Video - Preparing to go to school .
The twins wake up early in the morning
at 6 am daily . A good time for us to wake up too . They normally play with their sisters before the girls go to school at 645 am .
Then it’s bottle-feeding , play , shower before off to play school at 0900 am .
Tasha will be back at 1150 am from Kindergarten SJKC before her swimming lesson starts at 12 noon .
Bella will be back at 145 pm .
Both girls will have lunch ...
Tasha off to Mengaji at 230 pm while Bella off to Islamic School too till 5 pm .
Then it’s Kumon Classes 530- 630 pm.
The boys will be back at 330 pm .
Mandarin class for Bella at home 730-830 pm .
Another worksheet for the girls to be done till 9 pm .
School homework and Islamic revision for the girls 9-930 pm .
Bedtime at 945 pm for the boys and girls .
Many asked me for the girls daily routine .
Do they get tired ? Certainly not ... They still have lots of energy in them .
Us parents yang penat . Haha .
We have done this routine since they were 3 years old . Kids never get tired if they enjoy what they do . The problem is when we start them late .
Many may disagree with me saying they are kids let them play . But what is play ? Learning is playing in a fun manner . Doing Maths is playing too if you make it fun . You just have to find a way to make every activities exciting .
But do look for signs of stress - tantrums , moody , excuses not wanting to go to school , tiredness , sleepy , loss of appetite, etc .
Then you need to sit down and take a pause . Communicate with your child to find out the reasons . Reschedule if you need to . It’s important for the child to be happy and having fun at all times . Give them unlimited love ...
But again - this is just my way of parenting .
Every parent knows what’s best for their child .
Just sharing ...
Salam Everyone ...
Love As Always ... 😘
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Video - Tasha doing Maths worksheet .
I have been drilling Tasha with Maths for the past few days .
She has mastered Addition & Subtraction and now she’s doing Multiplication .
I have been very frustrated on her not remembering her Multiplication tables .
But I know I can’t be angry with her . Every child is different . I just need to have lots of patience with her .
Good Night Everyone .
Love As Always .
PS - Every teacher told me that Tasha has great potential - be it in swimming , TaeKwanDo or even her school teachers and Kumon too . But I always believe in hard work . There’s no shortcut to it . Practice , practice & practice to become perfect .
There’s no other way to it .
PSS - Just sharing my frustration . 😀
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Video - Knowing your child’s dream .
It’s important for your child to dream big . Be it Doctors , Scientists , Engineers or even Astronauts.
Guide them toward that direction . Buy them books to stimulate them .
I wanted all my children to become doctors . I buy them many books on the human body , kids experiments and bring them to our workplace hoping to inspire them .
I prepare them from a very young age to love Maths and Science .
English is important too . We speak both Bahasa and English at home .
But we wanted the girls to have a strong foundation in Maths and English to relish their dreams on becoming doctors . Paediatrician for Bella and as a Cardiologist for Tasha .
Hence the reason I send them to Kumon from a very young age at 3+.
I love their daily worksheets. Even on holidays the girls will still do them.
It has become a routine and I can
see the impact Kumon has on the girls .
They are independent , do worksheet on their own completing them within 20 minutes and truly enjoyed them .
Bell sometimes surprised me with some bombastic words and Tasha is just following suit .
I highly recommend Kumon to all .
If you are interested to find out how the KUMON method can help your children, you can now enrol them to their FREE TRIAL CLASSES for up to two weeks at your nearest KUMON Centre.
Register here: <> before the 17th March 2019. Give it a try!
PS - Even if the girls chose a different ambition I will still be proud of them .
What’s important is to be passionate in what you do .
Love As Always .