TOEFL Sample Answers with Script: https://goo.gl/FRqqUs
留意示範的速度,但是自己在唸的時候不用一開始就刻意讓自己講得很快。記得你現在是在學習的階段,在過程中讓自己的速度接近最佳速率即可! 連結中的講稿也會協助各位同學習得一些有用的詞彙跟片語,這樣往後在應答的時候就可以減少自己思索詞彙的時間 ,這才是達到高分的關鍵!
(1.) Delivery 表達
(2.) Language Use 語言使用
(3.) Topic Development 話題發展
今天,就要帶著大家一起來鑽研托福口說「Delivery 表達」,而這個環節又牽涉到流暢性 (fluency)、發音 (pronunciation)、聲調 (intonation) 、和可理解度 (intelligibility) 。這些評分標準在雅思公開評分表也有出現!
☆☆☆☆ Fluency ☆☆☆☆
流暢性(fluency)常會同時主觀地和規則化地依照考生當下論述的速度來做評估,而在考 試過程中,考生比較常犯的錯會是: 中間有太多不必要的停頓 (unnecessary pauses)、 錯誤的開場白 (e.g. She...er, "he" was late)、錯誤地把某些音節的念法加長 (lengthened syllables)、不斷重覆之前提過的語句和反覆使用相同的單字片語 (retraces and repetition)。
托福考官究竟是如何去判定一位考生口語流暢度的好壞呢? 根據托福考試的相關研究顯示 ,考官最常以同學們說話的速度 (speech rate)、猶豫的頻率(hesitations)、是否不斷一 直重複語句以及反覆修補答題內容 (repetition and repair) 這幾個項目給予評分。根據ETS的統計,應答速率最好每秒鐘大約涵蓋4個音節(例如:在一秒內說完I’m speaking fast這個句子),而一般母語人士的平均速度大約是每秒鐘涵蓋5個音節左右(例如:在一秒 內說完I'm speaking quickly這個句子),所以若以此來做區分,一般程度較高的考生, 他們的平均速度大概會落在每秒鐘說4.4個音節,而中等程度的其他考生會是每秒鐘說3.3 個音節左右的速度。
所以現在問題來了,是只要口語表達的速度越快,就絕對會幫你取得高分嗎? 當然不是,不要忘記前面所提到的 (2.) 語言應用能力和 (3.)主題內容延伸這兩個項目耶是會被列入口語測驗的整體表現評核喔!然而,同學們還是要瞭解,運用適中的速度作答其實對各位在 Delivery 這個向度取得高分是絕對必要的。
因為一旦放慢了講話的速度,其實第一時間就影響了你應答的流暢性了。所以,同學們在平常準備時是否就應該講得快一些呢? 在這邊要提醒,同學們要懂得去區分語言學習以及考試評分之間的差別,初學者理當在剛開始沒辦法講得太快,因為他們還需要時間去回想可以用的一些詞彙和該詞彙的正確發音,但是在實際參加考試的時候,言語表達的速度絕對是評分的其中一個指標,評分者不會去特別顧慮你是不是初學者,這一點同學們一定要知道,而實際上,言語表達的速度也是評分委員第一個會去注意的重點。
再者,大部分的同學所面臨的問題,其實並不是作答的時候講得太快,從而需要放慢速度來減少語法上的錯誤。考生們實際缺乏的是足夠的字彙量和正確的語法知識背景,因而無法表達自己的想法,也因為這樣就迫使考生們在答題過程中必須停下來去思索一些自己平常不太會用的詞彙或片語。不幸的是,由於本身對於一些基本詞彙和表達方式的不熟悉, 就會導致在應答的時候犯了很多詞彙跟語法應用上的錯誤,在這過程中,也會伴隨著前述 的: 不間斷地停頓、錯誤的開場白、一直猶豫不決、錯誤地把某些音節的念法加長、不斷 重覆之前提過的語句、反覆使用相同的單字片語,而這些缺失狀況都是拉低各位同學的分數的關鍵。
TOEFL Speaking Answers with Script: https://goo.gl/FRqqUs
留意示範的速度,但是自己在唸的時候不用一開始就刻意讓自己講得很快。記得你現在是在學習的階段,在過程中讓自己的速度接近最佳速率即可! 連結中的講稿也會協助各位同學習得一些有用的詞彙跟片語,這樣往後在應答的時候就可以減少自己思索關鍵字的時間 ,這才是達到高分的關鍵!
