Rombongan komuniti bidayuh dari Kampung Mantung Merau, Serian melawat Rumah Panjang Uma Bawang Apo Kayan, Sungai Asap, Belaga. ... <看更多>
Rombongan komuniti bidayuh dari Kampung Mantung Merau, Serian melawat Rumah Panjang Uma Bawang Apo Kayan, Sungai Asap, Belaga. ... <看更多>
#1. Apo Kayan people - Wikipedia
The Apo Kayan people are one of the Dayak people groups that are spread throughout Sarawak of Malaysia, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan of Indonesia.
#2. Apo Kayan – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
The Apo Kayan is a remote highland region in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. It is situated close to the Malaysian border in the northwest of ...
The Apo Kayan is a remote highland region in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. It is situated close to the Malaysian border in the northwest of ...
#4. Apo Kayan Travel Guide - TravelDojo
The area known as Apo Kayan is a very remote highland in the eastern part of Kalimantan near the border with Malaysia. This plateau is densely covered in ...
#5. Practices and Views of the Border in the Apo Kayan Region of ...
7The Apo Kayan region of East Kalimantan is an isolated mountainous plateau near the border with Sarawak, at the headwaters of the Kayan River, one of two major ...
#6. Malaria remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan ... - PubMed
The Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, a remote forested plateau in Indonesian Borneo, use 17 malaria remedies derived from natural sources. ... Our results confirm the ...
#7. Population of t h e Apo Kayan Area | Download Table
Download Table | Population of t h e Apo Kayan Area from publication: 1984a, Traditional Migration in Borneo: The Kenyah Case | | ResearchGate, ...
#8. Apo Kayan Map - East Kalimantan, Indonesia - Mapcarta
The Apo Kayan is a remote highland region in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. It is situated close to the Malaysian border in the northwest of ...
#9. Malaria remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, East ...
The Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, a remote forested plateau in Indonesian Borneo, use 17 malaria remedies derived from natural sources.
#10. Apo kayan - ٨٥ | Facebook
Apo kayan, profile picture · Apo kayan. ٨٥. Mobile uploads · May 16, 2020 ·. View Full Size. انا ام عبده and 12 others like this. Loading... Try Again.
#11. The Apo Kayan-Mentarang Biosphere Reserve - IUCN Portal
The Apo Kayan-Mentarang Biosphere Reserve : a future conservation for development of Dayak community in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
#12. Frontier heritage on the upper Mahakam (East Kalimantan ...
the Apo Kayan region), which designates a wide range of upriver Busang-speaking com- munities, like the Uma Suling, Uma Tuan, or Uma Lakwe, to mention but a ...
#13. Mask 18borneo Mask From Apo Kayan Dayak Tribal - Etsy
Mask 18"Borneo Mask From Apo Kayan Dayak Tribal Ethnographic Artwork Collectible Primitive Art Kalimantan Indonesia Wall Hanging.
#14. Malaria Remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, East ...
Title, Malaria Remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo: A Quantitative Assessment of Local Consensus as an Indicator of ...
#15. Malaria remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo ... - 全球学者库
Malaria remedies of the Kenyah of the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo: A quantitative assessment of local consensus as an indicator of ...
#16. persistence and change in the practice of shifting cultivation in ...
chose the Apo Kayan because it was one of the few places in East Kalimantan where long-fallow, forest-maintaining shifting cultivation was still practised ...
#17. Central Borneo Languages | SpringerLink
In 1912 Van Genderen Stort published an extensive vocabulary of Kenyah, the language spoken in Apo Kayan, the highlands where the Kayan River takes its ...
#18. Kenyah Dayaks, Apo Kayan, Borneo, E Kalimantan ...
Download and buy this stock image: Kenyah Dayaks, Apo Kayan, Borneo, E Kalimantan, Indonesia - AAM-AAES60069 from agefotostock's photo library of over 110+ ...
