coax 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to persuade someone gently to do something or go somewhere, by being kind and patient, or by…。了解更多。
#2. Coax Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
1 : to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle coaxed him into going · 2 : to draw, gain, or persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery ...
#3. Coax Definition & Meaning |
Coax definition, to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole: He coaxed her to sing, but she refused. See more.
#4. Coax definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
1. to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole. He coaxed her to sing, but she refused ; 2. to obtain by coaxing. We coaxed the secret ...
#5. Coax - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
verb. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. synonyms: blarney, cajole, inveigle, palaver, sweet-talk, wheedle ; verb. carefully ...
coax meaning, definition, what is coax: to persuade someone to do something that...: Learn more.
#7. Coax - definition of coax by The Free Dictionary
coax · 1. To persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; cajole. · 2. To obtain by persistent persuasion: coaxed the secret out of the child. · 3.
#8. What does coax mean? | Best 18 Definitions of Coax
The definition of coax means to try to get someone or something to do something with gentle urging. Using compliments to talk a friend into taking a dance ...
#9. COAX | Meaning & Definition for UK English -
verb · 1.1coax something from/out ofObtain something from (someone) by gentle and persistent persuasion. 'we coaxed our fare money out of my father'. More ...
#10. Coax Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
COAX meaning : 1 : to influence or persuade (a person or animal) to do something by talking in a gentle and friendly way often + into sometimes followed by ...
#11. coax - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
coax somebody/something (into doing something) She coaxed the horse into coming a little closer. coax somebody/something (into/out of something) He was coaxed ...
#12. COAX (verb) definition and synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of COAX (verb): make equipment work using skill and patience.
#13. Coax Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace - YouTube
MEANING --- Coax : gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.--- SENTENCE --- Rohini coaxed me into eating fruits as they are ...
#14. coax - Dictionary of English
coax · to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole:He coaxed her to sing, but she refused. · to obtain by coaxing:We coaxed the secret ...
#15. 47 Synonyms & Antonyms for COAX -
Find 47 ways to say COAX, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of coax on
#16. Coaxial cable - Wikipedia
Coaxial cable, or coax is a type of electrical cable consisting of an inner conductor surrounded by a concentric conducting shield, with the two separated ...
#17. What Is Coaxial Cable and How Is It Used? - PPC Broadband
Coaxial cable is a type of cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by an insulating layer, surrounded by a conductive shielding. Many also have an ...
#18. What does COAX mean? -
Definition of COAX in the dictionary. Meaning of COAX. What does COAX mean? Information and translations of COAX in the most comprehensive ...
#19. coax | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's Dictionary
Definition of coax. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language ...
#20. coax meaning - definition of coax by Mnemonic Dictionary
coax - Dictionary definition and meaning for word coax. Definition (noun) a transmission line for high-frequency signals. Synonyms : coax cable , coaxial ...
#21. What is a coaxial cable? A definition from
Coaxial cable is a type of copper cable specially built with a metal shield and other components engineered to block signal interference.
#22. What is Coax Cable Internet? | TelNet Worldwide
Coax, short for coaxial, is a type of cable used to transmit data, the internet, video and voice communications. A coax cable is made up of an ...
#23. coax - definition and meaning - Wordnik
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. · intransitive verb To persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery; cajole.
#24. coax: Meaning and Definition of - Infoplease
coax · to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole: He coaxed her to sing, but she refused. · to obtain by coaxing: We coaxed the secret ...
#25. coax - Meaning in Malayalam - Shabdkosh
The term coaxial refers to the inner conductor and the outer shield sharing a geometric axis. Also see "Coaxial cable" on Wikipedia. Forum · Examples.
#26. coax - Urban Dictionary
Coax means that something is shit (bad). "Do you know how coax my life is right now." ... Get the Coax mug. cock-coaxing.
#27. Definition of coax - Collins Online Dictionary - IELTS Lessons
verb (used with object) ; to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole: He coaxed her to sing, but she refused. ; to obtain by coaxing: We ...
#28. What is a Coaxial Cable? - Computer Hope
Computer dictionary definition for what coaxial cable means including related links, information, and terms.
#29. What is Coaxial Cable ? - GeeksforGeeks
A coaxial cable is an electrical cable with a copper conductor and an insulator shielding around it and a braided metal mesh that prevents ...
