因為喜歡唱歌,所以在大學的同學活動,開始演唱中文歌,也曾參加香港學生會舉辦的歌唱比賽,參賽歌曲是「愛的根源」,結果獲得亞軍。我很清楚記得,國際宿舍為了文化交流,每年舉辦一次國際晚宴,希望不同種族的學生可以表演和分享文化。Leslie在一九八五年 唱Monica獲得獎項,那是一首我很喜歡的歌曲,所以在文化交流晚會我便選擇唱Monica。當時同學覺得很驚奇,我怎可能唱Monica。我是跟着錄影帶,學習他的舞步和唱歌技巧。我不停地在公眾地方練習,其他同學看到我很用心練習,也過來幫助我。在台上表演時有幾位同學為我伴舞,當晚演出非常成功。
一九八六年Alan到來澳洲,我又當了他的司機。在他入住的酒店,介紹人在偶像面前,誤把我的名字說成河詠麟,當時在偶像面前我也不懂怎樣矯正。大約有兩年很多人以為我是河詠麟。他的四位女和音,知道我懂得唱他的歌,所以告訴了他,在排練那天他叫我上台一起唱。認識Leslie 和Alan兩位巨星,對我的影響很大,聽到他們的歌,和看到觀眾的反應,我開始對香港的歌唱發展很重視。
後來我在北角僑冠大厦租了一間劏房居住,有一次從北角行到中環,看到一間職業介紹公司的招聘啟示,我便前往應徵。當時職員說我可以教英文,但我不是教師,他認為沒有問題,便介紹我到一間補習社工作。在補習社工作了幾個月,有一位同事看到一張電視台的海報,需要招聘 一個西方人,但要懂得說中文。我致電應徵,他是一位獨立經紀,我說沒有經驗和廣東話也不是很好,他說沒有問題。我便去見一位電視台女監製,她給我一段英文劇本,要我讀出來。因為很緊張,五分鐘都不能出聲,我跟自己說,不嘗試會後侮一生。那一段對白是警官責備下級,責備人一定是很大聲的,所以我便很大聲說出來。當時她正在做自己的事,沒有再理會我,但我的叫聲使她大吃一驚。因為沒有其他外國人給她選擇,她無奈地聘請了我,這套劇集需要兩個西方人,另外一位是當主角,從那時開始,便在電視台工作了二十年。
二零一四年九月我在N o w T V的一個音樂節目做嘉賓,在一間音樂室裡我和三位節目主持人,唱歌和談論音樂。到最近才知道,他們三位是100毛的老闆。到聖誕100毛找我拍攝雜誌封面,我不知為何找我拍攝封面,原來三位老闆是認識我的,只是我自己不知道。
二零一五年八月他們聯絡我,他們有一首歌,問我會否願意演唱,那首歌曲我很熟悉,歌詞十分口語化,應該可以學到的。但當時是星期五,表演是在星期日,只得兩天時間作準備,所以我很用心練習。舞台是有電視屏幕可以看到歌詞,但我盡量避免看電視屏幕,只是有需要時才看一看,便可以放心地唱。能夠上台非常開心,我可以扮了演一個角色,唱一首悅耳和有趣的歌,觀眾很熱鬧和興奮,真是十分難得。我知道這是一生一次,這不是自己可以做到,是他們給我機會。那首歌很受歡迎,而且登上了流行榜。聖誕節前他們聯絡我,表示將會舉辦總選,問我會否參加,我便欣然答應了。當天每位表演者,會有兩首歌曲,在十二月廿六日接到新歌,我從沒有聽過那首歌,是一首說唱歌曲,而且歌詞很陌生,對我來說十分困難,所以我不停地練習了四百多次。當晚表演由Now T V直播,有七十萬人觀看,想不到自己能夠獲得香港區最受歡迎男歌星獎,當宣佈我的名字時,極度開心,無人能想到,唱出真香港的歌曲,是由一個西方人唱出,可以感動到別人。這是天時地利人和,超乎現實,簡直是一個奇蹟。因為那首歌不是我揀選,是別人給我的,練習這首歌時眼睛常常都會充了滿淚水和很感動。
最近有很多關於少數族裔的事情出現在我身上 ,現在我為一個港台節目做旁白,是關於少數族裔在香港。他們在本地娛樂圈發展是十分困難,因為在一個有九成是同一種族的地方,看電視或電影,也是會看自己的種族,未必會看少數族裔。如果他們幾個人合作,做一個節目,然後在網上發放,是有機會成功。香港有很多少數族裔居住,有些人的中文比我好,他們也愛香港。
I am Gregory. I hail from Queensland, Australia. During my high school years, my grades were excellent. They were good enough for me to enroll in any subject that I wanted to in university. At that time, I wanted to become a doctor because I could help others. I studied Medicine at the University of New South Wales. In my first year, I lived in my friend’s home located in North Sydney. During my second year, I lived in International House at the university. It was a rule for the school campus to have at least 50 percent overseas students. They cannot be Australians. I met a lot of Hong Kong, Singaporean and Malaysian friends in my first two years. I was able to get along with them very well. But what is most important was that after living in International House, I came across Hong Kong pop music. One day I was walking along the corridors and overheard beautifully melodic music. I asked my classmate what music he was listening to and if he could lend me the music to listen to. He leant it to me.
I have forgotten whether it was the music of Leslie or Alan. But I am sure it was one of them because I really liked that kind of music. I went to Chinatown to buy it. Eventually, I listened to the music as I read the lyrics. In turn, I slowly picked up a lot of Chinese characters.
