#1. Michel Foucault: Feminism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Although Foucault makes few references to women or to the issue of gender in his writings, his treatment of the relations between power, the body and sexuality ...
#2. Foucault and the Disciplining of the Female Body
In this essay I focus my analysis on Foucault's Discipline and Punish - a prime example, in my opinion, of his failure to recognise the significance of gender ...
#3. Foucault's Work for the Analysis of Gender Relations - ThaiJo
For the gender neutrality criticism, we argue that Foucault's neglect of gender difference in his history of sexuality falls short of feminist goals.
#4. The Biopolitics of Gender (2015) - Foucault News
Michel Foucault identified sexuality as one of the defining biopolitical technologies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As Jemima Repo ...
#5. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self - Lois ...
This discussion meshes with a careful reinterpretation of. Foucault's work which seeks to dis- tinguish it from postmodern theory. For McNay, it is important ...
#6. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self - 博客來
#7. Michel Foucault - Wikipedia
Butler follows Foucault by saying that there is no "true" gender behind gender identity that constitutes its biological and objective fundament.
#8. (PDF) On Power, Freedom, and Gender - ResearchGate
PDF | In this article we highlight some aspects of Foucault's work that are useful for analyzing the processes of subjective production and relations of.
#9. 'Gender", Foucault and some feminist tensions
Abstract. POSADA KUBISSA, Luisa. 'Gender", Foucault and some feminist tensions. Estud.filos [online]. 2015, n.52, pp.29-43.
#10. Foucault And Feminism: Power, Gender, and the Self
Foucault And Feminism: Power, Gender, and the Self [McNay, Lois] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Foucault And Feminism: Power, Gender, ...
#11. A Fruitful Tension between Foucault and Feminism
On Power, Freedom, and Gender: A Fruitful Tension between Foucault and Feminism. Patricia Amigot and Margot PujalView all authors and affiliations.
#12. Woman's Relationship with Herself: Gender ... - Routledge
Woman's Relationship with Herself: Gender, Foucault and Therapy book cover ... drawing on the insights of Foucault, feminism and narrative therapy, ...
#13. Michel Foucault and Queer Theory - YouTube
... discourse by writers such as Foucault and Judith Butler who have also bequeathed to us the previously novel idea of gender identity.
#14. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self | Wiley
This book offers a systematic attempt to explore the point of convergance between feminist theory and the work of Michel Foucault.
#15. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
The book Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism, Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson is published by University of Chicago ...
#16. Foucault and Feminism - Medium
As much of his work centered on issues of power, an issue that is central to the study of gender, the theories of philosopher Michel ...
#17. (PDF) Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self
Abstract With this article, I advance a historicist and relativist feminist philosophy of disability. I argue that Foucault's insights offer the most astute ...
#18. Introduction: Gender, Genealogy, Biopolitics - Oxford Academic
While this book can be seen in part as a continuation of Foucault's biopolitical genealogy of sexuality, it is also a critical intervention into feminist gender ...
#19. Feminism and Empowerment: A Critical Reading of Foucault
resistance"; and third, postmodern feminist writings on sexual and gender identity informed by Foucault's assertion that prevailing categories of sex.
#20. Foucault and Queer Theory - Monoskop
In challenging our most basic assumptions about sex, gender and sexuality, including the opposi- tions between heterosexual and homosexual, biological sex and ...
#21. Bodies and pleasures: Foucault, gender, and psychoanalysis
In their distinct specific discursivity, the “bodies and pleasures” evoked by Foucault at the end of The Will to Knowledge seem to articulate the ...
#22. A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Gender Role ...
Foucault's method of discourse analysis. Being a monumental text that engages the fin de siècle discourses on gender roles, Gissing's The Odd Women can ...
#23. Michel Foucault: The Queer Gender for Psychoanalysis?
Why should a practitioner of psychoanalysis read Foucault? ... as it also implies reading queer, gay, lesbian, and gender studies.
#24. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self
"This book offers a systematic attempt to explore the point of convergence between feminist theory and the work of Michel Foucault.
