Accept bribes? White gloves?
Article 122
A public official or an arbitrator who demands, agrees to accept, or accepts a bribe or other improper benefits for a breach of his official duties shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than two million yuan may be imposed.
A breach of official duties shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or with imprisonment for not less than five years; in addition thereto, a fine not more than four million yuan may be imposed.
1. public official 公務員
2. arbitrator 仲裁人
3. accept a bribe 收受賄賂*
4. a breach of official duties 違背職務**
5. be sentenced 判處
6. imprisonment 監禁;關押
7. a fine 罰金
8. impose 強制實行
第 122 條
全國法規資料庫: https://bit.ly/2Dk8Ia4
*bribery: https://bit.ly/31bwsFj
**breach: https://bit.ly/3k5qcHJ
White gloves? Not really...
The term "white-glove" is typically used as an adjective. It means providing a very high level of service, or involving a lot of care about small details:
➣The cruise company does not want to risk alienating the other passengers who don't get the white-glove treatment.
➣We know that when extra attention is required, our white-glove delivery service will not disappoint.
—Cambridge Dictionary
Wait…that doesn't fit our context!
According to the South China Morning Post, the expression “white gloves,” when used as a noun, was coined in Taiwan!
“The innocuous-sounding euphemism ‘white gloves’ generally refers to a middleman or outfit that launders dirty or corrupt money under a seemingly legitimate front - dirty hands concealed by a pair of white gloves. The expression, coined by the Taiwanese, is catching up fast on the mainland as rampant corruption is exposed at all levels of the bureaucracy.”
9. coin (v.) 創造(新詞或新的表達方式);首次使用(某一詞語)
10. innocuous-sounding 聽起來無害的
11. launder (v.) 洗(贓款) ; money laundering 洗錢
12. legitimate front 合法的地帶; 僞裝(人或機構的)僞裝;假裝的樣子
13. conceal 隱藏
14. catch up 了解(或討論)最新情況
15. rampant 猖獗的;蔓延的
16. bureaucracy 官僚體制;官僚主義
請注意,「middleman」是指批貨後轉售他人者,或協助他人安排商業交易者。該詞本身並不具有任何犯罪或不法行為等負面意涵(negative connotations),亦須有上下文才足以呈現「白手套」的概念。
另一方面,「go-between」是在雙方無法見面或不想見面時,將消息從一人(或一個團隊)傳給另一人(或另一個團隊)的人。例如,聯合國代表將充當兩國領導人的中間人(或掮客)——「go-between」,而它的搭配你可以用「act/serve as a go-between」。「go-between」 的一個同義詞是「intermediary」。
I. middleman
"Many of these middlemen stay on the right side of the law, offering advice and connections. But others cross the line. They grease the palms of officials and local managers, and they put a buffer between the payoff and the client, offering plausible deniability if the authorities catch on."
17. connections 社會關係;人際關係;可資利用的熟人
18. cross the line(行為)越過界線
19. grease (v.) 用油脂塗;給⋯⋯加潤滑油
20. buffer 緩衝物;起緩衝作用的人
21. payoff 賄款;遮口費
22. plausible deniability 合理推諉
II. intermediary
"For China’s elite, a 'white glove' is an intermediary who launders your money; they handle the dirty deeds, while you keep your hands clean. 'White gloves' are often well-connected Westerners, such as former top politician Bo Xilai’s two European fixers, British businessman Neil Heywood and French architect Patrick Devillers. Using a BVI shell company, the two men helped Bo’s wife Gu Kalai buy a 7 million euro French mansion and rack up rental fees on it."
23. elite(社會)上層集團;掌權人物;出類拔萃的人;精英
24. deed(尤指很壞或很好的)事情;行為
25. well-connected 與顯貴人物有交情的;與有影響人士有來往的;很有背景的
26. fixer 籌謀者;安排者(尤指精於用不正當手段來操辦事情的人)
27. BVI (The British Virgin Islands) 英屬維京群島
28. shell company 空殼公司
29. fixer 安排者(尤指精於用不正當手段來操辦事情的人)
III. go-between
"The offence is similar to bribery with one important difference: trading in influence concerns the 'middleman', or the person that serves as the go-between the decision-maker and the party that seeks an improper advantage."