I attended many different functions to perform Cantonese songs in university because I really liked to sing. I also attended a singing competition organized by the Hong Kong student association. The competition song was ‘Root of Love’. In the end I won second runner-up. I clearly remember International House wanted to organize cultural exchanges so they held international banquets each year. Their hope was for students from different ethnic backgrounds to perform and share their culture.
In 1985, Leslie won an award for singing ‘Monica’. It was a song that I really loved. During the international cultural exchange banquet, I chose to sing ‘Monica’. At that time my classmates were very surprised. How can I sing ‘Monica’? I followed the videos to learn the dance steps and singing techniques. I kept on practicing in public. Other students witnessed how hard I was practicing and came over to help me out. A few classmates became my accompanying dancers as I danced on stage. The performance that night was extremely successful.
Leslie and a group of Hong Kong superstars visited Australia to hold concerts in 1985. The concert organizer needed a voluntary driver. My friends asked me whether I wanted to be the voluntary driver. I accepted the offer. In the end I found out that I would become Leslie’s driver. There was one day when he was on break and did not need to rehearse. We drove to Canberra. It was cloudy and there was light rain on that day. We could not see clearly. After having a coffee, we left. Leslie was next to drive. His English was very good. During the journey back we chatted happily. The trip was very important to me.
In 1986, Alan came to Australia. I was also his driver. Our mutual friend misread my name as “Ho Wing Lun” in front of my idol during his stay at the hotel. I was not able to correct him at the time because Alan (“Wing Lun”) was my idol. Many people thought I was called “Ho Wing Lun” for around two years. His four back-up singers knew I was able to sing Alan’s songs. That was why they told him about it. During rehearsal day, he told me to sing with him on stage. Knowing superstars like Leslie and Alan had a great impact on me. To be able to listen to their songs and to witness the reactions from the audience led me to become interested in a singing career in Hong Kong.
I did not put in a lot of effort in my studies because I always thought of Chinatown and singing. Consequently, I failed my medical examinations in my third year. I had to re-take my subjects. In 1986, I re-took my studies for three months but then I decided to quit school.
In the end I juggled three dish washing jobs and also many months of brick laying work. I saved up a whole year of my salary and bought a one-way ticket to Hong Kong. I also carried $1000 Australian dollars on me. I then went to Hong Kong to develop my career. I only asked my friend whether I could stay at his place as preparation to living in my new homeland. His father reluctantly agreed but had to receive rent. I did not have anything equipped or prepared. I only purposely bought a one-way ticket because I did not want to easily give up when I encountered minor difficulties and return to Australia.