#25. After Foucault: Gender and Biopolitics in the Americas
A specialist in contemporary European philosophy with a focus on post-Foucauldian theory and gender and sexuality studies, she is the author of ...
#26. FOUCAULT AND FEMINISM: Power, Gender and the Self FOUCAULT AND FEMINISM: Power, Gender and the Self: Analyzes Foucault's final works, [The Use of Pleasure] and [The Care of the Self] to ...
#27. A reading of gender as a dispositif
Key words: power, gender, dispositifs, discourses, practices, subjection, subjectivity. 1 Foucault's term dispositif combines discursive and material ...
#28. Feminist Perspectives on Power
Here it is important to note that Foucault's work on power ... Her comparative analysis of race and gender is most problematic in her ...
#29. Gender differences in COVID-19 attitudes and behavior
Gender differences in COVID-19 attitudes and behavior: Panel evidence from eight ... Michael Becher , Sylvain Brouard , Martial Foucault ...
#30. Foucault and the Disciplining of the Female Body. - Apple Books
Yet despite his preoccupation with power and its effects on the body, Foucault's own analysis was curiously gender-neutral. Remarkably, there is no exploration ...
#31. Michel Foucault Gender Identity Analysis - 959 Words | Cram
Free Essay: The French historian and philosopher, Michel Foucault, argues that a society can greatly influence how a certain subject is perceived and that ...
#32. MICHEL FOUCAULT: Discourses and lifestyles | 12 | v2
MICHEL FOUCAULT: Discourses and lifestyles. ByDavid Gauntlett. BookMedia, Gender and Identity. Click here to navigate to parent product. Edition 2nd Edition.
#33. Michel Foucault
Gender and Population Studies (GAPS) in Health. Exploring the Impact of Gender & Social Gradients on the Health of Populations.
#34. Doing Gender lecture David Halperin: Foucault's Queer Critique
In his Doing Gender lecture, David Halperin examines Foucault's late thinking about critique and its relation to his analysis of parrhēsia ...
#35. The Politics of Anonymity: Foucault, Feminism, and Gender ...
The Politics of Anonymity: Foucault, Feminism, and Gender. Non-conforming Prisoners. Perry Zurn. philoSOPHIA, Volume 6, Number 1, Winter 2016, pp.
#36. Foucault And Feminism: Power, Gender, and the Self
Text serves as an introduction to and lukewarm critique of Foucault's ideas, as well as an application of them for the purposes of feminism.
#37. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender, and the Self
Foucault and feminism: power, gender, and the self. User Review - Not Available - Book Verdict. This is yet another addition to a growing body of literature ...
#38. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the ...
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism. By Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ...
#39. Details for: Foucault and feminism :power, gender, and the self ...
Foucault and feminism :power, gender, and the self /. by McNay, Lois. Published by : polity Press, (Cambridge :) Physical details: 217 p. ; 24 cm.
#40. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self - Gale
Gale Academic OneFile includes Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self by Caroline Ramazanoglu. Click to explore.
#41. [PDF] Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self
Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self ... Introduction. 1. Power, Body and Experience. 2. From the Body to the Self. 3. Ethics of the ...
#42. Foucault's Archaeology - Edinburgh University Press Books
Puts The Archaeology of Knowledge at the heart of Foucault's thought David Webb reveals the extent to which Foucault's approach to language in The ...
#43. Gender Subjectification and Schooling
7). Performativity and Gender Subjectivities. Following Foucault, Butler's work underscores the discursive aspects of subjectivity: The choices ...
#44. In Search of Foucault's Last Words - Boston Review
In short, Foucault's book on Christianity had broadened topically while ... He stepped around a “history of ideas” about sex and gender.
#45. HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice
In this book, Sarah Jackson, Moya Bailey, and Brooke Foucault Welles explore how and why Twitter has become an important platform for historically ...
#46. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self
Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self ... This book offers a systematic attempt to explore the point of convergance between feminist ...
#47. Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power
We are born male or female, but not masculine or feminine. Femininity is an artifice, an achievement, “a mode of enacting and reenacting received gender norms ...
