1940年 八十年前 「差利卓別靈」第一部有聲片《大獨裁者》兩段經典片段。
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《卓別靈-大獨裁者 片末演講中英翻譯》
I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor.
That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone.
I should like to help everyone, if possible, Jew, Gentile, black man, white.
We all want to help one another.
Human beings are like that.
We want to live by each other’s happiness, not by each other’s misery.
We don’t want to hate and despise one another.
In this world there is room for everyone.
And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.
The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate,
has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in.
Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.
Our knowledge has made us cynical.
Our cleverness, hard and unkind.
We think too much and feel too little.
More than machinery we need humanity.
More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together.
The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world,
millions of despairing men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.
To those who can hear me, I say:
Do not despair.
The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed,
the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.
The hate of men will pass, and dictators die,
and the power they took from the people will return to the people.
And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.
Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!
In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man”, not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power, the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.
Then, in the name of democracy, let us use that power, let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will!
Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world! to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness.
Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!
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日前接受美國《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)專訪,針對兩岸關係、臺美關係及南海爭議等議題回應提問。內容如下:
答:就像我講的,現在所暫停的是兩會的管道、陸委會與國臺辦的管道,這在官方的意義或許是存在的,但問題是長久以來,雙方之間管道確實是很多元的,現在看到的兩會,也就是海基會與海協會兩會的溝通體制,只是整個多元管道中間的一部分。當我講到多元,其實它是有多層次的面向,不僅是政府在交流的過程中,很多政府機關跟他們在中國大陸的對口,也都有一定程度相互通訊息與交換意見的機制。I’m saying different levels of the government have different ways of communicating with their counterparts in China.(我政府各層級都有和中國大陸對口機構聯繫的管道)我不能在這個階段進入太多細節。
答:It is a fact that different generations, and different people of different ethnic origins, they have different views on China. But they all agree on one thing: that is democracy. (事實上不同世代和不同族群的民眾對中國大陸會有不同的看法。但是,有一件事情,他們的意見一致,那就是民主。)
答:我想我不太清楚美國在講這個字- “entity”的時候,它的意思是什麼,但是這個 “entity"有很多可以詮釋的空間。以臺灣來講,我們有一個完整的政府跟民主的機制,我們有軍隊,我們是一個可以為自己做決定的國家。所以,或許美國或者其他國家有不同的想法或是不同的角度,但從我們來看,其實絕大多數的臺灣人覺得我們確實是一個國家。
答:It is indeed unfair。(這確實是不太公平)
答:It is indeed. (的確如此。)
答:In three areas our needs are more urgent, there are surface ships and submarines, air-defense and cyber-security areas. In submarines, we are trying to develop our own, to develop indigenous capabilities.(在三個領域,我們的需求較急迫,如水面艦和潛水艇、空防和網路安全領域。在潛水艇方面,我們正嘗試著開發自己的潛艇,發展本國的能力。)
問:美國總統候選人柯琳頓(Hillary Clinton)與川普(Donald Trump),哪一位當選對臺灣比較好?
The two economies in the past had a high degree of complementarity, and since we had the ability to organize a manufacturing process, and then we move our manufacturing to the ability to China to make best use of their labor. And now the situation is very different. I mean, the labor cost is increasing and China has their own capability.(過去兩岸經濟有高度的互補性,而我們擁有製造業能力,並轉往對岸,善用他們的勞力。而今非昔比,對岸勞力成本增加,且已具備製造能力了。)
答:They are more and more our competitors.(他們越來越是我們的競爭對手了。)
答:我們已經公開聲明,這個仲裁的決定有損於臺灣的利益,所以我們不能夠接受,我們也認為這個裁判對臺灣沒有法律約束力。主要有幾個原因,第一個是因為我們是一個重要的利益相關方,但是我們沒有被邀請參與整個仲裁的程序。第二,我們對於被稱為「The Taiwan Authority of China」不能接受。第三,在這個地區,我們擁有主權的太平島,在裁決中被認為是一個「礁」而不是「島」,這是違反我們長期以來的主張,我們也認為它確實是一個島。在這裡我想利用這個機會,把臺灣政府對南海爭端的立場做一個說明。第一,當然是有關南海爭端應該依據國際法與海洋法,包括《聯合國海洋法公約》,用和平的方式來解決。第二,我們主張臺灣應該要納入多邊爭端解決的機制。第三,在這個地區的相關國家有義務維護南海的航行與飛越自由。第四,中華民國主張以「擱置爭議、共同開發」的方式處理南海爭議。我們期待相關國家能秉持相同方式進行協商,來和平解決這個爭端。
答:Yes to a certain extent, but I think the society and our democracy is mature enough to appreciate the value of the individual politicians. They place emphasis on the quality and the value of individual politicians rather than their gender. So of course, some people will find it fashionable to find a woman leader, but I think the reason why people chose me as leader of this country was because of my policy, my values, suit the needs of Taiwan today.(某種程度上是,但我認為我們的社會和民主已夠成熟,能欣賞個別政治人物的價值。他們重視個別政治人物的品質和價值勝過性別。所以,當然,某些人會覺得找個女性領導人很時尚,但我覺得人民選我當這個國家的領導人,是因為我的政策、我的價值符合現今的臺灣需要。)