When I first arrived in Hong Kong, I did not know anything. I did not have any plans. I also did not have any friends. Initially, I lived in Broadcast Drive but my friend did not live there because he was still studying. I did not have anything to do at first. That was why I hung around Hong Kong for several days. One day, by coincidence, I came across Hung Hom Coliseum. At the entrance, there were four men smoking. They noticed me and surprisingly called out “Ho Wing Lun”. They were, in fact, members of Alan’s band. We have first met in 1986. Surprisingly, they remembered me after a whole year. That is called fate. At that time, Alan was preparing for his concert. The four men brought me inside the Coliseum. I saw Alan. There were 31 shows in his 1987 concert. I watched 30 of them. I intended to watch all 31 shows but there was a slight problem. There were rules at my guest house. After ten thirty each night, the door to the home will be locked. Nobody was allowed to enter or leave the house. But concerts do not end so early. So, after watching each concert in the evening, I would walk to Tsim Sha Tsui and then walk back to Broadcast Drive. I would sleep on the concreate seats outside the park. When the park opens at five in the morning, I will go in and sleep. Eventually, I was unable to handle it. One night I cannot watch a show. Once Alan asked me “Can you sing on stage tonight?” I told him “Of course I can.” I became his special guest. Alan was extremely happy when I first performed. By the second show, he announced that: “There is a westerner who can sing my songs very well.” He called out my name “Ho Wing Lun!” But because I was not at the scene, I did not show up. Eventually, he asked me why I did not show up. I explained my reason to him. He then arranged a hotel for me to stay at until the end of the concert. That was why he was able to call me out the third time! That was my second time as special guest singing “Friends” with him. It was exhilarating. In August, he introduced me as a special guest at his birthday party. Actually, everything happens for a reason and everything is interconnected.
Soon after, I rented a tiny flat at a building in North Point to live in. I walked from North Point to Central once. I came across a recruitment agency looking to hire. I went in to give it a shot. At that time, the staff said I could teach English but I was not a teacher. The staff said it was not a problem and introduced me to work at a learning center. After working there for a few months, a colleague saw a TV station’s poster. They were looking to recruit a westerner but that person needs to be able to speak Cantonese. I called to give it a try. The person who answered was an independent agent. I told that agent I had no experience and my Cantonese was not very good. The agent told me it was not a problem. I went to see the TV station’s female producer. She gave me an English script and wanted me to read it out. I was so nervous that I did not utter a word in five minutes. I told myself, if I do not try, I will regret it for life. The dialogue depicted a police telling off a subordinate. When you tell someone off, you must be very loud so, I read my lines out very loudly. At that time, the female producer was doing her own work and did not care about me but because I was so loud, I frightened her! As there were no other westerners for her to choose from, she had no choice but to hire me. The TV show required two westerners. The other westerner played the main character. From then onwards, I worked at the TV station for twenty years.
In September 2014, I appeared as a guest on a NowTV music program. I was in a band room with the three show hosts. We sang and discussed music. Only recently, I found out that they were the Founders of 100 Most. When it was Christmas, 100 Most invited me to appear on the cover of their magazine. I did not know why they wanted me to do it – only to find out that the Founders of the magazine already knew who I was! It was just me who did not know that.
In August 2015, 100 Most contacted me and asked me whether I wanted to sing this particular song. I was very familiar with the song lyrics. The lyrics were very colloquial. I should be able to learn it. It was Friday. The performance was on Sunday. I only had two days to prepare for it. That was why I practiced very hard. The stage showcased the lyrics. But I tried my best not to look at them. I would only glance at them when I needed to. I felt more confident and assured as I sang.