#19. Kehidupan suku Dayak Apo Kayan / Murcus AS
Judul, Kehidupan suku Dayak Apo Kayan / Murcus AS. Pengarang, Murcus AS. EDISI, Cet. 1. Penerbitan, Bandung : Rosda Jaya putra, 1990.
#20. APO KAYAN, nel cuore del Kalimantan – Natura e storia – 1P
APO KAYAN, nel cuore del Kalimantan – Natura e storia – 1P. Il mio interesse per il Borneo è nato qualche decennio fa quando ho affrontato per la prima ...
#21. Lokasi: Apo Kayan - Indonesia Onesearch
Apo Kayan Sebongkah sorga di tanah Kenyah ; Herwasono Soedjito , 1950 - (-) · Book · ind · Bogor : Himpunan Ekologi Indonesia , 2005 · Orang Dayak Kenyah > Kehidupan ...
#22. Apo Kayan: Sebongkah Surga di Tanah Kenyah - Goodreads
Apo Kayan : Sebongkah Surga di Tanah Kenyah ; Herwasono Soedjito. 3.00. 1 rating0 reviews ; What do you ; Rate this book. Write a Review ; Friends & Following.
#23. #apokayan hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos
Proses pembuatan tato oleh seorang Kenyah di Apokayan di Kalimantan Timur pada tahun 1930-an · APO KAYAN - SEBONGKAH SORGA DI TANAH KENYAH SP-0014 @40K ...
#24. Stories of Apo Kayan and forgotten tragedy - PressReader
Stories of Apo Kayan and forgotten tragedy. 2022-09-01 - Anuar Ghani. JOURNALIST James Ritchie has put together the story of brutal massacres of a group of ...
DINAMIKA HUTAN DI LONG SEI BARANG, APO KAYAN KALIMANTAN TIMUR. HERWASONO SOEDJITO. 10.14203/beritabiologi.v2i8.1412. | Abstract views: 483 | PDF views: 345 ...
#26. 無題
K. Arifin, Etnoarkeologi di Kayan Mentarang: Hasil survei arkeologi dan ... Sejarah Apo Kayan, degree thesis, Samarinda: Akademi Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, ...
#27. Apo kayan sebongkah sorga di Tanah Kenyah
Apo kayan sebongkah sorga di Tanah Kenyah. Soejito, Herwasono - Nama Orang;. Tidak Tersedia Deskripsi. Ketersediaan. FISIP00467, 959.84 HER a ...
#28. Skirt | Apo or Kenyah or Kayan peoples
Skirt, Cotton, glass beads, cowrie shells, Apo or Kenyah or Kayan peoples. Due to rights restrictions, this image cannot be enlarged, viewed at full screen, ...
#29. Dinamika Hutan Di Long Sei Barang, Apo Kayan Kalimantan ...
Hutan tropika mempunyai peianan penting untuk kehidupan manusia, dan menurnt Jacobs (1980) terdapat 12 pokok kepentingan. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa ...
#30. Kehidupan Suku Dayak Apo Kayan
Kehidupan Suku Dayak Apo Kayan. Marcus As - Nama Orang;. Tidak Tersedia Deskripsi. Ketersediaan. 46.257, Tersedia. 8.974, 390.959 MAR k, PERPUSTAKAAN 400 ...
#31. Kisah Dayak Apo Kayan Kalimantan Utara di Ekspedisi ...
Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz (lahir di Oudewater, Netherlands, 18 September 1871- dan meninggal dunia dalam usia 72 tahun di Klerksdorp, Uni ...
#32. Beadwork panel from a baby carrier, Borneo, Kalimantan ...
Download this stock image: Beadwork panel from a baby carrier, Borneo, Kalimantan, Apo Kayan Dayak, 19th century, HAA - KTJGR1 from Alamy's library of ...
#33. An Apo Kayan presentation mandau - Antiques by the Sea
The mandau, also known as 'Parang Ilang' is one of the most iconic weapons of the Dayak from Kalimantan, Borneo. This example is typical Apo Kayan, ...
