[文法指南] 免費英文文法書
但是英文學習者真的一定要背所有文法規則嗎? 畢竟我們學習母語時也沒有研究文法,英語母語者基本上也是不專修文法。答案是不需要,但學習者必須持續地獲取大量正確而有意義英語輸入 (comprehensible input) 來學習到正確的英文字彙 (words)、搭配詞 (collocation)、片語 (phrases)、子句(clauses)、和句子 (sentences) 的表達與使用。
雖然在學習中偶爾會有些錯誤產生,但是只要透過大量的英語輸入,並且逐步改正錯誤,語言的使用無論是在語態學 (morphology)、句法學 (syntax)、語音學 (phonology),語義學 (semantics) 及語用學 (pragmatics) 都會逐漸地變得越來越流暢,更接近母語者的使用方式。
但畢竟在以英語外語的國家 (EFL),需要投資龐大的時間、精力、和花費才能營造健全的英語的環境來獲取充足的英文輸入。因此目前大部分在國內的英文學習者(至少是中階或進階學習者)還是必須理解英文文法。問題是我們到底要怎麼樣才可以有效率的學文法?
1. The separate study of grammar, at least for beginning to intermediate learners, when decoupled from communication is ineffective!* 有一些學習者可以把所有不規則的動詞 (irregular verbs) 都背出來,但是在問路或者給建議的基本對話可能連一句也說不出來。所以建議學習者在學習文法的時候,一定要理解文法的用途,在有意義的情境中應用在聽、說、讀、寫上,而不只是記句型而已!
比如說假設語氣 (type 2 conditional) 的假設 (if clause)是用過去式 (simple past) 去寫的,但是假設的事件並非一定發生在過去 (e.g. If I were you)。學習者則是需要理解過去式的寫法在句構中是代表事件並非事實 (hypothetical conditional),同時也建議把剛學習的假設語氣句型應用在自己的生活中,例如可以用這種句型給別人建議 (If I were you, I would read this book.) 賦予句構意義。
2. 學習者也一定要了解自己的程度和目標,並不建議為了溝通而學習的初學者一開始花太多時間在分析文法,應該是了解主要必須用的字彙、搭配詞、和片語以後才去理解文法,幫助自己歸納和應用已經累積與理解的語料庫,同時輔助對自己進一步的學習。相對的考托福 (TOEFL iBT) 和雅思 (IELTS) 的考生就需要花更多時間去理解文法,畢竟口說跟寫作的評分確實是包含了文法的指標 (grammatical accuracy and syntactic variety)。
3. 學習文法時可嘗試從使用頻率最高的文法架構開始下手。有些語言學者認為文法學習是有自然順序的 (the natural order hypothesis),而且比較容易學習的文法結構不一定是最常用的。雖然有一些結構同學是要照順序學習的 (e.g. 要先學形容詞子句,才可學得怎麼把形容詞子句簡化) 建議同學把火力集中在一些自己常用到的架構。一開始也不需要學習所有的文法架構,而應該規劃自己按部就班地學習。
4. 學習文法時絕對不要走火入魔,有時候甚至會寫出文法正確但是不符合溝通目的句子 (e.g. "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously"*)。初學者在練習口說跟寫作時一開始也不需要太注意自己的文法,絕對不要恐懼,一定要踏出第一步多使用英文! 很多人都會覺得這樣子做沒有辦法勝任考試,可是同學必須記得學習跟測驗是兩件事,托福或雅思考試只是用來評估自己目前學習的進度是否達到可以應付大學的英文程度,而並非是學習的方式!
不是說文法在口說跟寫作完全不重要,而是不應該讓它導致我們不敢開口跟動筆! 要知道就連英文母語者的出版品,也需要校對不知道多少次才可以寫出完美的句子!
那想必同學接下來的一個問題,一定是哪裡可以買到適當的文法書,相信同學只要搜尋「英文文法書推薦」就會看到 Grammar In Use 和 Azar English Grammar 這兩個系列的文法書。但是說實話市面上的文法書大部分都包含了完整的架構,只要同學認真去查詢和理解,每一本都是好的文法書!
