In reply to the front page article published on November 9, 2013 as well as the package of accompanying stories highlighting the state of the 1Malaysia Futsal Courts and the multipurpose courts, we are quite honoured to receive such scrutiny from The Star regarding the futsal and multipurpose courts which have been built since 2006. We believe in accountability and that no government agency should escape inspection. At the same time, we believe in going by the facts, something that The Star could do with every now and then.
The article states that there are about 2,200 1Malaysia futsal courts. There are actually 1,870 futsal/multipurpose courts built by the Youth and Sports Ministry all over the country. Out of which, 1,224 multipurpose courts were built under the 9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) which were for the usage of several sports including futsal, netball, basketball, volleyball, sepak takraw and badminton. Meanwhile, the remaining 646 were built under the present 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015). Those were solely for the purpose of futsal and are known as the 1Malaysia Futsal Court. Therefore, there are only 646 1Malaysia Futsal Courts.
Our futsal/multipurpose courts only have a working warranty period of five years and we concur that many of those built in the RMK9 have passed its shelf life. Most of the damage to the courts were due to the normal wear and tear after frequent usage without proper monitoring as well as vandalism. However, KBS only has the funds to build the courts with the knowledge and agreement that once the ministry hands over the courts, the light maintenance work and management of the courts are the responsibility of the local community or the local council.
We encourage the local residents, youth or sports associations managing the courts to collect fees from the players and they are charged with a minimum rate between free of charge, up to RM30 per hour. In comparison, popular private futsal courts in Petaling Jaya charge up to RM100 an hour. While we do not dictate the associations on how much they can charge the public, they are encouraged to follow our guidelines and the fees can vary from one location to another depending on the socio-economic status of the local community.
At the same time, we have requested from the Economic Planning Unit more funds for the repair of courts which have suffered major damage. If it is up to the Government to bear the cost of the maintenance of the futsal/multipurpose courts, we could spend up to RM18.7 million annually over and above development funds needed to build new courts.
However, the unfair reporting by The Star could easily mislead the public into thinking that almost all of the futsal/multipurpose courts are in deplorable conditions and this cannot be further from the truth. From our own audits, there are only about 10% of the total futsal and multipurpose courts which are heavily damaged and these were built more than eight years ago in 2006.
It is also inaccurate to say that the futsal/multipurpose courts are in isolated venues. Most of the futsal/multipurpose courts are situated in strategic locations with a lot of human traffic. In fact, we place very strict requirements when selecting locations to build the courts in. We will only build the courts after approval from the Land Office and the local councils, and after getting formal consensus from the local community leaders.
It is highly irresponsible of The Star to give vague anecdotal statements regarding the courts despite claiming to have visited more than 100 futsal/multipurpose courts. Instead of publishing empirical facts, we were treated with ambiguous statements such as “Many were found lacking maintenance…” and “many others are in shambles”. From that, it is impossible for the reader to establish a sample size of the courts which were truly damaged or situated in unstrategic locations.
And of course it is sensationalistic to pick the worst futsal/multipurpose court that the Starprobe team visited and to publish its picture on the news pages. The courts which were pictured in the report were in Chenderiang and Bandar Baru Permas Jaya , Masai and those I admit, are not our best courts. But I would like to also invite The Star team to visit our courts in certain areas of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
Take time to go to the court in Taman Merpati B, Pandan Indah in Selangor, where the local sports club have managed the court well and even collected close to RM2,000 monthly to cover for the maintenance, or the court in Taman Impian Putra, Bangi where the Taman Impian Youth Society collects RM1,000 monthly. Outside the Klang Valley, exemplary futsal courts could also be found all over the country including Port Dickson where the courts in Taman Politeknik and Taman PD Utama are well-run by the local residents or youth organizations.
While the damage by The Star towards the Ministry of Youth and Sports has been done, the demand for more futsal courts continues to be high. And because the developmental expenditure for KBS has been reduced by RM64 million in the 2014 Budget tabled recently, we don’t have plans for too many new courts next year. But going forward, we are looking at several different surface technology which will last longer as opposed to the standard concrete surface. And we only hope that the good journalists in The Star will give us a chance when we give service to the rakyat instead of splitting hairs over the maintenance of the courts when they are rightfully the responsibility of the local community and grossly exaggerating the state of our futsal courts, most of which are in good working order.
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[蘋果咬一口]Steve Jobs死後,蘋果股價仲升咗8倍。投資有幾難?