#34. File:Beadwork panel from a baby carrier, Borneo, Kalimantan ...
File:Beadwork panel from a baby carrier, Borneo, Kalimantan, Apo-Kayan Dayak, 19th century, HAA.JPG. Language; Watch · Edit.
#35. A mandau (Apo Kayan) | Rare and Fine Antique Arms ... - Finarte
A mandau (Apo Kayan). Estimate. € 150 - 250 ...
#36. Jual Gelang Manik Tua Chevron Sub Apo Kayan - Tokopedia
Gelang Manik Tua Chevron Sub Apo Kayan di Tokopedia ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Cicilan 0% ∙ Kurir Instan.
#37. Apo kayan sebongkah sorga di tanah kenyah - OPAC FAH
Apo kayan sudah lama dikenal sebagai peneliti antropologi sebagai pusat tempat tinggal Dayak Kenyah dan asal seluruh etnik Dayak di Kalimantan. Ketersediaan ...
#38. A Kenyah woman of the Apo Kayan, inland plateau close ...
A Kenyah woman of the Apo Kayan, inland plateau close to the Sarawak border, by Jean Demmeni, 1896. The Indies-born soldier photographer Jean Demmeni ...
#39. Seorang wanita suku Dayak dari Daerah Apo Kayan ...
Item KPRIJ51_2908 - Seorang wanita suku Dayak dari Daerah Apo Kayan, Kalimantan Timur. (Reproduksi dari buku "Borneo Het Land Der ...
#40. Apokayan Highlands - Borneo Tour Gigant
The upstream region of the Kayan river, especially the plateau (400-1,700 meters above sea level), is called Apo Kayan, inhabited by Kenyah Dayaks, who live in ...
#41. APO KAYAN ♥️ (@7po.kayan) | TikTok
APO KAYAN ♥️ (@7po.kayan) on TikTok | 22.2K Likes. 11.6K Followers. APO KAYAN ♥️ {وَالـلَّـهُ مَـعَ ...
#42. The Apo Kayan area of East Kalimantan - Malaycivilization
Title. The Apo Kayan area of East Kalimantan ; Subject. PADAT ; Description. untuk lampiran bahan boleh dapatkan di Perpustakaan ATMA, UKM dengan no. panggilan/ ...
#43. Apo Kayan. Villaggi e collegamenti - Meer
Centro amministrativo e culturale nel cuore del Borneo, capitale del Kecamatan [1] Kayan Hulu, Long Nawang è la più antica e ricca comunità ...
#44. Gongs Among the Kenyah Uma' Jalan: Past and Present ...
Whittier, Herbert L. and Whittier, Patricia R. 1974 “The Apo Kayan Area of East Kalimantan.” Sarawak Museum Journal 22(43): 5–15.Google Scholar.
#45. Dayaks and Forests in Interior Borneo - Penn Museum
KAYAN. BERAWAN. Kayan R. BAHAU. Apo. Kayan. INDONESI. (KALIMANTAN). MODANG. Mahakam ... An airstrip in the remote Apo Kayan provides a link with the outside.
#46. Lagu Banjar/Apo Kayan - Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia
Mambalah hutan darah parang Apo Kayan Mandaw talabang siap di tangan…..aha. Wah… kuriak perang gagah perkasa. Awak batutang, bamahkota bulu burung tinggan
#47. A journey among the peoples of Central Borneo in word and ...
1. My domestic arrangements. · 2. The country and its people. · 3. Through the Apo Kayan with Dr de Rooy. · 4. To the Punans and back home. · 5. The future of the ...
dbh of more than 60 cm were recorded, and in a plot of 1.12 ha in the Apo Kayan forest 19 such trees were found (van Valkenburg, 1997).
#49. Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystems: Biogeographical and ...
However, men from the Apo Kayan travel to the lowlands of Sarawak and Indonesian Kalimantan to work as loggers. Some have brought chain-saws back to the Apo ...
