🇺🇸🇨🇳🇬🇧 特朗普關於香港的演說,特別提到1997年6月30日當晚的下雨天,已成為新經典,也出現了越來越多賞析。其實演說內容,一切與當天彭定康的告別演說互相呼應,似是西方世界二十年間對中國研判的自問自答,詳細可參考同事以下文章。
▶️ 國安法大棋局:中國的現實主義框架,會否誤判?(國際篇)
“More than two decades ago on a rainy night in 1997, British soldiers lowered the Union flag and Chinese soldiers raised the Chinese flag in Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong felt simultaneously proud of their Chinese heritage and their unique Hong Kong identity. The people of Hong Kong hoped that in the years and decades to come, China would increasingly come to resemble its most radiant and dynamic city. The rest of the world was electrified by a sense of optimism that Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past.“
其實,英國人離開當天,最後一任港督彭定康在雨天中發別演說,當中內容,其實不少可與今天特朗普的演說互相呼應。白宮說不定在執筆前在 Youtube 重溫了彭定康的演說。彭定康的演說當中,有這麼兩段:
“This is a Chinese city, a very Chinese city with British characteristics. No dependent territory has been left more prosperous, none with such a rich texture and fabric of civil society, professions, churches, newspapers, charities, civil servants of the highest probity and the most steadfast commitment to the public good.
I have no doubt that, with people here holding on to these values which they cherish, Hong Kong's star will continue to climb. Hong Kong's values are decent values. They are universal values. They are the values of the future in Asia as elsewhere, a future in which the happiest and the richest communities, and the most confident and the most stable too, will be those that best combine political liberty and economic freedom as we do here today.”
1) 定義香港身份
兩者都嘗試定義香港這個處於中西方漩渦的城市,彭定康說香港是「 a Chinese city with British characteristics」,除了是一貫彭式幽默,諷刺中國當年強調自己是「中國特色社會主義 Socialism with Chinese characteristics」外,也希望重申即使英國統治了香港 150 年,這裡依然是一個華人社會。
特朗普演說中則這樣去形容香港:「The people of Hong Kong felt simultaneously proud of their Chinese heritage and their unique Hong Kong identity」,也是同時強調這裡的華人傳統,以及香港人的獨特身分。
彭定康在演說中提到,香港是史上最繁榮及多元的殖民地,「No dependent territory has been left more prosperous」,後來更點名稱讚香港甚富活力的公民社會、學校、教會、媒體等。特朗普的演說中,也提到香港是「radiant and dynamic city」,證明西方社會對香港的定格,總離不開國際金融中心、極富活力和敢於表達自我的城市。
我認為這段意義最重要,彭定康如此提到:「Hong Kong's values are decent values. They are universal values. They are the values of the future in Asia 」上世紀九十年代,正值冷戰完結,東歐等地掀起民主浪潮,但那時最熱切的討論,則是亞洲國家是否適合民主政制,時任新加坡總理李光耀便提出「亞洲價值」,即經濟自由但政治威權,才符合亞洲的國情。彭定康顯然不同意,而且認為香港同時兼備自由市場,以及愈來愈開放的民主政治,才是亞洲的未來,是亞洲國家要仿傚的典範。
這份對香港的期盼,也是西方各國多年來對中國的想像,希望中國擁抱自由市場後,便會逐漸擁抱民主政制,「結束一黨專政」,後來允許中國加入世貿、中國成為第二大經濟體,是大家耳熟能詳的事。 由香港作點,連上中國的線,繼而影響亞洲這一面,是西方世界的打算。
西方世界近年逐漸醒覺,中國不可能政治自由化,美國在特朗普牽頭下,制裁中國舉措不斷,不得讓中國予取予攜,今天一句「The rest of the world was electrified by a sense of optimism that Hong Kong was a glimpse into China’s future, not that Hong Kong would grow into a reflection of China’s past」更是蓋棺定論,二十多年來對香港作為自由世界橋頭堡的良好意願,已經落空。
也許最令香港人心神意會的,還是彭定康演說中的最後一句:「Now, Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kong. That is the promise. And that is the unshakeable destiny」,那時的「港人治港」,是指預備上任的董建華管治班子,是「一國兩制」的莊嚴承諾,23年後,這明顯已經荒腔走板。不過,去年的反送中運動香港人團結一致,守護城市的自治,卻仿佛更有力的證明,港人治港是我們的 unshakeable destiny。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,550的網紅香港喵喵俠,也在其Youtube影片中提到,喵喵俠玩魔靈召喚FB群,主要用作公告直播時間同行政通知 https://www.facebook.com/groups/664214333715607/ 直播台(只屬暫借,不是長用) http://www.twitch.tv/yournetworkneighbor...
