#1. DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion
DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!
DeepL Write 是你的写作助手——帮你实现清晰、准确、从容、无误的写作。立即免费试用!
#3. DeepL Write:发布我们新的人工智能写作助手
DeepL Write 是人工智能写作工具,帮助用户改善英语和德语的书面交流。DeepL Write不仅可以检查文本的语法错误,还提供替换词和改写整个句子的建议,以便你 ...
#4. DeepL Introducing our new AI writing companion
DeepL Write is an AI writing tool that improves written communication in both English and German. Write tackles more than just grammar—it puts ...
#5. DeepL新AI寫作助理Write不只能改文法,還提供語氣和措辭 ...
DeepL Write 鎖定記者、作家、學者以及跨國公司的多語言團隊,供專業人士能夠編寫文字簡潔且語意清楚的電子郵件、活動提案和報告,DeepL Write提供句子、選 ...
#6. DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator
Translate while you read and write with DeepL Translate, the world's most accurate translator. With the DeepL for Chrome extension, you can enjoy DeepL's ...
#7. DeepL Write 透過AI 幫你修正語法、標點錯誤,改寫更清晰 ...
DeepL Write 透過AI 幫你修正語法、標點錯誤,改寫更清晰準確的句子(支援英文/ 德文) · 修復語法和標點錯誤 · 選擇你的翻譯方式 · 創造性地改寫整個句子.
#8. DeepL Write AI 幫你輕鬆寫好英文信件,文法沒錯誤
目前「 DeepL Write 」還在Beta 測試的階段,打開網站,不需要註冊登入就可以免費使用,限制是只能輸入2000 字內的文章來進行修正建議,支援英文(美國) ...
#9. DeepL Write
DeepL Write. AI 幫忙外文糾錯!熱門翻譯網站DeepL 推出DeepL Write. 2023-01-18. Facebook Telegram Line Twitter Share. Copyright TechNews 科技新報. 粉絲團按讚 ...
#10. DeepL Write - 最新文章- The News Lens 關鍵評論網
「DeepL Write」並不是要幫我們從零開始直接寫出一篇英文文章(就像前面說的,這樣有創意、道德等問題),而是要透過AI技術,幫助我們把一篇英文、德文文章修正得更完美。
#11. AI 幫寫外文!人工智慧翻譯DeepL 推出DeepL Write - INSIDE
... DeepL Write 可以自動建議英文、德文的文章寫法,尤其能在多語言需求的工作上加快效率。#趨勢,人工智慧,AI,生成式AI (deepl-write)
#12. [工具] DeepL Write AI 翻譯助理產生器@英文文法.字詞修改建議
DeepL Write AI 人工智慧翻譯助理,支援英文論文、德文寫作進行辨識,可以偵測字母拼音出錯替換字詞、或是整句文法修改建議。DeepL Write 翻譯產生器 ...
#13. DeepL Write | 賴亮全實驗室 - 國立臺灣大學
DeepL Write. 分享. QR code. 列印. 瀏覽: 124, 最近修訂: 2023-01-19. DeepL Write. 分享. QR code. 列印. 瀏覽: 124, 最近修訂: 2023-01-19. ×. ×. × ...
#14. DeepL翻譯:AI 翻譯軟體就選它!新功能Write介紹 - 未來商務
DeepL Write 是由DeepL打造的人工智慧寫作助理,不只能解決寫作的文法缺失,同時還能根據語氣、措辭,甚至是寫作風格提供建議。使用者只需在左側的文字區域輸入內容,DeepL ...
#15. DeepL Write AI 英文寫作助手提供更自然、流暢的字詞語法建議
DeepL Write 人工智慧寫作工具主要協助使用者完善英文和德文寫作,即時檢查文法錯誤,也會提供字詞替換或改寫整段句子建議,如果不是以英文德文為母語的使用者就能 ...
#16. DeepL Write
The creators of the phenomenal AI-driven DeepL Translator have just released DeepL Write — a free AI writing companion for correcting ...
#17. DeepL Write相關文章
人工智慧幫你改正文法及措辭DeepL Write成為AI寫作助理 · 2023-09-11. #EP55 解密AI工程師最大挑戰不只分析、關鍵在於收集數據ft.臺中科大姜琇森教授 · 2023-09-5. #EP54 ESG ...