#50. Kehidupan Suku Dayak Apo kayan / Marcus AS
Judul, Kehidupan Suku Dayak Apo kayan / Marcus AS. Pengarang, Marcus AS. EDISI, cet.1. Penerbitan, Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya, 1986.
#51. Dayak Apo Kayan di Ekspedisi Nieuwenhuis dan Lorentz ...
Secara geografis Apo Kayan dapat juga diartikan sebagai dataran tinggi yang berada di perbatasan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan ...
#52. ASSOCIATION APO KAYAN - Vincennes - Net1901.org
ASSOCIATION APO KAYAN - Vincennes. ... ASSOCIATION APO KAYAN Dernière mise à jour : plus de 10 ans (17/02/2011). Objet : faire découvrir l'environnement ...
#53. 'Aso' Ear Ornament of Carved Hornbill Casque (Beak ...
232) among the Kenyah Dayaks of the Apo Kayan region of Borneo, only successful headhunters were allowed to wear ear ornaments made from hornbill ivory.
#54. Suku Dayak Apo Kayan di Kalimantan punya topeng etnis ...
Suku Dayak Apo Kayan di Kalimantan Tengah mempunyai topeng etnis yang disebut Hudo. Topeng ini menggambarkan wajah makhluk mirip burung.
#55. Ear lobe decoration, Apo Kayan Dayak woman - 1989 - Pinterest
Jun 3, 2015 - Apo Kayan, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia.
#56. Histories of the Borneo Environment: Economic, Political and ...
Patterns of market demand for natural latex in the Apo Kayan are consistent with exploitation cycles of the same product throughout the interior of Borneo ...
#57. Ethnohistory of the Kayanic peoples in Northeast Borneo (Part 2)
Thus, the Kenyah came to occupy the Apo Kayan. Later, some of them migrated to the middle Mahakam, where they were governed by their long-time allies, the Long ...
#58. Ecology of Kalimantan: Indonesian Borneo - Google 圖書結果
The Apo Kayan has been inhabited for centuries, with most cultivated sites being allowed to return to fallow, then recleared many times.
#59. kayan - The Tuyang Initiative
Long ago, when the Kayan people still resided in Apo Kayan, which was along the Batang Kayan river, a longhouse community had been suffering the loss of ...
#60. Transborder Governance of Forests, Rivers and Seas
Brooke, culminating in the 1924 Kapit Peacemaking Ceremony, under Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke, between Sarawak Ibans and Kenyah from the Apo Kayan.
#61. Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang - Encyclopedia.com
The Kayan live in the central portions of major central Borneo rivers (Kayan, Mahakam, Kapuas, Rajang, and Baram); the Kenyah live in the Apo Kayan drainage ...
#62. Our vanishing relative: The status of wild orang-utans at ...
32 Boh water catchment (southern Apo Kayan) The Apo Kayan is the mountainous region between the headwaters of the rivers Kayan and Bahau on the Kalimantan ...
#63. Reed L. Wadley, ed. Histories of the Borneo Environment
of gutta-percha (natural latex) and gaharu (aloes wood) in the Apo Kayan region during the twentieth century. Writing from her experiences with the ...
#64. Paroki Santo Lukas, Apo Kayan
Paroki santo lukas, apo kayanlokasipastoran katolik long ampung kayan selatan, malinau,kalimantan utarajumlah anggota/umatkurang lebih 1.500 jiwasitus ...
#65. C. Eghenter Towards a casual history of a trade scenario ... - Brill
Apo Kayan is an isolated mountainous plateau at the headwaters of the. Kayan River in the interior of Indonesian Borneo, near the border with. Sarawak, a state ...
#66. Mandau Tua Lawas Istimewa Dayak Apo Kayan-Tempusar 5 ...
Beli Mandau Tua Lawas Istimewa Dayak Apo Kayan-Tempusar 5 Bilah Panjang. Harga Murah di Lapak seno sen. ✓ Pengiriman cepat ✓ Pembayaran 100% aman.