Current Events: https://goo.gl/nxWPk4
☆☆☆☆ Pronunciation ☆☆☆☆
English Pronunciation 英文發音
4 part Series - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJs8ES9xU8
L and R sounds Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVSlTyulmqY
L and R sounds Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-HDqVSK0LE
TH sound (Unvoiced) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTPfN_Q1G-I
TH sound (Voiced) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbpE6fW4jgo
-ed sound for regular past tense verbs explanation -
http://www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/-ed.htm video -
Echoing 臺大史嘉琳老師--每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上)(pp. 8-10) http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/pubs/69_hello_et.pdf
臺大史嘉琳老師--每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(下)(pp. 12-14) http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/pubs/70_hello_et.pdf
☆☆☆☆ Intonation ☆☆☆☆
精準的聲調應用是托福考試評核同學們言語表達成熟度的第三項指標,而這部分的評核又 超越音段的層級,這是甚麼意思呢?其實一般母語人士時常會就句子中某些帶有新訊息之 詞彙 (content words) 的重音節加重音調,而實際上,其他非英語系國家的第二語言學 習者也被發現到一件事,就是他們在英文發音上的音域和延展性其實又更窄而且受到更多 限制 (narrower or more compressed pitch range),當然,這邊又要再提一次,托福考試並沒有預期同學們在應答時要聽起來像是母語人士,但是他們還是會去注意你有沒有正確地加重音調。
English Intonation:
Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2bHdXcszJ4
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh6kUsJcu3k (practice)
Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80wiT0t2rc (questions)
Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLGJb63mkyA
☆☆☆☆ Intelligibility ☆☆☆☆
表達(Delivery)的最後一項評核標準就是你所應答的內容,其本身易於被聽眾所理解的程度 (intelligibility)。廣義來說就是任何一位聆聽者為了充分了解你所論述的資訊跟重 點,他所需付出的“努力程度” (degree of listener effort that was required to understand the speaker)。今天如果你言辭表達的可理解性越高,聆聽者當然就越能夠 輕鬆領會你的意思。那要如何檢測自己言辭表達理解性的高低呢?同學們只要找一位具合 格、稱職的老師,幫你就一位母語人士的觀點來了解聽者需要花多少時間或心力來徹底理 解你實際所想要表達的意思。
Delivery 評核的相關討論到此為止,以上所分享的所有資訊並非是要分散同學們自然地學習或練習英文的注意力,而主要是想藉機跟同學們分享評分委員在 口語測驗中針對每一位 考生言語表達成熟度進行評分的思維和重點是什麼而已,其他像是 Language Use (語言使用) 和 Topic Development (話題發展) 延伸等層面,將來也會進行類似的討論分享給大 家。希望各位同學還是要持續努力準備考試,也祝福各位考生如願達成高分!
評分委員評斷Delivery的流程圖: http://i.imgur.com/eSiCgm1.jpg
https://www.ets.org/s/toefl/pdf/toefl_speaking_rubrics.pdf https://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/RR-13-13.pdf
http://arts.kmutt.ac.th/dral/PDF%20proceedings%20on%20Web/37-44_Synergy_of_Mixed_Method_Approach_to_Development_of_ESL.pdf http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
雅思公開評分標準: https://www.ielts.org/PDF/UOBDs_SpeakingFinal.pdf
同時也有10000部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過62萬的網紅Bryan Wee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,...
