Ezio在翡冷翠~有沒有人跟我一樣喜歡稱呼為翡冷翠勝過佛羅倫斯?佛羅倫斯好饒舌,翡冷翠也感覺比較高級,而且跟原文Firenze比較像,所以感覺比較原汁原味 <3 (我好煩)
本來預計多加點細節在建築物上,可是印出來會蠻小的,所以就取消這個計劃了 :P
總之,希望大家有從這次的影片得到樂趣 :)
This is Ezio Auditore de Firenze~
I was planning to add a lot more details on the buildings, but then the printed version is gonna be quite small, so I canceled that plan :P
*The black little box that keeps popping up on the right was me trying to hide my friend's Skype name, sorry, I know is ugly...
Well, hope y'all enjoy the video :)
YOUTUBE: http://youtu.be/2lr7Lbe2ieE