#蘋果 //曾任職傳媒工作多年的立法會議員毛孟靜說,短時間內收集到近5.9萬人簽名,反映香港人支持香港電台和新聞自由。她指,港台內部明明已完成對利君雅的投訴調查,現時突然又要重啟,「連法律上都無double jeopardy,雙重審訊」。
double jeopardy 在 黃浩銘 Raphael Wong Facebook 八卦
政府就著《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》準備向聯合國提交第四份報告,早前在赤柱監獄服刑的村長,乘著保釋外出的機會,出席立法會公聽會。他以第一身受害人講述,因律政司掛名以刑期覆核而重判「13+3」,令十二個國際法律權威批評香港實行 Double Jeopardy (雙重刑罰)作例證,說明香港的人權狀況嚴重倒退。他又細述在上次向聯合國提交人權報告至今,香港特區政府踐踏公民權利及人權自由所做過的種種醜事,要求政府不要向聯合國提交報告,以免自暴其短,淪為國際笑話。村長稱要麼不要提交報告,如果要提交就把所有人的異議全部寫進報告中。
今天本來在陳寶瑩女士發言前,我是想叫政府今次不要再交這份報告,原因是因為政府是交不出來的,七年以來有這麼多的醜事發生,有白皮書、 8‧31 人大決定、確認書、DQ議員、刑期覆核13+3、一地兩檢,遲些還有國歌法及廿三條,香港政府可以交甚麼出去呢?我原先想叫你們不要交報告了,不過諗諗吓又改變了主意,我認為政府應該將我們的異議,即公聽會上所有人提出的異議,全部清楚列入報告中。事先聲明,政府的報告應該包含我們的異議,不要在這兒整色整水。
現在我和黃之鋒就是因為你們律政司的刑期覆核,給十二個國際法律權威指香港 Double Jeopardy(雙重刑罰),醜唔醜呀?是否告訴聯合國呀?唔該你們將我們的意見講清楚,我們的異議是值得保留的!
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double jeopardy 在 Dr Mohd Daud Bakar - Shariah Minds - Minda Syariah Facebook 八卦
Walk the Talk
I was attending the graduation ceremony of Adni Islamic School at ISTAC of IIUM the whole morning today. This is my first time attending their graduation ceremony.
I was requested to talk on Walk the Talk...an easy topic to talk about but the most challenging one to put in practice. I have put this qualification in my opening remarks. The topic is already of double jeopardy.
Before I share my own personal journey on walking the talk, i touched on the culture of recognition and awarding in the Islamic community. According to my own observation and estimation, it is not easy for us to recognise others and to award them what they deserve. Hence, if we can overcome this bad habit of ours though on a small scale, the impact will be huge particularly on our young generations.
Then, I enligthened on the very basis from the Quran why walk the talk is essential in our life. It will be of great sin to preach and articulate something without having any intention and determination at all to convert those words (and writings) into actionable actions and real actions.
On the theme of walk to talk, I have impressed on 6 verticals of life which are directed towards multi-talented and multi-faceted personality. The future would require everyone to be trendy and of multiple talents and multiple tasks.
This short speech of mine is available in youtube and in my personal FB.
Congratulations to our beloved sons and daughters of Adni Islamic school, their parents and their teachers.
double jeopardy 在 雙重追訴,double jeopardy,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢! 的相關結果
指對實質上同一的罪行給予兩次起訴、審判、定罪或科刑。禁止對當事人的同一罪行進行雙重追訴是英美法上一項重要的訴訟原則。美國憲法第五條修正案具體規定了這一原則,美國 ... ... <看更多>
double jeopardy 在 double jeopardy中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
The reason for that provision was avoidance of what is known as "double jeopardy"—trying someone twice for the same offence. ... <看更多>
double jeopardy 在 Double jeopardy - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Double jeopardy is a procedural defence that prevents an accused person from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges following an acquittal and ... ... <看更多>