2020年11月30日Live 食譜
特別鳴謝easycook 食譜義工團,快靚正呀🙏🙏
原味曲奇粉 一包
豆蔻粉 半茶匙
丁香粉 半茶匙
薑粉 四茶匙
玉桂粉 兩茶匙
鹽半 茶匙
牛油(室溫) 150 克
雞蛋 一隻
5)將粉團分成兩份,分別放入兩個食用膠袋中,從大粉團取出兩份小粉團,把小粉團放在膠袋的角落裏,然後用木棍把袋中的粉團搓成一薄塊, 封好袋口,然後存放在冰格裏30分鐘至硬身
* 溫馨提示:餅模先沾上少許麵粉然後印出薑餅,會較容易脫模。
* 如果要用糖霜裝飾,須等薑餅放涼後才可開始裝飾
English Version
(YouTube video starts at 17:23. Skip to 31:10.)
Gingerbread Man Cookies
Plain cookie mix - 500g
Butter - 150g (room temperature)
Ginger powder - 4 tsp
Cinnamon powder - 2 tsp
Nutmeg - ½ tsp
Clove powder - ½ tsp
Salt - ½ tsp
Egg - 1 whole
Plastic bags or plastic wrap
1. In a mixing bowl, add in butter and whip until fluffy.
2. Add in plain cookie mix powder, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, clove powder, and salt. Mix well.
3. Add in egg and mix well into a dough.
4. Split the dough into 2 pieces and put each into a plastic bag.
5. Fill the two corners of the plastic bag with doughs and flatten the rest with a rolling pin to your desired even thickness. Seal the plastic bag and put it in the freezer and freeze until the dough is hardened about 30 minutes. Repeat the same with the other dough in the plastic bag.
6. Once the dough is hardened, remove plastic bag and shape into pieces with cookie cutter. Dip the cookie cutter into some flour for easy release and prevent stickiness.
7. Bake at 180C (350F) for about 12 – 15 minutes. Serve.
📌 紅椒,青椒,黃椒各一個
📌 車厘茄數粒
📌 急凍龍蝦尾4 - 5隻,視乎氣炸鍋容量。
📌 橄欖油少許
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 鹽少許
📌 牛油少許
📌 鹽少許
📌 黑胡椒粉少許
📌 蒜頭少許
1. 紅椒,青椒,黃椒切細件,加入橄欖油,黑胡椒,鹽,之後連同車厘茄放入氣炸鍋用200度焗3分鐘。
2. 龍蝦尾用手將它屈鬆,之後用長匙羹尾端篤入龍蝦尾底部,貼住內殼篤入,用意把龍蝦肉與殼分離。之後再屈鬆龍蝦尾數下。
3. 用剪刀沿著龍蝦尾背部中間剪開殼,剪到最尾一格停,再向左右兩邊打橫剪一剪。
4. 用尖的刀仔篤入龍蝦尾兩邊側邊向入刮一刮,用意令龍蝦肉離開龍蝦殼,之後用手指伸入龍蝦尾底部用力頂龍蝦肉出來,直至到尾段停止。(此時狀態是3/4的龍蝦肉躺在龍蝦尾殼上)之後見到腸部除去,再把龍蝦尾用清水沖乾淨,索乾水份。之後龍蝦尾放在枱上攤開。
5. 碗內放入牛油,黑胡椒粉,鹽,蒜頭碎,撈勻。用匙羹刮一羹牛油塗在龍蝦肉上,直至全部龍蝦肉塗上牛油。
6. 氣炸鍋內的紅椒,黃椒,青椒,車厘茄倒出在碟上,備用。
7. 龍蝦再攤開尾部,逐隻逐隻平放入氣炸鍋內。用200度焗9 - 10分鐘。焗好後後取出,鋪在步驟6的碟上,之後用掃將已溶的牛油掃上在龍蝦肉上,即成。
English Version
(YouTube video starts at 3:29. Skip to 23:11 for finished products.)