「english speech sample」的推薦目錄:
- 關於english speech sample 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook
- 關於english speech sample 在 東講西讀 Facebook
- 關於english speech sample 在 逆嘶亭 Facebook
- 關於english speech sample 在 Bryan Wee Youtube
- 關於english speech sample 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube
- 關於english speech sample 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube
english speech sample 在 東講西讀 Facebook 八卦
1. 先講「自治」這兩個字
「自治」有不同等級,「自治」這兩字不等如「完全的自治」,如把它理解成「完全的自治」,那「完全的自治」可理解為只欠「正名」之政治實體(如臺灣)甚或主權國。這樣基本法中的「高度自治」便可解釋為「高度的+完全的自治」,即香港可能是比主權國擁有更高地位 - 帝國。(選舉事務處膽很大)
2. 公共資源自給自主:
3. 異於中國的歷史:
(Please refer to the later paragraphs for English version.)
-「自治」被指有違《基本法》中根據 「一國兩制」的原則在香港特別行政區所實行的「高度自治」;
1. 撤回這份不接納選舉郵件樣本的文件,並如其他候選人一樣免費投寄梁天琦的合法合理選舉郵件;
2. 停止濫權干預選舉,並向梁天琦及選民致歉;
3. 於2016年立法會換屆選舉取消對選舉郵件的政治審查。
* 感謝 Real Hong Kong News 提供英語譯本。
【Registration and Electoral Office abuses authority and tramples freedom, High Degree of Autonomy is left burnt and vanishes】
Leung Tin Kei Edward, No.6 candidate of 2016 Legislative Council By-election (New Territories East) has his election materials rejected from free mail by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) for they have ‘fundamentally breached’ what is stated in the first article of the Basic Law. The terms ‘Autonomy’ and ‘Self-rule’ are listed as sensitive and urged to be deleted. The chronicle of the history of Hong Kong was also accused of contravening the law. The Hong Kong Indigenous and Leung Tin Kei Edward severely condemn REO for violating freedom of speech and of publication as protected by the Basic Law, arbitrarily manipulating politics through administrative means and thus changing the election result.
The Election Commissioner of the candidate Leung Tin Kei Edward from the Hong Kong Indigenous (HK Indigenous)received an email from Hongkong Post on Feb 15 that the election committee had reached the decision upon consulting ‘Legal Advice’ before the cut off date. It would not accept the sample of election material submitted by the HK Indigenous on Feb 4 and thus would not mail Leung’s electoral materials for free. In other words, it imposes a political censorship on Leung’s and HK Indigenous political principles and platform. HK Indigenous believes that this is in equivalence to pronouncing the diminishing and vanishing state of Hong Kong’s ‘One Country Two Systems’ and the freedom of speech and of publication protected by laws, trampling Leung’s political right in expressing his political opinions and destroying the right of electorate from New Territories East in a democratic election. Here is a list of so-called ‘sensitive terms’ claimed by REO:
- ‘Autonomy’ is said to be against the principle of ‘One Country Two System’ and ‘High Degree of Autonomy’ practiced in Hong Kong under the Basic Law;
- ‘Self-determination for our future’ is said to contravene the first article of Basic Law;
- ‘A history different from that of China’ is said to offend the law;
- ‘Self-rule’ concerning public resources of drinking water and local agriculture is said to offend the clause of ‘the Hong Kong SAR is an inalienable part of the PRC’ in Basic Law.
- Political principles of ‘militant resistance’ and ‘challenge by force’ are said to ‘allegedly induce the use of violence to achieve their aim’.
(Original link: https://www.docdroid.net/D1cBwiP/-20160204.pdf.html)
While Autonomy and Self-rule have been long cherished,
falsification of history only further infuriates
We believe that autonomy and self-rule are values that Hongkongers long cherish. As values protected by the Basic Law, it is perplexing that these terms are claimed to be ‘sensitive’ and banned from mailing. What Leung has highlighted in his platform that Hong Kong should maintain self-sufficient in terms of public resources through domestic agriculture and desalination is actually what the HKSAR Government has been promoting. Being yet considered as illegal is absolutely absurd to us.