#30. What does COAX stand for? -
Looking for the definition of COAX? Find out what is the full meaning of COAX on! 'CO-AXial (cable)' is one option -- get in to view more ...
#31. coax | Etymology, origin and meaning of coax by etymonline
1) in some sense. OED speculates that the verb was in vulgar use long before it appeared in writing, thus the order of appearance of the senses is not that of ...
#32. coax - Translation in LEO's English ⇔ German Dictionary
Learn the translation for 'coax' in LEO's English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio ...
#33. What is a Coaxial Cable? - Definition from Techopedia
A coaxial cable is a type of shielded and insulated copper cable that is used in computer networks and to deliver cable TV services to end ...
#34. Definition and synonyms of coax in the English dictionary
«Coax» Coaxial cable, or coax, is a type of cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer, surrounded by a tubular ...
#35. coax - Definition of coax - online dictionary powered by ...
coax. verb. Definition: to influence, persuade, and manipulate by flattery and gentle, persistent effort. Synonyms: persuade, allure, cajole, lure.
#36. Definition of coaxial cable - PCMag
What does coaxial cable actually mean? ... Commonly called "coax" (pronounced "co-axe"), the cable comprises a solid or stranded wire in the center, ...
#37. coaxial - Wiktionary
1 English. 1.1 Alternative forms; 1.2 Etymology; 1.3 Pronunciation; 1.4 Adjective. 1.4.1 Derived terms; 1.4.2 Translations. 1.5 Noun; 1.6 See also · 2 French.
#38. Coaxial Cable Definition - TechTerms
The definition of Coaxial Cable defined and explained in simple ... While coax cables have many applications, they are most commonly used to ...
#39. Coaxial Definition (Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary)
Illustrated definition of Coaxial: Sharing a common axis Example: A Coaxial Cable has layers that share a common axis.
#40. What is COAX®? -
What is COAX ® ? COAX ® is an advanced solution for creating vacuum with compressed air. Based on Piab's multistage technology, COAX ® cartridges are smaller, ...
#41. Definition of coax | Is coax a word in the scrabble dictionary?
1. Obsolete To caress; fondle. · 2. To move to or adjust toward a desired end: " A far more promising approach to treating advanced melanoma is to coax the ...
#42. Coax meaning in Hindi - कोष मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Information provided about coax: Coax meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Coax in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence ...
#43. High Definition Coaxial and RGB Cable | Anixter
High definition coaxial cables are used with HDTV, precision analog or digital video, professional video, and HDCCTV video. RGB is for use with LCD ...
#44. Define Coax - Classic Thesaurus
The list of Coax definitions helps to quickly define Coax and get the meaning with synonyms and sample usage.
#45. What is a coax network and how does it make my WiFi better?
Learn how to get the fastest and most reliable WiFi in your home by using the existing coax (cable tv) cables. This technology is called MoCA.
#46. What is coax - Sesli Sözlük
What is coax ? Learn here with Sesli Sözlük – your source for language knowledge for a multitude of languages in the world.
#47. 10 Feet - RG-11 Coaxial Cable F Type Cable High Definition ...
Buy 10 Feet - RG-11 Coaxial Cable F Type Cable High Definition with RG11 Coax Compression Connectors - (Black): F-Pin-Coaxial Tip - ✓ FREE ...
#48. COAX - Definition by AcronymFinder
2 definitions of COAX. Meaning of COAX. What does COAX stand for? COAX abbreviation. Define COAX at
#49. coax | collocation examples, Usage and Definition
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary. coax verb. ADV. gently. VERB + COAX try to | manage to | fail to. PREP. from He could coax tears and laughter from his ...
#50. Industry Dictionary – Coax Cable Terminology - Electronics ...
Industry Dictionary - Coax Cable Terminology ... This is a summary of designations that you may see on Coax cable. Keep in mind that there are several major ...
#51. coax | definition, meaning, synonyms and antonyms of "coax"
"coax" full meaning in english, Full Definitions of "coax", synonyms of "coax", antonyms of "coax", define "coax" in one sentence, ...
#52. Everything You Need To Know About Coaxial Cable - RS ...
What is Coaxial Cable? Coaxial cable, sometimes known as coax cable, is an electrical cable that transmits radio frequency (RF) signals from one point to ...
#53. Coax Cable FAQ Series: What is RG Cable? - Consolidated ...
