☀ 1. Những động từ tận cùng bằng ate, ect, bit, ess, ict, ise, pt, uct, ute … đổi sang danh từ bằng cách thêm đuôi –ion (động từ nào tận cùng bằng –e phải bỏ đi trước khi thêm tiếp vị ngữ này)
- to adopt – adoption (sự thừa nhận)
- to confess – confession (sự thú tội)
- to construct – construction (việc xây dựng)
- to contribute – contribution (việc góp phần)
- to convict – conviction (sự kết án)
- to corrupt – corruption (nạn tham nhũng)
- to deduct – deduction (việc khấu trừ)
- to dictate – dictation (bài chính tả)
- to distribute – distribution (việc phân phối)
- to exhibit – exhibition (sự trưng bày)
- to express – expression (sự diễn tả, câu nói)
- to impress – impression (ấn tượng, cảm tưởng)
- to incise – incision (việc tiểu phẩu, cứa, rạch)
- to inhibit – inhibition (sự ngăn chặn, ức chế)
- to instruct – instruction (việc giảng dạy, hướng dẫn)
- to interrupt – interruption (sự gián đoạn)
(Ngoại trừ: to bankrupt – bankruptcy – sự phá sản)
- to locate – location (vị trí, địa điểm)
- to predict – prediction (sự tiên đoán)
- to prohibit – prohibition (sự ngăn cấm)
- to prosecute – prosecution (việc truy tố)
- to protect – protection (sự che chở)
- to reflect – reflection (sự phản chiếu)
(Ngoại trừ: to expect – expectation – sự mong đợi)
- to restrict – restriction (việc hạn chế)
- to revise – revision (việc sửa đổi, hiệu đính)
- to supervise – supervision (sự giám sát)
- to translate – translation (bài dịch)
☀ 2. Những động từ tận cùng bằng aim, ign, ine, ire, ize, orm, ore, ort, rve… đổi sang danh từ bằng cách (bỏ e rồi) thêm tiếp vị ngữ -ation
- to admire – admiration (sự ngưỡng mộ)
- to adore – adoration (sự tôn thờ)
- to assign – assignation (sự phân công)
- to assign – assignment (công tác)
- to civinize – civinization (nền văn minh)
(Ngoại trừ: to recognize – recognition: sự nhận biết, sự công nhận)
- to combine – combination (sự phối hợp)
- to confine – confinement (việc giam giữ cấm túc)
- to consign – consignment (việc ký gửi hàng)
- to deform – deformation (sự biến dạng)
- to determine – determination (sự quyết tâm)
(Ngoại trừ: to define – definition – định nghĩa)
- to examine – examination (sự xem xét, khám bệnh, khảo hạnh)
- to exclaim – exclamation (sự reo, la)
- to explore – exploration (sự thám hiểm)
- to export – exportation (việc xuất khẩu)
- to form – formation (sự thành lập)
- to import – importation (việc nhập khẩu)
- to inspire – inspiration (cảm hứng)
- to observe – observation (sự quan sát)
- to organize – organization (tổ chức)
- to perspire – perspiration (sự ra mồ hôi)
- to proclaim – proclamation (sự công bố)
- to realize – realization (việc thực hiện, nhận định)
- to reclaim – reclamation (việc đòi lại)
- to reform – reformation (sự cải cách)
(Ngoại trừ: to conform – conformity – sự phù hợp, thích ứng)
- to reserve – reservation (việc dự trữ, dành riêng)
- to resign – resignation (sự từ chức)
(Ngoại trừ: to align – alignment – sự sắp hàng)
- to respire – respiration (sự hô hấp)
- to restore – restoration (sự khôi phục)
- to starve – starvation (sự chết đói)
- to transport – transportation (sự vận chuyển)
☀ 3. Verb + ing
- paint + ing = painting (bức họa)
- read + ing = reading (bài đọc)
- write + ing = writing (bài viết)
☀ 4. Verb + er/or/ist/ian
- act + or = actor (nam diễn viên)
- build + er = builder (nhà xây dựng)
- explor + er = explorer (nhà thám hiểm)
- invent + or = inventor (nhà phát minh)
- read + er = reader (độc giả)
- swim + er = swimmer (tay bơi lội)
- to tour + ist = tourist (du khách)
- translate + or = translator (phiên dịch viên)
- type + ist = typist (thư ký đánh máy)
Tiếp ngữ -ist hay –ian cũng thường được thêm vào sau một danh từ hay tính từ để chỉ người tham gia hoặc tham dự vào một lĩnh vực nào.