1. 介紹返,篇文唔係講蘋果。係講投資,講股票as a whole。當然我發現好多人好鍾意講「一見篇文開頭講乜乜已經唔想睇落去」。何其傲慢,好似你啲時間好值錢咁。埃汾一向都話,never judge a book by its cover.「同樣地,未上床唔好講真愛」。I am serious。睇完幾千字覺得個作者廢,咪畀多次機會。睇多幾篇都唔得嘅,咪唔好睇。
2. 話時話,呢排記得keep 住like and share,主動入嚟睇,同埋設定做see first.真係搵食艱難。但感激大家,Keep住做,呢排啲Reach係好返好多的,但唔好鬆懈。一個都不能少呀
3. 其實唔少朋友讀者都有蘋果股票(*),唔好話發達,但回報已經叻過絶大多數人。基本上你任何位買都贏錢,你見到呢篇文時係星期一,蘋果出完業績。升10%,歷史新高,所以任何位買都贏錢(**)。而家係間市值18000億嘅公司。有幾驚人?冇,就係全世界最大市值咁解。就係早兩年都講緊齊齊鬥快10000億,four comma club (one trillion,12個零,4個comma).而家分分鐘今年有人去到20000億。
4. BTW,見到啦?早幾年先10000億,而家20000億。不投資,往下流。即使呢個Page或明報專欄(今日有,記得買份,我冇得分,但支持下明報),我都至少講左幾年。
5. 但呢篇文唔係講蘋果業績,係講投資股票,as a whole。「其實唔難」。但點解咁多人做唔到(包括小弟,但已改進好多)?好簡單,畢菲特講嘅依然啱—冇人想慢慢發達。
6. 蘋果做乜,不用多講。埃瘋咯。冇錯仲有埃扑(其實係咪冇咗?),埃劈,埃窩廚,埃覓及其朋友覓卜等等。但主要都係埃瘋單天保至尊。勉強講而家仲有「服務」,上得快,但而家都係埃瘋佔近半收入,況且沒有埃瘋那有服務。有機會另文講下。
7. 所以,的確好多人講蘋果「冇創意」,食老本,一招走天下—但吹咩,就係一招走天下就夠做全世界最大市值企業。《絶世好BRA》有講,花式唔使多,女人要嘅唔係呢啲。同樣地,投資者要嘅,好簡單,給我盈利,其他免問。
8. 遲下我再寫篇文,寫另一個對比:Google,夠多元化,乜招式都有。當然都好勁,但,同蘋果比如何?一句,搵唔搵到錢?而家我地講股票下話?咁巴閉,點解賺唔到錢?哦我地唔係為錢咁庸俗。咁唔好上市咯。你私人公司任你點玩都得。上市公司股東就係睇利潤,你以為Steve Jobs因為脾氣臭畀人炒?
9. 聽聞李小龍都係咁講,唔怕你式一百種體位,至怕你一招傳教士練一百次。
10. 嚟啦喎,睇圖。應該好易明。藍色係蘋果嘅收入,十億美金計,左邊軸。紅色係純利,一樣十億美金計,都係左邊軸。灰色線?紅色除藍色,純利率,net profit margin,右邊軸。
11. 當然蘋果唔係2002先成立,再早嘅數我都有。揀2002主要因為2001年蝕錢。而我原本用log scale 後來唔用,費事再搞,但不影響討論。
12. 因為,我地唔好離地到講咩10蚊買騰訊呀,九十年代買蘋果咁痴線先。我地講啲realistic 嘅嘢。
13. 我係一個蘋果用家,但只限埃瘋埃劈埃扑,冇其他。我更加唔會半夜睇發佈會(好似睇過一次,冇由頭到尾睇完)。但我想講,我好記得教主Steve Job係幾時死嘅。
14. 因為嗰日,我在馬六甲,出緊差,其實係啲無聊添標定,標到去馬六甲,真爽。當日有啲分組活動,開始時,呀主持人好凝重咁講「我地開始前呢,想同大家分享一個唔係幾好嘅消息」我心諗,做乜春?。原來係教主死咗。咁咋?我係用埃瘋,但好似太痴線啦!
