#空肚講宵夜 Season 4!
Season 3而家播到第38集,仲有一集就播完(三季共39集) 好消息係 #viutv 同我地簽多一季,而且season 4已經拍緊🎥 多謝大家一直以來咁熱烈既支持我地先有得繼續拍落去💛 thank you very much!
BabyJohn蔡瀚億 Hailey Chan
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Super Girls,也在其Youtube影片中提到,守衛兵 Servant of Love available on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/hk/album/shou-wei-bing-single/id922374322 繼《鎂光燈下》後,Super Girls全新作品-電影《恐怖在線》主題曲《守衛兵》...
babyjohn蔡瀚億 在 Facebook 八卦
#空肚講宵夜 BabyJohn蔡瀚億 Hailey Chan
babyjohn蔡瀚億 在 梁祖堯 Facebook 八卦
空肚講宵夜 X 全民造星3
BabyJohn蔡瀚億 你得到嘅成績係🟥🟥🟥
📸 @nicholasw 旁白姐 Hailey Chan
babyjohn蔡瀚億 在 Super Girls Youtube 的評價
守衛兵 Servant of Love available on iTunes
繼《鎂光燈下》後,Super Girls全新作品-電影《恐怖在線》主題曲《守衛兵》,融合Trip Hop x Canton Pop x Dark R&B三種不同風格,配合Super Girls 的全新演繹方式,務求帶給樂迷另一驚喜!
為了更完美地演繹作品,Super Girls 花了兩星期在錄音室鑽研不同的演繹方法,Aka 和 Cheronna 更加在歌曲中加插一場singing battle!樂迷們請細心欣賞。
守衞兵 Servant of Love
作曲: J Lee for sublimeismusic
填詞: ChingWu@ZOOOOOM
Rap 詞: Lesley姜麗文
編曲: J Lee for sublimeismusic Dixon Lo for sublimeismusic
混音: Stephen Lim@tonedeaf productions
監制: J Lee for sublimeismusic
Yanny: 你最尊貴 繁華盛世 萬人守衞
Aka: 到處估計 猶如白蟻 探求她底細
Jessica: 誰昧味(如知己)Aka:難斷尾 (難放棄)Cheronna: 談心機 沒心機獻技
Heidi:厭乏味(尋歡喜)Yanny:她愛你(她吻你)All:完美 求完美把戲
*Aka:日與夜捱下去 Cheronna:為你做個堡壘 Yanny:尚有力氣再追搏得允許
Heidi:若愛剩餘淚水 Jessica: 未怕下次失去 Yanny:是愛難逃疲累最終告催
Heidi: 百尺之際 求存俗世 過程綺麗
Jessica: 放肆克制 毫無忌諱 以期盼洗禮
Cheronna: Do you even know the pain that I'm feelin' here?
While you look at me, smilin' from ear to ear?
Is it all a game, do you really have no shame in this, and this, is drivin' me insane, it is.
My heart says that we're really meant to be
My heart justifies the hurt you bring to me
But why does it seem so real, can't deny the love I feel
It should be just me... just me...