Baked Lobster Tails with Garlic and Butter and Cherry Tomatoes
Frozen Lobster tails
(Defrost and flex it a couple of times on both sides to loosen the meat by holding onto both ends of the lobster tail. Stick a chopstick into the underside and loosen the meat. Cut the upper shell through the center all the way to the tail and cut a vertical slit.
Use a small knife to carefully loosen the meat on both sides of the shell because frozen lobster tail meat tends to stick to the shell.
Slowly wiggle the meat out from the shell with your hand but leave the last part of the meat intact with the tail. Air fry with the shell on will retain its moisture and better presentation. Clean away any debris and pat dry.)
Vegetable Ingredients:
Bell peppers - cut into chunks (green, red, yellow)
Cherry tomatoes
Seasoning Ingredients:
Olive oil
Black pepper
Garlic, minced
1. In a bowl, add in bell pepper chunks. Spray a bit of olive oil and add salt and black pepper. Mix well. Transfer to air fryer. Add in cherry tomatoes. Cook for 3 – 4 minutes at 200C. After 3 – 4 minutes, transfer to a serving plate and arrange nicely.
2. In a bowl, add in butter, salt, black pepper, and minced garlic. Mix well. Scoop a spoonful and smear on top of lobster tail meat.
3. Transfer lobster tails to the air fryer. Flatten the tail fins nicely. Cook at 200C for 9 minutes for juicy tender or 10 minutes for chewier texture.
4. Optional to drizzle melted butter on top before serving.
同時也有179部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428萬的網紅emi wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS 訂閱我的頻道你不會後悔☺ ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi ♡ADD ME ON 成為我的朋友☺ Instagram: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiw...
easy on 中文 在 Facebook 八卦
20210417 live recipes
材料: 桂花魚或其他魚,帶甜咸酸菜,大豆芽 ,泡椒 ,辣椒干,花椒 ,薑,蔥,紅辣椒,花椒
醃魚肉味料: 鹽少許,一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許
做法: 1 燒熱鑊落油,猛火煎香魚骨,鹽少許,加滾水煮至湯濃白隔起魚骨
2 魚肉加鹽拌勻至感覺有些膠質後加一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許拌勻待用
3 咸酸菜片薄切塊,白鑊炒至乾身
4 落油將薑絲,蔥頭,泡椒,大豆芽,咸酸菜炒香
5 開火煲熱魚湯落魚肉加鹽,菇粉各少許稍滾,魚肉鏟起放做法 4 面上,繼而淋上魚湯加一匙白醋
6 燒熱鑊落油爆香辣椒干及花椒後倒入酸菜魚湯內,紅椒粒,蔥花飾面
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Hot and Sour Fish Soup with Pickled Mustard Greens
(YouTube video starts at 1:33.)
Fish - 1 large sea bass (or your choice of fish)
(Separate the meat from the bones and head. Thinly slice the meat at 45-degree angle into bite size pieces. For larger pieces, make a slit in the center of each slice. Set aside.)
Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
(Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
(Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)
Chinese pickled green chili (“pao jiao”) - 1 jar
Ginger shreds
Garlic pieces
Bean sprouts
Salt - to taste
Mushroom seasoning powder - to taste
White vinegar - 1 tbsp
Potato starch noodles or glass noodles “fensi” - optional to add into the soup
Fish soup base ingredients:
Fish bones
Fish head
Ginger slices - for frying the fish bones and head
Ginger slices - for making the soup
A dash of salt
Very hot boiling water (to make the fish soup creamy white)
Marinade fish meat ingredients:
Salt - a dash
Egg white - 1
White pepper - a dash
Garnish ingredient:
Dried chili
Sichuan peppercorns
Green onion pieces
Fresh red chili pieces
Sichuan peppercorn oil
1. In a bowl, add in all the fish meat, a dash of salt, and thoroughly mix until slightly sticky. Add in 1 egg white, a dash white pepper, and mix well. Set aside.
2. Heat up a wok to very hot and add oil. Sprinkle in a dash of salt, add in ginger slices, and add in fish bones and head to make the soup base. Fry them until fragrant and golden brown on HIGH heat, and remove the ginger slices.
