หมอประทับใจตัวละคร ‘ลุงตั้ม’ ในซีรีส์ One Year 365 วัน บ้านฉันบ้านเธอ จากหลายๆฉากในเรื่องที่ผ่านมา แสดงให้เห็นว่าลุงตั้มเป็นตัวอย่างของพ่อแม่ที่มีความละเอียดอ่อนและเข้าใจอารมณ์ความรู้สึกของลูกๆ
ขอเท้าความสำหรับคนที่ไม่ได้ดู ซีรีส์เรื่องนี้เป็นเรื่องเกี่ยวกับ ครอบครัว 2 ครอบครัว ที่พ่อและแม่ของแต่ละครอบครัวกำลังวางแผนจะแต่งงานกัน คือครอบครัวของ ‘ลุงตั้ม’ กับ ’แม่มุก’ ซึ่งแต่ละคนก็มีลูกๆของตัวเองอยู่แล้ว
วันหนึ่งแม่มุกบอกลูกๆว่า ลุงตั้มและครอบครัวจะย้ายมาอยู่ด้วยกันที่บ้านของแม่มุกและลูก เพราะอีกหน่อยก็จะกลายเป็นครอบครัวเดียวกันอยู่แล้ว การตัดสินใจของแม่มุก ทำให้ลูกบางคนไม่พอใจนัก
โดยเฉพาะ ‘ไพลิน’ ลูกสาวคนที่ 3 นักศึกษาแพทย์ปีที่สอง
ที่ผ่านมา ไพลินมีความปรารถนาลึกๆ มาตลอดว่าอยากให้พ่อกับแม่มาคืนดีกัน เมื่อแม่จะแต่งงานใหม่ไพลินจึงรู้สึกผิดหวังพอสมควร ช่วงเวลาที่ลุงตั้มย้ายเข้ามาอยู่ที่บ้าน ไพลินเป็นคนหนึ่งที่แสดงออกชัดเจนว่าไม่ชอบหน้าลุงตั้มอย่างมาก
แต่ลุงตั้มไม่ได้โกรธหรือถือสากับการแสดงออกของไพลินที่แอนตี้ ไม่ชอบหน้าตัวเอง ลุงตั้มเข้าใจปฏิกิริยาที่เกิดขึ้น และคอยสังเกตไพลินด้วยความเป็นห่วงเสมอ (เพราะไพลินกำลังดร็อปการเรียนแพทย์อยู่ เธอไม่แน่ใจว่าเธออยากเป็นหมอจริงหรือไม่)
สิ่งที่ลุงตั้มทำไม่เคยขาด คือการทำอาหารอร่อยๆ ให้ไพลินรวมถึงลูกๆทุกคน ทั้งลูกตัวเองและลูกของแม่มุกทานเสมอๆ (ลุงตั้มมีอาชีพเป็นพ่อครัวที่ทำอาหารส่งตามออเดอร์ จึงทำอาหารอร่อยมาก)
เพราะความไม่พอใจและรำคาญลุงตั้ม ไพลินเลยไปนอนค้างที่คอนโดของพ่อ
มีฉากหนึ่งที่ไพลินทำแซนวิชให้พ่อทานเป็นอาหารเช้า แต่พ่อบอกเธอว่าไม่มีเวลาทาน ต้องรีบไปตีกอล์ฟ ขอเอาไปทานที่ตีกอล์ฟแทน แต่ด้วยความรีบร้อนและอาจจะไม่ได้ใส่ใจเพียงพอ พ่อก็ลืมแซนวิชไว้ตรงชั้นรองเท้า จริงๆ ไพลินก็ควรจะชินเสียแล้ว เพราะพ่อเป็นแบบนี้เสมอ แต่ก็อดน้อยใจไม่ได้
เหตุการณ์หลายๆอย่างต่อมาที่พ่อแสดงออกว่าไม่ได้ใส่ใจไพลินนัก ในที่สุดไพลินก็คิดว่าเธอน่าจะกลับบ้านแม่มุกดีกว่า
เมื่อเวลาผ่านไป เธอเริ่มมองเห็นการกระทำของลุงตั้มมากขึ้น คนที่เธอไม่เคยยิ้มให้ พูดจาแรงๆใส่ แต่ก็คอยทำอาหารให้เธอทุกมื้อ สิ่งที่ลุงตั้มทำให้ แสดงถึงความเอาใจใส่ ละเอียดอ่อน ที่ไพลินไม่เคยได้รับจากพ่อแท้ๆ ที่สำคัญลุงตั้มสังเกตเห็นรายละเอียดหลายอย่างที่ไพลินรู้สึกและเป็นอยู่
ลุงตั้มดูรู้ด้วยว่าไพลินกำลังชอบพออยู่กับเพื่อนผู้หญิงที่ชื่อ ‘ทราย’ ลุงตั้มเป็นคนที่คุยกับแม่มุกให้เข้าใจไพลินในเรื่องนี้ จนไพลินไม่ต้องปิดบังครอบครัวเรื่องเป็นแฟนกันกับทรายอีกต่อไป ไพลินสบายใจขึ้นมาก