#18. DeepL Write 彙整- PCM
DeepL Write. DeepL Write · 遣辭用句不求人免費AI 寫作支援工具DeepL Write · 雲端應用 2023-01-19. 私隱政策聲明 · 使用條款 · 版權告示 · 商業合作 · 聯絡我們.
#19. 遣辭用句不求人免費AI 寫作支援工具DeepL Write - PCM
日前DeepL 更利用DeepL 翻譯所用的神經網絡技術,推出幫助大家寫作英文和德文的免費工具DeepL Write,不單能指出文法上的問題,更能在措詞、語調、文體和 ...
#20. DeepL Write
DeepL Write is a new, free AI writing companion from the company that created the DeepL Translator. If you are a translator, there is a good ...
#21. Introducing DeepL Write—our new AI writing companion!
Want to learn more about DeepL Write, our new AI writing companion? Watch our newest video and discover how DeepL Write gives you that extra boost of…
#22. DeepL, Write, and penetrating AI
Cologne-based DeepL has announced the beta launch of DeepL Write, an AI-powered authoring tool intended to improve texts by fixing errors ...
#23. DeepL Write - AI百科
DeepL Write 是什么? DeepL是一款基于人工智能技术的翻译软件,可以提供高质量的机器翻译服务。相较于传统的机器翻译软件,DeepL在语义理解和语言风格方面更为优秀, ...
#24. 【AI+語言學習】DeepL Write|AI 寫作助手,練習英文 ...
也可利用DeepL Write 準備各種考試檢定英文寫作:. 大學學測英文作文; 全民英檢英文作文; 多益英文寫作; 托福英文寫作; 雅思英文寫作; GRE 英文 ...
#25. DeepL翻譯- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
DeepL 翻譯(英語:DeepL Translator)是2017年8月由總部位於德國科隆的DeepL GmbH(一家由Linguee支持的创业公司)推出的免費神經機器翻译服务。評論家對於它的評價 ...
#26. DeepL Write: New AI-based writing tool launched
With DeepL Write, the young company from Cologne is launching an exciting new tool that – similar to the multiple award-winning translator – ...
#27. DeepL Write and ChatGPT Limitations in Scholarly Editing
Let's unveil the limitations of DeepL Write and ChatGPT in scholarly editing, and explore how human editors continue to remain ...
#28. DeepL Write 英文作文改寫工具,讓AI 幫你挑出文法及標點錯誤
最近他們又推出一款全新工具「DeepL Write」,只要把你寫好的外文內容貼上,它就會偵測並自動改寫出更順暢、文法更正確的語句。雖然目前還是Beta 測試版, ...
#29. DeepL, one of the world's leading AI communication
DeepL Write is an AI writing companion that will help users improve their writing and express themselves precisely—regardless of their language ...
#30. [DeepL Write]當修正英文文法軟體碰上ChatGPT
DeepL Write 最大的競爭對手– Grammarly. DeepL Write介紹: Grammarly介紹: DeepL新寵兒-DeepL Write 英文文法修正AI. DeepL Write是由德國人工智慧公司 ...
#31. DeepL, Write, and Penetrating AI
DeepL Write is the first addition to DeepL Translate, DeepL's flagship product. Translate is a highly appreciated AI translation tool by various stakeholders in ...
#32. DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator - Firefox Add-ons
下載Firefox 上的DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator。Translate while you read and write with DeepL Translate, the world's most accurate ...
#33. DeepL Write AI writing tool launches
DeepL Write is an AI writing companion that, according to the company, is designed to improve written communication. ADVERTISEMENT. DeepL Write ...
#34. deepl
Accurate translations for individuals and Teams. Millions translate with DeepL every day. DeepL Write AI-powered writing companion. Fix grammar ...
#35. DeepL Write 透過AI 幫你修正語法、標點錯誤,改寫更清晰 ...
DeepL Write 透過AI 幫你修正語法、標點錯誤,改寫更清晰準確的句子(支援英文/ 德文). 這好用,英文文法不對都會自動改寫成更正確、更順的句子.
#36. DeepL Write | Discover AI use cases
Perfect your writing in seconds Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL's wo...
#37. Alternatives to DeepL Write: The Newest AI Writer Tools
DeepL Writer is a relatively new AI writing tool developed by the company DeepL, known for their advanced translation technology. This tool aims ...
#38. DeepL takes aim at Grammarly with the launch of Write, to ...