3. Add in very hot boiling water, add ginger slices, and bring it to a boil and cook until creamy white. Turn off heat and remove all the fish bones and head and pour the soup through a strainer into a bowl.
4. Return the soup back to the wok and add in marinated fish meat prepared in Step 1 and simmer until cooked. Add in salt and mushroom seasoning powder to taste. Set aside.
5. Heat up a wok, add in oil. Add in ginger shreds, garlic pieces, Chinese pickled green chili, and stir fry until fragrant. Add in bean sprouts, Chinese pickled mustard greens, and mix well. Add in cooked fish meat and fish soup.
6. Drizzle in 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
7. Heat up a separate frying pan, and add oil. Add in dried chili, Sichuan peppercorns, and pour on top of the soup.
8. Garnish with fresh red chili and green onion pieces.
9. Drizzle Sichuan peppercorn oil on top.
材料: 牛肉,青紅辣椒,咸菜
香料: 薑一片,蒜一粒
醃料: 糖少許,胡椒粉少許,鼔油,生粉適量
做法: 1 牛肉先醃備用
2 落油爆香薑,蒜,青紅辣椒,落牛肉炒,最後加咸菜炒勻即可
備註: 咸菜有二隻,一帶甜,另一帶咸,今次是帶甜
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Stir Fried Beef with Pickled Mustard Greens
(YouTube video starts at 26:56.)
Beef steak slices
(You can replace with beef tenderloin or pork.)
Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
(Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
(If you are using the SALTY type, just add more sugar.)
(Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)
Red and green sweet bell peppers - sliced
Minced ginger
Minced garlic - 1 clove
Marinade beef ingredients:
Cooking oil
Light soya sauce
White pepper
Corn starch / flour
1. In a bowl, add in sliced beef steak, cooking oil, sugar, light soya sauce, white pepper, corn starch, and mix well. Set aside.
2. Heat up a wok, add oil. Add in minced ginger, minced garlic, red and green sweet bell pepper slices, marinated beef slices, and briefly stir fry until fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.
3. Heat up the wok, add Chinese pickled mustard greens. Optional to add sugar now if you find it salty.
4. Return the partially cooked beef back to the wok, and mix well. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.
凍滾水 250 ml
奶 250 ml
魚膠粉 35 gr (可改用魚膠片5-6片)
沙糖 100 gr (可依個人喜好加減)
棷奶 1罐
芒果 2-3個
1. 凍滾水、奶 、魚膠粉、沙糖放入煲內,開中大火煮,邊煮邊輕輕攪拌至魚膠粉和糖完全溶解。
2. 加入棷奶,攪拌至混合後關火,放涼備用。注意:加入棷奶後不要煮太久,以避免油水分解。
3. 芒果去皮切粗條或粗粒,排放入糕盆內,倒入已放涼棷奶混合液,蓋好後放入雪櫃雪至硬身便可
肥媽 Maria Cordero
YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
Mango Coconut Pudding
(YouTube video starts at 35:35.)
Drinking water - 250ml (do not use tap water)
Milk - 250ml
Gelatin powder - 35g (or replace with agar agar)
Sugar - 100g or to taste
Coconut milk - 1 can
(Add in last to avoid the oil separating, which will result in two layers when pudding is set.)
Fresh mangos - cut into your choice of designs. (Cubes or strips or floral.)
(Cut into THICK pieces to avoid pieces from moving.)
1. In a cooking pot, add in drinking water, milk, gelatin powder, sugar, and cook until sugar and gelatine have melted and little bubbles appear by continue stirring.
2. Add in coconut milk and taste test for sweetness.
3. Let it cool down to room temperature.
4. In a mould, add in fresh mango pieces on the bottom layer then pour coconut milk mixture on top.
5. Put in the refrigerator to set.
6. Cut into cubes. Serve.
To create mango layers:
Optional to layer mango pieces on the bottom of the mould then refrigerate until they are a bit dehydrated and stick to the mould. This is to prevent them from moving or floating.
Once the mango pieces are set on the bottom of the mould, pour half of the coconut milk mixture in and set in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, or once the pudding is set, add the remaining mango pieces, coconut milk mixture, and refrigerate it until set and firm. You may create more than 2 layers.
