As you guys know I've had crazily bleached hair for many years now. Bleaching is pretty bad for the scalp but I still do it because I want my crazy rainbow hair colours! However, every time I'm done with a bleaching session, my scalp feels raw and painful. Within a day or two, it starts to flake badly... The injured skin layer will fall out in the form of dandruff. I know, super gross - just look at the before picture!
So I'm super happy to be endorsed by TK TrichoKare! It's time to give my poor scalp and hair some TLC. At TrichoKare, certified Trichologists create customized hair remedies for me. After a 1.5hr thoroughly pampering hair session which includes the best hair massage, the result is clear: NO MORE DANDRUFF! My scalp is clean! And a healthy clean scalp prevents future hair loss.
TK TrichoKare has just unveiled their Hair Fall Preventive System. There's a lot of science and research behind it which I don't really understand but basically, it prevents hair loss, a challenge many people face!
If you have hair loss or scalp problems and want to do something about it before it's too late, good news!
You can now challenge TrichoKare by giving their Hair Fall Preventive System a try at just $59! Then you can see the difference for yourself.
Just go to for more information.
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dandruff flake 在 AgnesMa 馬晨熙 Facebook 八卦
头发是男人的第二张脸 有了它, 一切出油、毛躁困扰都可以say byebye😍
Thank you Head & Shoulders UltraMen for giving my boyfriend better confidence and flake free hair. It is designed for men especially to remove dandruff and against an oily scalp. Give yourself or your boyfriend a hair miracle now!
Get it at the nearest Watsons to get special discounts.#HeadandShoulders #UltraMen
dandruff flake 在 AgnesMa 馬晨熙 Facebook 八卦
头发是男人的第二张脸 有了它, 一切出油、毛躁困扰都可以say byebye😍
Thank you Head & Shoulders UltraMen for giving my boyfriend better confidence and flake free hair. It is designed for men especially to remove dandruff and against an oily scalp. Give yourself or your boyfriend a hair miracle now!
Get it at the nearest Watsons to get special discounts.#HeadandShoulders #UltraMen