30. offence (US offense) 犯罪行為;罪行
31. bribery 賄賂
32. trade in influence 斡旋賄賂;影響力交易
33. serve(為⋯⋯)工作;(為⋯⋯)服務;盡職責
34. improper advantage 不當利益
詳見 Anti-Corruption Resource Center:https://www.u4.no/terms
歡迎在底下留言與我們分享更多相關字詞(例如:prosecutor、corruption charges、litigations⋯⋯)。
圖片出處: Google Image
🌎國際新聞英文-六步驟思考術 | 最後優惠倒數 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,LOGO 必修課:發展品牌識別的第一步 由設計師馮宇跟圖文不符上課囉共同打造的線上課程, 在 Hahow 募資上架啦 🎉🎉🎉 募資期間享募資優惠價1800 揪兩位朋友一起購買三人同行方案一人只要1500 優惠即日起只到 10/17,錯過就恢復原價囉! (課程原價 2400 ) 購買課程以及了解更多課...
「clean 同義 字」的推薦目錄:
clean 同義 字 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 八卦
曾由 #金城武 擔任亞洲代言人的
ARMANI #亞曼尼 是什麼樣的品牌呢?
“Elegance is not catching somebody's eyes, it's staying in somebody's memory.” - Giorgio Armani
「真正的優雅不是眾所矚目,而是永生難忘。」- 喬治·亞曼尼
The empire of Armani - a name behind fashion to suit high rollers and everyday fashionistas, but it's much more than just clothes. It's hotels, restaurants, watches and fragrances.
亞曼尼帝國 - 這個名號響亮的時尚品牌適合出手大方的豪客,也適合一般的時尚愛好者。不過,亞曼尼不只有服飾,還有飯店、餐廳、手錶與香水。
Behind it, Giorgio Armani, a master of design and branding. Born out of his vision of style more than three decades ago, the company has become synonymous with clean lines and tailored suits.
亞曼尼看重 #異業合作
尤其是影劇業,善用 #名人行銷
celebrity marketing
另外也靠 #拓展副牌
expansion of diffusion lines
acquisition of downstream firms
enhancement of terminal control
boutique n. 精品店
catwalk n. 伸展台
elegance n. 優雅,優美
fabrics n. 布料,織品
fashionista n. 對流行時尚很有興趣的人
fragrance n. 香水
high roller 揮金如土的人,豪客
sophisticated adj. 精緻講究的
succession n. 繼承,繼任
tailored adj. 合身的,訂做的
vision n. 洞察力,眼光
現在加入 #CNN國際企業商英課程
🎩就獲得完整 #獨家授權 專訪語料
#Armani #BottegaVeneta
#Chanel #D&G(Dolce&Gabbana)
#其它... #既是時尚也是信仰
clean 同義 字 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的評價
LOGO 必修課:發展品牌識別的第一步
在 Hahow 募資上架啦 🎉🎉🎉
優惠即日起只到 10/17,錯過就恢復原價囉!