Once set, loosen the pudding from the mould and transfer to a serving plate with the bottom of the pudding facing upward displaying the mango pieces design. Slice and serve.
easy on 中文 在 光良 Michael Wong Facebook 八卦
【廿周年疯狂回馈 破天荒全馆票价一律九九】
由28Stage 主办、 Spritzer 荣誉呈献、vivo智能手机荣誉赞助、988为指定媒体伙伴、Capri By Fraser为指定酒店、Redbox & Greenbox Karaoke为指定卡拉OK,光良《回忆里的疯狂》演唱会将于2015年4月18日晚上7时正于吉隆坡布特拉室内体育馆疯狂开唱。恰逢2015年是光良出道20周年,为了回馈歌迷这廿年来不离不弃的支持,主办单位打破多种票价选择的传统模式,破天荒全馆座位单一票价,一律马币九十九(RM99),势必引起狂购热潮。有关门票将于12月10日踏12点正抢先透过 www.ticketcharge.com.my 网络预售,之后再到全马三地进行门票签售会。12月9日晚上11点30分光良也会亲临988电台的【今晚最night听】现场,与歌迷及听众朋友于空中一起倒数和call in互动;随之光良则会在12/12至14/12期间于八打灵、马六甲及槟城各举办签售会,凡现场购买演唱会门票者皆可获得【光良2015限量月历卡】及光良的亲笔签名。大家勿错过仅此一次的疯狂回馈,错过也许就要再等另一个廿年了。
继北京、成都、上海、马尼拉等站的巡回演唱会后,回到主场马来西亚站将在演唱会内容上会有什么惊喜呢?那大家就要亲自身处演唱会才能知道啦,所以不要错过购票详情,欲知票务详情除了锁定988电台,敬请浏览主办单位官方网站 www.28Stage.com 或 指定票务代理网站 www.ticketcharge.com.my 及热线03-92228811询问。
【Michael Wong《Crazy Memories》Tour │Live in Malaysia is Significance】
【Feedback of 20th Anniversary │Concert Tickets with ONLY RM99】
【18th April 2015 │Pursue His 20 Years Music Memories Together With Fans】
It is not an easy task for someone to be in Chinese Music Industry for 20 years yet still actively and contributing. This is definitely a ‘crazy' journey. Michael Wong has produced a lot of crazy, touching and romantic memories songs for the Chinese Music Industry such as "Palm掌心", "Sad Subway伤心地铁", his solo hit songs "First Time第一次", "Courage勇气", "Fairy Tale童话", "Commitment约定", "Crazy Memory回忆里的疯狂" and etc. In order to commemorate his 20 years of music journey, Michael Wong and his Malaysia Artistes Management and Recording Label, 28Stage has decide to have an unprecedented concert inviting Malaysian fans to enjoy the crazy memory together.
Organized by 28Stage, Presented by Spritzer, Sponsored by vivo, with 988 as Official Media Partner, Capri by Fraser as Official Hotel, Redbox & Greenbox Karaoke as Official Karaoke, Michael Wong 【Crazy Memories】Tour, Live in Malaysia will be held on 18th April 2015, 7.00P.M at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil. In conjunction with Michael Wong’s 20th Anniversary in the music industry and the abundances support from his fans for all these years, the Organizer breaks the traditional model of variety choices of ticket fare by selling the concert ticket of each seat with only RM99. There will be a concert ticket Pre-sale on 10th December 2014, 12.00A.M via www.ticketcharge.com.my, following with three ticket launching and autograph sessions in Malaysia. Michael Wong will be doing a live interview at 988 on 9th December 2014 at 11:30P.M in order to countdown the Pre-sale and interact with fans with call in session; he shall appear in the ticket launching and autograph session in Petaling Jaya, Melaka and Penang from 12th December to 14th December 2014. Those who purchase the concert tickets on the selected day will able to get his autograph and also the limited 【Michael Wong Calendar 2015】.