I was extremely elated to be able to perform on stage. I can play a role singing a wonderful and amusing song. The audience was super warm and excited. It was a moment to be treasured. I know this can only happen once in my life. It cannot be done by myself. It is because I was given a chance by 100 Most. The song was very popular and hit the charts. Before Christmas, 100 Most contacted me and expressed that there would be a final election of the songs. They asked me whether I would like to participate. I was more than happy to give it a try. On the day of the show, each contestant would have two songs.
On the 26th of December, I received the new song. I have never heard of the song before. It was a rap song. I was very unfamiliar with the lyrics. I found them very difficult. That was why I kept practicing it for more than four hundred times. The show was broadcasted live by NowTV. Around seven hundred thousand people watched the broadcast. I cannot imagine winning the Best Hong Kong Male Singer. When my name was announced, I was extremely delighted. Nobody can imagine that a westerner was able to sing a song about ‘real Hong Kong’. It can touch people. It was something that happened at the right place and at the right time. It was also surreal and a complete miracle. It is because the song was not selected by me. It was given to me by others. My eyes were often wet from practicing this song. I was very touched.
It is very difficult for westerners to develop their artistry in the entertainment industry. Chances are slim. They can only play roles that are irrelevant and unimportant. But I never thought of giving up. Five years ago I planned to record my own album. But because of stomach acid reflux, my vocal chords got damaged. My voice became hoarse and coarse. It brought me a lot of frustrations because I have worked hard for many years. Then this happened. I then amended my singing techniques and the issue improved significantly. I was able to sing again. I am now working on re-recording my new album.
A lot of ethnic minority issues materialized around me as of late. I am currently the voice over for a RTHK program about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. It is very hard for them to develop their career in the local entertainment industry. It is because when 90 percent of the people share the same skin color comes together in a particular place, those watching TV or film will tend to watch people of their own skin color. They may not watch ethnic minorities. If a group of ethnic minorities work together to create a program for the web, it may work out. There are a lot of ethnic minorities residing in Hong Kong. Some of their Chinese is better than mine. They also love Hong Kong very much.
‘Hong Kongers’, to me, are people who need to do things ‘Hong Kongers’ do. Eat Hong Kong food. Care about Hong Kong. And do not look at skin color. I hope they can also speak Cantonese. Most importantly, they should regard Hong Kong as their home. Then, they are ‘real Hong Kongers’.
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《DAWN》 キズナ / Kizuna / 羈絆 / Bonds 作詞 / Lyricist:田中秀典 作曲 / Composer:飛内将大 編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、飛内将大 歌 / Singer:Aimer 翻譯:夏德爾 English Translation:Thaerin 背景...
「at the scene of 中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 Gregory 河國榮 Facebook
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 Claym morez Youtube
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 Jordan Tseng Youtube
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 scene中文的推薦與評價,YOUTUBE - 探訪台灣國家公園與 ... 的評價
- 關於at the scene of 中文 在 蔡英文“逃跑专车”又出丑20220216 | CCTV中文国际#shorts 的評價
at the scene of 中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【Joshua Wong speaking to the Italian Senate】#意大利國會研討會演說 —— 呼籲世界在大學保衛戰一週年後與香港人站在同一陣線
感謝開創未來基金會(Fondazione Farefuturo)邀請,讓我透過視像方式在意大利國會裡舉辦的研討會發言,呼籲世界繼續關注香港,與香港人站在同一陣線。
【The Value of Freedom: Burning Questions for Hong Kongers】
Good morning. I have the privilege today to share some of my thoughts and reflections about freedom, after taking part in social activism for eight years in Hong Kong. A movement calling for the withdrawal of the extradition law starting from last year had escalated into a demand for democracy and freedom. This city used to be prestigious for being the world’s most liberal economy, but now the infamous authoritarian government took away our freedom to election, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and ideas.
Sometimes, we cannot avoid questioning the cause we are fighting for, the value of freedom. Despite a rather bleak prospect, why do we have to continue in this struggle? Why do we have to cherish freedom? What can we do to safeguard freedom at home and stay alert to attacks on freedom? In answering these questions, I hope to walk through three episodes in the previous year.
