Things I enjoyed this week:
1. Sitting down alone at a coffee shop/restaurant and reading a nice book
2. Buying several oversized hoodies so I can wear them at home (instead of turning off the A/C)
3. Taking advantage of the Starbucks wifi when I get my coffee to backup my phone cause my home wifi’s too weak
4. Binge watching clips of 90-day fiancé
5. Not having to iron my laundry anymore cause nobody cares at this point
6. Seeing cute baby rabbits at the pet store while on my way to the supermarket
7. Getting to wear jeans & sneakers after months of sweatpants & slides
That’s all for today🌈💜🌟🌸
advantage of reading book 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 八卦
"I'm a Buddhist by birth but Muslim by practice"
Sebagaimana kebiasaan, saya akan membawa buku bersama apabila dalam perjalanan terutamanya ketika menaiki kapal terbang. Kali ini saya membawa buku berkaitan agama Buddha bersama.
Namun kerana terlalu letih, saya meletakkan buku tersebut di kerusi kosong sebelah saya sebelum tidur. Apabila saya bangun, penumpang yang duduk di tepi tingkap, Dr Yasantha menyapa saya;
'Are you are Buddhist?'
Saya menjawab;
'Nope. I'm an ex-Buddhist.'
Dia menyambung;
'I saw you are reading a book about Buddhism.'
Dan dia terus menerus bercerita tentang ajaran Buddha kepada saya sambil saya mendengar tanpa mencelah. Setelah bercerita panjang, beliau bertanya apakah profesion saya. Saya menjawab;
'I'm a trainer and consultant. We promote interfaith around the globe.'
'Are you a Muslim?' beliau bertanya. Saya mengiyakan soalannya. Lalu beliau terus bercakap tentang pandangan tentang Buddhist dan Muslim di Sri Lanka. Saya bertanya;
'Which temple you went to?' Dia menjawab dia tidak ke temple dan saya bertanya lagi; 'So you only practice at home?' dan jawapannya mengejutkan saya;
'Yes. I practice at home but I didnt practice Buddhism. I practice Muslim way of life at home and outside.'
Saya teruja mendengar jawapannya dan bertanya; 'Interesting. Mind to share more on this?' Lalu dia menyambung;
'Buddhism teaching is very good but what I saw around me in Sri Lanka it had become a theoretical religion and not a practical religion. When I go to temple last time, they ask for donation. Temple had become a centre to enrich the priest.
They supposed to live moderate lifestyle and stay away from such desire of wordly needs but they drive big car. Buddhist around me take advantage of me. I cant say the same with my Muslim friends around me.
They are very helpful and they practice Islam. I see more Buddhism teaching in Muslim friend compare to my Buddhist friends.'
Dari perbualan itu, saya nampak perspektif Islam dari seorang Belum Muslim yang bergaul dengan Muslim. Dia bersetuju dengan saya apabila saya berkata;
'This world will become a better place when we talk to one another rather than talk about one another just like what we are doing now.'
Masyarakat hari ini tidak lagi mendengar melalui telinga tetapi mereka 'mendengar' melalui penglihatan mereka. Mereka tidak mahu sekadar dengar berkaitan Islam dari Muslim tetapi mereka mahukan 'mendengar' Islam dari pengamalan Muslim.
Sebelum berpisah, kami bertukar nombor telefon dan beliau akan ke Malaysia lagi pada bulan Disember dan InshaAllah kami akan terus berhubung dan beliau juga mahu terus bertanya tentang Islam. Doakan agar beliau dikurniakan hidayah oleh Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
InshaAllah andai ada kesempatan, saya akan kongsikan lagi cerita hari pertama di Sri Lanka yang amat menarik.
Antaranya perjumpaan saya dengan antara orang paling kaya di Sri Lanka, keturunan diraja Melayu di Sri Lanka dan hubungan antara agama Buddhist dan Muslim, khutbah yang menyentuh hati, serta lawatan ke rumah Mufti Sri Lanka.
Semua ini terjadi pada hari pertama di Sri Lanka! Adakah anda berminat membaca pengalaman ini? Sila berikan komen anda di bawah...
advantage of reading book 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 八卦
【7出國際】#蕭叔叔英文閱讀週 Uncle Siu's English Reading Week with Book Depository
下個星期三開始,蕭叔會同英國網上書店Book Depository合作搞「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,由19到25號(書展嗰幾日)每日拍片講一本蕭叔最愛的英文書,題材不限,由小學雞故事書到英國哲學大賢的巨著,無所不談。
另外,Reading Week期間書店那邊特別為肥叔設立專頁,自己去看看吧:
Stay tuned, fellow bookworms, for a very bookish week ahead.
Book Depository Partners with Uncle Siu to Launch its First English Reading Week in Hong Kong and Uncle Siu present a week-long video series introducing the beloved teacher’s most-loved books, just in time for the Hong Kong Book Fair
Hong Kong loves to read, but it can be tough to find a wide variety of English books in the city – especially for readers who want to explore material above and beyond the latest bestsellers. In order to support voracious Hong Kong readers in learning English, revisiting the classics or just curling up with a book they love, Book Depository, an international online book retailer offering over 16 million English books with free delivery, is partnering with local Hong Kong influencer Uncle Siu to launch the Uncle Siu English Reading Week from 19 to 25 July, coinciding with the Hong Kong Book Fair.