15. 無論如何,嗰日係2011年10月5日。
16. 點解講呢啲?因為教主死嗰日,已經係無人不識咁滯,蘋果亦都已經無人不識。大家只係擔心之後點算。
17. 然後回返帶,用埃瘋嘅你,幾時開始用?或者唔用嘅你,幾時見到有人用?我有個狂熱同事,好似埃瘋吐已經開始用。但我地呢啲正常人,應該係瘋科飛,或者埃瘋科先用。埃瘋科有幾紅?紅到李克勤有首歌叫「埃瘋科」
18. 就由埃瘋科,全城狂熱開始講。時為2010年6月。教主釘蓋前一年。我地睇睇,教主死嗰年,2011年,蘋果收入突破1000億。純利係260億。
19. 似乎豬肉在前,好似莫耶斯教曼聯咁(又係李克勤!),點超越前人?
20. 但就係唔係咁。
21. 打後十年,即係去到今年左右,蘋果收入係當年差不多3倍。其實唔係好多,10年3倍喎。一年11%左右。聽講我啲網友一個月都賺幾成。純利呢?升得更少,一個double 左右。
22. 想講嘅係,教主釘嗰時,蘋果股價,應該50蚊左右。而家400蚊樓上。十年八倍,not bad。你有冇一隻股票升8倍?
23. 而我呢個,已經係極之唔屈機嘅一個講法。根本埃瘋飛埃瘋科嗰幾年,連你阿爺都知道呢件玩意好新奇。但,嗰時你又覺得,扯,賺得一浸錢啫。
24. 係咯,到出埃瘋快乎,你又覺得,扯,咪又係咁,冇乜創意(的確係)。但,請睇多次第7段。到教主死埋,你就覺得,玩完咯,帝國崩潰。而唔知道,教主雖則係極其cult,果粉去到邪教咁地步(你排過生果舖見到有人出嚟同你拍手就知有幾痴線)。但,企業才是永恒。你要質疑嘅,永遠都可以「但係呢如果咁不過呢」,但公司就係不停咁迎難而上,唔係啲友點拎咁高人工?
25. 寫到呢度,你絶對可以質疑一樣嘢。喂,教主死咗之後真係唔得喎。我地就講錢,首先,見唔見個margin 跌咗落嚟?教主死時去到24-26%,近年係20%左右。的確如此。亦畀你見到,近年蘋果收入升得慢,純利更加升得慢。近兩三年其實原地踏步
26. 計長啲?頭先講過,教主死嗰年到而家,收入係當年三倍,純利係當年兩倍多啲。但股價升咗8倍!呀哈!GotCha!仲唔係「股價同基本因素脫節」?
27. 咁,你就諗漏咗兩樣嘢。嚟啦喎。第一,埃瘋飛埃瘋科出嗰時,美國10年國債,5厘息。教主死嗰時,2里半左右。而家,半厘。你覺得冇影響?咁你最好讀少少書先。好喱文講句:借畀美國政府都有5厘息嘅,我買公用股4厘冇乜吸引。但借畀美國政府得0.5厘息嘅,我買公用股3厘都仆到去啦
28. 第二,亦係重點。特登trap你的。冇錯,教主死嗰年至而家,純利只係一個開多啲。但,Earnings per share 每股純利唔係嘛!計EPS,就升咗四倍咁滯了!
29. 點解有咁混帳嘅嘢?簡單數學,每股純利=純利/股數。咁當然係股數少咗!
30. 點解少咗?因為回購!點解回購?因為多錢!唔止,蘋果甚至發債。咁多錢都發債?咁平息,唔借就笨!我借錢嚟回購股票,得咗。但當然要你間公司本身有錢同發債成本低。
31. 回購唔道德?痴線,你見匯控啲乜乜小股東,4月嘈到8月,咪又係嘈人派息。回購同派息效果相似,但唔使畀美國政府抽稅。
32. 加上,再講一次,聯儲局將啲息壓到咁低。公司根本發債回購都有so.所以低息點會冇助股市?
33. 睇完呢篇文,你就真係明白,唔使睇坊間好多垃圾文。
34. BTW,收費專欄今星期會重出江湖。留名……係冇discount嘅。不過會第一時間通知你。之前冇訂嘅。話你知,你就當呢篇係sample,雖則未必寫咁長。一個星期三篇。收費應該平過之前。
(*)我冇統計過,但讀者好似係果粉多。而我幾肯定香港嘅果粉佔比係比全世界高。好簡單,有錢。但呢個唔係重點。唔係果粉先要買蘋果。係相反,你係叔粉巿粉先更加要買蘋果!Keep your friend close, but your enemy closer。所以我雖則討厭香港,但一樣買香港股票—因為,萬一我錯呢?
