感謝今天台灣所有投票給綠黨的選民,謝謝你們挺好的人選、挺好的政黨,你們是台灣新政治的開拓者,你們就是台灣社會「挺好的」選民!今天是綠黨繼 1996 年後,十八年來首次有候選人當選的關鍵時刻,對開創新政治的意義非凡!
綠黨是全世界的環境政黨,我們用在地的行動,連結全球 91 個綠黨共同的進步價值。多年來,即便綠黨屢敗屢戰,卻依然不斷有人前仆後繼的加入,試圖透過參選行動、經營綠黨,來改變台灣既有的政治結構與核心價值。這些夥伴不斷地在面對各種現實與困境、理想和爭取選票的權衡中奮鬥堅持,期許綠黨能在台灣政治中能扮演關鍵少數,成為連結社會運動的參政平台。
2012 年立委選舉,綠黨拿到將近 23 萬張全國政黨票,雖低於 5% 未獲得國會席次,但已成為台灣第五大政黨。我們認為,台灣社會需要一個療癒式的政黨,需要好的政治來修復我們的土地環境、社會正義與民主制度所受的傷。做為一個負責任的世代,我們要將政治、政黨與人民之間復原成正常的關係,才能共同面對台灣的發展。
2013 年開始,我們持續檢討過去綠黨內部的組織問題,以「扎根」作為改革與經營的方向。這次地方縣市選舉,越來越多長期在地方耕耘環境、地方政治議題的人才,或願意投身政治改革的優秀青年加入綠黨,成為了我們的候選人與團隊夥伴,更進一步邀請台灣各領域的社運團體,一起思考台灣的重大問題、發展方向,以及新的政治、好的政黨該如何實踐。
今晚,相信所有期待綠黨茁壯的朋友有開心、也有失望。我們要感謝長期以來不離不棄、持續關注綠黨,並且用各種行動支持綠黨的夥伴。也要再次感謝今年所有站出來公開聲援、表態支持的各界意見領袖與社運團體。無論高牆是否倒下,綠黨都會堅持站在雞蛋這一邊。面對 2016 的挑戰,我們會與進步的社會價值並肩而行,為打開真正的第三勢力奮力向前。
【Green Party Taiwan post-election statement: Celebrating our 2 seat election victory!】
A big thank you to all Taiwanese voters who supported the Green Party, thank you to our good candidates andgood party - you are the trailblazers of Taiwan's new politics, and thank you to Taiwan society's voters! Since Green Party Taiwan's founding in 1996 this is our first time ever to win an elected seat; it is critical moment in the party's 18 year history and an extraordinary moment for the start of a new politics in Taiwan!
Taiwan's 2014 elections, referred to as "nine-in-one" elections for the nine categories of offices contested, saw Green Party Taiwan's two elected offices won by Haoyu Wang (王浩宇) in Taoyuan county (Chungli city) and by Jay Chou (周江杰) in Hsinchu country (Zhudong and Wufeng townships).
The Green Party is a global environmental political party, our actions are local and are connected to Green parties in 91 countries around the world who share the same progressive values. Over the years the Greens have persisted in contesting elections to change Taiwan's political structures and core political values. Our candidates and partners have also persisted, despite facing all variety of challenges in the electoral struggle, in hopes that Green Party Taiwan can play a critical role in Taiwan's politics through its role as a political platform for social activism.
In Taiwan's 2012 legislative elections, the Green party won nearly 230,000 national party votes; although just below the 5% threshold for a congressional seat, Green Party Taiwan became Taiwan's fifth largest political party. Green Party Taiwan is convinced that Taiwan society needs a healing political party and good politics to mend the wounds in our land environment, social justice and democratic system. As a responsable generation we want a politics that can restore a normal relationship between political parties and people so that we can work together on Taiwan's development.
In early 2013 we continued to review and improve the party's operations and rooted ourselves in the direction of reform and good management. In preparation for the 2014 local elections we focused on increasing our long-term work in the local environment, leadership in local political issues, and Green Party membership among outstanding youth willing to join us for achieving political reform. For our candidates and partners we invited civil society organisations from across Taiwan's sectors to think together about Taiwan's major social issues, the developmental direction of new politics, and the practices of a good political party.