ขนาดแม่มุกที่อยู่กับไพลินมาตลอด แต่กลับไม่ได้มีความละเอียดอ่อนเท่าลุงตั้ม
หลายๆสิ่งที่แสดงออกมา ทำให้ไพลินเปิดใจกับลุงตั้มมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ
หมอเชื่อว่าพ่อแม่ก็รักไพลินมาก แต่นอกจากความรักที่มีให้สิ่งที่พ่อแม่ยังขาดอยู่คือ ความละเอียดอ่อนและความเข้าใจอารมณ์ความรู้สึก ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องจำเป็นในความสัมพันธ์ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นความสัมพันธ์ใดๆก็ตาม
แต่ที่อยากจะเน้นคือ ความสัมพันธ์แรกเริ่มที่เด็กมีตั้งแต่กำเนิด คือ ความสัมพันธ์ครอบครัว ในฐานะพ่อแม่กับลูก ตรงนั้นจะเป็นพื้นฐานสำคัญในการพัฒนาความเป็นตัวตน
หากเด็กรู้สึกได้ว่าตัวเองเป็นที่รัก บวกกับความเอาใจใส่ใกล้ชิด พ่อแม่มีความละเอียดอ่อนมองเห็นอารมณ์ความรู้สึกของเด็ก แสดงออกว่าเข้าใจและยอมรับในตัวตนที่เด็กเป็น ส่วนในวันที่เด็กทำผิด ก็ไม่ใช้อารมณ์และให้โอกาสในการปรับปรุงตัวอย่างเหมาะสม ตรงนั้นจะนำมาซึ่งความรู้สึกภาคภูมิใจในตัวเอง รู้สึกว่าตัวเองมีคุณค่าพอที่จะได้รับความรักและเอาใจใส่จากผู้ใหญ่ที่ใกล้ชิด ทำให้เด็กเติบโตไปมีแนวโน้มจะมีสุขภาพจิตที่ดีด้วย
ความสัมพันธ์ที่ไม่ละเอียดอ่อน ไม่เอาใจใส่ในความรู้สึกของอีกฝ่าย แม้จะมีความรักให้กันแค่ไหน มักทำให้เกิดความไม่พอใจ ขัดแย้ง ความรู้สึกไม่ดีต่อกันได้มาก ถึงจะไม่ตั้งใจก็ตาม
นอกจากความรักที่พ่อแม่มีให้ลูก อย่าลืมที่จะมีความละเอียดอ่อน เข้าใจในอารมณ์ความรู้สึก มีเมตตากรุณาและเห็นอกเห็นใจ
ถ้าให้เห็นภาพมากขึ้น ลองคิดถึงตัวเราในวัยเด็กว่าเราอยากให้พ่อแม่ของเราเป็นแบบไหน ลูกๆก็คงไม่แตกต่างนักค่ะ
The doctor impressed the character of 'Uncle Tum' in the One Year 365-day series. Her home from many scenes in the past shows Uncle Tum is an example of parents who are delicate and understand the emotion of their feelings. My kids.
A footprint for those who didn't watch this series is about the 2 families that each family and parents are planning to marry. The family of ' Uncle Tum ' and ' Mother Mook ', each of them are all. Already have my own kids
One day Mom Pearl told me that Uncle Tum and family will move together at mother's house, mother's and child's house because later they will become family. Mother Mook's decision makes some kids unhappy.
Especially 'Sapphire' 3nd daughter, second year medical student.
