod Heart
hanging tender 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 八卦
#天頤 之十二味 小暑 (七月份菜單)
Yi’s Seasonal Menu “Slight Heat”
七月份菜單主題是廿四節氣中的小暑,小暑作為進入長夏的第一個節氣,雖然小暑時節不算非常炎熱,但是卻也讓人漸漸地感到夏季高溫的威力。因此天頤主廚 Angelo 在本月菜單中加入了不少退火消暑,能有效清熱涼血的食材,如綠豆、冬瓜和蓮藕等,調味上也以清爽、少油和少鹽為主。
1. 龍蝦|蕃茄|酸薑
Lobster | Tomatoes | Picked Ginger
2. 毛蟹魚籽|酒糟|有機鷄蛋
Hairy Crab | Caviar | Fermented Rice Wine | Organic Eggs
這道菜把北海道毛蟹、伊朗魚籽醬和中式糟鹵的三種 umami ,碰撞出細膩複雜的味道層次。毛蟹是至陰至柔的細嫩、魚籽醬則富有爆發力,最後再收斂到糟鹵的陳酒甘甜氣息。
3. 花膠|老黃瓜|扁豆
Fish Maw | Yellow Cucumber | Green Beans
4. 愛女魚|煎封|黑松露|頭抽
Otakii | Wok-seared | Black Truffle | Home-made Soy Sauce
5. 鮑魚|慢煮|普寧豆醬|荷葉|蓮子
Abalone | Slow-cooked | Pu Ning Bean Paste | Lotus Leave | Lotus Seeds
6. 腹脅牛柳|鑊炒|藕心|泡椒
Hanging Tender | Wok-fried | Lotus Root | Pickled Pepper
7. 乳鴿|煙燻|香茅
Pigeon | Smoked-roasted | Lemon Grass
8. 蠑螺|濃湯扒|瓜燕
Sea Conch | Superior Broth Poached | Winter Melon
夏天是海螺嘗鮮的好季節,海螺素來有「盤中明珠」的美譽,而此道佳餚中的海螺選自蠑螺,切成薄片的螺肉味道鮮美,肉質緊實有彈性,富含高蛋白且低脂肪,對減肥人士也是相當友好,蘸著醇香的湯汁和瓜燕,不僅不會破壞蠑螺特有的海鮮口感,還更加豐富了口感,冬瓜經師傅特別處理後,更有半分像寒天般的 Q 彈口感。
9. 海膽|豬油渣|鹹飯
Sea Urchin | Pork Fat | Salted Rice
10. 燕窩|荔枝|冰粉
Lychee | Jelly | Bird’s Nest
地址: 摩珀斯21樓
營業時間:18:00 - 23:00 (最後點餐時間 21:30)星期二、三休息
預約服務: 88683446