Coax Cable FAQ Series: What is RG Cable? ... Coaxial cables are a classification of cables equipped with two conductors on a shared axis, one ...
#54. coax - Dictionary -
Definition of coax in the Dictionary. Meaning of coax. What does coax mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic ...
#55. Coax cone and substrate definition sketch. - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | Coax cone and substrate definition sketch. from publication: Opto-electo- fluidics and tip coax conical surface plasmons.
#56. What is the difference between RG59 and RG6? - Sewell Direct
In this comprehensive article we'll go through a few basics of coaxial cable so you should know what you need. First, What is RG? Coaxial cables ...
#57. coax in telugu | HelloEnglish: India's no. 1 English Learning App
coax meaning in telugu: పొగడ్తలు | Learn detailed meaning of coax in telugu dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage.
#58. coax 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
English Definition. (名) As a noun. A transmission line for high-frequency signals. (动) As a verb. Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering ...
#59. What Is A Coaxial Cable and What Does It Do? - Aerial Force
Click here to learn more about coaxial cables and their role in your TV viewing experience. For new satellite dishes and TV aerials, ...
#60. meaning of coax in Hausa - Hausa Dictionary
Here is the meaning of coax in Hausa along with example sentences, parts of speech, IPA and audio pronunciation, possibly with description images.
#61. coax - Dictionary Checker - Scrabble Word Finder
Meaning of coax. 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: coax n 1: a transmission line for high-frequency signals [syn: {coaxial cable}, {coax} ...
#62. What Is Coaxial Cable, Triax, Quadrax, and Twinax Cables
What is coaxial cable vs triaxial cable, as well as quadrax, and twinax cables. Learn differences, common applications, and notes of caution.
#63. coax along definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso
coax along translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'coax',coax',CoA',coaxal', examples, definition, conjugation.
#64. coax in English coax meaning | KHANDBAHALE.COM
coax meaning in English is a translation of coax in English dictionary. Click to see meaning, synonym, antonym for word coax.
#65. coax, coaxed, coaxes, coaxing - WordWeb Online
Get the FREE one-click dictionary software for Windows or the iPhone/iPad and Android apps. Verb: coax kowks. Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, ...
#66. Coaxial Cable Broadband Grant Term Definition
Learn the definition of Coaxial Cable and how it relates to broadband grants. ... A coax cable is made up of an aluminum and copper shield with an outer ...
#67. What type of word is 'coax'? Coax can be a verb or a noun
coax used as a verb: · (obsolete) to fondle, kid, pet, tease · To wheedle, persuade (a person, organisation, animal etc.) gradually or by use of flattery to do ...
#68. What is a Coax Cable Tester and How Does it Work?
A coax cable tester can quickly detect a valid Internet signal from your cable Internet provider at coax wiring or a coax outlet. Learn more.
#69. Coax Cable Specifications & Parameters - Electronics Notes
Details and definitions of the important specifications and parameters used to define the performance of the different types of RF coaxial cable and feeder.
#70. "coax" translation into French -
Translation for 'coax' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.
#71. Coax - 16 definitions - Encyclo
Found on ... Coax transitive verb [ imperfect & past participle Coaxed ; present participle & verbal noun ...
#72. coax Meaning in Bengali at
coax /verb/ মিষ্টি কথায় তুষ্ট বা প্ররোচিত কর. NEW. ×. Coax - Meaning in Bengali ... Bangla Academy Dictionary: Nearby Words:.
#73. Coax Definition, Meaning & Usage |
To persuade by fond pleading or flattery; wheedle; cajole. coax. Hence To manage or guide carefully; control in a gentle way: as, to coax a horse into a trot.
#74. What Is High Definition Over Coax? - Costar Video Systems Blog
High definition over coax technologies convert digital signals to analog signals. The video is transmitted over standard coaxial cable (RG59) and twisted pair ...
#75. Coaxial Cable - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
As with coaxial cables, some of the energy in a light signal propagating through materials is converted into heat. ... 2.2.1 Definition. Coaxial cable is ...
#76. Coaxial Cable - Information Technology Glossary - Gartner
Cable consisting of an outer conductor surrounding an inner conductor, with a layer of insulating material in between.
#77. Coaxial cable Definition | Law Insider
Define Coaxial cable. means a cylindrical outer conductor (shield) surrounding a central conductor held centrally in place by an insulating material ...
#78. 4K Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) Coax Cables and Connectors ...
