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#1. Husk armchair - B&B Italia
Husk armchair ➤ Discover more about Husk armchair ✓Made in Italy ✓Be inspired by the B&B Italia italian design.
#2. 產品介紹: Husk
Husk. B&B ITALIA. Patricia Urquiola. 柔軟性和舒適性是設計HUSK系列的主軸,Patricia Urquiola以此元素定義出視覺與觸覺的雙重享受。HUSK armchair的包覆硬殼呼應 ...
B&B HUSK chair. ▫規格: ▫編號: ... HUSK椅的最大特色是背面由高科技塑性材料打造成的殼型輪廓,象徵着收穫的飽滿。堅固穩定的背殼與蓬鬆柔軟的內部填充完美融合, ...
#4. husk椅-新人首單立減十元-2022年2月|淘寶海外
B&B /現代簡約稻殼扶手椅/布藝休閒旋轉椅子#Husk餐椅. 陸虎. ¥. 2860. 已售0件. 1評價 · 意式極簡設計師餐椅husk扶手椅家用舒適真皮時尚客廳靠背椅子輕奢. 優惠促銷.
#5. [邑木傢居] B&B HUSK Chair 復刻近原裝訂製款單椅書房椅餐椅 ...
想看現品照片!! ~可以看賣場介紹與我們聯絡喔~ 訂做時間為訂單確認後15~20個工作天!! 台中地區免運費呦^^ 購買[邑木傢居] B&B HUSK Chair 復刻近原裝訂製款單椅書房椅 ...
#6. Husk Chair的價格推薦- 2022年3月| 比價比個夠BigGo
[米蘭諾家具]訂製款復刻近原裝B&B HUSK Chair單椅/書房椅/餐椅/主人椅訂做沙發台灣嚴選工廠製造 · $17,500. 價格持平. Yahoo拍賣米蘭諾設計家具(20), 台中市.
#7. B&B Husk Chair 高背版 - 嘉義好窩家具
B&B Husk Chair 高背版. NT$12,000 . B&B Husk 嘉義複刻單椅歡迎訂色. B&B Husk Chair 高背版數量. 加入購物車. 描述. B&B Husk 嘉義複刻單椅歡迎訂色.
#8. Husk Collection by B&B Italia - Mohd Shop
B&B Italia's Husk Collection, by Patricia Urquiola, includes sofas, an armchair and tables in both indoor and outdoor versions. The principle behind the ...
#9. HUSK復刻- 飛比價格- 優惠與推薦- 2022年2月
=Mills訂製家具=復刻HUSK 款式沙發/非原裝B&B.Poliform.Minotti可參考 · 【zi_where】*設計師款HUSK OUTDOOR(復刻款)/主人椅$16519 · [Deer家具]B&B HUSK 復刻床台台灣工廠 ...
#10. Husk armchair | Patricia Urquiola
With an original spirit that merges with various styles, the Husk armchair, designed for B&B Italia, conveys a sense of both mental and physical comfort.
#11. Chair Husk by B&B Italia - dieter horn
Husk from B&B Italia ... in Baydur® plastic. The various finish combinations include: base painted white or in a glossy bronzed nickel finish for the white shell; ...
#12. B&B Italia Husk Collection | Space Furniture
Those who look at a sofa must visually perceive a sense of both mental and physical comfort.” The Husk collection by Patricia Urquiola is one of supreme ...
#13. Husk 椅子 - 意品居
意大利B&B Italia的产品展现了意大利设计的历史和成就,让全世界领略到意大利人的想象力、创造力、品味和专业技术。
#14. Husk B&B Italia Pouf - Milia Shop
Husk B&B Italia Pouf Husk designed by Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia is a pouf with shell in white, black or tortora plastic material Hirek®.
結構:黑鐵彎管金屬腳座式,結構為鋼骨結構現場組裝,出廠即享有結構保固12年. 面材:歐規防刮防潑水亞麻布料. 尺寸:6*6.2尺床組適用,總長寬約240*210,尺寸皆可訂製.