Write is a new tool that fixes your writing — catching grammar and punctuation mistakes, offering suggestions for clarity and more creative ...
#39. 人工智慧DeepL Write幫你改正文法及措辭 - 職涯
文字翻譯服務公司DeepL近期也發布新的人工智慧寫作助理DeepL Write,DeepL Write是一種AI寫作工具,能夠調整、改善使用者的德文和英文寫作。官方表示,DeepL Write不只 ...
#40. DeepL Write 发布,检查语法、标点错误,重新描述句子
DeepL Write 是著名的机器翻译工具DeepL 最新发布的新功能,通过「检查语法及标点错误,重新表述句子,运用精确措辞,并为你的文本选择最恰当的语气。
#41. DeepL launches New Product 'Write' To Take On Grammarly
DeepL has recently launched a new service called Write that will help writers fine-tune their content. The service will use the same technology as DeepL's ...
#42. DeepL Aborts Write Launch, German Translation ...
Florian and Esther discuss the language industry news of the week, with DeepL launching an AI-based writing tool called DeepL Write. The ...
#43. DeepL Write - 88166 台灣網站導航
DeepL 推出的AI驅動的寫作助手. DeepL Write數據統計. DeepL Write數據評估. DeepL Write瀏覽人數已經達到1,更多網站價值評估因素如:DeepL Write的訪問速度、搜索引擎 ...
#44. DeepL Write: Reviews, Features, Pricing & Download
DeepL Write is an AI writing tool that improves written communication in both English and German. Write tackles more than just grammar—it ...
#45. DeepL Write | 網站大師-最完整的工具網站
DeepL Write. 60 3. DeepL Write. DeepL推出的AI驅動的寫作助手. 標籤:AI · 打開網站 手機打開. DeepL推出的AI驅動的寫作助手. 數據統計. 相關導航. Winston AI. 強大 ...
#46. DeepL
DeepL. 18179 likes · 99 talking about this. Connect your business globally with DeepL's human-sounding AI translator and writing tools.
#47. Top 5 DeepL Write Alternatives & Competitors - YouTube
Top 5 DeepL Write Alternatives & Competitors In this video we will cover, 1.What is DeepL? 2.Pros and Cons 3.DeepL Alternatives 4.
#48. DeepL Write - AI前哨站
DeepL 推出的一款AI驱动的写作工具DeepL Write,它能在极短的时间内帮助作者进行错别字纠正、语句润色等工作。这款工具采用了深度学习技术,能够理解并分析语言的复杂 ...
#49. DeepL Write | 酒视界
DeepL Write 是知名Al翻译工具DeepL于2023年1月份推出的文章润色和智能修改工具.
#50. Who wrote this, you or DeepL?
A Goethe-Institut research project has developed a self-learning computer program that does more than just detect fake text submissions.
#51. DeepL Write | 云导航
DeepL Write 是知名AI 翻译工具DeepL 于2023年1月份推出的文章润色和智能修改工具,帮助写作者清晰、准确、从容地书写。用户可以使用DeepL Write 一键完善写作,目前 ...
#52. Report: DeepL Business Breakdown & Founding Story
DeepL Write. DeepL Write, announced in January 2023, is an AI writing tool that improves written communication in English and German. It tackles ...
#53. DeepL Selected Text :: Thunderbird 附加元件
Works great!! Is there any way to include in the options or in a new addons, the new version of DeepL write? This would complete the pack
#54. DeepL Write beta: a new AI rephrasing tool from ...
DeepL Write beta: a new AI rephrasing tool from DeepL that improves overall writing in addition to spelling (British English, American English ...
#55. Linguee | Dictionary for German, French, Spanish, and more
... DeepL Translator Write Dictionary. EN. Open menu. English-German Dictionary. Search 1,000,000,000 translations. Linguee. [us] English <-> [de] German, [us] ...
#56. 3 new AI editors to strengthen your writing ✍️ Wonder Tools
DeepL Write is a free new tool, in beta, that offers two ways to sharpen your writing. ... DeepL shows you multiple ways to reword a sentence, as ...
#57. DeepL Write | AI工具导航
数据评估. DeepL Write浏览人数已经达到14,如你需要查询该站的相关权重信息,可以点击"5118数据"" ...
#58. DeepL releases AI writing assistant | Startbase
Artificial intelligence is a key technology that can simplify people's lives." According to the company, the new technology DeepL Write will be ...
