Painting with fire on chopsticks! A piece to find beauty in ordinary materials, and celebrate all that Singapore is today and in the days to come.
Facebook wanted a mural on their 10 meter long wall in their Singapore office, and requested that it be made of chopsticks as the space is right beside their cafe (which serves amazing food all day - employees are so lucky!). I wanted to explore bamboo chopsticks as a material and experiment with alternative methods to create murals, so instead of painting on the wall, I decided to set it ablaze. 15,000 bamboo chopsticks were glued, torched, then layered again and burnt a few more times to create depth and dimension to the piece.
This piece depicts the story of the Merlion - a mythical creature with the head of a lion and body of a fish, and its significance as Singapore's national icon. The Merlion is the guardian of Singapore and has protected the country from waves, storms and enemies, from its early days as a village to where it is now. The Merlion is seen smiling as it is looking forward to the the future with enthusiasm and hope.
Big thanks to Mond and Jannette of United Make - UDMK for working on this project with me on the design and construction (shown in video), as well as my team Vanessa Bong, Michael Mack and Sam Koh who illustrated, concept developed and managed this project (not shown in video). The amazing Jootz See of Back Alley Creations for shooting and directing this, and FB head chef Tim Wong for being game enough to act in this video (last-minute request! We actually really did take all of his chopsticks). And a massive thank you to Facebook Singapore for having me create this piece - it was so much fun and I loved working with your team, and in your beautiful office!
ps: Notice the little details - like the boats in his mane and the fisherman on his boat with his Facebook browser on, on his laptop (in reference to!).
同時也有497部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過127萬的網紅おもしろ雑貨コレクター,也在其Youtube影片中提到,◆この玩具について◆ [コレクションNo.0514] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はサイボーグハンドの紹介です。水圧式で指を動かせる手のプラモデルです。プラモデル初心者の私に組み立てられるかな……?と少し心配しながら開封をしましたが、なんとか6〜7時間くらいで組み立てられま...
- 關於burnt 在 Red Hong Yi Facebook
- 關於burnt 在 Leonardo DiCaprio Facebook
- 關於burnt 在 Wannasingh Prasertkul (วรรณสิงห์ ประเสริฐกุล) Facebook
- 關於burnt 在 おもしろ雑貨コレクター Youtube
- 關於burnt 在 Chloe Ting Youtube
- 關於burnt 在 Singha ha Channel Youtube
- 關於burnt 在 208【谷阿莫】6分鐘看完2015電影《天菜大廚Burnt》 - YouTube 的評價
- 關於burnt 在 Burnt TRAILER (HD) Bradley Cooper Drama Movie 2015 的評價
burnt 在 Leonardo DiCaprio Facebook 八卦
"If the Great War of 1914-1918 was played out on the animal kingdom, it is here right now on the west coast of Kangaroo Island. It was an apocalyptical canvas of death and destruction that rammed home our mortality and the power of nature. We found one live Koala this morning--that was it. He was just sitting dumbfounded by the base of a burnt tree. We approached cautiously, but sadly he summoned enough energy to climb up and out of our reach, otherwise we would have rescued him. 99% of Koalas being rescued are on the ground - not surprising really as they are better climbers than us.”
- David Yarrow Photography reflects on a moment from his trip to Flinders Chase National Park on Australia’s Kangaroo Island this week.
If you want to help the wildlife, wild lands, and communities affected by the fires, make a donation to the #AustraliaWildfireFund today:
burnt 在 Wannasingh Prasertkul (วรรณสิงห์ ประเสริฐกุล) Facebook 八卦
Amazon ที่รัก
อ่านข่าวป่า Amazon ไหม้แล้วก็เศร้าใจมาก ถ้าใครติดตามงานเรา ก็จะรู้ว่าเราเคยไปเหยียบผืนป่านี้มาหลายครั้งแล้ว
...Continue ReadingAmazon baby
After reading Amazon forest news, it's very sad. If you follow our work, we will know that we have been there many times to this forest.
Every time I go, it feels like it's a phenomenal place. The wilderness is 11 times bigger than Thailand. Eat 9 countries and on Earth. There is nowhere more biodiversity than Amazon forest. Every square meter of the Amazon. This forest is full of details of life. Just one tall tree under the root of the spider on the trunk is the big termite on the top of the top is the bird's nest and the Gibbon family house. This is where there are many natural details.
