看著三升一暑期班的孩子認真背著Book 1 Lesson 1~4各版本的單字,俐媽相信針對高一第一次段考,威俐英文的寶貝們已經領先一大步了💯💯💯💯
🚀 part of speech 詞類
1️⃣ Nouns: 名詞
(n.C) = countable noun 可數名詞
(n.U) = uncountable noun 不可數名詞
(n.) = (n.U & n.C)不可數名詞或可數名詞
(n.S) = singular noun單數名詞
(n.Pl) = plural noun複數名詞
(n.C常Pl) = countable noun that is usually plural 可數名詞一般用複數
2️⃣ Verbs: 動詞
(vt.) = transitive verb 及物動詞
(vi.) = intransitive verb 不及物動詞
(v.) = both (vt. & vi.) 及物動詞或不及物動詞
3️⃣ Others:
(a.)= adjective 形容詞
(adv.) = adverb 副詞
(prep.) = preposition 介詞
(conj.) = conjunction 連接詞
(intjn.)/(int.) = interjection 感嘆詞
(prefix) 字首
(root) 字根
(suffix) 字尾
(ph.)/(phr) = phrase 片語
(aux.) = auxiliary 助動詞
(pron.) = pronoun 代名詞
(abbr.) = abbreviation 縮寫
(p.p.) = past participle 過去分詞
(art.) = article 冠詞
(det) = determiner 限定詞
(C.) = complement 補語
(euph) = euphemism 委婉之詞
(lit) = literary 文學用語
(pass) = passive 被動
(fml) = formal 正式用法
(infml) = informal 非正式用法
(sl) = slang 俚語
(compar) = comparative 比較級
(superl) = superlative 最高級
(AmE) = American English 美式英文
(BrE) = British English 英式英文
(D.O.) 直接受詞 = direct object
(I.O.) 間接受詞 = indirect object
& = and
esp = especially 尤其
e.g. = exempli gratia = for example 舉例
c.f. = confer = compare 比較
etc. = et cetera 等等
#俐媽英文教室 #林俐 #辣媽英文天后 #Carol #威俐英文 #台大補習班 #partofspeech #abbreviation #learnenglishwell
direct speech and indirect speech 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[Direct and Indirect Speech Acts] 當我們一看到 direct speech和 indirect speech 這兩個詞,可能會立刻想到直接敘述句和間接敘述句 (www.hosenglish.com/newbook/HC_4-7.pdf) 。
但是在語言學 direct speech act 和 indirect speech act 卻有截然不同的意思。Direct speech act (直接的言語行為) 可以被簡單定義為一個人直接透過字面意義 (literal meaning) 來表達他的意圖,而 indirect speech act (間接的言語行為) 則是用來表達話語本身之外的意圖) 。給同學一個例子,今天假如一位滿意的顧客在跟老闆討論他的店,說 "You have such a nice store." 應該是在稱讚老闆的店面,用語跟表達的意圖是一致的。但是今天假如是有幾位兇神惡煞跟老闆說 "That's a nice store you got there." 表達的意思就跟用語截然不同了 (應該是要收保護費的意思)!
那同學覺得我們日常生活哪一個時候比較適合用indirect speech act? 而這又跟你英文學習有什麼關係? 甚至跟人類的本性、人際關係、和社會制度又有什麼關聯?
Language as a Window into Human Nature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-son3EJTrU (有字幕)。
Watch the video and answer ANY of the following questions in the comments below:
1. When do people generally use indirect speech?
2. Why do they use it (hint: mutual and individual knowledge)?
3. What does this have to do with your English learning?
4. How can you learn indirect speech acts?
direct speech and indirect speech 在 PChan English Facebook 八卦
很高興今日的試卷,出現了多條我曾詳细教授的題目(見上一個post)。我們乘勝追擊,明天再接再厲。今晩放學後(約九時),我會再在IG live 解答同學問题。在此我提供 Final tips for Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills。 加油!
Final tips for Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills
Part A
善用Preparation time. 透過context包括instructions , headings, bullet points 估計可能的 answers. 一定要留意以下的grammatical constraints:
1) article(a/an/ the)
2)quantifiers( many / much /few / little...)
3)that clause ( the fact that svo/ the myth that svo) ( 2015 task 4)
從上述各項可決定答案應是a singular noun phrase or noun phrase or a clause. Grammar 錯了,忘記pluralize the answers 必定失分. Eg Our parents/ subjects(2012). 相反,a browser 不可加's'(2012)
Sentence completion 題一定要留意parts of speech. 很多時要轉詞性. 留意句字context.有時甚至須要轉字。eg they decided they needed a singer= they made a decision to find a singer. (2015 task 3). 填need 一定冇分!
如果answers 涉及深字。下句或下兩句必定用淺字解䆁,take 淺字便可. Speaker's attitude字眼通常不㑹直接出現於原文.
善用tidy-up time. 要整句來看,確保所填answers make sense 及grammatically correct.
Part B
重㸃温習Tips class P Chan's mock paper( Kelly Ching of B-town)
Part B 很有機會出Speech ,Webpage,Email.
細閲這三項的5** samples.
Defensive letter 及 persuasive letter 亦非常重要。
細閲11月第一堂敎的Note-taking skills 。特别是各項signals:
1) words for elaboration
2) words for clarification
3)words for confirmation
4) words asking for explanation
5) words implying another point
揾points 前一定要把MM和II一同看。確認所有instructions 才開始搵。毎個task會涉及3至4頁data file. 留意title 的synonyms.通常每個task content 部分可分三段寫。記住key words 要出現於topic sentence.要有恰當的introduction 及conclusion.一定要留意register(行文風格)。留意the audience and genre( 體裁)便知要formal or less formal or informal style,或是否要用businesslike tone 等等。
必須細閲last lesson各種文體formats(P12至23)其中 defensive letter, programme review 及 newsletter 最重要。Please see attached 5**samples. Defensive letter 留意direct/indirect reply. Programme review 留意5種order.(Tips class).Newsletter 留意格式。每個task 必須要25minutes 内完成。
熟讀generalization skills P8( Last lesson ) 非常重要。重點留意quantity, frequency and probability. 細閲P Chan's mock paper 5** samples ( last lesson) 。
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