#59. DeepL
Write better code with AI · Code review. Manage code changes · Issues. Plan and ... deepl-node Public. Official Node.js library for the DeepL language translation ...
#60. Exploring DeepL for Machine Translation: How It Works ...
Its newest offering, DeepL Write, launched in early 2023, seeks to become an English writing assistant and outperform rivals like Grammarly. The present and ...
#61. DeepL Translate: Reading & writing translator
Translate while you read and write with the world's most accurate translator. With the DeepL for Microsoft Edge extension, you can enjoy DeepL's unbeatable ...
#62. 5 ChatGPT alternatives that you can try - ChatSonic, DeepL ...
DeepL Write is an AI writing tool that improves written communication in both English and German. Not just grammar, it also offers suggestions ...
#63. DeepL Translate on the App Store
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about DeepL Translate. Download DeepL Translate and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, ...
#64. DeepL Translate - Apps on Google Play
DeepL Translate is the go-to translation app for text, speech, images, and files supporting more than 30 languages. Millions of people use it every day to ...
#65. A free web service ``DeepL Write'' that can proofread ...
By combining DeepL Translate and DeepL Write, you can create an explosive English writing environment that 'instantly translates Japanese into ...
#66. deepl
Translate with DeepL in any app as you write. About the translation ... DeepL翻訳:高精度な翻訳ツール– DeepL Translate. DeepLでは、Internet ...
#67. Submissions from
Say it right with DeepL Write: Introducing our new AI writing companion ( 2 points by petodo 8 months ago | past | 2 comments ...
#68. DeepL Write - 432107 公益导航
标题, DeepL Write. 描述, DeepL推出的AI驱动的写作助手. 链接. 备用链接. 即将打开,请稍等... ©2022 Powered by 域名云.
#69. DeepL Reviews 2023: Details, Pricing, & Features
DeepL Write (Beta) - Your new AI writing companion tackles so much more than just grammar. DeepL Write puts you in control of your writing—offering ...
#70. DeepL for Visual Studio Code
vscode-deepl. Translate texts in more than 25 languages directly in your favourite code editor powered by DeepL. This extension provides all ...
#71. DeepL (@DeepLcom) / X
Connect and scale your business globally with DeepL's human-sounding AI translator and writing tools.. Cologne, Germany Joined February 2018.
#72. DeepL Write - AI西格玛
DeepL Write. 0 18. AI写作工具. DeepL Write. DeepL推出的AI驱动的写作助手. 标签:AI写作工具 · 链接直达手机查看. DeepL推出的AI驱动的写作助手. 相关导航. Writer.
#73. DeepL Write: Brauchen wir jetzt noch eine menschliche ...
"Bessere Texte im Handumdrehen" verspricht Deepl Write. Noch korrigiert die KI ohne Unterscheidung zwischen Verbessern und Verschlimmbessern ...
#74. DeepL Write - Download
DeepL kennt man vor allem als Übersetzer, der spürbar bessere Ergebnisse als Google Translate liefert. Jetzt hat man sich daran gemacht, mit der Web-App DeepL ...
#75. Grammarly: Free Writing AI Assistance
Millions trust Grammarly's AI writing assistance to communicate with confidence and make writing faster and more delightful. Getting started is simple ...
#76. 「DeepL Write」が登場 ~翻訳ではなく、より正確・自然な文章 ...
「DeepL Write」は英語とドイツ語に対応しており、文法の間違いを正すだけでなく、言い回しや語調、文体や言葉の選び方を提案する。ネイティブが読んでも ...
#77. DeepL Write - Download - COMPUTER BILD
Die „DeepL Write“-KI übernimmt automatisch die Textverarbeitung und präsentiert das Ergebnis mit den Verbesserungsvorschlägen direkt daneben.
#78. Using DeepL as a free tool to correct your writing - Zoe Barnett
Using DeepL as a free tool to correct your writing · 1: Hop over to DeepL's online translation engine ( · 2: Paste your text (up to ...
#79. DeepL Write unter der Lupe: Wie KI dir kostenlos hilft ...
Übersetzen inklusive Optimieren. Deepl Write kann auch als zweiter Schritt nach der Übersetzung von Texten ins Deutsche oder Englische ...
