7 天前 — dislocate的翻譯. 中文(簡體). 使骨头错位,使脱臼, 扰乱,干扰… 查看更多內容. 西班牙語. dislocarse, trastornar, dislocar… 查看更多內容.
#2. dislocate 中文- 脫臼… - 查查在線詞典
vt. 1.使脫離原來位置;使(骨關節)脫位,使脫臼。 2.打亂…的正常秩序,弄亂…的位置;使混亂。
使用Reverso Context: One day, we both go down, I dislocate my hip, he fractures his femur pretty bad.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"dislocate"
#4. dislocation - 錯置 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 食品科技, dislocation, 移位,錯位. 學術名詞 舞蹈名詞, DISLOCATION, 脫臼. 學術名詞 化學名詞-化學術語
英語釋義 · put out of its usual place, position, or relationship;. "The colonists displaced the natives" · move out of position;. "dislocate joints".
dislocate (vt.)脫臼,弄亂.
#7. dislocate - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"dislocate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... cause of mass poverty, as such conflicts decimate economies and dislocate societies.
肩脫臼(dislocated shoulder)指的是肱骨頭脫離肩關節盂的脫臼,其症狀包括肩痛和關節不穩定。 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
dislocate. 脫臼,弄亂. PyDict ; dislocated. dislocate的動詞過去式、過去分詞. Dr.eye 譯典通 ; dislocating. dislocate的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr.eye 譯典通.
#10. commercial break 的中文翻釋|影音字典
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#11. dislocate 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
dislocate 中文 意思是什麼. 音標['disləkeit]. dislocate 解釋. vt. 及物動詞 1. 使脫離原來位置;使(骨關節)脫位,使脫臼。 2. 打亂…的正常秩序,弄亂…
#12. 'dislocate' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'dislocate' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#13. Quantum Break《量子裂痕》中文版4/5上市時間就是力量 ...
台灣微軟特別在今日舉辦Quantum Break《量子裂痕》中文版搶先試玩體驗會。此款遊戲以重量級的好萊塢卡司陣容擔綱遊戲主角群,經過漫長努力打造出如同 ...
#14. 治療關節脫位|Treat joint dislocation 賈國華林晏任周志中
5. 髕骨(Patella)脫位:以外脫位(Lateral dislocation)為主 · 6. 踝關節(Ankle)脫位 · (1) 多合併骨折,用復位過渡至骨科治療。 · (2) 後脫位。 · (3) 前脫位 ...
#15. 今日短语/ To break the ice 破冰,打破冷场 - BBC
Learning English · Inspiring language learning since 1943. 中文 改变语言. Features 专题. 随身英语Features 专题 · 地道 ...
#16. dislocate [՝disləkeit] - 抓鸟
dislocate 的解释是:脱臼, 使脱位, 混乱… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:dislocate的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#17. 髖關節脫臼| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
Hip dislocation典型發生在沒有繫安全帶造成的交通事故,acetabular fracture和內側femoral head的shear fracture都可能會發生,femoral head 的血流供應和sciatic nerve也 ...
#18. 學英文_ break down的5種意思 - Funday
提到break down這個片語,大家首先會想到什麼意思呢?跟著以下FUNDAY部落格的解說來學習吧。 My car broke down yesterday. 這句 ...
#19. word-break - CSS(层叠样式表) - MDN Web Docs
使用默认的断行规则。 break-all: 对于non-CJK (CJK 指中文/日文/韩文) 文本,可在任意字符间断行。
#20. dislocate - 读音、用法- DictABC.COM
❷⓿❷❶ 】dislocate是什么意思、dislocate发音和在线翻译,dislocate怎么读,dislocate中文意思、读音、用法、例句、含义...
#21. dislocate - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS在线词典
#22. 精裝英文繪本Cry,Heart,But Never Break (中文版為「好好哭吧」)
繪本圖畫書#故事書#親子共讀#英文繪本#同理心購買精裝英文繪本Cry,Heart,But Never Break (中文版為「好好哭吧」)—用故事學習面對死亡.
#23. 從break認識英文片語動詞|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
The security guard grabbed him, but him managed to break away. 警衛抓住了他,可是他設法逃脫了。 A number of members of the party broke away to form a rival ...
#24. 各種「放假」的英文:vacation、 holiday、break差別在哪?