4K Ultra-High-Definition (UHD). Coax Cables and Connectors for 12G-SDI. Product Bulletin. PB00121. Belden. Be Certain. Belden 4K UHD Coax Cables for 12G-SDI ...
#79. English to Filipino Meaning/Translation of Coax
(12) Be it cable or satellite, just plug the coax cable into the coaxial cable input, and you have access for up to 125 channels.(13) It is a special puzzle ...
#80. How to define coaxial lumped Ports when simulating the ...
My question is how to define the coaxial lumped port . Should it be defined by user ? If yes how to specify 'h_port' 'w_port' and 'a_h' ?
#81. Back to Basics: HD over Coax | Security Info Watch
Integrators with customers married to analog systems and coaxial cable can still leverage high definition video – here's what you need to ...
#82. What is a Coaxial Cable? - Computer Cable Store
What is a Coaxial Cable? Coaxial Cables are also referred commonly as coax or RF Cables. The main purpose of coaxial cables is for the transmission of radio ...
#83. Coax | Define coax in Amharic at Abyssinica - Amharic ...
Definition of coax is አባበለ፣ ተለማመጠ፣ አደፋፈረ. Translation of coax in Amharic. coax - ትርጉም.
#84. coax - English spelling dictionary - Spellzone
coax. Use our dictionary to check the spelling definitions of words. You can translate the dictionary words into your native language.
#85. Define coaxial circles and deduce their equation in simplest ...
A system of circles is said to be co-axial if every pair of the system has the same radical axis. Circles passing through two fixed points form a coaxial ...
#86. Engineering Dictionary, Radar definitions 'Coaxial Cable'
... Engineering Dictionary of Radar terms, and definitions of 'Coaxial Cable' ... Some types of coax cables use multiple conductors surrounding each other.
#87. Tips for Coaxial Cable Wiring | The Family Handyman
Some cheap coaxial cable connectors may work for a security camera, but not a Hi-Def TV or Internet signal. The same goes for wall plates.
#88. What is the opposite of coax? - WordHippo
Find 224 opposite words and antonyms for coax based on 6 separate contexts from our thesaurus.
#89. Definition: coaxial cable -
Definition : coaxial cable. A strong, flexible, high-capacity cable widely used in audio, video and data applications. Commonly called "coax" (pronounced ...
#90. Belden 4505R 12G-SDI 4K Ultra-High-Definition Orange Coax ...
Belden 4505R 12G-SDI 4K Ultra-High-Definition Orange Coax Cable - 20 AWG (1000 FT Roll) Features & Benefits: 12 GHz; 4K UHD Precision Video Cable; 75 Ohm ...
#91. Coaxial Cable - Tutorialspoint
What is Twisted Pair Cable? What is Co-axial Cable? What is Fibre Optic Cable? Explain the types of ETHERNET Cable. Previous Page ...
#92. What is Ethernet-over-Coax? - Safe and Sound Security
It does this by using two special Ethernet-over-Coax converters – one allowing you to connect the network camera to the coaxial cable itself, ...
#93. What is a coaxial cable? - Quora
Most commonly used for data communications, coaxial cable is a type of TV ... By definition, coax cable is simply a cable with two conductors where one ...
#94. What is the difference between a digital optical and ... - Sony
The digital audio bit stream is transmitted using pulses of light through this optical cable. A Digital Coaxial connection uses a cable that has RCA-type ...
#95. How to pronounce coax in English - Forvo
Definition of coax. a transmission line for high-frequency signals; influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering ...
#96. RF Coaxial Slot Radiators: Modeling, Measurements, and ...
... 24 wave equation in, 61 Free-space method, 237, 238 Frequency-domain reflectometry (FDR), 212–15 air-filled coaxial line mismatch sections, 213 defined, ...
#97. Proceedings of the Symposium - 第 1 卷 - 第 160 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The number and size of coaxes required to transmit the TV can significantly affect ... The first step , then , is to define the magnitude of the problem by ...
#98. Online Location of Faults on AC Cables in Underground ...
10.5 Visual presentation of the three coaxial mode currents used for the ... of the three coaxial modes defined in column 5–7 of Q are presented in Fig.
define coax 在 Coax Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace - YouTube 的八卦
MEANING --- Coax : gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.--- SENTENCE --- Rohini coaxed me into eating fruits as they are ... ... <看更多>