同學只要按下Ctrl+F 再搜尋自己有興趣的文法架構 (中英文即可) 就可以找到相關的文法連結、影片、和講義,有問題也歡迎留言。
Image source: http://manxman.ch/moodle2/file.php/4/happytest_corrections3.png
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Uncle Siu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,課後練習 /ps/:lips,chips,stops,laps,tips,shops /sps/:crisps,lisps,stops paying,keeps peace 講開又講,美國人叫炸薯條做 fries,叫薯片做 chips。在英國,chips 則指炸薯條(所以炸魚薯條叫...
english phonology 在 姐死姐還在 Facebook 八卦
《尋找真文青》(岩岩全數被認領哂啦... 多謝各位接手)
電影《小親親》入面,kelly飾演一個專欄作者,佢要移民,於是問做古董店嘅毛舜筠打探,有冇識人收二手書,毛舜筠話「冇人要架,一係拎去做廢紙回收啦...」,當時kelly 就話好心痛。
今日我執屋,執左好多書出來,我都想D 書搵到人接手。我知冇咩可能,而家二手書以斤砰來賣,書店都企唔住腳嘅時候,冇人睇書嘅呢個年代又點會有人接手?
但講到尾我都係唔捨得就咁dump左佢地,咁我hold 兩個星期啦,如果兩個星期內有人要,就PM 我啦,冇人要,就命中注定回收架啦。
雖然好多人都以為我係讀中文嘅,其實我大學係讀英文嘅(雖然讀得好差,無論係linguistics 同literature 都差)。以下係送出去嘅書嘅book list,有好多英文專用書(grammar, linguistics, literature, phonetics),仲有英文小說。當中Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 同埋Peter Pan,我讀書個時有貼哂貼紙做textual analysis架。
Obasan By Joy Kogawa(有人要了這本)
Disappearing Moon Cafe By Sky Lee(有人要了這本)
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan(有人要了這本)
M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang (有人要了這本)
Fifth Chinese Daughter By Jade Snow Wong(有人要了這本)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon(有人要了這本)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll(有人要了這本)
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie(有人要了這本)
The Woman Warrior: A Casebook by Maxine Hong Kingston(有人要了這本)
● The Study of Language (3rd Ed) - George Yule(有人要了這本)
● Classroom Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment - Ming-tak Hue, Wai-shing Li(有人要了這本)
● English Words for Chinese Learners - Monica Hill(有人要了這本)
● Contemporary Educational Assessment: Practices, Principles, and Policies - Gavin T. L. Brown, Ming Yan Ngan (有人要了這本)
● An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Janet Holmes, Nick Wilson (有人要了這本)
● The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer (有人要了這本)
● how languages are learned by Patsy Lightbown, Nina Spada(有人要了這本)
● A Practical Guide to a Task-based Curriculum: Planning, Grammar Teaching and Assessment by Icy LEE, Anne MA, May PANG(有人要了這本)
● English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course by Peter Roach (有人要了這本)
● The Norton Introduction to Literature- Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays(有人要了這本)
● How Children Develop by Robert S. Siegler, Judy S. DeLoache, Nancy Eisenberg (有人要了這本)
english phonology 在 陳凰鳳老師 Facebook 八卦
目前我們預計開啓約莫一年期的 越南語計劃,參與的人員將加入 Google 語音團隊,協助研發工程師建置及發展 "Vietnamese Text-To-Speech at Google"[1][2] 以及 "Vietnamese Automatic Voice Recognition"[3][4]。這些令人興奮的服務不但將能由 Android 手機上直接啓動[2][4] 提供全球使用者使用,還將間接幫助 Google translate[6] 與教學領域的應用[7]。
所以此次徵才欲聘請 Project Manager (1位) 及 Data Evaluator (3位)。
由於該計劃將於 "臺灣" 或 "新加坡" 進行, 我們將同時考慮應徵者在此兩地的工作許可,
(A) 基本條件:
1. 越南母語人士
2. 語言相關背景,包括語言學、語言教學、翻譯、編輯、校正等等。
(B) 優先條件:
1. 擁有臺灣或新加坡合法工作許可,需能滿足 8 hr/day 和 5 days/week 的工作時數。
(C) 若無工作簽證,須由公司代辦者,需特別註明於履歷表上。
1. 有碩士以上學歷。
2. 大學畢業 + 兩年語言相關工作經驗
Job Description as follows:
Speech Data Evaluator:
Job description:
As a Speech Data Evaluator and a native-level speaker of Vietnamese, you will be part of a team processing large amounts of linguistic data and carrying out a number of tasks to improve the quality of Google’s speech synthesis.