Green Party Taiwan's candidates are ordinary people leading regular lives working in their hometown. They are not from political families nor members of the political and business elite, they received very little funding for their work on progressing various social issues for their constituencies. To raise campaign funds candidates held small fundraisers that connected civil society groups to develop policy; they are full of courage and passion for their hometowns, every day they stood at street corners delivering speeches, riding campaign tricycles around the city, or spending years developing online communities to replace the conventional sea of costly large billboards and flags in the streets.
We are motivated to support our candidates to stand up because we want to show that the Taiwanese choose candidates with value-based concepts and that Taiwan society is willing to reject extravagance, shouting and vote buying in our elections. We want to show that Taiwan's politics can contain diverse values and a parliamentary debate free of corruption.
This year's local council election results show that breaking the big parties' dominance in resources, media attention and the existing structure of family influence, is still very difficult. We invite Taiwanese voters to reflect together on how we can build greater ability for social change and how to breakthrough rigid political factions and financial consortiums. Following wave after wave of large-scale social movements, how can we inspire people to return to all parts of Taiwan to break the two party monopoly and bring progressive ideas into local councils?
Green Party Taiwan will produce an election report as soon as possible and support the elected members Haoyu Wang (王浩宇) and Jay Chou (周江杰) to organise their parliamentary teams. Green Party Taiwan will double up our rigorous attitude, learning, and as an international political party innovate politics at the municipal level by implementing the concepts in the Global Greens Charter. We respect the commitments we made during the elections to voters and civil society, and maintain our convention on political representatives to be committed to public transparency in our records and reports. In the next four years, Green Party representatives will serve as civil society's window into Taoyuan and Hsinchu councils and maintain responsibility to all citizens.
For the constituencies where we have fallen short, we will humbly review and strive to meet your needs better in the future. Despite the Green Party's insufficient financial and human resources for providing a better support to candidates, Green Party candidates have still shown a tremendous enthusiasm and conviction for giving their candidacy a shot. We are grateful to our voters for continuing to believe in us and giving the Green Party this opportunity. We also urge all sectors of society to enourage these candidates, campaign teams and volunteers, as we believe they will continue to take root and to work with enthusiasm and motivation for opening up a new politics.
Tonight, we believe all our friends who have looked forward to a thriving Green Party are both happy and disappointed for the candidates who did not win a seat in government. We want to thank our partners who have for a long time not given up and continued to care and support in many ways for Green Party Taiwan. We want to thank again all the leaders and civil society groups from all sectors who have stood up publicly to express their solidarity with the Green Party. Regardless of whether the walls have fallen, Green Party Taiwan will persevere to stand up and face the 2016 electoral challenge, we will work with progressive social values to open up a real third force to move society forward.
Elections are not a war, politics is not winning or losing, after tomorrow please start participating in Green Party Taiwan and continue to watch us closely.
- See more at: http://www.greenparty.org.tw/news/20141130/216…
「conventional business report」的推薦目錄:
conventional business report 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 八卦
今天很歡喜地跟大家分享一些非常有代表性,意義重大的全球各國能源轉型的最新實際成果以及前景、趨勢預測分析圖表。 <3
What’s Behind the World’s Biggest Climate Victory? Capitalism (09/16/2019 Bloomberg)
★ 部分節譯:
Solar and Wind Take Off as Coal Fades Away
The chief executive of the world’s largest private coal company sat before a group of U.S. lawmakers who wanted to know whether the fuel had a future. He didn’t hesitate. “Coal,” he said, “is the future.”
It was 2010. Coal supplied nearly half of America’s power, the executive testified, and was growing more than 1.5 times faster than oil, natural gas, nuclear and renewables combined. Global demand was on pace to rise 53% within two decades. And renewable energy? Not an option. “Wind and solar comprise just 1% of today’s U.S. energy mix,” Gregory Boyce, then the chief executive of Peabody Energy Corp., told the members of Congress. “It is unrealistic to suggest that renewables could replace conventional baseload fuels.”