(**)包拗頸嘅,咁嗰時day high個位買咪唔係咯,四百幾蚊輸六毫子。你係嘅,影張相畀我,我請你食飯又點話。
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Những bạn nào đang nhắm target 7.0 - 8.0 mà còn "mông lung như một trò đùa" thì hãy tham khảo ngay bài share này nè. Bạn Jullian Winslow khởi điểm với 6.0 đã làm như thế nào để đạt được IELTS 8.0 trong vòng 4 tháng? Hãy cùng đọc bài viết nhé. À, cả nhà đừng quên join English Club HEC vì có rất nhiều nội dung bổ ích về IELTS, Tiếng Anh mình có thể học hỏi đó <3
Mình bắt đầu ôn thi vào đầu tháng 4 với khởi điểm tầm 6 - 6.5.
- Writing: Khởi điểm W của mình chắc lơ lửng tầm 6.0. Dù học bằng tiếng Anh nhưng mình không hay viết bài luận ở trường nên cũng không luyện được kỹ năng W, hơn nữa mình còn là một đứa siêu phi logic, hầu như mình không có idea nào cho một bài W, kiểu cũng nghĩ chung chung ra được vài ý nhưng kêu triển khai ý là mình thua luôn thành ra viết rất dông dài. Mình học Task 1 trước vì nó dễ nhất, chủ yếu là xem trên YouTube của thầy Bách, sau khi ổn task 1 một xíu thì học task 2.
Mình tự học nên không có người sửa bài, thành ra sau 2 tuần thì nản quá không viết nữa. Từ đó mình tập trung ôn 3 skills kia mong kéo điểm. Mấy đề thi từ năm 2018 đến nay thầy Bách đều viết sample và highlight các cụm từ ghi điểm lại với giải thích rất cặn kẽ. Điều đặc biệt nữa là bài của thầy được chính examiner chấm qua và cho điểm trong khoảng từ 8 - 9.0 nên mình khá yên tâm. Mình không hợp với cách brainstorm của thầy lắm nhưng từ vựng hay, câu cú đơn giản mà dễ hiểu là mình thích rồi =)) Các đề thi cover nhiều chủ đề nên mình cũng nắm được kha khá từ để đá qua đá lại trong một số trường hợp. Mình không cố học thuộc mà đọc đi đọc lại bài thật nhiều lần để nắm idea và cách dùng từ của thầy cũng chư cái mạch văn để học cách viết. Quan trọng nhất là khi học bài mẫu thì mình tranh thủ highlight một số câu hay của thầy để có dịp thì dùng. Đợt thi mình cũng dùng được vài câu hay hay đó, chỉ paraphrase lại và sửa ý sao cho hợp ngữ cảnh thôi.
- Cách tăng vocabulary rõ rệt qua cách học flashcard?
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- Phân bổ thời gian ra sao khi rất bận rộn?
- Cách vượt qua cơn ác mộng IELTS? Đến ngủ cũng mơ thấy IELTS, ám ảnh kinh hoàng 😰
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【Apple Music】⇒
【再生リスト「2010's 8bit」】⇒
【再生リスト「少年ジャンプアニメ -Shōnen Jump amine 8bit-」】⇒
「Gurenge/Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba」
作詞・歌 - LiSA / 作曲 - 草野華余子 / 編曲 - 江口亮
原作 - 吾峠呼世晴 / アニメーション制作 - ufotable
【Studio Megaane】⇒
【State of Japan "Dot"】⇒
【Electric guitar "Dot"】⇒
#鬼滅の刃 #紅蓮華 #8bit #StudioMegaane #chiptune
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【再生リスト「特撮 -8bit Tokusatsu-」】⇒
作詞:藤林聖子 / 作曲:KoTa / 編曲:Project.R(KoTa、高橋哲也) / 歌:幡野智宏(Project.R)
#Sentai #Tokusatsu #8bit #StudioMegaane #chiptune
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【再生リスト「8bit 1990's 」】⇒
【再生リスト「ロボットアニメ -8bit Mecha anime-」】⇒
【再生リスト「美少女」 -8bit Moe-】⇒
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Oct 24, 2019 - Cover page Templates Editable Cover Pages ,download your cover page template, edit with Microsoft Word, print, and impress with multiple ... ... <看更多>