(The following article reveals stories from the series)
Sapphire has a deep desire for mom and dad to be reunited. Sapphire was disappointed when she was going to be remarried. Sapphire was somewhat disappointed when Uncle Tum moved into Sapphire's house. It was one that clearly expressed that she did n' My uncle Tum's face is so big.
But Uncle Tum doesn't get angry or considered by Sapphire's expression that Anti doesn't like her face. Uncle Tum understands the reactions and always observes Sapphire with concern. (Because Sapphire is dropping medical studies, she's not sure. That she really wants to be a doctor or not)
What Uncle Tum never lacks is making delicious food for Sapphire, including all children, both their children and mother's children. Always eating (Uncle Tum has a career as a chef who cooks the order, so cooking. Very delicious)
Because of frustration and annoyance, Uncle Tum Pelin went to sleepover at father's condominium.
There was a scene in which Sapphire made a sandwich for breakfast. But dad told her that she didn't have time to eat. She wanted to go golfing. She wanted to take it to golf, but was in a hurry and didn't care enough. She forgot the sandwich. It's really on the shoe layer. Sapphire should get used to it because father is always like this but I can't help but
Many events later that father expressed that he didn't care about Sapphire. Sapphire finally thinks she'd better go home to Mae Jo
As time goes on, she sees more of Uncle Tum's actions, who she never smiles to speak hard, but keeps cooking for her every meal. What Uncle Tum does to show the delicate care that Sapphire never gets from the important father. Uncle Tum has noticed many details of how Sapphire feels and is.
Uncle Tum also knows that Sapphire is in love with a friend of a woman named ' Sai '. Uncle Tum is the one who talks to mother Muk to understand Sapphire in this story so that Sapphire doesn't have to cover the family about being a lover. Sand anymore. Sapphire is much more relieved.
Even Mae Mook who has been with Sapphire all the time, but it's not as delicate as Uncle Tum.
Many things that appear to make Sapphire open up to Uncle Tum more and more.
Doctors believe that parents love Sapphire so much, but besides the love they give, what parents lack is the subtlety and understanding of emotion that is necessary in any relationship.
But I want to focus on the first relationship that kids have from birth is family relationship. Parents and kids. That's the foundation for developing identity.
If a child feels loved, positively, attentive, intimate parents are delicate. Visualize the child's emotion, understand and accept the child's identity. On the day when the child is wrong, they don't use the emotion and give an opportunity to improve the speculation. That's what they feel like. Pride of yourself. Feel yourself worthy enough to be loved and cared for by close adults. Growing up kids to have good mental health.
Unsensitive relationships, not caring for the feelings of the other. Despite how much love you give to each other, it often causes dissatisfaction and unintentional feelings.
Apart from the love that parents have for children, don't forget to be delicate, understand the emotion, be kind, kind, and compassionate
If you see more pictures, think about yourself in childhood, how we want our parents to be, they wouldn't be different.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The latest results of BMW’s ongoing product offensive are taking centre stage at the brand’s Mondial de l’Automobile 2018 show stand in Paris. Emotion...
「emotion example」的推薦目錄:
- 關於emotion example 在 Cherprang BNK48 Facebook
- 關於emotion example 在 Dan Lok Facebook
- 關於emotion example 在 Dan Lok Facebook
- 關於emotion example 在 CarDebuts Youtube
- 關於emotion example 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube
- 關於emotion example 在 Syed Khairuzman Syed Zain Youtube
- 關於emotion example 在 Mariah Carey - Emotions - YouTube 的評價
emotion example 在 Dan Lok Facebook 八卦
Warning: If you can’t handle the truth, you should probably stop reading this post right here..
When I was in my early 20’s and I was beginning to put some money away for the first time in my life...
It was weird. Really weird.
I was so used to NOT having money, it was actually kind of strange that I now had the opposite problem of having too much money...
Anyway, I decided to save and invest it (after spending a lot of it on stupid stuff).
But here’s where things got interesting...
What I didn’t realize back then, was that investing isn’t that simple. You don’t just take a chunk of your savings and dump it in some real estate or in some other “asset”. It’s a lot more complicated than that.
But that’s what I actually used to think, and that’s what many beginner investors I know think too.