Turning to 2020, protests are not seen as frequently as they used to be on the media lens, partly because of the pandemic, but more importantly for the authoritarian rule. While the world is busy fighting the pandemic, our government took advantage of the virus to exert a tighter grip over our freedom. Putting the emergency laws in place, public assemblies in Hong Kong were banned. Most recently, a rally to support press freedom organized by journalists was also forbidden. While many people may ask if it is the end of street activism, ahead of us in the fight for freedom is another battleground: the court and the prison.
Freedom Fighters in Courtrooms and in Jail
Part of the huge cost incurred in the fight for freedom and democracy in Hong Kong is the increasing judicial casualties. As of today, more than 10 thousand people have been arrested since the movement broke out, more than a hundred of them are already locked up in prison. Among the 2,300 protestors who are prosecuted, 700 of them may be sentenced up to ten years for rioting charges.
Putting these figures into context, I wish to tell you what life is like, as a youngster in today’s Hong Kong. I was humbled by a lot of younger protestors and students whose exceptional maturity are demonstrated in courtrooms and in prison. What is thought to be normal university life is completely out of the question because very likely the neighbour next door or the roommate who cooked you lunch today will be thrown to jail on the next.
I do prison visits a few times a month to talk to activists who are facing criminal charges or serving sentences for their involvement in the movement. It is not just a routine of my political work, but it becomes my life as an activist. Since the movement, prison visits has also become the daily lives of many families.
But it is always an unpleasant experience passing through the iron gates one after one to enter the visitors’ room, speaking to someone who is deprived of liberty, for a selflessly noble cause. As an activist serving three brief jail terms, I understand that the banality of the four walls is not the most difficult to endure in jail. What is more unbearable is the control of thought and ideas in every single part of our daily routine enforced by the prison system. It will diminish your ability to think critically and the worst of it will persuade you to give up on what you are fighting for, if you have not prepared it well. Three years ago when I wrote on the first page of prison letters, which later turned into a publication called the ‘Unfree Speech’, I was alarmed at the environment of the prison cell. Those letters were written in a state in which freedom was deprived of and in which censorship was obvious. It brings us to question ourselves: other than physical constraints like prison bars, what makes us continue in the fight for freedom and democracy?
Mutual Support to activists behind-the-scene
The support for this movement is undiminished over these 17 months. There are many beautiful parts in the movement that continue to revitalise the ways we contribute to this city, instead of making money on our own in the so-called global financial centre. In particular, it is the fraternity, the mutual assistance among protestors that I cherished the most.
As more protestors are arrested, people offer help and assistance wholeheartedly -- we sit in court hearings even if we don’t know each other, and do frequent prison visits and write letters to protesters in detention. In major festivals and holidays, people gathered outside the prison to chant slogans so that they won’t feel alone and disconnected. This is the most touching part to me for I also experienced life in jail.
The cohesion, the connection and bonding among protestors are the cornerstone to the movement. At the same time, these virtues gave so much empowerment to the mass public who might not be able to fight bravely in the escalating protests. These scenes are not able to be captured by cameras, but I’m sure it is some of the most important parts of Hong Kong’s movement that I hope the world will remember.
I believe this mutual support transcends nationality or territory because the value of freedom does not alter in different places. More recently, Twelve Hongkong activists, all involved in the movement last year, were kidnapped by China’s coastal guard when fleeing to Taiwan for political refugee in late-August. All of them are now detained secretly in China, with the youngest aged only 16. We suspect they are under torture during detention and we call for help on the international level, putting up #SAVE12 campaign on twitter. In fact, how surprising it is to see people all over the world standing with the dozen detained protestors for the same cause. I’m moved by activists in Italy, who barely knew these Hong Kong activists, even took part in a hunger strike last month calling for immediate release of them. This form of interconnectivity keeps us in spirit and to continue our struggle to freedom and democracy.