(課程原價 2400 )
#記得打開CC字幕 #刷一排漢堡
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00:27 吉里巴斯斷交
01:41 日本樂天買下Lamigo桃猿隊
02:44 連千毅之亂
04:17 《返校》上映引起風波
05:06 革命家史明逝世
06:10 馮宇LOGO必修課廣告
06:40 埃及反政府示威
07:34 藍色女孩之死
08:34 沙烏地阿拉伯油田遇襲
09:35 加拿大總理種族歧視風波
10:31 台灣贏得拿坡里披薩比賽冠軍
10:51 舉重世錦賽郭婞淳破世界紀錄
11:26 掰比
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 習近平主導「台灣介選計畫」 打壓蔡政府化解個人政治危機:http://bit.ly/2md2a49
→ 斷交關鍵 吉里巴斯要求3600萬美元贈款購機遭拒:http://bit.ly/2ml016o
→ 吉里巴斯戰略性高 中國染指令美國芒刺在背:http://bit.ly/2mkmgK0
→ 吳釗燮:即日起與吉里巴斯斷交【聲明全文】:http://bit.ly/2mFM2bv
→ 【獨家】吉里巴斯與台灣最快本周內斷交 中國再獵我太平洋友邦 :http://bit.ly/2l19W0V
→ 吉里巴斯與台灣斷交 中國外交部:正確決定,高度讚賞:http://bit.ly/2ldGeWs
→ Lamigo桃猿走入歷史 樂天入主會有什麼大改變?:http://bit.ly/2mhria5
→ Lamigo桃猿100%賣給樂天確定!球隊續留桃園但隊名將大改變:http://bit.ly/2merQ0q
→ Lamigo桃猿易主新隊名 日媒:桃園樂天金鷲隊:http://bit.ly/2mhK6Wz
→ 連千毅才握手和解又爆衝突!疑「藏鏡人」攪局 剷除直播主:http://bit.ly/2lgKrbM
→ 連千毅賣假貨賠百萬? 遭網友踢爆有蹊蹺:http://bit.ly/2kEvEHE
→ 掀直播之亂 連千毅死對頭鄭又仁沒押35萬交保:http://bit.ly/2milJYO
→ 大仁哥長相曝光!PO文嗆連千毅「釘孤枝」:輸的離開高雄:http://bit.ly/2kIGcWi
→ 連千毅犯4罪!恐嚇、槍砲、組織犯罪、毀損:http://bit.ly/2kIoYZ5
→ 諷!連千毅3年前出資拍片演戲 一樣當大哥|三立新聞台:http://bit.ly/2l4T7lO
→ 16名警力站崗 2男囂張「刷一整排漢堡」:http://bit.ly/2le1FXp
→ 《返校》取材白色恐怖歷史 韓粉急喊「政治操作」忙抵制:http://bit.ly/2kEx0Ce
→ 電影返校3天票房飆6770萬 奪年度國片票房冠軍:http://bit.ly/2kJ5jIF
→ 返校上映一天滿負評「跌落神壇」? 網笑:看來韓粉上工了:http://bit.ly/2mlg7NG
→ 史明過世 台獨運動先驅享嵩壽103歲:http://bit.ly/2leBzUc
→ 史明高齡辭世/忠於自己的價值,努力實踐,不向權力和資本低頭:http://bit.ly/2mgOcOI
→ 史明享壽103歲 著作台灣史犀利褒貶、反官派史觀:http://bit.ly/2kJ5SSN
→ 計劃槍殺蔣介石!「台獨之父史明」施朝暉流亡日本 享壽103歲告別傳奇一生:http://bit.ly/2mgGQuC
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→ 台獨左派思想理論家史明:http://bit.ly/2kNtxBA
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→ 看足球被判刑,伊朗「藍色女孩」自焚抗議,他的死引發社會熱議:http://bit.ly/2mM79ZW
→ 藍色女孩之死 — 足球並非專屬男性:http://bit.ly/2kJ9S5L
→ 【世盃外】女球迷國內觀戰被捕自焚亡 伊朗球員挫港足後獻入球哀悼 (18:39):http://bit.ly/2kJab0p
→ 「藍色女孩」自焚引全球撻伐 伊朗讓女性「從另一個門入場看球」:http://bit.ly/2mfx24b
→ 「藍色女孩」看足球遭罰自焚身亡 伊朗終解禁:http://bit.ly/2l5MEaf
→ WSJ:官方說10周太樂觀 沙國油田完全修復恐需數月:http://bit.ly/2mLtnez
→ 沙國油田遇襲戰雲密布 伊朗宣布與中俄聯合軍演:http://bit.ly/2mn1kle
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→ 戰爭行為?沙烏地公開巡弋飛彈、無人機殘骸,控伊朗「襲擊煉油廠」:http://bit.ly/2mlSsfI
→ 沙烏地石油危機:油價暴漲恐慌,「第三次波灣戰爭」機會有多大?:http://bit.ly/2kO04aI
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→ 塗黑臉風波後救選情 加拿大總理開減稅支票:http://bit.ly/2lh0I0p
→ 塗黑臉的杜魯道,失寵的美國「夢中情人」:https://nyti.ms/2l51o9m
→ 18年前「抹黑照」曝光,加拿大型男總理形象重創!扮「阿拉丁」竟塗黑皮膚,杜魯道為涉種族歧視道歉:http://bit.ly/2kM1YZp
→ 「阿拉伯棕臉」事件:加拿大總理特魯道的種族歧視爭議:http://bit.ly/2mM9OTq
→ 加國總理年輕時曾塗黑扮阿拉丁引批評:http://bit.ly/2lh1YAF
→ Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private School:http://bit.ly/2mMBI1D
→ Justin Trudeau seen in blackface in exclusive video:http://bit.ly/2l4Jsvz
