【#臺灣南波萬 之防制洗錢大成功‼️】
#Taiwan will officially rise to the top – “regular follow-up” – category in a global index on anti-money laundering in six weeks, after Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (#APG) members recently approved a previous peer review at the 22nd APG annual Meeting.
Taiwan secured seven "substantial" ratings out of 11 factors used to measure a country's effectiveness in fighting money-laundering and terrorist financing.In terms of technical compliance, Taiwan was raised to a "largely compliant" status by over 10 members on three evaluation criteria. Of 40 legal framework evaluation criteria, Taiwan was judged to be largely compliant on 36.
#AntiMoneyLaundering #FightTerrorism
話說我國在2011年被 #亞太防制洗錢組織 列入
加(留)強(校)追(察)蹤(看) 名單後 _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
試圖擠身前段班... 😓
終~於~ (華麗轉身🧜♂️🧜♀️)
臺灣在 #效能 #法令 #技術 三大構面的遵循表現
整體評等還躍升為 #一般追蹤 的最優等級😍
#哥洗的不是錢是發展事業第二春 (誤)
anti money laundering compliance 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
【#臺灣南波萬 之防制洗錢大成功‼️】
#Taiwan will officially rise to the top – “regular follow-up” – category in a global index on anti-money laundering in six weeks, after Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (#APG) members recently approved a previous peer review at the 22nd APG annual Meeting.
Taiwan secured seven "substantial" ratings out of 11 factors used to measure a country's effectiveness in fighting money-laundering and terrorist financing.In terms of technical compliance, Taiwan was raised to a "largely compliant" status by over 10 members on three evaluation criteria. Of 40 legal framework evaluation criteria, Taiwan was judged to be largely compliant on 36.
#AntiMoneyLaundering #FightTerrorism
話說我國在2011年被 #亞太防制洗錢組織 列入
加(留)強(校)追(察)蹤(看) 名單後 _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
試圖擠身前段班... 😓
終~於~ (華麗轉身🧜♂️🧜♀️)
臺灣在 #效能 #法令 #技術 三大構面的遵循表現
整體評等還躍升為 #一般追蹤 的最優等級😍
#哥洗的不是錢是發展事業第二春 (誤)
anti money laundering compliance 在 股榮 Facebook 八卦
過去十年,金融機構合規(Compliance)部門,是銀行鐵飯碗。2008年金融海嘯後,全球央行對違規銀行喪罰錢,滙豐亦交了數十億美元。全球加強對行業監管,針對投資產品銷售,打擊洗黑錢活動 (Anti-Money Laundering,AML)等,都要大肆增聘金融法規的人員為機構把關。
//滙豐在本港有新一輪裁員行動,罕有地在金融海嘯後監管環境嚴苛下,負責把關的合規部門當災,單是EIR(External Investigative Reporting)部門將會大削5成至6成人手,保守估計至少有逾100人受影響。而一半合規部職能將移師廣州以減省成本。//
anti money laundering compliance 在 Anti Money Laundering (AML) Definition - Investopedia 的相關結果
Anti -money laundering (AML) refers to laws and regulations intended to stop criminals from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. ... <看更多>
anti money laundering compliance 在 Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program 的相關結果
The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Program is everything companies at risk of financial crime do in combating financial crime and compliance ... ... <看更多>
anti money laundering compliance 在 Anti-Money Laundering (AML) | FINRA.org 的相關結果
Firms must comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and its implementing regulations ("AML rules"). The purpose of the AML rules is to help detect and report ... ... <看更多>