#16. B&B Italia H3G Husk Swivel Armchair Snug Sides Headrest
"Those who look at a sofa must visually perceive a sense of both mental and physical comfort," Patricia Urquiola has conveyed this concept to the armchair ...
#17. 深扒B&B品牌的奇思妙想,又一款設計師大愛的網紅椅 - 每日頭條
HUSK 系列由當家花旦Patricia Urquiola設計,小編很喜歡這位美女設計師,她真是很懂如何將實用和顏值完美結合,而且不僅僅將視點放在家具上,而是以更全局 ...
#18. Husk - B&B Italia
Husk. Designer: Patricia Urquiola. Collection: B&B Italia. Category: CHAIRS. Year:2012. Description. ボディはキャピトーネスタイルを受け継いだデザインで、 ...
#19. Husk armchair - By B&B Italia - CiatDesign
Husk armchair by B&B Italia. Design by Patricia Urquiola. Shop now on CiatDesign.
#20. B&B Italia Husk Sofa by Patricia Urquiola - Chaplins
Buy the Husk Sofa by B&B Italia from our designer Lounge Seating collection at Chaplins - Showcasing the very best in modern design.
#21. HUSK | Chair with castors By B&B Italia design Patricia Urquiola
Buy online Husk | chair with castors By b&b italia, fabric chair with armrests with castors design Patricia Urquiola, husk Collection.
#22. Demos & Design - B&B HUSK系列來自義大利B&B,靠著「 創意 ...
B&B HUSK 系列來自義大利B&B,靠著「 創意」與「 創新」不只轟動家居界也在時尚界掀起一陣旋風,許多名人的家中都可見到B&B的單品,如今,B&B不只是一個品牌,他更代表著一個 ...
#23. Husk Armchair - Wood Base - B&B Italia | Studio Como
Endowed with a spirit that merges with a variety of styles, Husk Armchair – Wood Base, designed by Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia, conveys a sense of both ...
#24. B&B-ITALY-Husk - 居匠
高雄室內設計│高雄系統家具│高雄室內設計、系統家具首選室內設計平台,居匠高雄室內設計團隊塑造一個空間,裝有感情的靈魂、人文藝術的氣息、時尚美學的觀感, ...
#25. Husk - B&B Italia Manila
Patricia Urquiola has conveyed this concept to the armchair Husk by designing a stiff body made of Hirek that contains a soft cushion divided into portions, ...
#26. B&B Husk sofa 新品沙發
B&B Husk sofa 新品沙發 · 歐洲品牌整合輸入滿足您多樣化的需求 · 藍寶堅尼床墊記憶枕獨家代理 · alcarol藝術家具獨家代理 · Masha歐洲家具進口.
#27. HUSK-SOFA1 B&B Italia | 3D Warehouse
#28. B&B Italia 'Husk' Sofa by Patricia Urquiola - Modern Resale
B&B Italia 'Husk' Sofa by Patricia Urquiola. Lovingly maintained and in stock. Save thousands of dollars online or in our designer furniture outlet.
#29. Armchairs from B&B Italia - HUSK - Architonic
A moulded plastic shell and a series of soft cushions: these are the basic elements of the Husk armchair. A celebration of softness, Husk is the result of a ...
Husk by B&B Italia is a comfortable swivel armchair, comfortable in every sense, designed by Patricia Urquiola. Husk has the structure with the base that is ...
#31. 復刻B&B Husk床台-訂製款 - 邑木傢居
訂製款復刻B&B Husk床台台灣嚴選工廠製造北歐美式雙人床想看現品照片了解詳情,可加line客服諮詢:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40zmr7319g. 商品價格. NT$39000.
#32. B&B Italia 義大利家具進口- HUSK SOFA 歐洲原廠沙發單椅 ...
B&B ITALIA 義大利進口沙發. 一推出就擄獲眾人眼光的「HUSK」系列,無論是單椅、餐椅、床架、沙發、邊桌,至今都是B&B的明星商品。2014年才推出的「HUSK」沙發,柔軟的 ...