What’s more renouncing is how REO self-censors the pamphlet and bans the factual account of ‘a history different from that of China’. As a clear falsification of history that even a normal citizen can tell, it is hard not to infuriate. Lastly, when political principles of ‘militant resistance’ and ‘challenge by force’ that relate to no actual illegal actions are also slandered to "allegedly induce the use of violence to achieve their aim”, it is hard not to believe that they aim at conviction of a person for his speech.
Demand for an apology for the government abuse of authority
Article 26 of the Basic Law states clearly that permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have the right to vote and the right to stand for election in accordance with law while article 27 lists that Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of speech, of the press and of publication; freedom of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration; and the right and freedom to form and join trade unions, and to strike.
REO manipulation to the election through administrative barriers and its absurd accusation according to its willful misinterpretation of the Basic Law are indeed infringement to the freedom of speech and of publication protected by the Basic Law. As similar incident was seen in the District Council Election last year, we, HK indigenous, and Leung Tin Kei Edward, candidate of By-election (New Territories East) now demand the REO to:
1. Withdraw this document that rejects the election mail sample and send out Leung’s legal and reasonable election materials for free in accordance with other candidates
2. Stop abusing the authority in manipulating the election and apologise to Leung and electorate
3. Lift all political censorship against election mails in the September Legislative Council Election
Action to safeguard our freedom of speech
As it has always been, we shall continue fighting for freedom and rights of Hongkongers. We shall also make a complaint to the Electoral Affairs Commission concerning the actions of REO and reserve all rights to lodge an election petition and even a judicial review. To stand up for the right to know of Hongkongers and electorate in the New Territories East, we shall make the aforementioned document and the unabridged election mail public to all. Printed version will also be available on streets in the region. Please stay tuned with our Facebook page for further information.
We sincerely hope that all citizens and organisations who are concerned with freedom of speech and publication in Hong Kong to keep an eye on the incident. We need you to voice your opinions and share the banned election materials. Otherwise, all freedoms under the Basic Law and One Country Two Systems will be nothing but unfulfilled promises as predicted in Leung’s election advertisement.
#本民前 #六號 #梁天琦 #立法會 #新東補選
english speech sample 在 逆嘶亭 Facebook 八卦
(Please refer to the later paragraphs for English version.)
-「自治」被指有違《基本法》中根據 「一國兩制」的原則在香港特別行政區所實行的「高度自治」;
1. 撤回這份不接納選舉郵件樣本的文件,並如其他候選人一樣免費投寄梁天琦的合法合理選舉郵件;
2. 停止濫權干預選舉,並向梁天琦及選民致歉;
3. 於2016年立法會換屆選舉取消對選舉郵件的政治審查。
* 感謝 Real Hong Kong News 提供英語譯本。
【Registration and Electoral Office abuses authority and tramples freedom, High Degree of Autonomy is left burnt and vanishes】
Leung Tin Kei Edward, No.6 candidate of 2016 Legislative Council By-election (New Territories East) has his election materials rejected from free mail by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) for they have ‘fundamentally breached’ what is stated in the first article of the Basic Law. The terms ‘Autonomy’ and ‘Self-rule’ are listed as sensitive and urged to be deleted. The chronicle of the history of Hong Kong was also accused of contravening the law. The Hong Kong Indigenous and Leung Tin Kei Edward severely condemn REO for violating freedom of speech and of publication as protected by the Basic Law, arbitrarily manipulating politics through administrative means and thus changing the election result.
