I had originally planned to buy so much stuff in Hong Kong since it has been so long since my last return. Then it dawned on me the immense bulk of stuff we left behind in our apartment. We decided we are going to rent out our Hong Kong home because it's empty so much of the year. It's all been very bittersweet but we hope it will be home to lots of happy memories for the next family one day. Anyways, it brings me on the topic of WASTE. Before I buy anything, I ask myself if it's going to be chucked away after a couple of years. It's been a real eye opener and has made me second thought a lot of my purchases since. Now, I'm going to bring the bulk of my stuff back to UK rather than buy new bulk. I hope we can all think before we buy. It's the reason I buy basics rather than "on trend" pieces because I know basics won't go out of style. Hong Kong has one of the worse recycling industries too even as a developed country. Let's all be good citizens and try our best to think twice before we buy unless we are proper hoarders lol. I cannot hoard anymore though because clutter makes me stress. What about you?
dawned on me 在 Bubzbeauty Official Facebook 八卦
I’m not quite sure what it is but for the past two weeks, I have been struggling to fall asleep. I’m tired throughout the day but as soon as I lay in bed, my heart starts pounding hard and I struggle to drift off. My chest is tight, my bladder constantly needs emptied. I’m so anxious that I’ll get stomach cramps that last until the morning light. What am I anxious about? My children. Oh also, on tomorrow. I’ve always been the type to wing life. I never like to plan too far ahead. I take each day, task and challenge as it comes. With my children, I’m a different story. If I could shield them from a bad dream, I would. It’s suddenly dawned on me just how little control I truly have over my kids (which actually isn’t a bad thing after all). With Isaac starting P1, my fears that I projected on him has been crippling me. What if he doesn’t fit in? What if he gets bullied? What if he doesn’t enjoy school? With ayla starting daycare two days a week, I’m anxious about her not being in my care. What if she doesn’t feel prioritised? Why do I feel so much guilt? As parents, We try to balance more responsibilities which just leads to mum guilt increasing along the way. Does guilt actually help us perform better? No. Not only do I need to have more faith in my children, I especially need to have more faith in God. For a while, I felt like He was absent in my life and only recently I realise it was me who was absent all along and trying to make things work on my own. My wise friend @__sabby66__ told me that as a parent, I am just a steward to the children. God loves my children even more so than the love I have for them? I was able to understand His love for us better. It gave me such peace to just surrender. I love being a mum but this fear needs to go and I need to replace it with a different f word, faith. When I stArt to see shadows I will not fear because it just means there is light ahead of me. I will focus on the light, keep walking and remember Gods love is sufficient. #parentlife #anxiety #fear #faith #godisgood #itsbubz #focusonthelight #jesuslovesyou #makingmywaybacktochrist #thankyousabrina
dawned on me 在 Facebook 八卦
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dawned on me 在 To dawn on 終於明白- BBC UK China - 潮流英語 的相關結果
短語dawn on 的意思是某人終於明白一事。 例句. It dawned on me that I hadn't been sick for two years. It was several hours before the truth ... ... <看更多>
dawned on me 在 國際學村- 【英語慣用語】It dawned on me that...(開始明白 ... 的相關結果
【英語慣用語】It dawned on me that...(開始明白) My husband was finding lots of excuses for being away from home last night. ... <看更多>
dawned on me 在 dawn on sb中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
[ + that ] I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my wallet at home. 我買完東西要付錢時,才突然發現 ... ... <看更多>