Understanding Value of freedom in the university battle
A year ago on this day, Hong Kong was embroiled in burning clashes as the police besieged the Polytechnic University. It was a day we will not forget and this wound is still bleeding in the hearts of many Hong Kongers. A journalist stationed in the university at that time once told me that being at the scene could only remind him of the Tiananmen Square Massacre 31 years ago in Beijing. There was basically no exit except going for the dangerous sewage drains.
That day, thousands of people, old or young, flocked to districts close to the university before dawn, trying to rescue protestors trapped inside the campus. The reinforcements faced grave danger too, for police raided every corner of the small streets and alleys, arresting a lot of them. Among the 800+ arrested on a single day, 213 people were charged with rioting. For sure these people know there will be repercussions. It is the conscience driving them to take to the streets regardless of the danger, the conscience that we should stand up to brutality and authoritarianism, and ultimately to fight for freedoms that are guaranteed in our constitution. As my dear friend, Brian Leung once said, ‘’Hong Kong Belongs to Everyone Who Shares Its Pain’’. I believe the value of freedom is exemplified through our compassion to whom we love, so much that we are willing to sacrifice the freedom of our own.
Defending freedom behind the bars
No doubt there is a terrible price to pay in standing up to the Beijing and Hong Kong government. But after serving a few brief jail sentences and facing the continuing threat of harassment, I learnt to cherish the freedom I have for now, and I shall devote every bit what I have to strive for the freedom of those who have been ruthlessly denied.
The three episodes I shared with you today -- the courtroom, visiting prisoners and the battle of university continue to remind me of the fact that the fight for freedom has not ended yet. In the coming months, I will be facing a maximum of 5 years in jail for unauthorized assembly and up to one ridiculous year for wearing a mask in protest. But prison bars would never stop me from activism and thinking critically.
I only wish that during my absence, you can continue to stand with the people of Hong Kong, by following closely to the development, no matter the ill-fated election, the large-scale arrest under National Security Law or the twelve activists in China. To defy the greatest human rights abusers is the essential way to restore democracy of our generation, and the generation following us.
at the scene of 中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 八卦
演英國電視劇火紅的男神Benedict Cumberbatch擁有一把超重低音的磁性男生,身為聲音控的蕭叔叔,也不禁為之顛倒。這一短片,是Cumberbatch為BBC電視劇拍的廣告,題為A Lifetime of Original British Drama on the BBC。
其中他朗讀的一段文字,來自莎士比亞劇As You Like It的著名獨白All the World’s a Stage,講述人由呱呱墜地到衰老死亡的過程。全文如下。
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
第三階段,係sighing like furnace,整天唉聲嘆氣,要生要死,對住小事如愛人條眼眉都可以作到首慘情詩嘅超難頂lovers。
第六階段,身形漸漸縮水,開始衣不稱身,聲線變弱,由雄厚聲線,變到老人家嗰D好似吹口哨嘅vee vee聲。
第七階段,係second childishness。也就是說,你點嚟,就會點去,變番好似BB仔一樣,冇牙、冇眼、冇味覺、乜9都冇。
第一句來自戲劇 The Merchant of Venice。劇中反派角色猶太人 Shylock 借錢給男主角,合約訂明假如主角於時限前還不到錢,Shylock 就可割下他一磅重的肉,換句話說,就是要了他的命。後來主角週轉不靈,真的還不到錢,一直對主角恨之入骨的 Shylock 當然不會放過傷害主角的機會,有人問 Shylock 為何要堅持要履行合約,他說:
He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies—and what’s his reason? I am a Jew. […]
蕭叔叔翻譯技巧平平,只道個大意出來:他(男主角)不單累我唔見錢,仲常常羞辱我,冷待我,嘲笑我,只因我是個猶太人。大家留意兩個簡單的字:cooled 和 heated。兩個在此都是動詞,cooled my friends,大意就是破壞我同朋友之間的友誼,使朋友離我而去;heated my enemies 就是煽動我的敵人。這兩個字,都簡潔到極,但意思好出,一看就明。大家不妨想想自己會怎樣表達這兩句的意思。英文平平的人,可能會把前半部寫成:
made me lose my friends,或
caused my friends to leave me,或
undermined the relationship between me and my friends,之類。
made my enemies hate me even more。
非常長氣,而且表達還不夠簡單一句 cooled my friends,heated my enemies 生動、深刻。這是大師的功力。
第二句來自老莎的情詩(他的情詩是一絕,將來找幾首同大家讀讀)。老莎跟情人的關係若即若離,有時好high,有時 insecure。有次他寫:
To leave poor me thou hast the strength of law, since why to love I can allege no cause.