Meaning that we represent people who want to have change in this society, after years and decades this place has been dominated by a single party, with the exception of 2000-2008, but over the last few decades, all dominated by the KMT. The whole social structure and values were shaped by this regime, KMT government, over the years. But people now realize that we’re in a different situation now, we want to move forward, we have to restructure ourselves, and redefine the current values. So they want the place to be more democratic. They want this place to place more emphasis on human rights and transparency, in terms of government decision-making and public participation in the government’s decision-making process. And essentially people want to participate, they want to have a voice in the major decisions of the government. So this is somehow different from the way the government conducted business since the days when this place was an authoritarian place.(我們代表社會上渴望改變的人民。這片土地除了2000年到2008年以外,數十年來均被單一政黨,即國民黨所主導,整個社會結構及價值都由這個政權形塑而成。如今人民了解我們的環境已經不同,我們想要向前行,我們想要進行重整,重行定義目前的價值。人民想要更為民主的環境,在政府決策過程中,民眾能參與官方決策,並更重視人權及透明度。本質上來說,人民想要在政府重大決策中,能參與其中並發聲。這與過去這片土地是威權統治、由政府主導的情境,有些許不同。)
答:So the expectation of the people is very different. They want democracy, they want public participation, they want transparency, they want to have fair elections, they want to have sound judicial system, not too much interfered by politics. They want to have an effective judicial system to settle whatever disputes that people may have in their daily lives so they want to have a good social safety net to protect them in case they fell in a very competitive society. (現在人民的期待有很大的不同,他們想要民主、民眾參與的機會與透明度,以及公平的選舉;他們想要有完善的司法體制,不要有太多的政治干預;他們想要有效的司法體制,以處理日常生活遇到的爭議,擁有妥善的安全網來保障他們,以防在競爭劇烈的社會中陷入困頓。)
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If the world had a button to reset
Then press back and start over in the past.
We might want to know what Mr. Thaksin wants to go back to do.
If thaksin is still in Thailand
And that day thaksin didn't sell chin corp to temasek.
Now Mr. Thaksin will be 1 of the 5 richest in Thailand.
Today is the 11th anniversary of the coup 19 September 2549
It seems like since that day, Thailand hasn't been the same anymore
That day, Mr. Thaksin Shinawa cuddle sq. Working as prime minister was in the us. When he met a coup, he has been taking refuge abroad since.
In fact, Mr. Thaksin came back to Thailand again in 2551 but it was a short time.
Today, the investment man page will tell the history of thaksin's business. Not talking about politics and ask for permission from readers. Don't comment on politics.
When I went back to see the history of shinawa family tree cuddle sq. Grandfather was Chinese. He evacuated to Chiang Mai. Selling silk from China. He set up a weaving factory and shinawa shop. Cuddle sq. Silk is famous. Mr. Thaksin also has a trade Helping Dad sell coffee and taking care of the theater
Year 2522
When I was 30 years old, I finished Phd.
Mr. Thaksin studied very well at 1 of the police cadet school and paid to continue studying until the Phd. When he returned to the police headquarters, he did personal business with both selling silk, selling film.
Year 2526
When I was 34 years old, Mr. Thaksin Set up shinawa company cuddle sq. Computer..
In the old days, trading with government, there were many requirements that made ibm companies, American nationality companies unable to sign a direct contract. So you appoint shinawa cuddle sq. Thaksin to be a company to sell computer to sell computers to government sector to make business Grow up
In addition to being an ibm agent, it also represent at & T TO SELL DATA KIT, data communication system with voice to the phone organization to get several radio frequency concessions from the national radio frequency coordination and management committee or frog. Road road By venture with foreign people, providing the first generation of Pager Pack and later made in the name of phone link.
Then Mr. Thaksin Got GSM 900 Mhz phone concession and Thai khom satellite
So Mr. Thaksin resigned after 8 years of service and a thousand police call was the last rank (but the rank was taken off by the police. In 2558)
Year 2533
At 41 years old, Mr. Thaksin Ipo, the company entered the stock exchange for the first time..
The main company of khun thaksin has 3 companies as follows.