→ 拿坡里2019世界披薩錦標賽 台灣隊奪國際組冠軍:http://bit.ly/2milYmR
→ 擊敗義大利! 台灣隊奪得2019拿坡里世界披薩錦標賽冠軍:http://bit.ly/2mgOC7M
🔸 舉重世錦賽郭婞淳破世界紀錄
→ 郭婞淳舉重世錦賽雙破世界紀錄 奪2金1銀[影]:http://bit.ly/2me2W0N
→ 舉重/被北韓選手激發 郭婞淳拚東奧更有衝勁:http://bit.ly/2mMchNG
→ 140kg Clean & Jerk World Record by Kuo Hsing-Chun (59kg )!:http://bit.ly/2kISY7c
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ 前駐吉里巴斯大使:中國監測站未撤完 似隨時要回來:http://bit.ly/2kEIpSy
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→ 【返校】首支預告,9/20(週五) 全台上映:http://bit.ly/2mF5jKb
→ 簡明 台灣人四百年史:圖文精華版- TAAZE 讀冊生活:http://bit.ly/2mm4plA
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→ 李大維會美國安顧問波頓 斷交後首例:http://bit.ly/2MdPLts
→ 波頓指桑罵槐 痛批川普外交政策:http://bit.ly/2leLiK4
→ 波頓臨去秋波 解密美對台軍售:「讓台保持和中國相對水準」:http://bit.ly/2kObHOU
→ Brownface. Blackface. They're all offensive. And here's why:https://cnn.it/2l5hHmA
→ 【2019聯邦大選】醜聞重創金童 加國最新民調:保守黨重新崛起、杜魯道恐輸掉政權:http://bit.ly/2l4ZtBH

clean 同義 字 在 Troublemaker cc Youtube 的評價
[人物] 林義傑(Kevin)X謝昕璇(CC)
只要把每一件你認為對的事情,用心準備,且努力地做好做完, 所有看似無法挑戰的事情,都是指日可待的。CC知道要能晉級並不是一件簡單的事情,但確信的是,在這整個過程已經值回票價,我很努力的準備,做好每個階段與步驟,同時透過大家的支持與鼓勵,無論目標還有多遠,我相信不到最後一秒鐘,都沒有鬆手的念頭,這不就是運動家精神嗎?
[People] Kevin X CC
Finally the video with Kevin is uploaded!
I met with Taiwanese runner athlete Kevin! Despite his busy schedule, Kevin welcomed me to interview him. Although the interview wasn't very long, it was really great! He is a very humble person even though he is an important Taiwanese figure. Kevin believes all he's doing is "using his feet to explore the globe." Kevin is also close with nature. As Taiwanese, we should be thankful for our beautiful environment and clean water. We're so much luckier than many other countries! If we don't "run" out there, how can we see the rest of the world?
If you prepare well for the things you aspire to do and work hard to reach your goals, you'll be able to face all of the challenges and hurdles in your way. I know this isn't an easy task, however this whole experience has been worth it and so much more. I've worked really hard to prepare and put my best into every step. Without the help of everyone and their support, no matter how far the road ahead is, I believe I will never let go of my goals. I will never give up before I reach the finish line. Isn't this the spirit of running the race?
To be able to meet Kevin in person was so great and meaningful :)
Remember to subscribe my Youtube channel!

clean 同義 字 在 9 adjectives synonym to clean (sentence examples) - YouTube 的八卦
This video examines #clean as an #adjective. Here, 9 adjectives, which have meanings similar to that of clean in standard English, ... ... <看更多>