我以前都曾經一樣咁傻豬豬,講過呢句說話,但後來我覺得,呢一句說話係make sense嘅,你唔仆街,又點會做到呀姐?
身邊有好多出咗嚟做嘢幾年嘅朋友, 有部分已經升咗做senior, 或者am嘅post,但係每個人嘅際遇都唔一樣,有啲朋友做極都冇得升,而且喺同一間公司留得耐,冇得升之餘,仲越做越多嘢做。佢呀姐仲比埋本身呀姐要做嘅野佢做,「比機會佢學野」,佢呀姐亦毫無廉恥之心, 一句都冇提過話要升佢職。
呢啲朋友通常同你呻工作煩惱,都會話:「如果我係阿姐,我一定會搵機會提攜我嘅下屬, 升佢哋職,更加唔會將自己要做嘅嘢,畀曬啲下屬做咁仆街。」
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
我覺得而家人大咗,我就學懂阿嬌嗰句嘅意思同真諦: 以前好天真好傻,而家長大啦!!!
其實我覺得每一間公司,都有好多好濕碎好濕鳩好悶好routine 好「庇護工場」嘅嘢要做, 呢啲咁 executional 咁time consuming嘅工作, 就好似一隻白切雞入面嘅雞胸咁,雞胸嘅數目永遠都係多過雞髀同雞翼。 到你有朝一日成為咗阿姐,你已經食咗n年雞胸,你仲點會受得住誘惑唔食雞髀同雞翼,同啲junior level嘅人一齊食雞胸呢?
唔係因為做人要進取積極同上進,係因為作為一個比較聰明嘅人,明白只有阿姐先可以食到雞髀同雞翼,享受「 啲濕鳩嘢畀曬啲細做, 自己只係點人去做」嘅工作樂趣, 咩係manager grade嘅策劃工作技巧?咪就係好似順豐派件咁,將所有濕鳩嘢派畀啲下屬做囉。
如果你唔想一世食雞胸,成世要做埋啲濕鳩無謂嘢,你就要盡快成為阿姐, 只有盡快成為阿姐,先可以縮短食雞胸嘅時間。
點解啲阿哥阿姐成日話我地對工作冇熱誠,佢地自己讚自己好熱愛工作,好勤力? 佢哋日日食雞髀梗係覺得好好食,好enjoy 啦。佢哋呢啲係咩心態?佢哋呢啲咪上咗神枱嘅心態囉,佢哋日日食雞髀,話隻雞真係好好食,仲指責我哋點解覺得隻雞唔好食,你食雞脾梗係好食啦,我日日食雞胸,欣宜都變張繼聰啦!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
然後有啲好傻豬豬嘅朋友就問,人人都做過細嘅,點解啲阿姐唔considerate啲?點解佢哋唔將心比己? 你咁問真係代表你喺職場度仲未操練出一身好本領, 你仲係未訓練到仆街既人格同潛能。 阿姐係唔需要對你considerate㗎, 佢亦都唔需要做好人, 每個人都希望食到隻雞最好個part, 佢已經日日食雞脾,佢仲點會consider你哋啲食雞胸嘅人嘅感受。去到做阿姐嘅level, 佢去entertain啲細嘅,對啲細嘅considerate嘅成本係好大,大到根本唔值得咁做。佢喺你哋面前做到好generous, 對佢呢啲食雞髀嘅人士有咩好處?就好似大家覺得奶奶對新抱,奶奶自己都做過新抱,都明白比奶奶刻薄係好難受,我想同大家講,他朝一日你成為奶奶,你就會將自己以前作為新抱嘅屈辱拋諸腦後,你只會 著緊 點樣可以用盡奶奶身份嘅權益。
所以個結論係,如果你係仲係食緊雞胸嘅junior staff, 畀阿姐抑壓指指點點, 你只有兩種做法, 一係你就睇開啲,個人有事業心進取啲, 希望盡快升職,縮短食雞胸嘅時間 ,唔好再奢望食緊雞脾嘅阿姐會對你considerate同埋仁慈。 一係你見你喺目前間公司呢一世都唔會有食雞髀嘅機會,你就應該 努力jobsBB, 去第二間公司度,尋找盡快食雞髀嘅機會。
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石榴 — 性熱,味甘酸,具生津止渴、澀腸止瀉、收歛固澀作用,適合口舌乾燥、時有乾咳、腹瀉者食用。惟感冒咳嗽、糖尿病患者不宜多吃。
檸檬 — 性微溫,味甘酸,能開胃消滯、生津止渴、消暑、安胎,能紓緩炎夏無胃口及消化不良情況,亦有潤膚及改善色斑等美顏功效。
菠蘿 — 性平,味甘酸澀,具有消暑解渴、消食止瀉的作用,尤其進食太多肉類和肥甘厚味的食物,吃菠蘿可以消滯、助消化及利尿。惟糖尿病患者不宜進食。
士多啤梨 — 性涼,味甘酸,能消暑清熱、生津止渴,能紓緩喉嚨乾、喉嚨痛或身體偏熱症狀。惟脾胃虛寒、容易胃痛、腹瀉者不宜多吃 。
奇異果 — 性寒,味甘酸,能清熱生津、健脾、利尿,紓緩無胃口、消化不良、欲吐、痔瘡等症狀。注意女士脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉、有寒性痛經不易多服。
山楂 — 性溫,味酸,能開胃助消化及降血脂,對於食滯及消化不良都非常有效。注意氣虛體質,又或是胃酸分泌較多的人,喝得太多反而會引起胃痛等症狀,所以最好還是在飯後、吃得太多肉後或是覺得有滯意時才食用。
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Sour summer fruits
It is better to eat sweet foods and avoid sour in the spring. As summer approaches, it is time to adjust your diet. It is hot, and the body sweats easily which consumes qi and fluid. You should have sour food as acidity helps the body conserve and avoid over perspiration that can hurt yin. Saliva secretion increases when you eat sour food, and it can achieve the effects of relieving thirst, strengthening the stomach and aiding digestion. For example, people with cold body types should choose fruits with warm and hot nature, and people with hot body type should choose fruits with cold and cool nature. Keeping the body in a balanced state is one way to keep healthy.