Shinawa cuddle sq. Computer Service & Inwes Co Ltd. (shincorp or intouch currently established in 2526 IPO YEAR 2533, this company is holding company. 40.45 % shareholders. 40.45 % and Thai Sharp 41.41 %
Advance Infour Service Co Ltd. (AIS) established in 2529 IPO 2534
Shinsatellight Co Ltd. (Thai khom currently) Established 2534 IPO 2537
Mr. Thaksin did not shareholders ais and Thai khom, but shareholders in corp and took chin corp to hold ais and Thai khom again. It means that if thaksin sells all business to others, sell shares in chin corp.
After that, Mr. Thaksin started getting into politics by soliciting from the simuang simuang..
Year 2544
At 52 years old, Mr. Thaksin became the 23th Prime Minister and the first and only prime minister to come from the election until the term.
Before entering the position, Mr. Thaksin and wife have clarified the property of 15,124 million baht. There are many work under the government since the project of 30 baht. Cure all diseases. One Sub-District, one product converts assets into capital of Thai Kitchen, Converting cuddle state enterprise into a company in the lotto stock exchange on earth.
The Next 2th time won another election in 2548
If you have a lover, there must be haters.
On the other side of the administration, there are people who attack populist policies, not clarify the property details by claiming to run and
Several contracts have been changed to conducive cuddle sq. which causes the court decided to seize the money later time.
Year 2549 turning point
The peak won't be able to escape in 2549 Mr. Thaksin Sold Shin Corp shares to temasek, Singapore government investment company.
The deal was worth 73,274 million baht which was the highest historical deal in Thailand.
The first issue is thaksin selling shares after using the new telecommunications for only 2 days.
New Telecommunications. What's important?
This blessing allows foreign people to shareholders in telecommunications companies to increase from 25 % to 50 %
And it seems consistent that in 2 days later, Mr. Thaksin sold 49.595 % shares in shin corp company to temasek.
And another point is not paying taxes on selling shares.
Ampearl Rich is Mr. Thaksin's company in British Virgin. If you sell it to temasek straight away, you will pay taxes because ampearl rich is considered an entity. If the entity sells stocks has profit, you must pay taxes.
So Mr. Thaksin avoided amperrich to sell to your child thaksin at low price (low price so that ampearl rich will not have profit, make it not get tax) and give luu. I come to sell even if i have to try it again (because ordinary people trade shares in the stock exchange. No need to pay taxes)
In conclusion, this deal, Mr. Thaksin uses legal loophole that even the revenue department is confused. I don't know if i will collect tax.
Because if you look at the law straight away, you don't have to pay taxes. But the last revenue comment is that this intent is considered a law. Camouflage to be taxed
But anyway..
This story has changed Mr. Thaksin's life forever.
This is the point that makes big things grow up that Mr. Thaksin has to collapse the council and stories come to cause a political vacuum, so it caused a coup 11 years ago today..
Year 2553
The Supreme Court decided to seize Mr. Thaksin's money for 46,373 million baht to the land. For the reason is to use power as prime minister to benefit his business. Many contracts to conducive ais and Thai sharp to cost cheaper costs.
46,373 million baht that is the portion of profit and dividend after being prime minister.
In conclusion, Mr. Thaksin got money from temasek for 73,274 million baht without paying taxes, but he got seized for 46,373 million baht. Easy to think, it's only 26,901 million baht.
This does not include the IRS that will charge tax backwards from selling temasek shares. Mr. Thaksin thinks that the profit has been seized. What else will they collect tax because there is no profit, but the other one thinks it is different karma. I have the right to take over again.
The IRS charge tax with interest back 17,629.58 million baht.
If the IRS can keep it for real, thaksin's money will be 9,271.42 million baht (less than khun Rob's family. If you are now has property worth 19,409 million baht)
Year 2560
What if thaksin doesn't sell shares to temasek at that time, how much money will Mr. Thaksin have now?
Intouch Company (Original Shincorp). Now it's worth the company 189,980 million baht.
If thaksin holds the same shape at 49.595 % now it will be worth 94,220 million baht.
Many people may think it's a lot, but in fact, the dividend since 2549 that shin corp company paid all shareholders to 138,288 million baht. When multiply the proportion of 49.595 % will be 68,584 million baht.
When a total of 2 items together, you will get the answer that if Mr. Thaksin is still shareholders chin corp.
Mr. Thaksin will have 162,804 million baht..
This amount is 2 times more than the value that I sell to temasek and it can't compare to the rest of the money after being seized.
And If Mr. Thaksin is still shareholder, Mr. Thaksin should be ranked the 5th rich in Thailand as the owner of cp Thai Bev Central and red bull.
But Mr. Thaksin is now 68 years old and is taking refuge in Dubai. There are 7 lawsuits. Divorced with lady phjaman wife.
This makes me realize that no matter how rich people are, what they really want will be happiness, not money.
