昨天是南澳的國定假日勞動節... 結果真的像是勞工一樣過了一天😐 一大早起來就是為了油漆下個禮拜要重新找租客的投資房🙄
大家不知道還記不記得幾個月前這棟房子的水管發生問題,York 自己跟朋友一起舖水泥💪 結果某天他覺得水泥色很醜,居然用蛋殼色的油漆漆過! 下場自然慘不忍睹😱 本來想說租客續約的話就不用管了,沒想到臨時準備搬出去,趕快趁唯一假日時過來油漆👩🎨
結果選擇的油漆色在陽光下看起來居然偏藍而不是灰色😣 搞到中午十二點才買到正確的色系😪 房客都沒除草,結果蟲蟲一堆,腿被咬成紅豆冰... 真沒想到是這樣度過國定假日的...😥 #DIY #澳洲生活 #勞動節
Labour day... Literally a labour intensive day😐 Went down to York's investment property to paint over the ugly beige mistake he created months ago😫
Early start in Bunnings at 9am with the wrong paint colour 🙄 Didn't actually get to work till 12pm... Hungry and tired (mozzie bitten)... What a way to spend our public holiday 😑 #DIY #paintjob #bunnings
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