- druggist, artist, violinist, receptionist, pianist, specialist, naturalist, socialist…
- librarian, historian, grammarian, technician, physician, electrician, mathematician…
☀ 5. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –eive đổi sang danh từ bằng cách thay nó bằng -eption
- to conceive – conception (sự mang bầu)
- to deceive – deception (sự lừa dối)
- to receive – reception (sự tiếp nhận)
☀ 6. Những từ tận cùng bằng –ibe đổi sang danh từ tat hay nó bằng –iption
- to describe – description (sự miêu tả)
- to prescribe – prescription (toa thuốc, sự quy định)
- to subscribe – subscription (việc mua báo dài hạn, đóng góp quỹ)
- to transcribe – transcription (sự sao chép)
☀ 7. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –ify đổi sang danh từ thay nó bằng –ification
- to amplify – amplification (sự khuếch đại)
- to certify – certification (sự chứng nhận)
- to identify – identification (sự nhận dạng)
- to verify – verification (sự thẩm tra)
☀ 8. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –ose đổi sang danh từ ta bỏ e rồi thêm –ition
- to compose – composition (sáng tác phẩm, bài tập làm văn)
- to depose – deposition (sự phế truất)
- to expose – exposition (sự trưng bày)
- to impose – imposition (việc đánh thếu)
- to propose – proposition (sự đề nghị)
(Lưu ý: to dispose có 2 ý nghĩa: an bài, xếp đặt và vứt bỏ nên có 2 danh từ khác nhau: disposition (sự an bài, xếp đặt và disposal sự vứt bỏ); tương tự, to propose có 2 danh từ: proposition (sự đề nghị) và proposal (lời đề nghị)
☀ 9. Những động từ tận cùng bằng – olve đổi sang danh từ ta bỏ -ve rùi thêm –ution
- to dissolve – dissolution (sự hòa tan, phân rã)
- to evolve – evolution (sự biến thái)
- to resolve – resolution (nghị quyết)
- to revolve – revolution (sự luân chuyển, cuộc cách mạng)
- to solve – solution (giải pháp, dung dịch)
10. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –uce đổi sang danh từ tat hay nó bằng –uction
- to introduce – introduction (sự giới thiệu)
- to produce – production (sự sản xuất)
- to reduce – reduction (sự giảm bớt)
- to seduce – seduction (sự quyến rũ)
11. Những động từ tận cùng bằng – end, ide, ode, ude… đổi sang danh từ ta bỏ -d hay –de rồi thêm –ison
- to ascend – ascension (sự thăng tiến)
- to conclude – conclusion (kết luận)
- to corrode – corrosion (sự ăn mòn)
- to decide – decision (sự giải quyết)
- to deride – decision (lời chế giễu)
- to divide – division (sự phân chia)
- to erode – erosion (sự xói mòn)
- to exclude – exclusion (việc loại trừ)
- to explode – explosion (tiếng nổ)
- to extend – extension (sự kéo dài, gia hạn)
- to include – inclusion (sự bao gồm)
- to intend – intention (dự định)
- to pretend – pretension (sự giả vờ)
(Ngoại trừ: to attend – attendance (sự tham dự))
- to seclude – seclusion (sự cô lập)
- to suspend– suspension (sự treo, đình chỉ)
☀ 12. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –mit, eed, hay ede đổi sang danh từ ta bỏ t, ed, và –de rồi thêm –ssion
- to admit – admission (sự công nhận, cho phép vào)
- to permit – permission (sự cho phép)
- to proceed – procession (đám rước)
- to recede – recession (sự suy thoái, sút giảm)
- to secede – secession (sự can thiệp)
(Ngoại trừ: to succeed – success (sự thành công, thắng lợi))
- to submit – submission (sự quy thuận, giao nộp)
- to succeed – succession (chuỗi liên tiếp, sự kế tục)
- to transmit – transmission (sự dẫn truyền)
(Ngoại trừ: to commit – commitment (sự cam kết); to limit – limitation (sự giới hạn)
☀ 13. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –ish đổi sang danh từ ta thêm –ment