The concert will definitely be a time tunnel of Michael Wong’s musical journey in conjunction with his 20th Anniversary. “In these 20 years, I witnessed my fans grown up from high school students who then became the wife and husband, and also realizing the growth of myself in both my composing and mindset, I appreciate these 20 years so much and wish to relive these years together with all of you, I believe this would be inevitably touching night for us."
"After all, the fans in Malaysia are those who accompanied me and participated the completed 20 years in my musical journey, therefore the concert will certainly include many of our shared memories, I can't reveal too much regarding the details but I will try to discuss with the concert director in order to make some program adjustments specially for Malaysian Fans."
Followed by the Concert tour in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Manila, will Michael Wong’s 【Crazy Memories】 Tour, Live in Malaysia contains any surprising content which is superior to other concert? Find it out on your own by joining the concert, do not miss the ticketing details, for more information, kindly stay tuned to 988 (radio station), log on to the Organizer official website www.28stage.com or go to the appointed ticket agency website www.ticketcharge.com.my and also the hotline 03-92228811 for any inquiries.
easy on 中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的評價
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easy on 中文 在 Eric周興哲 Youtube 的評價
📌 中文/English/한글/อักษรไทย/Bahasa Indonesia subtitles are available.
(Please click on 'CC' button)
🎧 Stream/Download here : https://eric.lnk.to/WWWY
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※ POP EDM 混搭 Future Bass ,打造時尚電氣新感受
※ 與瑞典製作人 Freddy Häggstam 再度攜手合作,橫跨地球找尋愛的理由
周興哲再度與瑞典知名製作人 Freddy Häggstam 的國際音樂團隊合作,攜手打造 POP EDM 混搭 Future Bass 的電子新曲風,在朗朗上口的歌詞與深具感染力的旋律下,成功營造出一種全新的時尚感受。兩人相隔半個地球透過數十次的 Email 往來,不斷互相修改、調整、撞擊出新的想法,才終於完成這首充滿國際前衛感的獨特情歌。當男孩愛上一個女孩時,從眼睛到笑聲、從個性到感受,所有的一切都是《That’s why I like you》
・Song Lyrics・
You're the one that
I've been looking for
Good hearted
Cute and beautiful
I can't take my eyes off you
Cuz you're the reason
That I think I'm falling
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
You're the one that
I've been looking for
Good hearted
Cute and beautiful
I can't take my eyes off you
Cuz you're the reason
That I think I'm falling
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
In love with you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
That's why I like you
Girl I can be your sunshine
You can be my blue sky
I'm falling for your brown eyes
Easy going my type
I like your imperfection
I like our crazy laughter
I like my world better
When I'm here with you
That's why I like you
索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan Instagram
索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan CPOP
#周興哲 #EricChou #주흥철
easy on 中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的評價
Hope you enjoy this stretching routine that you can do in bed - in the morning / before you sleep. It is perfect for improving flexibility, winding down, relaxation and stress relief (:
♡This video is in partnership with Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong
Importance of STRETCHING:
✔ELONGATES the muscles that are tight after working out
✔Reduces muscle soreness and the chances of cramping
✔Increases flexibility & range of motion and allows you to get the most out of your workouts (sometimes you might not be able to do some movements due to lack of flexibility)
✔Improves blood circulation to your joints and muscles
✔Reduces the risk of injuries
♡SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS ► http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi
INSTAGRAM: @EmiWong_ ► https://www.instagram.com/emiwong_
FACEBOOK: Emi Wong ► https://www.facebook.com/StayFitandTravel/
Girl in her 20s. Living in Hong Kong, working a full time office job in Marketing and making YouTube videos on the side. Also a Certified Advanced Personal Trainer.
(: MY FAVOURITE THINGS: Workout To Eat, My Family, Dog & Boyfriend
♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/14B6ipvBQ5pyP49lQ1KCjz?si=4QlubtsSS3SNKSiOFwdrkw
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aarre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AarreMusic/
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easy on 中文 在 Adele【中文字幕/英文翻譯歌詞】 - Easy On Me - YouTube 的八卦
Hey guys! Easy On Me is the lead single from Adele's latest album "30" which is the first new music since the release of her third studio ... ... <看更多>