關於假期、放假的英文單字有不少?這篇就來介紹vacation、 holiday、break、getaway等英文假期的用法。 標籤: 放假, Vacation, holiday, Getaway, ...
#25. 中文歌詞翻譯Lady Antebellum - Heart Break
圖片來源同歌詞建議大家用電腦版瀏覽.排版比較流暢也方便閱讀懷舊女郎Lady Antebellum 回來啦看歌名Heart Break 以為要分享什麼傷心的愛情故事才發現 ...
#26. 【英文片語】 break除了打破還有什麼意思?10個跟 ... - Engoo
甚至有時候會跟中文的用法很像,. 今天小編就要來跟大家介紹“break”除了「打破」還有什麼其他意思唷! 1. break into 闖入. 如果要說有人跑進來我家,.
#27. dislocate中文翻译和例句 - 词典
dislocate中文 翻译、例句和音频发音。 ... He had always lived a very dislocated life, with neither hearth nor home, having been deprived of his parents early ...
#28. 單字dislocate的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
dislocate中文 意思: dislocate [dislәkeit; (-) 'dislәukeit] vt.脫臼,使...脫位,(使交通、機器、事務等)混亂..., 學習dislocate發音, dislocate例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#29. break中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
break 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有3931影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#30. dislocate中文 - 全民學英文
#31. Carrie Underwood. Smoke Break 中文歌詞 - 繪緹的紙舟。 - 痞 ...
鄉村天后Carrie出了新單曲! 這首Smoke Break著實地描寫了小人物的心聲。 畢竟人非聖賢,被照顧的我們要懂得關心與體諒。 但是辛勤努力的人別忘了, ...
#32. 工作時好意通知have a rest,老外卻錯愕?講到休息 - 經理人
中文 的「休息」最具體的是指身體累了,需要休息:Go home and have a rest. ... 開會中間的休息,不是have a rest,用take a break 才恰當。
#33. 工作時好意通知have a rest,老外卻不領情...一次看懂中英文 ...
中文 裡說的「休息」也有可能「中斷的概念」,不是真的休養式的休息,是例如午間休息,會議的中場休息,這時不用rest,而是break:.
#34. 【量子裂痕】- XBOX ONE中文劇情電影- 第一集- Quantum Break
【量子裂痕】- XBOX ONE中文劇情電影- 第一集- Quantum Break - Full Movie - Episode 1 - 量子破碎- 最強無損畫質. 108,227 views108K views.
#35. 英语-汉语dislocation翻译
#36. 肩关节脱位- 症状与病因- 妙佑医疗国际
Sherman SC, et al. Shoulder dislocation and reduction. Accessed June 30, 2014. Dislocated shoulder. American ...
#37. 澳洲遊學- ==每日一句== 英文: give me a break 中文: 別煩我用法
每日一句== 英文: give me a break 中文: 別煩我用法: 大家應該都知道take a break, 這裡的give me a break 意思不太一樣唷,這句話通常帶點負面的味道, ...
#38. 骨科診斷與手術
中文 診斷. ACL rupture rupture:anterior cruciate ligament rupture 前十字靭帶破裂 ... Acromio-Clavical Joint Dislocation. 肩峰鎖骨關節脫位.
#39. Never Break - 約翰傳奇(John Legend)|MyMusic 懂你想聽的
Never Break-歌詞-Oh, yeahWe got a good thing, babeWhenever life is hardWe\'ll never lose our way\'Cause we both know who we areWho knows about tomorrow?
#40. 跳出迴圈break | C++與演算法
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 0; while( 1 ) { cout << i << endl; if( i>10 ) { break; } i = i+1; } return 0; } ...
#41. How To Reduce Anterior Shoulder Dislocations Using the ...
Open dislocations require surgery, but closed reduction techniques and immobilization should be done as interim treatment if the orthopedic surgeon is ...
#42. I SEE STARS - Break -中文翻譯@ 隨意窩Xuite 影音
I SEE STARS - Break -中文翻譯. HD. 個人短片. 2018-11-03 01:58 47 0. 相關推薦. 03:53. I SEE STARS - Break -中文翻譯. Patrick. 2018-11-03 01:58.
#43. 使用頁首、頁尾、頁碼和註腳- 電腦- 文件編輯器說明
中文 (繁體). dansk; Deutsch; English; English (United Kingdom); español; español (Latinoamérica); français; Indonesia; italiano; Nederlands ...