- to accomplish – accomplishment (sự hoàn thành)
- to banish – banishment (sự trục xuất)
- to establish – establishment (sự thiết lập)
- to nourish – nourishment (sự nuôi dưỡng)
- to punish – punishment (hình phạt)
14. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –fer đổi sang danh từ ta thêm –ence
- to confer – conference (cuộc họp, hội nghị)
- to interfere – interference (sự can dự vào)
- to prefer – preference (sự ưa thích hơn)
- to refer – reference (sự tham khảo)
☀ 15. Những động từ tận cùng bằng –er đổi sang danh từ ta thêm –y
- to deliver – delivery (sự giao hàng, đọc diễn văn)
- to discover – discovery (sự khám phá)
- to flatter – flattery (sự nịnh hót)
- to master – mastery (sự bá chủ)
- to recover – recovery (sự bình phục)
☀ 16. Những động từ sau đây đổi sang danh từ ta thêm –al:
- to appraise – appraisal (sự thẩm định)
- to approve – approval (sự ưng thuận)
- to arrive – arrival (sự chuyển đến)
- to bestow – bestowal (sự ân thưởng, ban tặng)
- to dispose – disposal (việc hủy bỏ)
- to propose – proposal (lời đề nghị)
- to refuse – refusal (sự khước từ)
- to rehearse – rehearsal (sự tập dượt)
- to remove – removal (sự cắt bỏ, sa thải)
- to survive – survival (sự sống còn)
- to withdraw – withdrawal (sự rút lui)
☀ 17. Một số động từ sau đây đổi sang danh từ một cách bất thường, không theo một qui tắc nào cả:
- to breathe – breath (hơi thở)
- to choose – choice (sự chọn lựa)
- to die – death (cái chết)
- to fly – flight (chuyến bay)
- to grow – growth (sự tăng trưởng)
- to sing – song (bài hát)
- to weigh – weight (trọng lượng)
define prohibit 在 FAM Facebook 八卦
ที่นี่บลาซิล5555555555 ใส่แม็กเทพด้วย โคตรเอาแหละ
NEWS: ที่นี่บราซิล! รัฐไม่ทำ ข้าทำเอง
“ถ้ารัฐบาลไม่ทำสิ่งที่ควรทำ อาชญากรจะทำเอง!”
คำว่า “ที่นี่บราซิล” คงจะไม่ได้เกินจริงเท่าไรและเหมือนอะไรก็เกิดขึ้นได้จริง ๆ ล่าสุดแก๊งค์อาชญากรตัดสินในประกาศปิดเมืองและเคอร์ฟิวให้ประชาชนอยู่แต่ในบ้านแบบไม่รอรัฐบาลเพื่อป้องกันเชื้อไวรัส COVID-19
สถานการณ์เชื้อไวรัส COVID-19 ที่แพร่ระบาดไปทั่วโลก ประชาชนส่วนใหญ่ก็อยู่กันอย่างระวังตัวและรอท่าทีของรัฐบาลตัวเองว่าจะจัดการกับปัญหาระดับมวลรวมนี้อย่างไร เด็ดขาดแค่ไหน แต่หลังจากพบผู้ป่วยรายแรกใน “City of god” หรือชุมชนหนึ่งในเมืองหลวง กลายเป็นว่าแก๊งค์อาชญากรจะเคลื่อนไหวเร็วกว่าภาครัฐ
พวกเค้าส่งข้อความลงในพื้นที่สลัมของเมืองริโอ เดอ จาเนโร ว่า ชาวแก๊งค์จะสอนให้คน “เคารพ” การกักกันหลัง 2 ทุ่มเอง และบอกด้วยว่าถ้ารัฐบาลไม่ยอมทำสิ่งที่ควรทำ พวกเราจะจัดการเอง
“โปรดทราบทุกคนในเมือง Rio das Pedras, Muzema และ Tijuquinha ประกาศเคอร์ฟิวตั้งแต่ 2 ทุ่มวันนี้ ใครก็ตามที่เราเห็นอยู่บนท้องถนนหลังเวลานั้น จะได้เรียนรู้ว่าต้องเคารพกฎ” หนึ่งในข้อความที่เหล่าอาชญากรได้ประกาศ
แม้ว่าโรงเรียน ร้านค้า และสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวเช่นชายหาดได้ปิดและหยุดทำการไปแล้ว แต่ประชาชนทั่วไปก็ยังสามารถเดินทางและเคลื่อนย้ายได้ พื้นที่สลัมในเมือง ริโอ มีคนอาศัยอยู่ราว 1.5 ล้านคน ในพ้นที่มีทั้งห้องขนาดเล็กจนถึงกระท่อมที่เบียดเสียดกันอยู่ตามถนนแคบคดเคี้ยว แน่นอนว่าเป็นพื้นที่ขาดความพร้อมทางสุขอนามัยถ้าหากเกิดการแพร่ระบาดของโรคในสลัมไวรัสจะสามารถแพร่ไปได้อย่างรวดเร็วเหมือนไฟลามทุ่ง
จากคำแนะนำของผู้เชี่ยวชาญสุขอนามัยทั่วโลกคือให้ล้างมือเป็นประจำและดูแลตัวเองนั้นอาจทำได้ยากสำหรับชุมชนแออัดที่บางครั้งอาจไม่มีแม้แต่น้ำประปาเพียงพอด้วยซ้ำ พื้นที่อยู่อาศัยที่คับแคบทำให้อากาศถ่ายเทไม่ดีและได้รับแสงแดดน้อย ซึ่งเป็นผลเสียต่อโรคที่เกี่ยวกับระบบทางเดินหายใจ รวมถึง COVID-19 ด้วยเช่นกัน
สถานการณ์ของประเทศบราซิลมีผู้ป่วย COVID-19 แล้ว 1,960 ราย เสียชีวิต 34 ราย เฉพาะในเมืองริโอ เดอ จาเนโร ก็มีผู้ป่วยสูงถึง 191 รายแล้ว