「dependent territory」的推薦目錄:
dependent territory 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 八卦
舉報信指,#機管局 批出填海工程合約 #3206 予「香港振華、中交建設、中交疏浚 聯營」(聯營),但海沙原供應商「中交建設」(CCCC)的海沙出口許可證已過期,因此必須另覓填海材料代替海砂。「聯營」最後與一家成立於2011年、規模僅有一名股東及兩名董事的 #金鋒海事工程有限公司 簽定合同,以「洗水石粉」取代海砂,急急「補鑊」。
在今日的立法會機三跑小組委員會上,政府和機管局照例乜都唔認,自己乜都冇問題,舉報信內容全錯。機管局項目執行總監Kevin Poole嘗試轉移視線,人地問佢啲砂係咪偷挖番黎,他就說採購發生的問題由承建商負責,人地問做乜之前一直說用海砂現在變了機砂,他就說無論海砂還是人造石粉,只要符合環境許可證中對細顆粒含量不多於10%的規定,就可以接受。
"The sand cost estimate has increased in view of market movements in the past few years. As per MP2030, this assumes that the sand will be procured from the PRD area which will require approvals from the PRC Government."段則提到:"HSBC notes the large scale of the project and understands that the procurement of fill materials required for the 3RS project is dependent of Hong Kong-Mainland governmental negotiations. HSBC notes the risk that these negotiations may take longer than expected or that the resultant price for materials may be higher than forecasted. If the PRC is unwilling to provide permits for any sand exports from its territory, the costs would be significantly higher for sand sources from other nearby Asian countries."
1) 金鋒海事工程有限公司是否三跑填海物料的分判商?
2) 舉報信附有的三張托運單據是偽造還是真副本?
3) 政府和機管局能否保證金鋒沒有偷挖海砂?
4) 在採購填海物料的合約中, 有沒有明文禁止分判商使用偷挖海砂?
今日小組委員會也通過了朱凱廸提出的議案, 要求機管局提供海砂和機砂的採購詳情。動議原文:
dependent territory 在 喬寶寶 Qbobo Facebook 八卦
British Hong Kong was the period during which Hong Kong was under British Crown rule, from 1842 to 1997 (excluding the Japanese occupation from 1941 to 1945). It was established as a Crown colony and later designated a British Dependent Territory in 1981. Hong Kong Island was ceded to the United Kingdom by the Qing dynasty of China after the First Opium War (1839–1842). The Kowloon Peninsula was added to the colony after the Second Opium War (1856–1860). Finally, in 1898, the New Territories were added under a 99-year lease. Although Hong Kong Island and Kowloon were ceded to Britain in perpetuity, the New Territories – which comprised over 90 per cent of Hong Kong's land – had such a vital role in the economy that the British government agreed to transfer sovereignty of the entirety of Hong Kong to China upon the expiration of the lease in 1997.
156 years of British rule have left a lasting mark on Hong Kong.
Johnny Harris explains the controversial history of Britain's claim on this corner of China, and what happens next.
dependent territory 在 香港喵喵俠 Youtube 的評價
dependent territory 在 What Is DEPENDENT TERRITORY? DEPENDENT ... - YouTube 的八卦
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