During the Uncle Siu English Reading Week, local influencer Uncle Siu will post one video per day introducing his favourite English books. Uncle Siu is not only an avid reader but also a much-loved linguistics expert who has won over English and Cantonese audiences online with his funny, educational content about learning languages.
In partnership with Book Depository, Uncle Siu is ready to kick off the Uncle Siu English Reading Week and get people in Hong Kong excited about reading, “I love reading and I use a lot of books in teaching. I’ve been using Book Depository for more than 10 years. It’s the best online bookstore in the world, bar none. You can find any books you can think of that are virtually impossible to find in brick-and-mortar stores.”
Uncle Siu’s favourite books will each fall into one of the following categories:
1. English learning books that can help students take their language learning to the next level.
2. Storybooks that have been cherished by children and their parents for generations.
3. Writing guides to boost students’ ability to construct arguments and organise an essay.
4. The classics, which have an important place on any literature lover’s bookshelf.
5. Lesser-known classics from authors that are less notorious, but no less exciting to read.
6. Culturally English books that offer insights into the English language and the way of life in Britain.
7. General interest books that Uncle Siu simply loves to read for fun.
Which books will Uncle Siu choose as his favourites? To find out, visit the Book Depository website ( from 19 to 25 July. A new video from Uncle Siu will be posted each day to celebrate Uncle Siu English Reading Week and reveal his favourite English books. What’s more, customers who view the videos will get an exclusive coupon code for an extra 10% off Book Depository’s already low prices across millions of books during the Book Fair period from 19 to 25 July.
At the Hong Kong Book Fair, look out for Book Depository representatives standing outside the event on 19 and 20 July. They will be handing out Book Depository’s bookmarks and specially designed folders for a further 5% off on the Book Depository website.
Customers simply need to visit and apply their coupon code at check out to take advantage of the discounts. And with free delivery on all orders, it is a no brainer!
About Book Depository
Book Depository ( is an international book retailer offering over 16 million books with free delivery on all orders. It is based in the UK with millions of customers in over 120 countries.
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 /
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 /
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 /
Book Depository聯同英語教學達人蕭叔叔首度舉辦「英文閱讀週」
蕭叔叔將於香港書展期間 一連七天於Bookdepository.com專頁以短片介紹多本心水讀物
香港的書迷不單喜愛閱讀中文書籍,他們亦同樣鍾情英文書籍,然而市面上的英文書籍往往只局限於暢銷書種,令愛好閱讀的人士未能全面投入廣闊的閱讀世界。適逢一年一度的香港書展即將於本月盛大舉行,提供超過160萬種英文書籍的全球免運費國際網上書店Book Depository,首度聯同香港網上英語教學達人蕭叔叔,於7月19日至25日期間舉辦「Book Depository x 蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,一連七日以網上短片形式介紹多本英語學習工具書、重溫英語世界多部經典著作,以及推介各式有趣消閒讀物,讓喜愛閱讀的人士探索不同類型的英文書籍。
蕭叔叔已為今次由Book Depository舉辦的「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」預備多本英文讀物,期望為大眾開啟英語世界的閱讀大門。蕭叔叔愛閱讀,教學也常用到不同書籍。他表示:「幫襯Book Depository已經十年了,這是世上最好的網上書店,尤其要買實體書店找不到的書,特別好用。」
1. 英語學習工具書:讓學生透過實用的英語學習工具書,提升英語水平。
2. 故事書:介紹多部無論是小朋友還是家長也樂在其中的故事書。
3. 寫作技巧:讓學童透過書籍掌握寫作技巧,加強文章結構及組織能力。
4. 經典著作:介紹文學愛好者不容錯過的經典之作。
5. 鮮為人知的經典:介紹多本精彩絕倫但不為人知的經典
6. 英語文化書籍:全面認識英語世界及英國生活文化的有趣讀物
7. 消閒讀物:由蕭叔叔精選多本輕鬆消閒讀物
熱愛閱讀的人士只需於7月19日至25日期間,登入Book Depository網站(,於「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」專頁中即可觀看短片,詳細了解蕭叔叔推介的英文書籍。每名觀看短片的人士更可獲享Book Depository九折購物優惠代碼,於Book Depository盡情探索超過百萬款英文書籍,同時專享折扣優惠。
於香港書展舉行期間,Book Depository更會於7月19及20日派出推廣人員,於書展會場外派發精美書籤及設計獨特的文件夾,獲享低至八五折的購物優惠。,登記索取優惠代碼,即可獲享購物折扣,盡情享受全球免運的購物樂趣。
有關Book Depository
Book Depository(為國際書籍零售商,於網上提供超過160萬種書籍,顧客選購書籍之餘更可專享全球免運服務。Book Depository總部設於英國,顧客來自全球逾120個國家超過100萬人。
香港 ─ 高誠公關
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 /
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 /
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 /
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