#33. B&B Italia | HUSK 床架欣賞 - VENUS訂製家具
來自於西班牙的設計師Patricia Urquiola為義大利B&B Italia 設計了一套Husk系列的家具. 從沙發跟椅子到今天要介紹的Husk床架,都是使用相同格子車縫 ...
#34. B&B Italia Patricia Urquiola Husk Swivel Chair. Original Price
Design Plus Gallery presents a Husk Swivel Chair by B&B Italia. Designed by renowned Designer Patricia Urquiola in 2011. The molded frame is in a black ...
#35. B&B ITALIA king seize bed HUSK + couple of bedsprings RD1
Husk B&B Italia bed is soft and geometric, simple and complex, but above all - cosy and welcoming: a headboard with strong personality, in a single size, ...
#36. HUSK Chair by B&B Italia | STYLEPARK
The Husk series, successfully presented last year initially as an indoor armchair and later in an outdoor version as well, has been further expanded by ...
#37. B&B Italia Husk Bed | Furniture | Product Library | est living
Research into softness and comfort has driven the design of the B&B Italia Husk Bed. Soft and geometric, simple and complex and cosy.
#38. Husk Lounge Chair for B&B Italia - Pinterest
Feb 18, 2018 - The Husk Lounge Chair is a perfect metaphor for Patricia Urquiola's innovative range of lounge seating. The molded shell on each ...
#39. B&B Italia Husk 雙人床 - Ideali - 高級電器和家具
Designed by Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia, Husk double bed has an internal frame in tubular steel and steel profiles, upholstery in Bayfit® flexible cold ...
#40. 椅子husk b&b Italia - Gerosa Design
Husk B&B Italia. Comfortable, with a modern combination of base and seat, it picks up the profile of the namesake armchair. The body, which is shaped with ...
#41. B&B Italia Armchair Husk - Ready to Ship - Icon Design Solution
Patricia Urquiola has transposed her belief to the Husk armchair: looking at an armchair, one must perceive the sense of mental and not just physical ...
#42. 復刻B&B Husk床台-訂製款
商品規格訂製款復刻B&B Husk床台台灣嚴選工廠製造北歐美式雙人床想看現品照片了解詳情,可加line客服諮詢:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40zmr7319g.
#43. Husk Chair by Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia - Home ...
A hard shell in Hirek® and a series of soft cushions: these are the basic elements of the Husk armchair. A celebration of softness, Husk is the result of a ...
#44. Outdoor Table - Husk from B&B Italia - ArchDaily
Husk outdoor - Side tables from B&B Italia. The small table that underscores lightness and flexible use. Painted a single colour, it is available in five ...
#45. B&B Italia Husk Bed | Harrods US
B&B Italia's Husk collection is all about luxury, with this bed harnessing the very same research used to instil softness and unparalled comfort into the ...
#46. B&B Italia Husk Grey Chair by Patricia Urquiola - 1stDibs
For Sale on 1stDibs - Designed by Patricia Urquiloa for B&B Italia in 2011, the Husk chair is an iconic modern design. Combining a hard shell with soft ...
#47. B&B Italia Husk Armchair - Atomic Interiors
B&B Italia Husk Armchair Dimensions (cm): Width:82 x Depth:76 x Height:86cm Seat Height:45cm.
#48. Designer-Armlehnstuhl B&B Italia Husk P1G ab 1.290,00
Bereits ab 1.290,00 € ✓ Große Shopvielfalt ✓ Testberichte & Meinungen ✓ | Jetzt B&B Italia Husk P1G günstig kaufen bei idealo.de.
#49. B&B Husk Bed
B&B Husk Bed. B&B Husk Bed. SKU: null. NT$0.00. NT$0.00. 無法使用. 每件商品. Facebook. 數量. 沒有可供選擇. 復刻皮革沙發 · 復刻布藝沙發 · 促銷貓抓沙發 ...
#50. Husk by B&B Italia | Small Tables - bredaquaranta
Husk B&B Italia · Technical drawings and Product sheet · Contact us for any information about the product, available finishes and sizes · Send us your enquiry.