他說,你要離開我,實在有太多太多的理由,像連法律都會站在你那邊,因為我從來都配不起你:I can think of no reason why you should love me and stay with me.
要離開我,you have the strength of law!假如你要走,像法律明文寫出一樣堂皇的道理,都在你那邊。可看到老莎在這段關係裏的地位是如何卑微。大家請留意,這句的字,都是很淺的,但意義深遠,比喻深刻。也看 allege 一字。因為,你為什麼要愛我,我一個理由都想不到。Allege 這個法庭常用的動詞,跟前句的比喻呼應。你為什麼要愛我?我一個理由都呈不上。幾可憐!
篇幅有限,先講到這裏,只希望大家也感受到老莎文字可愛之處。讀莎士比亞,不是為了要寫這些「文言文」,而是為了學習他運用文字的 spirit。
最後,由於這是蕭叔叔在本欄的第一篇文,在此向大家打個招呼,請大家多多指教。另外,叔叔也要戴個頭盔。蕭叔叔雖是個英文教與學的狂熱份子,但從未受過正式的語言學、文學、翻譯的訓練。假如有何錯漏,歡迎電郵或在 Facebook 指正,指點,討論,感謝萬分。
作者簡介:蕭愷一,AKA蕭叔叔。夢想做男神,現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱份子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者。以 speak English like an educated native 為教與學的終極目標。Facebook專頁:蕭叔叔的英式英文學會 facebook.com/unclesiu
at the scene of 中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
キズナ / Kizuna / 羈絆 / Bonds
作詞 / Lyricist:田中秀典
作曲 / Composer:飛内将大
編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、飛内将大
歌 / Singer:Aimer
English Translation:Thaerin
背景 / Background - ハレ - 前田ミック :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
たった一人で歩いてきたと 思ってたあの日
本当はいつも どんな場面にも “誰か”がいたんだ
過ぎてゆく日々 空気のように見えない想いだけど
花束も 約束もいらない
ただ いくつもの愛で この空は繋がってるよ
いのちの数だけ また誰かと響き合える
ひとりひとり 会いたい“キミ”がいる
ずっと強がることで 弱さを守ってたあの日
そんなときさえ 差し出してくれた “誰か”の手のひら
朝焼けの街 時の流れに景色は変わったけど
やさしさも 愛しさも 心(ここ)にあるよ
伝えられなかった 言葉たちが溢れてる
泣きじゃくる夜に ぬくもりをくれた記憶
目を閉じれば 色褪せない場所がある
たとえどんな離れても 信じ合える
何を失っても キズナだけは壊せない
たったそれだけで 涙は笑顔に変わる
ひとりきりじゃない みんなそばにいるから…
きっと今は分かる 見えない想いの中に愛は輝く
花束も 約束もいらない
ただ いくつもの愛で この空は繋がってるよ
いのちの数だけ また誰かと響き合える
ひとりひとり かけがえのない“キミ”がいる
たとえどんな離れても 信じ合える
何を失っても キズナだけは壊せない
たったそれだけで 涙は笑顔に変わる
ひとりきりじゃない みんなそばにいるから…
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
On the day I started thinking I’d always walked this path all alone,
I realized there had always been “someone” there, no matter the scene…
Though the feeling of these passing days,
Is invisible, like air.
I don’t need a bouquet or a promise;
All our skies are simply connected by many different loves.