#48. Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory (Gender and ...
Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory (Gender and Culture). Lynne Huffer. Columbia University Press Paperback 9780231149198.
#49. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution - Dissent Magazine
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism by Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson,. University of Chicago Press, 2005, 312 pp.
#50. Woman's Relationship with Herself: Gender, Foucault and ...
Employing Foucault's notion of panoptical power, Helen O'Grady illuminates the link between this kind of self-surveillance and the broader mechanisms of social ...
#51. COVID-19 Vaccine's Gender Paradox - SSRN Papers
Martial Foucault · Vincenzo Galasso · Vincent Pons · Paola Profeta · Do you have a job opening that you would like to promote on SSRN? · Paper ...
#52. Queer Theory: Background - University of Illinois LibGuides
Queer theory as an academic tool came about in part from gender and sexuality ... Michael Foucault's work on sexuality said that it was a ...
#53. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self
This book offers a systematic attempt to explore the point of convergance between feminist theory and the work of Michel Foucault.
#54. PHILOSOPHY /// The Inscription of Gender in our Bodies
... # PHILOSOPHY /// The Inscription of Gender in our Bodies: Norm Production in Foucault and Butler's works. Published April 17, 2013. We see them so many ...
#55. Foucault and feminism : power, gender, and the self - LibSearch
Foucault and feminism : power, gender, and the self-book.
#56. Michel Foucault: Summary and Ideas - Sociology - StudySmarter
You may have come across mentions of Michel Foucault, or even “Foucauldian” theories in your sociological studies. Foucault's ideas may seem complex, ...
#57. Gender Differences in COVID-19 Related Attitudes and Behavior
Michael Becher, Sylvain Brouard and Martial Foucault provided comments to the final draft. Nicola Bariletto, Marco Lo Faso, and Nicolas Longuet ...
#58. Walter J. Ong's and Michel Foucault's Explorations of ...
Abstract. In my 5,000-word review essay "Walter J. Ong's and Michel Foucault's Explorations of Sexuality/Gender," I highlight each scholar's explorations of ...
#59. 15.Lorenzo Bernini. Il sessuale politico Freud con Marx ...
gender /sexuality/italy is an online annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on gendered identities and the ways they intersect ...
#60. The False Promise of Gender-Neutrality
gender as a variable that can be used in combination with non-feminist theories to ... the writings of Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, and Chris Weedon.
#61. Queering Plato: Foucault on Philosophy as Self-fashioning ...
The Foucauldian labor of truth is to open a queer space not only for relations of gender and sexuality but for knowledge, truth, and subjectivity per se. The ...
#62. care, gender inequality and resistance: a foucauldian reading of
Finally, I will explain how the mechanisms of power that constitute the female self contribute to reproducing gender inequalities. 2.1 Foucault's Genealogical ...
#63. What Is Gender Nihilism? - Firestorm Books
Many of the readings are out of print or have only appeared online or in zine form, and include: Adrienne Rich, Monique Wittig, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, ...
#64. Foucault and feminism : power, gender, and the self
Foucault and feminism : power, gender, and the self Available at Rivera Library General Collection - Rivera (HQ1190 .M39 1993).
#65. Thinking Gender: Disciplining Foucault : Feminism, Power ...
Arrives by Wed, Jun 21 Buy Thinking Gender: Disciplining Foucault : Feminism, Power, and the Body (Hardcover) at
#66. the subject between butler, foucault, and laplanche 1 - SciELO
Keywords: Gender; sexuality; unconscious; performativity. GÊNERO, SEXUALIDADE E O SEXUAL:O SUJEITO ENTRE BUTLER,. FOUCAULT E LAPLANCHE. RESUMO.
#67. <b>Helen O'Grady</b>, <i>Woman's Relationship with Herself ...
<b>Helen O'Grady</b>, <i>Woman's Relationship with Herself: Gender, Foucault and Therapy (London & New York: Routledge, 2005), ISBN 0415331269</> ...