Pomegranate- hot in nature with a sour and sweet taste. Helps to promote fluid production and relieve thirst, and relieve diarrhea. Suitable for dry mouth and tongue, occasional coughing, and diarrhea. Not suitable for those suffering from flu and cough, or those with diabetes.
Guava- warm in nature with a sour taste, can clear heat and relieve diarrhea. Suitable for those with diarrhea or diabetes.
Lemon- slightly warm in nature with a sour taste, can stimulate appetite and aid digestion, promote fluid production and quench thirst, clear summer heat, and stabilise pregnancy. It alleviates summer heat related symptoms such as lack of appetite and indigestion, and it can also moisten skin and improve discoloration on skin.
Pineapple - mild in nature with a sweet, sour and astringent taste. It can clear summer heat, relieve thirst, aid digestion and relieve diarrhea, especially good for after consuming too much meat or oily and fatty food. Eating pineapple can relieve indigestion and promote diuresis. It is not suitable for diabetic patients.
Strawberry- cool in nature with a sour and sweet taste, can dispel summer heat and clear heat, promote fluid production and quench thirst. Eating strawberries can alleviate dry throat, sore throat or overall heat-related symptoms in the body. Those with asthenic cold stomach and spleen, prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea should eat less.
Kiwi- cold in nature with a sour and sweet taste, and can clear heat and promote fluid production, and quench thirst. It alleviates lack of appetite, indigestion, nausea, and hemorrhoids. Note that it is not suitable for ladies with asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea and has cold type menstrual pain.
Chinese Hawthorn- warm in nature with a sour taste, and helps to stimulate appetite, aid digestion and lower blood lipids. It is especially effective for those with indigestion from overeating. Those with qi deficiency body type or those with too much gastric acid secretion may have abdominal pain if they have too much Chinese Hawthorne. It is best to eat it after meal, after eating a lot of meat or when you feel indigestion.
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2019ss [YANG KING]
The single item [formerly ancient giant shark]
will be launched in July.
This ancient giant shark is time consuming
Because of the sketch in order to present a more three-dimensional feeling
After the Italian and Taiwanese designers
One month of discussion and revision.
And discuss what fabric he is on.
Printed colors can further set off the stereoscopic sketch
The architecture of the overall pattern.
I hope to present the most natural and vivid
The literary sketch for everyone;
Original art and modern violence
Presenting abrupt art.
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