Therefore, every forest, every square metre burned. It's not just trees missing. It's the ecosystem. It's a life cycle that is profound beyond human comprehension.
This year, there are 72843 wildfires happening in Amazon more than last year 80 %!!! And the whole process. It's based on human results. Simply explained. Brazilian new government of President Jair Bolsonaro has an ′′ open forest ′′ policy to make space. Economy has sprung the Amazon forest this summer, more than the last 3 years!!
It's about wildfires. In the Amazon forest, it's normally over half of rain is made from trees in the forest. By releasing humidity into the atmosphere. When the forest is gone, the area dries up, the forest fire is easier ng̀āy less rain. There is no water to extinguish the fire as a reaction to the forest. It's faster to disappear.
In the world's ecosystem, don't forget that the Amazon forest absorbs the huge amount of carbon out of the atmosphere of one hundred million tons! + Now the tree that was cut or burnt, releases carbon back into the atmosphere. It's becoming an accelerated reaction to the global warming.
Just like the arctic ice that melts a lot. Reduce the white area on the earth's crust. The result is the light that shines from the sun. It doesn't reflect the atmosphere as it used to (this is the important page of the polar ice). It turns into ice. The more melting, the more accelerating the skin of the Earth accumulates more heat.
Don't think this is far away. Earth is all connected. For example, Amazon forest soil minerals that really grow trees. An important part of the sand in the Sahara desert that is on different continents and it was winded across the Atlantic Ocean in South America.
What happened in another hemisphere, it hits the rest of the people. It's fast and slow.
Now we're going to save the world as an individual. It's going to slow down the situation. But what the world really needs is a systematic international government collaboration that seems to come through every year with nothing going seriously.
In private sector, creating a new economic system that looks at market and resource management is completely different. It's very necessary because it's clear that our world can't support the current system.
Investing in an alternative energy. It has to create jobs and make profit! Creating an electric system that all people can use natural energy, produce energy for themselves to use, and sell it back. Why not! And many more, many innovations that I believe in human technology have been ready for a while. But the motivation to change seriously.
Let's do something together. ′′ At least ′′ now, I'm not in time. Now I'm very
Let's start with making Agenda the environment become something that is being talked about in Thai society. It must be said with understanding to lead to a solution that actually works in the future.
Let's come to help.Translated
burnt 在 おもしろ雑貨コレクター Youtube 的評價
どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回はサイボーグハンドの紹介です。水圧式で指を動かせる手のプラモデルです。プラモデル初心者の私に組み立てられるかな……?と少し心配しながら開封をしましたが、なんとか6〜7時間くらいで組み立てられました。撮影をしながらということもありますけど、けっこう時間がかかりましたね……(笑)。組み立てに必要な道具はプラスドライバー、ニッパー、はさみ、マーカーです。親指の付ける位置を変えられるので、右手左手どちらにも対応します。それぞれの指の角度も細かく調節できるので、小さな物から大きな物までつかめます。つかむ場合は600gが最大可能荷重になります。サイボーグハンドが完成して指が動いた瞬間は達成感がすごいです。完成後しばらくはサイボーグになった気分で身の回りにあるものをつかんで遊んでしまいました。今回はサイボーグハンドということで、手つながりでコレクションしている「手」の雑貨を後半にたくさん登場させました。あの手この手で手をたくさん紹介できて大満足です(笑)。エレキットElekitの「キミの手をパワーアップ!サイボーグハンド [ MR-9112 ]」という商品でお値段は3,520円(税込)です。詳細は下記関連リンクをご確認ください。