They think they know what they’re doing. They think they’re building their financial future. But they’re actually “gambling” their savings away.
So to protect you from making the same mistakes, here are the 3 warning signs you’re gambling your savings - instead of investing it. (My comments will follow.)
Gambler Alert #1: You Invest In Things You Don’t Understand.
A few weeks ago, I sent out an email about how I took my family’s savings and blew it on an ‘opportunity’ that I didn’t understand at all...
And that if I had just spent some time doing the due diligence, I probably wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake. And I would have saved myself and my family from so much hardship.
And the thing is. I’m not the only one guilty of diving headfirst into “too-good-to-be-true” opportunities…
Many many investors - even experienced investors - go into investments they don’t really understand.
Take Forex Traders for example. Even traders that have been trading for decades don’t always know what they’re doing.
Most of the time they’re just guessing...
Guessing that the US Dollar will go up, or guessing that the US Dollar will go down.
Sure, it’s possible that some amazing traders have gotten trading down to a science.
But what about everyone else?
Are they investing - or are they gambling? You tell me...
Gambler Alert #2: You Invest In Things That Are Emotionally Exciting
“Wow, this investment is going to make it big I’m telling you.”
If you find yourself talking about your investments all the time to friends and family.
That’s a big red flag.
Remember back in 2017 when everyone, including the mainstream media, was talking about Bitcoin?
Everyone was hyped and convinced it would keep rising and rising.
TONS of money was “invested” into Bitcoin.
Some people even re-mortgaged their homes to get in “before it’s too late”.
And that’s what emotion does to you.
It’s no different from a gambler that keeps playing and playing because he is emotionally hooked.
And that brings us to...
Gambler Alert #3: You Have No Exit Strategy
This is why casinos make so much money.
Most gamblers don’t know when to quit...
When they’re on a winning streak. They just keep playing...
“I’m on a roll.”
They think they’ll stay lucky forever.
Instead of cashing out while they can, they just keep playing.
Then when their luck turns and they start losing…
They can’t accept defeat.
Instead of leaving and calling it a night, they keep gambling to “win it all back”.
To “break-even”.
They keep betting and betting and betting.
Until there is nothing left they can bet with...
And the same happens to many investors.
When Bitcoin started falling...
Many didn’t know how to cut their losses.
They were in too deep...
Some even put MORE money in. Hoping it would bounce back and that they’d make twice as much profit.
But that didn’t happen. And it wiped out a lot of people.
Now I’m sure you don’t want that to happen to you. And if you’re anything like me, you’re not looking to gamble your savings anyway.
Here’s What To Do Instead:
If you’re unsure what to invest in, then why not just invest in yourself for now?
What have you got to lose?
That’s what I started doing...
Instead of putting my money in things I didn’t understand…
I just started attending more events, taking more courses, and reading more books.
This gave me an edge over other investors. And when I was ready to start investing, I had shortened the learning curve by a lot.
There’s no reason it can’t be the same for you.
Keep learning and keep growing.
If you’d like to learn the secret investment strategies many wealthy people use year after year to grow their net worth…
👉Put “invest” below and I’ll send you a personal invitation to my upcoming one-time LIVE event in Las Vegas.👈
emotion example 在 Dan Lok Facebook 八卦
Warning: If you can’t handle the truth, you should probably stop reading this post right here..
When I was in my early 20’s and I was beginning to put some money away for the first time in my life...
It was weird. Really weird.
I was so used to NOT having money, it was actually kind of strange that I now had the opposite problem of having too much money...
Anyway, I decided to save and invest it (after spending a lot of it on stupid stuff).
But here’s where things got interesting...
What I didn’t realize back then, was that investing isn’t that simple. You don’t just take a chunk of your savings and dump it in some real estate or in some other “asset”. It’s a lot more complicated than that.
But that’s what I actually used to think, and that’s what many beginner investors I know think too.
They think they know what they’re doing. They think they’re building their financial future. But they’re actually “gambling” their savings away.
So to protect you from making the same mistakes, here are the 3 warning signs you’re gambling your savings - instead of investing it. (My comments will follow.)
Gambler Alert #1: You Invest In Things You Don’t Understand.
A few weeks ago, I sent out an email about how I took my family’s savings and blew it on an ‘opportunity’ that I didn’t understand at all...