The Election Commissioner of the candidate Leung Tin Kei Edward from the Hong Kong Indigenous (HK Indigenous)received an email from Hongkong Post on Feb 15 that the election committee had reached the decision upon consulting ‘Legal Advice’ before the cut off date. It would not accept the sample of election material submitted by the HK Indigenous on Feb 4 and thus would not mail Leung’s electoral materials for free. In other words, it imposes a political censorship on Leung’s and HK Indigenous political principles and platform. HK Indigenous believes that this is in equivalence to pronouncing the diminishing and vanishing state of Hong Kong’s ‘One Country Two Systems’ and the freedom of speech and of publication protected by laws, trampling Leung’s political right in expressing his political opinions and destroying the right of electorate from New Territories East in a democratic election. Here is a list of so-called ‘sensitive terms’ claimed by REO:
- ‘Autonomy’ is said to be against the principle of ‘One Country Two System’ and ‘High Degree of Autonomy’ practiced in Hong Kong under the Basic Law;
- ‘Self-determination for our future’ is said to contravene the first article of Basic Law;
- ‘A history different from that of China’ is said to offend the law;
- ‘Self-rule’ concerning public resources of drinking water and local agriculture is said to offend the clause of ‘the Hong Kong SAR is an inalienable part of the PRC’ in Basic Law.
- Political principles of ‘militant resistance’ and ‘challenge by force’ are said to ‘allegedly induce the use of violence to achieve their aim’.
(Original link: https://www.docdroid.net/D1cBwiP/-20160204.pdf.html)
While Autonomy and Self-rule have been long cherished,
falsification of history only further infuriates
We believe that autonomy and self-rule are values that Hongkongers long cherish. As values protected by the Basic Law, it is perplexing that these terms are claimed to be ‘sensitive’ and banned from mailing. What Leung has highlighted in his platform that Hong Kong should maintain self-sufficient in terms of public resources through domestic agriculture and desalination is actually what the HKSAR Government has been promoting. Being yet considered as illegal is absolutely absurd to us.
What’s more renouncing is how REO self-censors the pamphlet and bans the factual account of ‘a history different from that of China’. As a clear falsification of history that even a normal citizen can tell, it is hard not to infuriate. Lastly, when political principles of ‘militant resistance’ and ‘challenge by force’ that relate to no actual illegal actions are also slandered to "allegedly induce the use of violence to achieve their aim”, it is hard not to believe that they aim at conviction of a person for his speech.
Demand for an apology for the government abuse of authority
Article 26 of the Basic Law states clearly that permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have the right to vote and the right to stand for election in accordance with law while article 27 lists that Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of speech, of the press and of publication; freedom of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration; and the right and freedom to form and join trade unions, and to strike.
REO manipulation to the election through administrative barriers and its absurd accusation according to its willful misinterpretation of the Basic Law are indeed infringement to the freedom of speech and of publication protected by the Basic Law. As similar incident was seen in the District Council Election last year, we, HK indigenous, and Leung Tin Kei Edward, candidate of By-election (New Territories East) now demand the REO to:
1. Withdraw this document that rejects the election mail sample and send out Leung’s legal and reasonable election materials for free in accordance with other candidates
2. Stop abusing the authority in manipulating the election and apologise to Leung and electorate
3. Lift all political censorship against election mails in the September Legislative Council Election
Action to safeguard our freedom of speech
As it has always been, we shall continue fighting for freedom and rights of Hongkongers. We shall also make a complaint to the Electoral Affairs Commission concerning the actions of REO and reserve all rights to lodge an election petition and even a judicial review. To stand up for the right to know of Hongkongers and electorate in the New Territories East, we shall make the aforementioned document and the unabridged election mail public to all. Printed version will also be available on streets in the region. Please stay tuned with our Facebook page for further information.
We sincerely hope that all citizens and organisations who are concerned with freedom of speech and publication in Hong Kong to keep an eye on the incident. We need you to voice your opinions and share the banned election materials. Otherwise, all freedoms under the Basic Law and One Country Two Systems will be nothing but unfulfilled promises as predicted in Leung’s election advertisement.
#本民前 #六號 #梁天琦 #立法會 #新東補選