Repeat *
Yanny:試過失去知覺 太過相信直覺 Heidi:了結麼 無奈我方出錯
Jessica: 再見不見又見 來去之念 Heidi & Jessica:就只差一線
Aka:日與夜捱下去 Cheronna: 為你做個堡壘 Yanny:尚有力氣再追搏得讚許
Cheronna:逐秒逐年逐歳 Aka:大概未算一對 Cheronna:就算任性再追只得讚許
(慣了 傷了恨了)(免了 此了未了 )
Aka:若背叛成樂趣 Cheronna:讓鐵石也粉碎 Aka:任愛掉進廢壚再三詐取
(怕了 慌了累了)(散了 哭了走了)
(算了 終了罷了)
Aka & Cheronna: 就當暫時伴侶
"恐怖在線" FB page: https://www.facebook.com/twilightonlinemovie
故事講述神探古爺(張兆輝飾)和剛入組的年輕探員B仔(蔡瀚億Babyjohn飾)同赴友愛村跳樓現場調查紅衣女鬼多次跳樓奇案,古爺等人以實地攝錄形式拍下鬧鬼真相,與此同時【恐怖在線】節目主持人潘紹聰帶同少女靈探隊 (趙慧珊,蔡明芳,陳穎欣,kabby)晚上前赴十年前巴士墮下的汀九村追行靈探,少女隊員逐一遇上意外,古爺及B仔趕至,發現十年前巴士死者呂子妮及友愛村紅衣女鬼有著千絲萬縷關係…
趙慧珊 Aka Chio
吳嘉熙 Cheronna Ng
李靜儀 Heidi Lee
蔡明芳 Jessica Tsoi
陳穎欣 Yanny Chan
Super Girls官方連結
Super Girls:
趙慧珊 Aka Chio
吳嘉熙 Cheronna Ng
李靜儀 Heidi Lee
蔡明芳 Jessica Tsoi
陳穎欣 Yanny Chan

babyjohn蔡瀚億 在 Joyce 鄭欣宜 Youtube 的評價
《Fake a Smile》
主唱 : 鄭欣宜 featuring 李拾壹
作曲 : 李拾壹
填詞 : 李拾壹/鄭欣宜
編曲 : 李拾壹/翁瑋盈
監製 : 黃艾倫/翁瑋盈
混音:Simon Li @nOiz
OP: Milkshake Music Limited (admin.by Universal Music Publishing MGB HK Ltd.)
Feeling your emotions riding on a memory lane
Cup of coffee in the morning rain
Hope that you will stay
Hey hey hey
Lock the room and lemme hear your voice again
Humming to a song i've never heard
No need to understand~
Then you drew a line with your bare hands just around my neck
Lemme guess what you will say
Something about the good old days
I dont wanna float too far away, too far away away away away~
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
Hiding your emotions you don't wanna feel the pain
Wanna tell you that i feel the same
Hope you'll let me stay
Hey hey hey
Lock the room and lemme show you my refrain
Humming to a song i wrote for you
Hope you can understand~
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
- - - - - -
五月十一日 三十快樂
#29加1 #29plus1 #彭秀慧 #周秀娜 #鄭欣宜 #蔡瀚億BabyJohn #楊尚斌 #優先場

babyjohn蔡瀚億 在 Joyce 鄭欣宜 Youtube 的評價
電影《29+1》入面,黃天樂同張漢明嘅世界,既貼地又離地。簡簡單單嘅生活,已經能夠讓人夢寐以求;但係要做得到,又係咪咁容易?聽住呢隻由鄭欣宜featuring李拾壹嘅《Fake a Smile》,你又會有幾多快樂回憶?
《Fake a Smile》
主唱 : 鄭欣宜 featuring 李拾壹
作曲 : 李拾壹
填詞 : 李拾壹/鄭欣宜
編曲 : 李拾壹/翁瑋盈
監製 : 黃艾倫/翁瑋盈
混音:Simon Li @nOiz
OP: Milkshake Music Limited (admin.by Universal Music Publishing MGB HK Ltd.)
Feeling your emotions riding on a memory lane
Cup of coffee in the morning rain
Hope that you will stay
Hey hey hey
Lock the room and lemme hear your voice again
Humming to a song i've never heard
No need to understand~
Then you drew a line with your bare hands just around my neck
Lemme guess what you will say
Something about the good old days
I dont wanna float too far away, too far away away away away~
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
Hiding your emotions you don't wanna feel the pain
Wanna tell you that i feel the same
Hope you'll let me stay
Hey hey hey
Lock the room and lemme show you my refrain
Humming to a song i wrote for you
Hope you can understand~
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
Hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold your tears so you can fake a smile for me
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
I can hold my breath so you can fake a smile for me
Fake a smile
Fake a frown
- - - - - -
五月十一日 三十快樂
#29加1 #29plus1 #彭秀慧 #周秀娜 #鄭欣宜 #蔡瀚億BabyJohn #楊尚斌 #優先場