And that if I had just spent some time doing the due diligence, I probably wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake. And I would have saved myself and my family from so much hardship.
And the thing is. I’m not the only one guilty of diving headfirst into “too-good-to-be-true” opportunities…
Many many investors - even experienced investors - go into investments they don’t really understand.
Take Forex Traders for example. Even traders that have been trading for decades don’t always know what they’re doing.
Most of the time they’re just guessing...
Guessing that the US Dollar will go up, or guessing that the US Dollar will go down.
Sure, it’s possible that some amazing traders have gotten trading down to a science.
But what about everyone else?
Are they investing - or are they gambling? You tell me...
Gambler Alert #2: You Invest In Things That Are Emotionally Exciting
“Wow, this investment is going to make it big I’m telling you.”
If you find yourself talking about your investments all the time to friends and family.
That’s a big red flag.
Remember back in 2017 when everyone, including the mainstream media, was talking about Bitcoin?
Everyone was hyped and convinced it would keep rising and rising.
TONS of money was “invested” into Bitcoin.
Some people even re-mortgaged their homes to get in “before it’s too late”.
And that’s what emotion does to you.
It’s no different from a gambler that keeps playing and playing because he is emotionally hooked.
And that brings us to...
Gambler Alert #3: You Have No Exit Strategy
This is why casinos make so much money.
Most gamblers don’t know when to quit...
When they’re on a winning streak. They just keep playing...
“I’m on a roll.”
They think they’ll stay lucky forever.
Instead of cashing out while they can, they just keep playing.
Then when their luck turns and they start losing…
They can’t accept defeat.
Instead of leaving and calling it a night, they keep gambling to “win it all back”.
To “break-even”.
They keep betting and betting and betting.
Until there is nothing left they can bet with...
And the same happens to many investors.
When Bitcoin started falling...
Many didn’t know how to cut their losses.
They were in too deep...
Some even put MORE money in. Hoping it would bounce back and that they’d make twice as much profit.
But that didn’t happen. And it wiped out a lot of people.
Now I’m sure you don’t want that to happen to you. And if you’re anything like me, you’re not looking to gamble your savings anyway.
Here’s What To Do Instead:
If you’re unsure what to invest in, then why not just invest in yourself for now?
What have you got to lose?
That’s what I started doing...
Instead of putting my money in things I didn’t understand…
I just started attending more events, taking more courses, and reading more books.
This gave me an edge over other investors. And when I was ready to start investing, I had shortened the learning curve by a lot.
There’s no reason it can’t be the same for you.
Keep learning and keep growing.
If you’d like to learn the secret investment strategies many wealthy people use year after year to grow their net worth…
👉Put “invest” below and I’ll send you a personal invitation to my upcoming one-time LIVE event in Las Vegas.👈
emotion example 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的評價
The latest results of BMW’s ongoing product offensive are taking centre stage at the brand’s Mondial de l’Automobile 2018 show stand in Paris. Emotion-packed design, pioneering technology and an even more richly engaging form of driving pleasure define the character of the new models BMW is presenting at the most important date on Europe’s 2018 car show calendar. The fresh arrivals introduce the brand’s new design language to a number of vehicle segments and represent significant advances in the areas of digitalisation, operation, sustainability and driving dynamics. For example, visitors to the Paris show will discover the first models to feature the new BMW Operating System 7.0, which creates a fully digital grouping of instrument cluster and Control Display and allows system operation to be adapted even more precisely to the driver’s personal preferences.