#67. Tekná – a vanishing oral tradition among the Kayan people of ...
suggested that the Kayan migrated from their ancestral homes in the Apo Kayan in Kalimantan,. Indonesia, to Sarawak sometime in the early 18th century ...
#68. Jalan Poros Apo Kayan Makin Parah | Korankaltim.com
MALINAU – Kondisi jalan poros perbatasan Apo Kayan makin parah. Kerusakan jalan yang menghubungkan Kecamatan Sungai Boh dengan Kecamatan Kayan Hulu, ...
#69. Bamboo Container, Apo-Kayan People, Borneo
Apo -Kayan people, Central Borneo Bamboo, wood, cordage 19th/early 20th century. H: 18.5 in :: 47 cm. Exceptionally large bamboo container with a unique ...
#70. (P07) Between Heritage and Colonial Representations
The Apo Kayan region is an isoled mountainous plateau at the headwaters of the Kayan River in the interior of Indonesian Borneo. The area is remote and ...
#71. Asal Usul Suku Kayan | Potensi Ruang Mikro - Desa Data Dian
Jika menelisik gambaran sejarah dan asal-usul Dayak Kayan, masih ada ulasan ... Spekulasi bahwa orang Kayan 'mungkin' datang ke wilayah Apo Kayan[2] dari ...
#72. 6 Touristic Villages in Kalimantan and It's Signature Attraction
Unlike other tourist villages, the tourist village of Pampang, located in the North Samarinda district, houses the Apo Kayan and Kenyah Dayak tribes.
#73. Pengembangan kawasan perbatasan negara di Apou Kayan
Apo Kayan : Sebongkah Sorga di Tanah Kenyah, Himpunan Ekologi Indonesia, Bogor. Sudiar, Sonny. (2012). “Kebijakan Pembangunan Perbatasan dan Kesejahteraan ...
#74. Modang - Orientation
... the Apo Kayan Plateau and the marshy plains nearer to the river mouths. ... are divided among three drainage basins: Mahakam, Kelai-Segah, and Kayan.
#75. Rumpun Apo Kayan - PROFILBARU.COM
Summary "Rumpun Apo Kayan": societ? sportiva calcio napoli societ? ... of the Indian Navy apologetika katolik bahasa kayan akbp hery purnomo kapolres jember ...
#76. Rock Statue Stone Artifact Sculpture Figurine Headhunter ...
Exceedingly rare miniature sculptures of Borneo, not wood but stone / rock. One pair Nising / Demon for Miring Ceremony, Dayak Apo Kayan. Quantity. Add to cart.
#77. An Apo Kayan dancer's mask - Bornean as art print or hand ...
An Apo Kayan dancer's mask - Bornean we deliver as art print on canvas, poster, plate or finest hand made paper. You define the size yourself.
#78. SOA Apo Kayan Tak Dianggarkan Pemprov Kaltara, DPR RI ...
Di ketahui tak teranggarnya Subsidi Ongkos Angkut (SOA) orang dan barang, untuk warga perbatasan Apo Kayan, Kabupaten Malinau oleh Pemerintah ...
#79. Kayanic Art | Aesthetic Traditions of Borneo: Part III
... traditions of the Kayan, Kejaman, Berawan, Punan, Kayaan, Apo Kayan, Kayan Busang, Kenyah, Bahau, Modang, and related sub-groups.
#80. Cosmology and Heroic Values in the Takna` Lawe`.
literature in indigenous Kayan cosmology mostly reflects beliefs in the ... Indonesia and settled in (1) Apo Kayan at Kayan River of North Kalimantan now.
#81. Practices and Views of the Border in the Apo Kayan Region of ...
The paper focuses on borders and boundaries as practiced, perceived, changed, and enforced by different actors in the Apo Kayan region, an isolated plateau in ...