This includes:
- Classifying and annotating linguistic data
- Audio evaluation
- Labeling text for disambiguation, expansion, and text normalization
- Providing phonetic transcription of lexicon entries according to given standards and using in-house tools
Job requirements:
- Native-level speaker of Vietnamese (with good command of the standard dialect) and fluent in English
- Passion for language with good knowledge of orthography and grammar in the target language
- A degree in a language-related field such as linguistics, language teaching, translation, editing, writing, proofreading, or similar
- Keen interest in technology and computer-literate (should feel comfortable using in-house tools and should have an interest in current speech, mobile and online technology)
- Attention to detail and good organizational skills
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension)
**This is not a permanent position but a contract position through an employment agency. Applicants better are currently authorized to work in Taiwan. Please add a special note if you don't have working permission in Taiwan. Please add a special note if you don't have working permission in Taiwan.**
For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with "Speech Data Evaluator
Application Deadline: (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: meiyu@google.com
Speech Linguistic Project Manager
As a Linguistic Project Manager and a native-level speaker of Vietnamese, you will oversee and manage all work related to achieving high data quality for speech projects in your own language.
You will be based in London, managing a team of Speech Data Evaluators and working on a number of projects towards TTS synthesis.
This includes:
- Training, managing and overseeing the work of your team
- Creating verbalisation rules, such as expanding URLs, email addresses, numbers
- Creating annotation conventions
- Evaluating data quality
- Providing expertise on pronunciation and phonotactics
- Working with QA tools according to given guidelines and using in-house tools
Job requirements:
- Native-level speaker of Vietnamese (with good command of the standard dialect) and fluent in English
- Must have attended elementary school in the country where the language is spoken
- Keen ear for phonetic nuances and attention to detail; knowledge of the language’s phonology
- Ability to quickly grasp technical concepts; should have an -interest in current speech, mobile, and online technology
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Good organizational skills
- Previous project management and people management experience
- Previous experience with speech/NLP-related projects a plus
- Advanced degree in Linguistics preferred; experience with Computational Linguistics a plus
- Also a plus: proficiency with HTML, XML, and some programming language; previous experience working in a Linux environment
Project duration: 6-11 months (with potential for extension)
**This is not a permanent position but a contract position through an employment agency. Applicants better are currently authorized to work in Taiwan.**
For immediate consideration, please email your CV and cover letter in English (PDF format preferred) with “Speech Linguistic Project Manager
Email Address for applications: mailto:tts_jobs@google.com
Google text-to-speech
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Text-to-Speech
[2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.tts
Google voice search
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice_Search
[4] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.voicesearch
Google translate:
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Translate
[6] https://translate.google.com/
Application in education:
[7] http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2011/09/speak-it-text-to-speech-in-google.html#.VQZ7KHV7jUa
english phonology 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的評價
/sps/:crisps,lisps,stops paying,keeps peace
講開又講,美國人叫炸薯條做 fries,叫薯片做 chips。在英國,chips 則指炸薯條(所以炸魚薯條叫 fish and chips),而一包包的薯片叫 crisps。
後記:今次畫功進步了吧? 嘿嘿
english phonology 在 English phonology - Translation directory 的相關結果
English phonology is the study of the phonology (i.e. the sound system) of the English language. Like all languages, spoken English has wide variation in its ... ... <看更多>
english phonology 在 Phonology: The Sound Patterns of Language 的相關結果
Phonology tells us what sounds are in a language, how they do and can combine into words, ... For example, the English plural morpheme has three. ... <看更多>
english phonology 在 English phonology - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Phonological analysis of English often concentrates on or uses, as a reference point, one or more of the prestige or standard accents, such as Received ... ... <看更多>