First impression that I had when I read this news is that I could not believe that they committed such an old-fashioned crime I mean buying votes is old buying votes is such an old crime I mean these guys I mean this couple married couple they must be smart right these people must be smart and did they really think did they really think that they could get away with this I mean buying votes come on I mean someone's going to know I mean you have to pay somebody right so if this guy talks then you're screwed right I mean it might have worked it might have worked 50 years ago when there was no internet or social network but like modern society like today no no no no it's not going to work because it's so hard it's almost impossible to keep people quiet nowadays right so I was in a way disappointed I have 24 seconds I was kind of disappointed that you know smart people like these guys committed such an old-fashioned crime I guess they were desperate they must have been desperate to commit such an old-fashioned crime so you know what but you know right now they are only suspects you know you know that the crime has not been confirmed so let's just let's just wait I guess the trial will take a long time in a case like this it's going to take a while but let's just wait until the court decides the final decision the court makes a final decision.
英会話講師 / ビデオブロガー
ロサンゼルス13年在住 / ラスベガス2年在住
アメリカ人との結婚 / 離婚を経験する (T_T)
TOEICスコアは「L&R」「S&W」 ともに9割以上
英語発音テスト(EPT) 95点
中京テレビ PS三世 出演
名古屋テレビ UP! 出演
NHK 所さん!大変ですよ 取材協力

ept court 在 詢問Ept白鞋的心得- 穿搭板 - Dcard 的八卦
最近被這雙小白鞋燒的不要不要的~是我愛的奶油底很可愛! 只是價格有點貴是需要讓人考慮到價格想問有人買過了嗎好穿嗎耐走嗎值得買嗎? ... <看更多>