Yao hao shou!
Golden Pin Concept Design Award unveils Aaron Nieh-designed poster to mark opening of 2017 call for entries
Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2017 call for entries is open until June 28. Enter your crazy conceptual designs now to run for the Best Design trophy and cash prize of NT$10,000 (approx. US$320)!
To read more: https://goo.gl/wuTTUU
未 來
來 未
Concept as conjunction —— The designs of legendary French designer Philippe Starck could be considered a conjunction–an ‘and’, a ‘but’… a stoppage point and also a continuation along the road to the discovery of something new. Marcel Duchamp, with works like his establishment-challenging ‘Fountain’, was initially rejected by his contemporaries, yet today he is considered one of the world’s most influential art figures. The lesson? Defy tradition, challenge the status quo, and always remember, in craziness lies genius.
photography 李宗諭
#金點概念消息 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAwardNews
2017金點概念設計獎公布全新主視覺,由設計界具時代指標性的聶永真 Aaron Nieh操刀!
Golden Pin Concept Design Award unveils Aaron Nieh-designed poster to mark opening of 2017 call for entries
The poster features subtle references to the revolutionary work of artist Marcel Duchamp and industrial designer Philippe Starck, and targets new generation designers.
Themed around the phrase, “In craziness lies genius,” Nieh encourages entrants to pursue original ideas that will influence the future direction of design. The off-center die-cut shape of the poster also reflects this idea.
Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2017 call for entries is open until June 28. Enter your crazy conceptual designs now to be in the running for one of three Best Design trophies and a cash prize of NT$300,000 (approx. US$9,800) !
To read more: https://goo.gl/wuTTUU
—報名費用: 免費!
▷Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2017 Call for entries now open
— No entry fee!
— Entry must NOT be produced or available on the market within the year of the award.
— Register now until June 28 17:00 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00)
— To register: http://member.goldenpin.org.tw/GPCDA/index
— To learn more: https://goo.gl/V5CtIM
#金點概念設計獎 #新主視覺 #徵件啟動 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAward2017 #GPCDA2017 #CallForEntries
fountain duchamp 在 東西縱橫記藝JunieWang Facebook 八卦
瑪摩丹美術館(Musée Marmottan Monet)在綠蔭處處沉靜安適的16區內,館藏以約300幅印象派繪畫聞名,另外還有拿破崙帝政時期藝術品與傢俱、義大利繪畫等藏品。
因莫內次子Michel Monet在1966年捐出繼承的所有莫內(Claude Monet,1840-1926)畫作,讓瑪摩丹美術館擁有許多這位印象派大師作品,包含莫內第一幅在塞納河畔畫的風景畫、幾乎連貫他一生創作的各式睡蓮創作,甚至是當年掛在吉維尼(Giverny)小屋中的個人收藏。
其中最著名者,就是小男孩眼前的《日出印象》(Impression, soleil levant,1872)。
「印象派」(Impressionnisme)這名稱就是在1874年時,因藝評家路易.樂華(Louis Leroy)針對莫內這幅畫作輕蔑的評論而定名。
四十多年後的杜象(Marcel Duchamp,1887-1968)更再度以小便斗狠狠地修理自以為是用鼻孔看人,實則小肚雞腸的藝評家們→你一定知道我說的就是《噴泉》(Fountain,1917)。就連美國藝術家兼藝術教育家羅羅特.亨利(Robert Henri,1865-1929)也在他的「藝術精神」(The Art Spirit,1923)一書中提及“別太關心藝評家說甚麼。藝術鑑賞猶如愛情,無法由他人代為完成…”
莫內以極度潦草、粒粒分明的筆觸想要捕捉十一月深秋之際,塞納河出海口哈佛港(Le Havre)破曉時分,清冷晨霧瀰漫水面,初昇太陽就像冬日清晨奮力掙扎爬出被窩上班上學的人們般,不情不願帶著橙紅色光輝勉強升起的模樣。
圖片來源 : Juine Wang
《Copyright © 2018東西縱橫記藝JunieWang. 版權所有,禁止擅自節錄轉貼》
fountain duchamp 在 設計發浪Designsurfing Facebook 八卦
今年的金點概念設計獎 主視覺公佈了!是永真製作的主視覺!好好看吶!文案也很有趣 XD 不知道是不是 聶永真 Aaron Nieh寫的?
#金點概念設計獎 是「金點設計獎」系列三獎之一,募集對象是尚未於市面量產的概念作品,因此除了報名新一代設計展 #金點新秀設計獎 之外,也可以同時報名概念獎,或許會有機會成為雙冠王!
(然後再想辦法讓你的作品被量產,去投 #金點設計獎 來個金點三冠衛冕王吧!!)
然後,今年的新一代設計展中,#新一代後浪賞 依舊會啟動,請期待後續消息了!
未 來
來 未
Concept as conjunction —— The designs of legendary French designer Philippe Starck could be considered a conjunction–an ‘and’, a ‘but’… a stoppage point and also a continuation along the road to the discovery of something new. Marcel Duchamp, with works like his establishment-challenging ‘Fountain’, was initially rejected by his contemporaries, yet today he is considered one of the world’s most influential art figures. The lesson? Defy tradition, challenge the status quo, and always remember, in craziness lies genius.
#金點概念消息 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAwardNews
2017金點概念設計獎公布全新主視覺,由設計界具時代指標性的聶永真 Aaron Nieh操刀!
Golden Pin Concept Design Award unveils Aaron Nieh-designed poster to mark opening of 2017 call for entries
The poster features subtle references to the revolutionary work of artist Marcel Duchamp and industrial designer Philippe Starck, and targets new generation designers.
Themed around the phrase, “In craziness lies genius,” Nieh encourages entrants to pursue original ideas that will influence the future direction of design. The off-center die-cut shape of the poster also reflects this idea.
Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2017 call for entries is open until June 28. Enter your crazy conceptual designs now to be in the running for one of three Best Design trophies and a cash prize of NT$300,000 (approx. US$9,800) !
To read more: https://goo.gl/wuTTUU
—報名費用: 免費!
▷Golden Pin Concept Design Award 2017 Call for entries now open
— No entry fee!
— Entry must NOT be produced or available on the market within the year of the award.
— Register now until June 28 17:00 Taipei Time (GMT+08:00)
— To register: http://member.goldenpin.org.tw/GPCDA/index
— To learn more: https://goo.gl/V5CtIM
#金點概念設計獎 #新主視覺 #徵件啟動 #GoldenPinConceptDesignAward2017 #GPCDA2017 #CallForEntries