#44. Quantum Break 中文版4/5 上市,無法罷手的感官體驗搶先試
全球玩家引頸期待,由Remedy Entertainment與Microsoft Studios攜手合作的最新重量級大作Quantum Break《量子裂痕》中文版即將於4月5日全球同步上市, ...
#45. Demi Lovato-Give Your Heart A Break 讓心休息中文歌詞
這首歌我也挺喜歡的~ Demi Lovato在2011年的歌Give Your Heart A Break The day I first met you 我遇見你的第一天You told.
#46. 翻译'dislocate' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ dislocate”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中dislocate的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#47. DISLOCATION 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
DISLOCATION ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“DISLOCATION” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#48. 终止执行for 或while 循环- MATLAB break - MathWorks 中国
此MATLAB 函数终止执行for 或while 循环。不执行循环中在break 语句之后显示的语句。
#49. Dua Lipa - Break My Heart 中文歌詞翻譯 - The ONE. - 痞客邦
[Verse 1] I've always been the one to say the first goodbye 一直以來我都是先說再見的人Had to love and lose a.
#50. Workforce Development Division | WIA-Dislocated Worker
The Dislocated Worker Program helps those that have been recently laid-off from their previous job and provided through a ... 中文– CHINESE: Cantonese ...
#51. CSS line-break属性与中文标点换行« 张鑫旭-鑫空间
CSS line-break属性专门中文、日文这样的语言设计,主要用来设置一些连字符和中文标点的换行规则,关键时候会有有用,建议进来了解下。
#52. dislocate 中文意思是什麼
dislocate 中文 意思是什麼 ... vt. 及物動詞 1. 使脫離原來位置;使(骨關節)脫位,使脫臼。 2. 打亂…的正常秩序,弄亂…的位置;使混亂。 ... 他建議我不要把錢包放在後袋, ...
#53. 顳顎關節脫臼急診處置(TMJ dislocation) - 小逸文筆記
顳顎關節(temporal mandibular joint)脫臼 ... 非外傷性脫臼,最常見是前位脫臼,下頜骨髁突(condylar process of mandible)往前移位。 徒手復位.
#54. 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#55. Difficult wrist fractures. Perilunate fracture-dislocations of the ...
Perilunate dislocations of the wrist have a common pathway of disruption that occurs from extensive dorsiflexion injuries. Open reduction and internal ...
#56. dislocation的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文 ...
dislocation. 5个回答. 错位 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 脱臼, 位置错乱, 转位 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 脱臼 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名. 脱位
#57. Optical Microfiber Phase Modulator Directly Driven with Low ...
... and can be driven by dislocated pump light. It has promising application in all fiber-optics sensing system and integrated optics. English | 简体中文 ...
#58. Ezekiel J. Emanuel - The New York Times
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版Leer en español ... These decisive measures can prevent a decade of dislocation and extraordinary levels of deaths.
#59. 中国科学院力学研究所机构知识库(IMECH-IR): 主页
记住我. 取消 登录. 切换中国科技网通行证登录. ×. 切换中国科技网通行证登录. 登录. 取消. 中文版 | English · 中国科学院力学研究所机构知识库.
#60. IMF cuts 2022 global growth forecast to 3.6 pct amid Russia ...
"We are not anticipating that there will be immediately severe dislocation, but you could see countries sort of de-globalizing or reverting ...
#61. IMF Executive Board Approves the Establishment of a Multi ...
IMF staff continue to engage closely with the authorities on their emergency response to the economic dislocations brought about by the war ...
#62. Clinical outcomes of left bundle branch area pacing | IJGM
... in implantation, high capture thresholds, electrode dislocation and lower success rates particularly in patients with infranodal block.
#63. Internal Revenue Service | An official website of the United ...
Pay your taxes. Get your refund status. Find IRS forms and answers to tax questions. We help you understand and meet your federal tax responsibilities.
#64. 已完结 - 科研通
... Management, and Outcomes of Lunate and Perilunate Dislocations ... 求助中文书籍),书籍章节(30分),中英学位论文(50分,禁止求助“中文书籍” ...
#65. Permian gas production at risk by late 2023 as midstream ...
