英文縮寫 英文翻譯 中文翻譯
WR= world record 世界紀錄
AR= Area record 地區紀錄
(或是continental record) (可以說是洲紀錄)
CR= Championship record 錦標賽紀錄
GR= Games record 賽會紀錄
NR= National record 國家紀錄
MR= Meet record 大會紀錄
OR= Olympic record 奧運紀錄
UR= Universiade record 世大運紀錄
DLR= Diamond League Record 鑽石聯賽紀錄
PB= Personal best 個人最佳
SB= Season best 賽季最佳
WL= World leading 當季世界最佳
DNS= Did not start 未起跑
DNF= Did not finish 未完成比賽
DQ= Disqualified 取消資格
AR= Area record 地區紀錄(亞洲紀錄)
UR= Universiade record 世大運紀錄
NR= National record 國家紀錄
PB= Personal best 個人最佳
by N編
dns record 在 純靠北工程師 Facebook 八卦
說一下剛才那個 edu-tw.glitch.me 事件。其實如果你們用 Wayback Machine 查一下,就可以發現著實有這個假網站出現過:
1) (5/24 以前)假網站出現
2) 被立委還有事實查核機構拉出來鞭
3) Hinet 在自家 DNS 把這個子網域的 A 記錄(或是用一些其他方法)設定成
4) (3, [4,5] 可能對調)5/25,假網站發布者把網站撤掉[^2]
5) 不久後某位 PTT 網友去 Glitch 把這個子網域搶下來
結果每個都只看到片面資訊(、PTT 網友開的 placeholder 網頁)就以為是 DPP 自導自演⋯⋯拜託,你們有時間鍵政,怎麼沒時間去用 Wayback Machine 查核?笑死。此外你們也沒查證 Glitch 的網域可不可以更改 DNS Record 耶[^1],真以為 是自己改的嗎?🧐
[利益宣告] 我不是 DPP 人士,與 DPP 無關,是獨立網友。本文作者在撰寫此文期間無任何政治立場。
[^1] https://support.glitch.com/t/advanced-dns-input-and-ns-records/22862
[^2] http://web.archive.org/web/20210525035638/http://edu-tw.glitch.me/
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dns record 在 Soh Wai Ching - Athlete Facebook 八卦
My principle in running.
1. I won't take it easy even the race got no strong competitor.
2. I won't slow down even I know I am leading in the race.
3. The moment I sign up for the race, I will give my best to it.
4. The moment I decide to go for the race, I will run my best.
5. Even though there's Kenyan or stronger competitor than me in the starting line, I will still run my best.
6. I won't give up even the gap is far between me and the leader during the race.
7. Something I don't like that runner have this kind of thought. Those runner who always and like to give up because they knew they can't beat the runner and they slow down and choose not to chase.
8. Even they choose not to DNS when they know the race fill with stronger contender than themselves and go for other race.
9. I just can't tolerate with the altitude of giving up easily in road race or slow down in road race when you not running your best effort.
10. No turning back when you have made your choice to register the race and train for it.
This is me. My aim in road race is just want to be the best out of myself. Break my PR, aiming one day to take down Malaysia 5,000m and 10,000m record.
That's my life's goal.
I always believed in myself. We will see one day.
dns record 在 What is a Wildcard DNS record? - Porkbun Knowledge Base 的八卦
A wildcard DNS record is a record that answers DNS requests for any subdomain you haven't already defined. You can create wildcard A records ... ... <看更多>
dns record 在 Wildcard (萬用字元) DNS record | 代碼星球 的八卦
最近在執行的案子有一個需求,要提供每位註冊的使用者一個專屬子網域,最後是使用Wildcard DNS record 來達成。 一開始想透過web 去呼叫程式來修改DNS ... ... <看更多>