#51. HUSK B&B ITALIA - Veko
“Those who look at a sofa must visually perceive a sense of both mental and physical comfort.” 149 Views. HUSK B&B ITALIA quantity. Add to cart.
#52. B&B Italia | HUSK armchair - Cavallini1920
B&B Italia Husk Armchair Husk is an armchair created specifically to provoke a strong sense of comfort and relaxation, even at a glance: in fact, ...
#53. Husk Bed, by Patricia Urquiola - B&B Italia | Matisse
Research into softness and comfort is the same base that produced the famous chair that originated this series. Soft and geometric, simple and complex, ...
#54. 1002007-B&B Italia/HUSK單椅 - 形象傢俱Form Furniture - 痞 ...
Aug 07. 2021 18:14. 1002007-B&B Italia/HUSK單椅. 9. 創作者介紹. 創作者形象傢俱的頭像 社群金點賞徽章 · 形象傢俱. 形象傢俱Form Furniture.
#55. 品味沙發款型推薦- B&B Italia , HUSK 沙發
走出只屬於B&B Italia的時尚、優雅。 這款Husk沙發,以獨有的車縫, 設計有如隨意拼接,. 從椅背、扶手到坐墊,, 表現豐厚的舒適感,.
#56. B&B Italia / Maxalto : Husk 單人座椅系列介紹
B&B Italia / Maxalto : Husk 單人座椅系列介紹 ... 為家居選購沙發之時,家具店中那些沙發會引起你試坐的興趣呢?相信大部份用家都喜歡坐在一些較為充厚的沙發之上。無可 ...
#57. B&B Italia - Husk Dining Chair - Minima
B&B Italia Husk Chair - Small armchair can also find a variety of uses in spaces outside the home exclusively available at Minima Dublin and London.
#58. Husk Sofa - B&B Italia - Tangram Furnishers
Husk Sofa - B&B Italia Designed Patricia Urquiola. Available to buy from Tangram Furnishers located in Edinburgh, Scotland for delivery across the UK.
#59. 【經典家具品牌】B&B Italia - Husk @ 清荷的居家生活美學空間
【經典家具品牌】B&B Italia - Husk ... 其中一款與西班牙設計師Patricia Urquiola 合作,名為Husk 的單人座椅,相信會引起不少人蠢蠢欲坐的感覺。
#60. Husk Bed for B&B Italia | Context Gallery
The Husk bed designed by Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia is a perfect addition to her innovative range of lounge seating of the same name. Soft and…
#61. Quick Ship Husk Outdoor Lounge Chair by B&B Italia Outdoor
Quick Ship Husk Outdoor Lounge Chair by B&B Italia Outdoor Designed by Patricia UrquiolaDimension: 32 1/4"L x 29 7/8"D x 33 7/8"H (17 3/4"Seat ...
#62. 欣賞床架款型推薦- B&B Italia , HUSK 床組(2015/4/17)
B&B Italia的設計, 常有驚喜意外之感. 超乎常人對家具的想像. 像是這款設計感十足的床組HUSK. 床頭片不規則的車縫,略為傾斜的床頭,.
#63. Husk B&B Italia
Patricia Urquiola has conveyed this concept to the armchair Husk by designing a stiff body made of Hirek ® that contains a soft cushion divided into ...
#64. 讓B&B的設計魅力持續綻放 - iFuun
B&B HUSK 的床是B&B品牌中最受歡迎的一件傢具,顏色乾淨簡潔,設計符合人體工學,簡單又複雜,. 強烈個性的床頭,凸出的兩個「翅膀」,似乎要把人 ...
#65. WD款型推薦-B&B Husk 訂製茶几"與古典美學致敬並以現代感性 ...
WD款型推薦-B&B Husk 訂製茶几"與古典美學致敬並以現代感性重新審視" · 威德家具設計給家更多選擇及想像 · 將需求寫信給我們吧,我們將盡快為您服務 · : 2017wadelife@gmail.
#66. B&B Italia Husk
Husk is a versatile armchair with a unique design that is able to complement even the most classic sofas. This piece of furniture has been produced by B&B ...