那麼再生能源發電呢?這位煤業集團的執行長,Peabody 能源集團的 Gregory Boyce 直接了當的告訴這群國會議員,再生能源不是可行的選項。當時 Gregory Boyce 的理由是:“風力發電與太陽能發電加總起來的發電量,(當時)只佔全美電力供應量的區區1%佔比。“ Gregory Boyce 對國會議員表示 ”他認為再生能源可以取代傳統基載電力的燃料是不切實際的看法。“
Not quite. This April, for the first time ever, renewable energy supplied more power to America’s grid than coal—the clearest sign yet that solar and wind can now go head-to-head with fossil fuels. In two-thirds of the world, they’ve become the cheapest forms of power.
可惜事實並非如此。到了今年的四月份(2019),美國再生能源併網的發電量已經在史上第一次的超越了燃煤發電的發電量了 - 這是截至目前為止顯示太陽能光電和風力發電已經能夠在市場上跟化石能源發電一決勝負的最清楚的一個跡象。在全球其他三分之二的地區,再生能源也已經成為最便宜的發電型態。
Solar and wind will power half the globe by 2050, based on BloombergNEF forecasts. By that time, coal and nuclear will have all but disappeared in the U.S., forced out by cheaper renewables and natural gas.
根據專門追中研究全球能源產業趨勢的 BNEF (彭博新能源財經研究機構)所做的預測,太陽能發電和風力發電在2050年的時候,將可供應全球一半的電力需求量。到時候,因為不敵更加便宜經濟的各種再生能源發電與燃氣發電的強力競爭,使得燃煤發電與核能發電在美國電業市場幾近消失殆盡。
Solar and Wind Take Off as Coal Fades Away
The market triumph of renewable energy marks the biggest victory yet in the fight against global warming. Solar and wind are proliferating not because of moral do-gooders but because they’re now the most profitable part of the power business in most of the world. An industry that once relied on heavy subsidies and was propped up by government mandates is now increasingly standing on its own.
As a recent United Nations report put it: The renewable energy sector is “looking all grown up.”
In the effort to slow climate change, the energy sector matters. Electricity generation has traditionally been the world’s biggest source of greenhouse-gas emissions. In the U.S., for the first time since the 1970s, this is no longer the case. Since 2016, American power plants have given off less carbon dioxide than the nation’s transportation sector, where oil continues to dominate. The turnabout owes a lot to cheap and cleaner-burning natural gas, but wind and solar farms are playing an increasingly important role.
Solar, wind and hydropower resources combined generate more than a quarter of the world’s electricity. In China and India that share will surpass 60% by 2050, BNEF estimates show, and Europe will top 90%.
Renewable energy won’t save the world on its own. Power generation accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse-gas emissions being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. The rest comes mainly from transportation, manufacturing, agriculture and heating and cooling homes and businesses.
Those sectors will need to match the sweeping technological advances and more efficient manufacturing that have slashed the costs of solar and wind power. Battery prices have fallen 84% in less than a decade. Cheaper parts are what have made solar and wind more economical to build than coal and gas plants across two-thirds of the world. Five years ago, by BNEF’s count, this was virtually nowhere.
Low costs sparked a clean-power frenzy that has quadrupled global renewable energy capacity to 1,650 gigawatts within the past nine years—more than every power plant in the U.S. combined. From Western Europe to China, solar and wind are beating out fossil-fuel plants without subsidies. Some projects are ditching long-term contracts altogether, relying instead on exotic hedges.
成本下滑激發了全球再生能源發電的開發熱潮,在過去九年之間,全球再生能源的裝置容量就激增了四倍之多,目前達到1,650GW的規模 - 這個規模比美國境內所有發電廠的裝置容量加總起來還要多。
In the U.S., natural gas remains king of the power mix, accounting for about 40% of the nation’s electricity. But renewable energy’s share is quickly climbing, reaching 25% earlier this year.
In a sign of where things are headed, solar installers and wind technicians are the two fastest-growing professions in the U.S. Solar now employs more people than any other power source. Wind supports almost as many jobs as gas.
Can Renewable Energy Power the World (09/16/2019 Bloomberg)
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