#68. Foucault and the Iranian revolution - National Library of Australia
Foucault and the Iranian revolution : gender and the seductions of Islamism / Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson. Book. Bib ID, 3525421. Format, Book ...
#69. gender and the seductions of Islamism [Review]
Additional Information: Review of Foucault and the Iranian Revolution. Keywords: Michel Foucault, Iran, Islamism, liberalism.
#70. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution - Google Books
During his little-known stint as a journalist, Foucault traveled to Iran, ... Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism.
#71. Feminism, Power, and the Body (Thinking Gender) (Hardcover)
She expands discussion of feminism and sexual liberation, charts the impact of Foucault on humanistic studies, and picks up an aspect of the ...
#72. Technologies of Gender - Indiana University Press
"Technologies of Gender builds a bridge between the fashionable orthodoxies of academic theory (Lacan, Foucault, Derrida, et al.)
#73. The Contemporary Body, a Body Politic? |
As Foucault would have it, psychoanalysis becomes the element of an ... 2Following the same line as Foucault, a number of thinkers in queer theory or gender ...
#74. Chloe Taylor, PhD (Philosophy), MA (Art History), BA (Art ...
Professor, Faculty of Arts - Womens & Gender Studies. ... where I began my recently published book on Foucault, feminism, and sexual crime (Routledge 2018), ...
#75. Ethics, positivity, and gender: Foucault, Aristotle, and the care ...
Colebrook explores the ethical implications of Michel Foucault's anti-hermeneutic concept of the self, relates Foucault's contribution to traditional theories ...
#76. HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice ...
Date. April 4th, 2023 ; Speaker. Brooke Foucault Welles ; Department. Center for Information Technology Policy ; Location. 306 Sherrerd Hall.
#77. Rethinking gender relations in organizations - The British Library
We aim to show how Foucault's notion of power has permeated thinking and became incorporated in a feminist understanding of gender and the implication this ...
#78. Genealogy+Critique
Posthuman Gender Theory ... science and technology studies, as well as postcolonial, gender, and race ... Foucault, the Digital Humanities, the Method.
#79. GENDER TROUBLE: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
ory in France. Gender Trouble tends to read together, in a syncretic vein, various French intellectuals (Lévi-Strauss, Foucault, Lacan, Kristeva,.
#80. The Biopolitics Of Gender By Jemima Repo - Society & Space
However, by reframing Foucault's analysis of biopolitics in the light of contemporary neoliberal governmentality, we should keep in mind that Foucault situates ...
#81. Postructuralism and Feminism: The Interplay between Gender ...
Language, Gender and Violence: To What Extent Can a ... [39] Indeed the key aspect of Foucault's concept of discourse is that it enables us ...
#82. Foucault and the Iranian Revolution - Kevin Anderson
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender and the Seductions of Islamism ... 1979 Islamic revolution by Michel Foucault, who traveled there twice in 1978.
#83. Кон Lois McNay, Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and ...
Abstract. Author(s): Jordančo Sekulovski | Јорданчо Секуловски. Title (Macedonian): Кон Lois McNay, Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the ...
#84. Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self - WHSmith
Order a Foucault and Feminism: Power, Gender and the Self today from WHSmith. ... of convergance between feminist theory and the work of Michel Foucault.
#85. The Prisoner of Gender: Foucault and the Disciplining of the
Foucault's works on discipline, power, sexuality and subjectivity are important for feminist analysis, but his works are gender-neutral.
#86. Mad for Foucault: Rethinking the Foundations of Queer Theory ...
Lynne Huffer is Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Emory University and author of Are the Lips a Grave? A Queer ...
#87. “Gender”, Foucault and some feminist tensions - Revistas UdeA
“Gender”, Foucault and some feminist tensions. Authors. Luisa Posada Kubissa Universidad Complutense de Madrid. DOI: https:// ...
foucault gender 在 Michel Foucault and Queer Theory - YouTube 的八卦
... discourse by writers such as Foucault and Judith Butler who have also bequeathed to us the previously novel idea of gender identity. ... <看更多>