#67. Husk Armchair (Expo Offer) - B&B Italia | Tomassini Arredamenti
B&B Italia furniture prices and promotions direct from Italy. Husk is one of the largest and most famous seating collections that Patricia Urquiola has ...
#68. B&B Italia Husk fauteuil - Berden.nl
B&B Italia Husk fauteuil. Designer Patricia Urquiola. Patricia Urquiola is vandaag de dag één van de beste vrouwelijke ontwerpers.
#69. HUSK Sessel, breites Rückenpolster mit Kopfpolster - B&B ...
B&B Italia HUSK Sessel, 84 cmmit breitem Rückenpolster und hohem KopfpolsterUntergestell Aluminium, lackiertSitzschale Hirek® Kunststoff, ...
#70. B&B Italia Husk Chair | iVIP BlackBox
The B&B Italia Husk Chair, designed by Patricia Urquiola, is a celebration of softness! It consists of a moulded plastic shell with a series of soft ...
#71. B&B Italia - HUSK 床架介紹 - TopLuxuryDesign 歐洲精品傢俱 ...
HUSK 系列傢俱,是由一位來自西班牙的鬼才設計師 Patricia Urquiola 為 B&B Italia 一手設計的系列傢俱,從床架、茶几、沙發床、沙發,居家系列的傢俱,都有HUSK的存在 ...
#72. Husk Dining Chair Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia Husk Chair
Husk Dining Chair Patricia Urquiola for B&B Italia Husk Chair. Min. Order: 4 Pieces. Production Capacity: 1000 PCS Per Month. Transport Package: ...
#73. B&B HUSK Bed - 傢俬工坊JARZ
HUSK Bed,這是由西班牙建築師Patricia Urquiola為B&B所設計的經典沙發款式HUSK所延伸的床台款式,溫柔包覆感的床頭板造型為其焦點所在。
#74. Download 3D model B&B Italia Husk Armchair (25407) - 3Dbaza
Download B&B Italia Husk Armchair (25407) 3D model. Author Streetstyle13. 3D model available for download in any file format, including max, ...
#75. Pouf upholstered in leather or fabric Husk, B&B Italia - Luxury ...
Minimum order amount is 1500 €. Description, dimensions, materials. Husk stool from the Italian manufacturer B&B Italia. The frame is made of metal, upholstery ...
#76. Armchair Husk -B&B Italia - Design by Patricia Urquiola
#77. Husk armchair 3d model | B&B Italia, Italy - Design Connected
B&B Italia Husk armchair computer generated 3d model. Designed by Urquiola, Patricia. Produced by Design Connected.
#78. Chair Husk B&B Italia 3D Model $39 - .max .obj .fbx - Free3D
Download 3d Chair Husk B&B Italia model available in max, obj, fbx format.
#79. B&B italia Stuhl Husk | Designermöbel Nürnberg - Used Design
Stuhl Husk Husk Stuhl drehbar Ausführung Stoff Aramis Aquamarin Korpus schwarz Maße: B 61 x T 60 x H 86 cm Sitzhöhe: 51 cm.
#80. Terug van weggeweest: de Husk fauteuil, B&B Italia - Van ...
Na een korte afwezigheid is de Husk fauteuil van B&B Italia weer terug in onze showroom! Ditmaal in een warme kleursamenstelling.
#81. Kompakt-Training Unternehmenssteuern - perbene.de
Husk Stuhl Stühle B&B Italia. Kochen. Husk Stuhl Stühle B&B Italia. €1.131,17. Produkt Brand. B&B Italia. Produkt Network. Awin Germany.
#82. Sør-Italia utenfor allfarvei | ABC Nyheter
Fly til Roma, Milano eller Napoli. Husk at det er mulig å kombinere denne delen av Italia med et besøk i hovedstaden eller Napoligulfen. Ta ...
b&b husk 在 Husk Lounge Chair for B&B Italia - Pinterest 的八卦
Feb 18, 2018 - The Husk Lounge Chair is a perfect metaphor for Patricia Urquiola's innovative range of lounge seating. The molded shell on each ... ... <看更多>