If the world has a button to reset and press back and start again in the same spot in the past.
Wonder if Mr. Thaksin wants to press that button? Mr. Thaksin wants to press reset back to 2544 and stop playing politics?
11 years ago, it would have been your lost 11 years. Thaksin.
But it's actually not thaksin, but it should be 11 years missing all of us..
Thailand Thailand
All the stories, what happened. We are all related from past to present.
Results from everyone's actions have resulted to this day.
And unfortunately for us that there is no reset button to go back.
But what will happen next is our future. We will give birth to the future.
So what kind of path will we all choose to be proud of the right path and don't want to press the reset button anymore..
" because it's our country.
Not a country of one, two people.
It's a country of all people.
Because the problem is at the time of birth. I will use the word crazy.
When people have severe practices, they forget themselves.
Ending. They don't know why they fight.
And what to solve?
Only to overcome
So who will win no way
It's dangerous. I only lose.
Well, different people lose.
Those who face loses.
And the most loser is the nation.
The people will be the whole country.
Not the people only in Bangkok
If assuming
Only in Bangkok is damaged.
The country is totally damaged.
And What's the use?
To be proud of winning
Time on the wreck "
His majesty king bhumibol adulyadej
20 may 2535Translated
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Music from Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
Channel Description:
Animated documentary-style videos on extraordinary Asian events.
Kento Bento — Researcher, writer, narrator, audio editor, video editor, motion graphics & art director
Charlie Rodriguez — Illustrator
Isambard Dexter — Research assistant
Nina Bento — Cheerleader
Video Title: The $1,000,000,000 North Korean Bank Heist
"Bangladesh, February 7th, 2016. The director of the Bangladesh Central Bank got off the elevator on the ninth floor, and headed to the back office of the Accounts and Budgeting Department. This was the most restricted part of the building. He was there to deal with a problem,m one that had been plaguing the office the last few days. You see, the printer wasn’t working, and this was kind of a big deal. It was causing a real disruption. The automated printer, which was hooked up to the bank’s software, was supposed to work round the clock 24/7, printing out the bank’s transaction reports in real-time. Due to this technical glitch however, the printer tray remained empty. Much of the day was spent trying to fix the issue;,and after a great deal of effort there was success. They were able to restart the printer. And so the backlog of transaction reports started rolling out, one by one. Now, it soon became apparent that something wasn’t quite right. There were more statements than expected..."
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business system 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的評價
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Other videos you may like:
The Bizarre South Korean Bank Heist: https://youtu.be/8JclG3gZLQI
The Mysterious Chinese Art Heists Across Europe: https://youtu.be/9LDVQYfeseo
This Is The Greatest Bank Heist in Japanese History: https://youtu.be/gbeN-2ErxBw
The $1,000,000,000 North Korean Bank Heist: https://youtu.be/Usu9z0feHug
How This Lake in Northwest Asia Got Deadlier Than Chernobyl: https://youtu.be/SQCfOjhguO0
How North Korea Held the Greatest Pro Wrestling Event in History: https://youtu.be/U_ZkqfSpbg4
Stock Media Footage:
Videoblocks: https://www.videoblocks.com
Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
Ross Bugden: https://youtube.com/channel/UCQKGLOK2FqmVgVwYferltKQ
Brandon Maahs: http://brandonmaahs.com
Channel Description:
Animated documentary-style videos on extraordinary Asian events.
Kento Bento — Researcher, writer, narrator, audio editor, video editor, motion graphics & art director
Charlie Rodriguez — Illustrator
Isambard Dexter — Research assistant
Nina Bento — Cheerleader
Video Title: This Is The Greatest Bank Heist in Chinese History
"Handan, China. October 10th, 2006. It was getting dark. The vault manager of the Agricultural Bank of China was on edge. He was afraid. He felt something wasn’t quite right. Yes there were two security guards patrolling the grounds, which made him feel safer, but as vault manager he needed to be sure himself. He checked the printer room, the conference room, there was no one there, no sign of trouble. Then he entered the vault… where everything was also fine - the money was there and the bank’s security system was down. In fact, everything was just as he planned..."

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Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46PlgDZSSo-gxM8ahZ9RtNQE
2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46NufVkPfYhpUJAD1OBoQEEd
3.) Millionaire Mindset - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEmTTOfet46O591glMGzRMoHaIJB-bQiq
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).
Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit http://danlok.com
Music: Salvation by Ghostrifter Official
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GhostrifterOfficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GhostrifterOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ghostrifterofficial
Request a call with Dan:
Blog: http://www.danlok.com/blog/
Podcast: http://www.shouldersoftitans.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danthemanlok
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danlok/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanentrepreneurgroup
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlok
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dan-Lok/e/B002BLXW1K
This video is about 7 Things Poor People Do That The Rich Don't