แม้ว่ารัฐบาลกลางบราซิลยังไม่ได้กำหนดให้มีการปิดเมือง แต่ในบางรัฐเช่น Santa Catarina และ Florianopolis มีการประกาศห้ามประชาชนออกมาเดินที่ชายหาด และตำรวจใช้วิธีขับเฮลิคอปเตอร์ไปใกล้ ๆ ให้เกิดพายุทรายไล่ประชาชนออกจากพื้นที่
นอกจากการระบาดของเชื้อไวรัส COVID-19 จะทำให้เราเห็นค่าสุขภาพมากขึ้น ยังให้เราได้เห็นปรากฏการณ์ที่ไม่คาดคิดอย่างการประกาศเคอร์ฟิวป้องกันไวรัสโดยอาชญากรในบราซิล แล้วคุณคิดเห็นอย่างไรกับเรื่องนี้?
อ้างอิง: http://dailym.ai/2JcWoHV
#Brasil #Curfew #BrandThink
Line: @brandthink (มี @ ด้วยนะครับ)
Instagram: instagram.com/brandthink.me
Website: www.brandthink.me
Twitter: twitter.com/BrandThinkme
NEWS: Here is Brazil! State doesn't. I do it myself.
Brazilian criminal gang ordered curfew instead of state.
′′ If the government doesn't do what they should, the criminals will do it themselves!"
The word ′′ here Brazil ′′ isn't overrated and like anything really happens. The latest, criminal gang decides on city closures and curfews for citizens to stay in homes without waiting for government to prevent the COVID-19 virus.
The COVID-19 virus situation that spreads around the world. Most people are careful and waiting for their own government's position to deal with this total mass problem, but after meeting first patient in ′′ City of God ′′ or community. One of the capital turns out that criminal gangs are moving faster than the public sector.
They messaged into the ghetto area of Rio de Janeiro that gangsters would teach people to ′′ respect ′′ after 2 pm and also tell that if the government doesn't do what they should do, we would. I'll do it myself.
′′ Attention everyone in Rio das Pedras, Muzema and Tijuquinha announced curfew from 2 pm today. Whoever we see on the road after that time will learn to respect the rules one of the messages that the criminals announced.
Even though schools, shops and attractions like beaches are closed and stopped, the general public can still travel and move. The slum area in Rio City lives around 1.5 million people in the absence of small rooms to the hut-hound. On a narrow road, definitely a lack of hygiene readiness. If the epidemic of ghetto, the virus can spread as quickly as a fire of the field.
From the advice of global hygiene experts, wash your hands regularly and take care of yourself. It's difficult to do for crowded communities. Sometimes there isn't even enough water. Cramped residential areas make compromised weather conditions and less sunlight affects respiratory diseases, including COVID. - 19 as well
Brazilian country situation has 1,960 COVID-19 patients. 34 deaths. Only in Rio de Janeiro. Up to 191 patients.
Although the Brazilian federal government doesn't define city shutdown, but in some states such as Santa Catarina and Florianopolis, people prohibit beach walking and police use helicopters to near by. There is a sandstorm expiring people from the area.
In addition to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, we also give us more health benefits, unexpected phenomenon, anti-virus curfew announced by Brazilian criminals. What do you think about this?
Reference: http://dailym.ai/2JcWoHV
#Brasil #Curfew #BrandThink
Update and stay tuned.
Line: @brandthink (with @ too)
Instagram: instagram.com/brandthink.me
Website: www.brandthink.me
Twitter: twitter.com/BrandThinkmeTranslated
define prohibit 在 Prohibit Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary - YouTube 的八卦
Prohibit Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj DictionaryHello Friends! Prohibit means ban, block, forbid and Hindi meaning is रोक लगाना. ... <看更多>