The BMW Group is set to revolutionise driving pleasure with the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant. From March 2019, BMW drivers and passengers will be joined by an intelligent, digital character that responds to the prompt “Hey BMW”. This will mark the start of a new era for the BMW Group in which drivers will increasingly be able to operate their car and access its functions and information simply by speaking. Further innovations include BMW Laserlight and the Steering and lane control assistant, which are also available for other new models from the brand, plus the unique Reversing Assistant, which takes over steering for reversing manoeuvres in tight areas where visibility is restricted
The selection of series-production models due for market launch in the near future and innovative technology developments preparing to greet visitors to the Paris show from 4 – 14 October 2018 also reflect the rigorous implementation of NUMBER ONE - NEXT. The BMW Group’s corporate strategy spotlights development fields particularly relevant to the company’s future performance, i.e. design, automated driving, connectivity, electrification and services. The advances in these areas presented in Paris underscore the premium carmaker’s leading role in shaping the future of personal mobility. Also of key importance are BMW’s model offensive in the luxury segment (launched with the show premiere of the new BMW 8 Series Coupe), the continued expansion of the BMW X model family with the debut of the new BMW X5 and the addition of the new BMW M5 Competition (fuel consumption combined: 10.8 – 10.7 l/100 km (26.2 – 26.4 mpg imp); CO2 emissions combined: 246 – 243 g/km) to the BMW M GmbH line-up. The BMW Group’s leading role in premium-segment electric mobility is underscored most prominently in Paris by the presentation of the new generation of high-voltage batteries for the BMW i3 (fuel consumption combined: 0.0 l/100 km; electric power consumption combined: 13.1 – 13.0 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km) and BMW i3s (fuel consumption combined: 0.0 l/100 km; electric power consumption combined: 14.6 – 14.0 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km).

emotion example 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube 的評價
- Giới thiệu SIÊU PHẨM từ vựng IELTS cực thú vị mà các bạn không thể bỏ lỡ được. Cuốn sách được thực hiện bởi giáo viên và đội ngũ chuyên môn 8.0-9.0 IELTS đấy.
E-book bao gồm những bí kíp “gia truyền” và tập trung vào 15 chủ đề phổ biến trong phần thi Speaking (bao gồm Education, Children, Travelling, Children,...), và mỗi chủ đề sẽ được chia ra thành các subtopics (chủ đề nhỏ) để việc học từ vựng được cụ thể hơn.
Mỗi topic sẽ có những câu hỏi gợi ý cho cả 3 phần thi, kèm với đó là các từ vựng đặc biệt liên quan đến chủ đề và thú vị hơn, ở cuối mỗi topic sẽ là một bảng thống kê lại từ vựng của cả 3 phần và một bài tập nho nhỏ giúp các bạn học viên nhớ từ thêm. Những từ vựng với độ phổ biển ít và độ khó cao cùng với cách hành văn chắc chắn và đa dạng sẽ là trợ thủ cực kỳ đắc lực giúp cho các chiến binh có thể đạt tới band 7.0 hoặc cao hơn trong kỳ thi IELTS đấy!
Điều đặc biệt hơn nữa là: Mỗi câu trả lời sẽ đi theo ‘Công thức A.R.E.A ĐỘC QUYỀN’ của IELTS Fighter. Trong đó:
A - Answer: Đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp.
R - Reason: Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời.
E - Example: Đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể cho câu trả lời.
A - Alternatives: Có thể đưa ra ý kiến trái chiều cho câu trả lời.
Công thức này như một bộ khung mà người học có thể vận dụng trong cả 3 PARTS của đề thi IELTS Speaking, giúp bài nói có một cấu trúc ổn định mà không cần phải mất nhiều thời gian tư duy tìm ý.
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emotion example 在 Syed Khairuzman Syed Zain Youtube 的評價
The Batteryheadz Colorguard Ensemble presenting their 2015 programme, "Relativity", during the 2015 Jember Open Marching Competition Colorguard Contest in Jember, Indonesia.
"Different observers, in different states of motion, see different realities. To some, an hour seems like a second, to others a second seems like an hour ...
Time is therefore ... an illusion"
This year, the Batteryheadz Colorguard Ensemble explores multiple ideas and concepts behind one of Einstein's greatest work and discovery, the theory of Relativity. In Einstein's theory, time passes differently for different observers, depending on the observers' motion. The prime and most famous example is that of the two hypothetical twins: One of them stays at home, on Earth, while the other journeys into space in an ultra-fast rocket, nearly as fast as the speed of light. Upon returning home, the traveling twin will appear to be younger than the earthbound twin.
Time. Space. Motion. Illusion. Reality.
The Batteryheadz Colorguard Ensemble juggles through these notions, manipulating space, distorting speed and emotion, conceptualised in it's 2015 program, "Relativity".

emotion example 在 Mariah Carey - Emotions - YouTube 的八卦
Watch the official music video for " Emotions " by Mariah Carey Listen to more Mariah Carey: https://MariahCarey.lnk.to/listen_YDSubscribe to ... ... <看更多>