... westbound, eastbound and Mexico-bound transmission capacity – analysts predict that basis price dislocations, flaring and other downside ...
#66. How insurers can promote resilience in the face of climate ...
Unintended consequences associated with energy transition: short-term economic dislocations might fall on those able to bear them.
#67. In vying for economic preeminence in Asia, openness is ...
But an international system rife with state rivalry and economic dislocations has put a premium on protecting critical technology and ...
#68. 'Slice of the Word' at Post-Flamand Art Space, Dalian ... - Ocula
Courtesy the Dalian City Art Museum and Post-Flamand Art Space. Request Pricelist. Selected Works Press Release 中文 Location Artists ...
#69. AFL 2022: Injury news and updates throughout round 6 - The ...
Hawthorn coach Sam Mitchell has not ruled out beanpole Ned Reeves playing next week after the ruckman appeared to dislocate his right shoulder ...
#70. Sold Out《無畏向前》中文翻譯Hawk Nelson||當鼓點落下時
#71. 热处理对SLM-316L不锈钢组织结构及钝化行为的影响机制
... the dislocations and sub-grain boundaries in the SLM-316L ss reduce until disappear with the heating time extending, accompanied by the ...
#72. Cuernavaca Guest Bathrooms / Mario Herrera Holgado
The construction of three partition walls gives shape to a dislocated triangle that embraces two cells on the interior, both of the same ...
#73. West Coast beat Collingwood and massive injury list, Lance ...
Trailing by two points at the main break, Collingwood turned the screws at the start of the third term and put the Eagles defence under ...
#74. Kaizer Chiefs coach Baxter confirms Castro and Alexander ...
Cole Alexander's back, he had an extra game last week to get over his dislocated elbow. "So apart from that, we had a couple that were ill ...
#75. COVID-19 may be hastening US democracy's demise - CCTV ...
... economic dislocation, increased inequality and social media, much worse, according to a recent op-ed by The Washington Post.
#76. Odell Beckham Jr. reportedly had 'previously bad surgery ...
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... upper-body maladies and a dislocated right kneecap along the way.
#77. Experts expect no large-scale outflows after China, US spread ...
Generally speaking, the current inversion is caused by the dislocation of economic and monetary policy cycles.
#78. 'Body Language: The Art of Larry Day' Review - Wall Street ...
... (precisely articulated yet ironically juxtaposed) inspire opposing responses of reassurance and normalcy, dislocation and unease.
#79. Shoulder Functional Anatomy & Pathology Flashcards | Quizlet
how common are SC joint dislocations? only 3% of shoulder girdle dislocations ... In which SC joint dislocation would you visibly see a "bump"?
#80. Cryptocurrency Market News - Bitcoin and Altcoins News
Top 3 Price Prediction Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple: Cryptos at a make-or-break point · FXStreet Team | Apr 15, 18:59 GMT ...
#81. Información de servicio al cliente en Español - Iowa Workforce ...
Customer Service Information in Spanish - Información de servicio al cliente en Español · English · العربية · 繁體中文 · Français · Deutsch · Hakha · 한국어 · ລາວ ...
#82. Global growth hit by Ukraine war, IMF's Georgieva says ...
"Poor countries and poor people will bear the brunt of these dislocations." The shift is already impairing the world's ability to work ...
#83. 110年絕對上榜!領隊證照輕鬆考 (含領隊實務一、二、觀光資源概要)
英文英文中文 clinic constipation 便秘 contact lens cough 咳嗽 diabetes mellitus (DM) diarrhea 腹瀉、下痢 dislocation of bone dizzy, dizziness 暈眩 doctor ...
#84. Making Foreign Policy Relevant Again, with Asha Castleberry ...
US English · 中文 · Español · Français · Русский ... make sure that individuals who were being dislocated by globalization were protected.
#85. USDCAD slumped after a hawkish hike by the Bank of Canada
European countries are more directly impacted by confidence effects and supply dislocations caused by the war. China's economy is facing new ...
#86. 中華民國國防部-全球資訊網-首頁
dislocate 中文 在 【量子裂痕】- XBOX ONE中文劇情電影- 第一集- Quantum Break 的八卦
【量子裂痕】- XBOX ONE中文劇情電影- 第一集- Quantum Break - Full Movie - Episode 1 - 量子破碎- 最強無損畫質. 108,227 views108K views. ... <看更多>