[猫の足のグラス / cute cat foot glass]
[チキンラーメンひよこちゃん スクイーズボール]
[ハトのゼンマイ Accoutrements]
[トラフグ解体パズル / Pufferfish Dissection Puzzle]
[黒マグロ解体フィギュア / Figure Bluefin Tuna]
[指にはめる手 / Accoutrements Finger Hands]
[手の皿 ceramic japan HANDS]
[巨大なこぶしのドリンクホルダー BIG MOUTH]
[手の骨のスマホスタンド / iPhone stand "Bone Touch"]
[ニッケン刃物 NIKKEN 名刀包丁 織田信長モデル]
[手のフォーク / Hand shaped fork]
[大きい魚の醤油差しボトル / Big Soy Sauce Bottle]
[グータッチマグカップ サンアート]
[人生のともしびマッチ / kawaii design match. chicks, pigs, cats, Kokeshi]
[手の形をした付箋紙 / suck uk HANDY NOTES. stationery]
いつも「お久しぶりです。」という挨拶ばかりですが……お久しぶりです。今回はプラモデルでサイボーグハンドを作ってみました。そして後半はいつもどおり食べました(笑)。キャラメルポップコーンこげましたね〜。そしてバナナの人形焼きもこげました。今回の料理は失敗ばかりでとても苦戦しました。キャラメルポップコーンはすぐに諦めて市販のポップコーンにしましたが、人形焼は諦めきれず、何回も失敗して、粉を変えてやっと希望の光が見えて、そこからまた何度も失敗してなんとか形になりました。バナナの人形焼を「手」にしたい気持ちが勝ちました(笑)。手に見えましたか?手に関連するコレクションを全部紹介しようと思っていたのですが、撮影終了後に紹介し忘れが5個くらいあるのに気がつきショックです。また別の機会に紹介します。指にはめる小さな手は買い過ぎですよね。日本で箱買い(大人買い)したのは私ぐらいかもしれません……(笑)。そういえばケンタッキーフライドチキンの骨なしチキンを初めて食べたのですが、普通の骨ありのほうが美味しいですね。でもサラダにのせてダイエット食として食べるは良いかもしれません。骨なしチキンをたくさん食べて痩せましょう。ポップコーンはレタスよりもレタスそのものだし……今回はとてもヘルシーな食事となりました。コルクスクリューを紹介したかったのでスーパーにワインを買いに行ったら、魚の形のワインに一目惚れしてしまい迷うことなく購入して帰りました。そしてコルクじゃないことに撮影を開始してから気がつきました(笑)。でも大きな魚の醤油ボトルが登場するきっかけになったので良かったです。魚の醤油入れにそっくりですよね!最後に残念なお知らせがあるのですが、任天堂Switch「あつまれ どうぶつの森」はプレイする時間がないので売却します。とうとう集まれませんでした。そしてこんなにヘルシーなものばかり食べているのに過去最高体重更新(°▽°)
[My other channel]
This time I introduced the plastic model. Elekit's product "Cyborg Hand". It is a Japanese toy. When you assemble the plastic model, it becomes Cyborg Hand. It is hydraulic. Fingers move with water pressure. It's fun to feel like a cyborg. I grabbed the "Pufferfish Dissection Puzzle" with the Cyborg Hand. I also grabbed the "Bluefin Tuna Figure". In addition to the Cyborg Hand, I introduced a lot of interesting "hand" goods. Of course, I cooked again this time. I cooked with many hands. I cooked chicken salad. I put Japanese Kentucky Fried Chicken on a salad. I made Japanese sweets in the shape of a banana. It is named "Ningyo-yaki". It was very difficult for me to cook "Ningyo Yaki". I have failed many times. I'm very happy that the delicious Ningyo-yaki was burnt. It has the shape of a banana but does not taste like banana. There is anko inside. Anko is Sweet Red Bean Paste.
Thank you, Google translation.

burnt 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的評價
Thanks for all the kind messages on Instagram and on my last video. Sorry it's taken awhile for me to talk about it. I've been too traumatised to even look at my leg. It's gotten better and I hope it will continue to heal. It'll take several months to full heal, and even still it may end up with a scar which I'm okay with I guess. Thanks for watching!
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#burnskin #skinburn #chloeting

burnt 在 Singha ha Channel Youtube 的評價
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-Matierro Feat. Max Landry - Old Fashioned Love
-Epic Cinematic Music

burnt 在 Burnt TRAILER (HD) Bradley Cooper Drama Movie 2015 的八卦

Subscribe to JoBlo Movie Trailers: TRAILER (HD) Bradley Cooper Drama Movie ... ... <看更多>
burnt 在 208【谷阿莫】6分鐘看完2015電影《天菜大廚Burnt》 - YouTube 的八卦
我是谷阿莫的主頻道,影片主要會在這邊更新,若是此頻道出問題,可以去副頻道觀看。若有問題請直接寄信給我 ... ... <看更多>