#82. Timothy Jessup - Freelance Consultant - Self-employed
'Persistence and change in the practice of shifting cultivation in the Apo Kayan, East Kalimantan, Indoensia.' In The Heritage of Traditional Agriculture ...
#83. tedak dalam masyarakat dayak kayan mendalam - Digilib
Bang Day, yang selalu membantu dan selalu mendukung jalannya perjalanan karya Dak Apo Lagaan ini. 24. Danu, yang selalu jadi teman curhat dan membantu, ...
#84. three kayan-dayak brass earrings - Bonhams
Earrings of this type are found amongst the Iban, Penan, Kenyah-Kayan, Apo-Kayan, Bahau and other Dayak groups. (Rodgers, 1985) References
#85. Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation
Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation: the medicinal plants of the Dayak Krayan people in Kayan Mentarang National Park, Indonesia.
#86. MANDAU, Borneo, Apo-Kayan-området, 1900-talets början ...
2156743. MANDAU, Borneo, Apo-Kayan-området, 1900-talets början.
#87. Jual Akba | Buku Apo Kayan | Shopee Indonesia
Beli Akba | Buku Apo Kayan Terbaru Harga Murah di Shopee. Ada Gratis Ongkir, Promo COD, & Cashback. Cek Review Produk Terlengkap.
#88. About: Kayan people (Borneo) - DBpedia
... the Kayan people are similar to their neighbours, the Kenyah tribe, with which they are grouped together with the Bahau people under the Apo Kayan ...
#89. Jalan Putus di Mana-mana Warga Apo Kayan Malinau Benar ...
KRISIS bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan sembako di empat kecamatan di Apo Kayan nampaknya tidak selesai dalam waktu dekat.
#90. Home | My Site - Wix.com
Long Panai · ORIGIN AND MIGRATION OF KAYAN IN BARAM · The Kayan in Sarawak are originally from Usun Apo (Apau), in Kalimantan, Indonesia. · The Kayan Uma Beluvu ( ...
#91. Pa' Anga - Sape' Dak Manuk Apo (Luth Sape' Kenyah Kayan)
Sign up for Deezer and listen to Sape' Dak Manuk Apo (Luth Sape' Kenyah Kayan) by Pa' Anga and 90 million more tracks.
cent changes among those of the Apo Kayan have been noted recently by Timothy Jessup.5 Here newer, Sarawak- style longhouses began to be built only in the ...
#93. Homophony, sound changes and dialectal variations in some ...
The Kayanic language group (or subgroup in a larger Kayan-Kenyah group, ... Apo Kayan area (upper Kayan river and Kayan uk river), the Pujungan-Bahau area,.
#94. Furniture, Art & Antiques at Apo Kayan in Seminyak Bali
Seminyak and Kerobokan are full of furniture places and on a walk down Jl. Seminyak this afternoon I checked one called Apo Kayan.
#95. Desa Budaya Pampang
Kawasan wisata budaya ini merupakan hasil migrasi penduduk desa long lis Apo Kayan Kabupaten Bulungan pada tahun 1973.
#96. Document 01 - Trance / Tribal (1996, CD) - Discogs
8, Zen Paradox–, Between The Apo Kayan And The Infinite. Written-By, Performer, Recorded By – Steve Law. Written-By, Performer, Recorded By ...
#97. Cut shell decorated jacket worn by Apo Kayan people at ...
Cut shell decorated jacket worn by Apo Kayan people at ceremonies connected with agriculture, warfare, and the commemoration of the dead, Back view showing ...
#98. Belajar Tarian Kelakikot dari Kaum Kayan Uma Bawang Apo ...
Rombongan komuniti bidayuh dari Kampung Mantung Merau, Serian melawat Rumah Panjang Uma Bawang Apo Kayan, Sungai Asap, Belaga.
apo kayan 在 Ear lobe decoration, Apo Kayan Dayak woman - 1989 - Pinterest 的八卦
Jun 3, 2015 - Apo Kayan, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. ... <看更多>