📍論文已於今(2020)年10月發表在《環境研究期刊》(Environmental Research Letters)。
🔵本院環境變遷研究中心辛宜佳副研究員說明,依據模型模擬結果,海洋垃圾分布已從亞熱帶轉移到 #熱帶 和 #高緯度地區,並且將從太平洋東岸轉而累積至太平洋西岸,#臺灣 與亞洲區域可能面臨巨大的海洋垃圾危害。
另外,塑膠垃圾因為比重比海水小,可被運送得非常遙遠,容易被帶往極地,#南北冰洋 可能是另一個海洋垃圾堆積熱點。
🔴臺灣大學漁業科學研究所柯佳吟副教授也示警,漁業作業區域 、較高海洋初級生產力區域與海洋垃圾分布熱點重疊,若垃圾只增不減,整體海洋生態系與人類經濟活動都會受到影響。
#中研院研究 #海洋危機 #海漂垃圾 #源頭減量
A research team from the Biodiversity Research Center and Research Center for Environmental Changes at Academia Sinica and Institute of Fisheries Science at National Taiwan University recently published their findings on global distribution and cleanup opportunities for macro ocean litter and where the potential destination of the litter is through considering both ocean surface currents and winds using big data during 1993-2017. Their findings were based on assessments of changes in the accumulation of offshore- and coastal-source macro ocean litter, respectively, under simulations of four windage scenarios.
⏩More: https://reurl.cc/9Xq2xO
#AcademiaSinica #AS #Oceans_in_crisis
[自由時報] 海流+風阻效應海漂垃圾襲台
[中央社] 中研院:台灣面臨海漂垃圾危害超過預期
[蘋果日報] 中研院發現海漂垃圾更往熱帶和極區集中人類宛如「垃圾堆裡吃海鮮」
[聯合報] 影/加入風阻因素中研院:海洋垃圾熱點轉至熱帶極區
accumulation distribution 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[時事英文] 同學們,讓我們來關注總統候選人的政見同時學習時事英文。 我們就從宋楚瑜先生的政策開始吧!蔡英文跟朱立倫的粉絲不用擔心 ,老師會在接下來這幾天也把他們的政見摘要編寫成時事英文。
1. 我們要15年內超越韓國,追上新加坡,並且鼓勵創業,保護創意,提高薪資,抑制房地炒作,縮短貧富差距,達成「均富」的目標。
We will surpass South Korea in 15 years and catch up with Singapore. We will also encourage entrepreneurship, protect creativity, increase salaries, suppress real estate speculation, and reduce the wealth gap to achieve equal distribution of wealth.
campaign promises 政見允諾
encourage entrepreneurship 鼓勵創業
suppress real estate speculation 抑制房地炒作
reduce the wealth gap 縮短貧富差距
equal distribution of wealth 均富
2. 我將規劃具體的五大策略:產業轉型、人才培訓、財政改革、政府的再造、重新找回我們現代政府的夥伴智能和服務來達成我的目標。
I will plan out five major strategies: industrial restructuring, human resource development, financial reform, government reconstruction, and the re-employment of intelligent government partners and services to achieve my goals.
industrial restructuring 產業轉型
human resource development 人才培訓
financial reform 財政改革
the reconstruction of the government / government reconstruction 政府的再造
3. 我在922世界無車日就提出低碳經濟的計畫和構想,未來會全力來推動低碳經濟。
On the 22 of September, World Car Free Day, I’ve already proposed a plan and vision for a low-carbon economy, and will do my utmost in promoting it.
propose a plan and vision 提出計畫和構想
low-carbon economy 低碳經濟
4. 我要推動南進計劃,命名為鄭和再下西洋,基本精神為創新我們產業和市場以台灣試點佈局亞洲來行銷世界。
I plan to promote the South Entrance Plan, which will be named Zheng He's Return to the Western Pacific, with the main goals being the innovation of our industries and markets and using Taiwan as a springboard to Asia and the rest of the world.
Zheng He's Return to the Western Pacific 鄭和再下西洋
test point 試點*
*I used "springboard" instead of "test point," because you should never “test” a policy on a country. I think he meant using Taiwan as a starting point, so the word "springboard (跳板)" was more more appropriate considering overall context. 「佈局亞洲來行銷世界」 is also a rather vague phrase, I can only imagine he means "to set up in Asia and market our industries to the rest of the world.”
5. 兩岸一家親,才會真正保衛台灣的安全。讓我們永保自由和平等,台灣人絕對不會放棄我們自由民主制度,不會放棄我們繼續成為自主而有人權的地方。
“Two sides of the Strait are one family.” This is what truly protects Taiwan’s safety, guaranteeing our freedom and equality. The Taiwanese people will never give up democracy, and will not give up our independence and human rights.
Two sides of the Strait are one family 兩岸一家親
(human) rights 人權
6. 所有今天台灣面臨的問題包括最重要的財政問題向政府赤字、債務、低薪、社會福利的問題,都不能依靠講的社會的正義來化解。
All the problems faced by Taiwan today, including the most important issues of budget deficit, government debt, low wages, and social welfare cannot be resolved by the rhetoric of social justice.
fiscal deficit 政府赤字
(government) debt 債務*
*Deficit differs from debt, which is an accumulation of yearly deficits.
social welfare 社會福利
rhetoric 【貶】花言巧語,浮誇之詞
social justice 社會的正義
Image source: http://imgapi.nownews.com/
accumulation distribution 在 Nurul Izzah Anwar Facebook 八卦
I find it extremely irresponsible for Nur Jazlan to dismiss the recent spate of gun violence as mere “perception” when the public has reached a panic point.
Just within the past month and a half, the media has reported incident after incident of injuries and deaths caused by guns -- businessman Gooi Tan Hock (15 June), KEADILAN Miri branch secretary Bill Kayong (21 June), two motorists (21 June), a company executive (28 June), a 32-year-old woman and her 8-year-old daughter (6 July).
As it should, Malaysia’s Arms Act 1960 and the Firearms (Increased Penalties) Act (1971) strictly controls the distribution of guns to the people. However, even with the stiffest, most controversial punishment that is the death penalty under the first act, it is evident that Malaysia is still facing frequent street shootings, indicative of a problem that goes beyond our existing tight regulations for legitimate procurement of firearms. In most of the aforementioned attacks, the make and origins of the firearms are unknown (or perhaps, not made known to the public). However, investigations into the recent Puchong attacks under the instructions of ISIS have revealed that the hand grenade used was obtained in Thailand. Albeit not specifically a gun, this shows that firearms may be most commonly permeating Malaysian borders through illicit means.
It is perhaps now timely to remind Datuk Nur Jazlan of the speech delivered by Ambassador Ramlan Ibrahim, during the UN Security Council Open Debate just a year ago, where the Ambassador emphasised “the need to address root causes of illicit transfer of SALW including, inter alia, the supply of Small Arms and Light Weapons to armed groups, whether by governments or through the black market; excessive accumulation and surplus of SALW in post-conflict situations; and the growing demand from SALW by armed groups and non-state actors.”
Even if our gun laws are strict, even if gun violence in Malaysia is statistically low, and even if the attacks are mostly targeted, this isn’t the time for Malaysia to be complacent -- no less our Deputy Home Affairs Minister. In fact, the problem of gun violence should be nipped in the bud before it proliferates. Especially with ISIS taking root in Malaysia, we need conscious effort to plug our shortcomings -- that is the illicit transfer of firearms.