#80. DeepL Write startet: KI-Schreibassistent poliert Texte auf
Der für seine natürlichen Übersetzungen gelobte Online-Dienst DeepL ist weiter damit beschäftigt sein Angebot aus- und umzubauen.
#81. AIが英文を直してくれる「DeepL Write」ベータ開始。自然な ...
独DeepLは1月17日(現地時間)、AIを搭載した文書作成サポートツール「DeepL Write」をベータ版として提供開始しました。英語とドイツ語に対応して ...
#82. 高效工作,品质生活
#83. 22 ChatGPT Alternatives (Free and Paid)
DeepL Write (Free and Paid). The AI is focused on writing and improving the writing of individuals. Users get the freedom to enhance their ...
#84. DeepL Write verbessert Ihre Texte. Wirklich!
Mit Hilfe von DeepL Write können Sie Ihre Texte stilistisch verbessern. Wir haben es getestet und festgestellt: Es funktioniert erstaunlich ...
#85. DeepL Write - Neues Schreibwerkzeug angekündigt - Apfeltalk
DeepL ist vielen unserer Leser:innen ein Begriff, jetzt gibt es ein neues Angebot.DeepL Write soll geschriebene Texte besser werden.
#86. DeepL Write – DeepLs neuer KI-Schreibassistent
DeepL ist ein deutsches KI-Unternehmen, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Sprachbarrieren mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz zu überwinden. Seit ...
#87. Chat gpt pay as you go. Each user is given 50 credits durin
For translations and paraphrasing, DeepL Write is indeed a good option to go for instead of ChatGPT. You can even use the microphone to chat with ChatGPT ...
#88. 30 Best ChatGPT Alternatives for 2023 | Free & Paid
Bloom · DeepL Write · YouChat · Perplexity · Elicit · Chinchilla · Replika · Character AI · Poe by Quora · Chatsonic Slack Bot · CoGram · Otter ...
#89. TasosDSP进行音频降噪java 音频降噪工具
DeepL Write 是DeepL推出的在线写作辅助工具。主要功能包括:修复语法和标点错误,改写并获得准确的翻译分句,创造性地改写整个句子,可以帮助您提炼写作 ...
#90. 英文翻譯中文- KOREANSCDKYİV
DeepL 翻译器Write 词典. ZH. Open menu. 英中词典以及数亿条的译文例句搜索. Linguee. [cn] 中文<-> [us] 英语 …Google 翻譯應用程式支援超過100 種 ...
#91. LanguageTool - Online Grammar, Style & Spell Checker
LanguageTool will help rid your writing of all grammar gaffes, like incorrect subject-verb-agreement, wrong plural forms, or misuse of grammatical forms. Check ...
#92. Translate from English to Malay online
Need an Malay translation? Let's do it! Lingvanex free service instantly translates words, phrases to voice, audio files, podcast, documents, and web pages from ...
#93. Russian English Translation, Online Text ...
This tool is for translating simple sentences; the result may need to be perfected. → Russian keyboard. → conversion Cyrillic-Latin script. • Deepl: Russian- ...
#94. translate 日本 語 to english
DeepL Write. AIで文章を推敲. 言語を自動検出. 日本語. DeepL Translate The worlds most accurate translator. Popular Spanish to English French ...
#95. Free Grammar Checker - QuillBot AI
Use QuillBot's free online grammar checker tool to perfect your English by reviewing your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Writing can be ...
#96. French spell checker - Grammar and spell check
Write in flawless French, with the interactive grammar checker. Whether you're writing an email, a presentation or an essay, your resume or a cover letter ...
#97. AI Chat
AI Chat is an AI chatbot that writes text. You can use it to write stories, messages, or programming code. You can use the AI chatbot as a virtual tutor in ...
#98. これからのAI×Webライティング本格講座ChatGPTで超時短・高品質コンテンツ作成
... DeepL.Write.............................................96 DeepL 翻訳..............................................95 Default.promp ...
#99. Deepl translate
DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now! DeepL ...
#100. Korean Translation
SYSTRAN Translate lets you translate any text online in Korean directly from your Web browser. Use SYSTRAN Translate anytime anywhere for free Korean ...
deepl write 在 Top 5 DeepL Write Alternatives & Competitors - YouTube 的八卦
Top 5 DeepL Write Alternatives & Competitors In this video we will cover, 1.What is DeepL? 2.Pros and Cons 3.DeepL Alternatives 4. ... <看更多>