As many lives as there are, there are chances to resonate with someone –
In each and every one one of “you” is someone I wish to know.
On the day I started acting tough to protect my weakness,
I noticed “someone” reaching out their hand, even at a time like this…
The sun is rising on this city,
Though the scenery’s changed with the flow of time.
Kindness and love are all right here;
Words that never managed to be communicated are overflowing.
With this memory of you giving me warmth on nights I cried,
Even if I close my eyes, I can see an place where the colors never fade.
No matter how far apart we are, we can believe in one another;
No matter what we lose, our bonds alone will never be shattered.
With just that, our crying faces will smile –
We’re not alone, ’cause everyone is here close by…
I see it so clearly now:
Love shines within that invisible feeling!
I don’t need a bouquet or a promise;
All our skies are simply connected by many different loves.
As many lives as there are, there are chances to resonate with someone –
In each and every one one of “you” is someone I wish to know.
No matter how far apart we are, we can believe in one another;
No matter what we lose, our bonds alone will never be shattered.
With just that, our crying faces will smile –
We’re not alone, ’cause everyone is here close by…

at the scene of 中文 在 Claym morez Youtube 的評價
GTA 5 PC ! GTA 5 The Flash ! GTA 5 The Flash LSPDFR ? GTA 5 Trevor Flash ! GTA V ! Grand Theft Auto V ! GTA 5 The Flash 2 ! POLICE in GTA 5 ! Trevor The Flash in GTA 5 ! Episode 2 ! LSPDFR !
So The Flash is back to LSPDFR ! NEW Flash Mod ! This is awesome as we have slow motion while moving at Super Speed :D
And again ! No crimes allow ! Fuck all the criminals ! Yeah !
Mash the LIKE button and the SHARE button if u do love what you are watching ! That will be cool and awesome !
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Mods Download link :
LSPDFR : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7792-lspd-first-response/
Police Radio : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7866-coroner-tackle-suspect-tow-plate-checker-pit-request-barrier-police-radio-early-version/
Vehicle Search : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7894-vehicle-search-search-the-trunks-of-vehicles/
Improved lighting : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7715-improved-spotlight-and-led-lighting-updated-no-starburst-version/
Breathalyzer : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7892-breathalyzer/
Speed Radar : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7789-speed-radar/
Traffic Control : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7953-traffic-control-beta/
Spike Strips : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/drop-spikes-mod-for-lspdfr
StraysCallouts : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8055-strayscallouts/
Keep Calm : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7969-keep-calm-beta-reduce-ai-panic-attacks-when-shots-are-fired/
Bank Callouts : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8126-bank-callouts/
More Callouts : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8084-morecallouts/
Simple Trainer : https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/simple-trainer-for-gtav
Wilderness Callouts : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8108-wilderness-callouts/
SS2000 Siren Mod : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7793-federal-signal-ss2000-gta-v-siren-mod/
Added Police Vehicles By DBock : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8287-added-police-vehicles-by-dbock/
Traffic Policer : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8303-traffic-policer-ambient-events-callouts-parking-tickets/
Crazy Callouts : http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8197-crazy-callouts/
Flash Outfit : https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/cw-s-flash-fan-art
Flash Mod :https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/slowmomod
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at the scene of 中文 在 Jordan Tseng Youtube 的評價
hello guys,I made this stop motion at last summer vacation :P
Today I finish it to notice you guys I'm still alive :)
and testing premire pro cs6.
it's short because the joint of Revoltech Iron man is weak,I really hate,won't buy any Revoltech product ever again.I think the Iron man fly scene I've made is pretty cool,hope you like it.thanks for watching and supporting :)next one should be Black Rock Shooter.
stop motion線上課程開課中 ▶ https://bit.ly/2MsieJ8
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Facebook fan page ▶ https://bit.ly/30h70z8
中文Facebook粉絲專頁 ▶ https://bit.ly/367GrgU
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at the scene of 中文 在 蔡英文“逃跑专车”又出丑20220216 | CCTV中文国际#shorts 的八卦
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