(活動日期: 即日起至29/6/2016)
參加者只要到Facebook「遵理學校Kenneth Lau」專頁讚好及分享活動Poster,並完成以下4個步驟,即可獲得由Kenneth Lau & His Academic Team共同撰寫的作文天書 《Writing Power》一本。
參加資格: 任何升S.4-S.6的日校學生
1. 前往「遵理學校Kenneth Lau」Facebook專頁 (,讚好 (Like) Facebook專頁及本活動Poster
2. 分享 (Share) 專頁內本活動Poster (狀態需顯示為Public公開)
3.分享時寫上 "I want to enhance my writing power with _________ and _________. (Tag 2位好友)" 及 "(英文全名 + 領取分校: *________)" [內容需同時在此Post下面的留言格及自己的Facebook Wall出現!!!!!]
*領取分校選一: (旺角/ 荃灣海晴軒/ 九龍灣淘大二期/ 銅鑼灣信諾/ 屯門/ 沙田)
4. 留言後可憑個人日校學生證及Facebook留言截圖於辦公時間內到指定遵理分校換領天書
換領日期: 6/7 - 12/7/2016
「academic poster」的推薦目錄:
academic poster 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 八卦
[Australia-Vietnam] UTS-HCMUT Research School 2020
Cả nhà ơi chị vừa biết được thông tin chương trình hè nghiên cứu được tổ chức bởi trường ĐH Công nghệ Sydney (UTS) với trường ĐH Bách Khoa TPHCM (HCMUT) mình nè. Đây là chương trình nhằm thúc đẩy trao đổi hợp tác giữa các nhà khoa học, công ty công nghệ giữa Úc và Việt Nam cũng như tạo điều kiện cho các bạn trẻ tìm cơ hội nghiên cứu sau đại học (PhD) và làm việc tại Úc.
Chủ đề của RS2020 sẽ là về sự phát triển của các công nghệ nền tảng cho cho một xã hội thông minh và bền vững.
ĐỐI TƯỢNG: Giảng viên, nhà nghiên cứu, kỹ sư, sinh viên đại học năm cuối, sinh viên thạc sỹ và tiến sỹ. Nhờ mọi người chia sẻ mạnh cho bạn bè liên quan ha.
HỌC BỔNG: hỗ trợ việc ăn ở đi lại cho các bạn tham gia từ khắp nơi trên Việt Nam đến TP. Hồ Chí Minh tham gia chương trình.
NỘI DUNG chương trình:
- Các bài giảng từ các giáo sư đến từ trường UTS và HCMUT là chuyên gia trong các lĩnh vực AI, IoT, cybersecurity, robotics, 5G, big data analytics, mm-Wave, smart electrical energy systems, reconfigurable antennas và blockchain.
- Trình bày nghiên cứu trong cuộc thi Poster với giải thưởng Best Poster Award
- Sự kiện social networking.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Academic transcripts and evidence of English proficiency (for student applicants)
- A recommendation letter (for student applicants)
- Any other evidence/information that may support your application
- Title and abstract of the poster (if you wish to compete in the student Poster Competition)
DEADLINE: 01.04.2020
Link chi tiết:
❤ Like page, tag và chia sẻ thông tin đến bạn bè em nha ❤
#HannahEd #duhoc #hocbong #sanhocbong #scholarshipforVietnamesestudents
academic poster 在 COLASA Facebook 八卦
二分之一的完美 / Half The Perfect __ COLASA
地點:ACG Design International 大也國際空間設計/藝術中心
"Deep and tranquil, yet speaks loudly." – COLASA
喜歡塗鴉藝術的玩家們,一定對於Colasa這位塗鴉藝術大師不會陌生,他透過不同的媒材混搭出個人獨特的創意,在國際模版塗鴉藝術中,佔有一席地位。Colasa自幼學習美術出身,不甘於純藝術的正規系統,轉以反叛手法表現其藝術特質。注重無拘的技巧並嘗試混合不同媒材的表現技法,不斷推陳出新的創意總是令人驚艷。憑藉獨樹一格的視覺表現在國際上已建立高人氣知名度!富有多年的創作資歷更參與許多國際藝術展覽與商業合作,如:2012澳洲 Espionage Gallery模板塗鴉藝術展、2012中國深圳獨立藝術家聯展、2012 YOUNG ART TAIPEI x Eslite 誠品 Live Painting、2011 NIXON [ Melting Memories ] 藝術創作展、2011 ADIDAS [ adidas is all in ] 亞洲區代表塗鴉藝術家、2010 國際線上藝廊 CbN 首展藝術家、2010‘NEW MANCHESTER’ Poster Exhibition/ TBA Magazine 英國倫敦 藝術海報聯展、2010 Evolution Holdings presents "Hats Off" with Quintin -日本東京 藝術聯展、2009 法國品牌agnes’b-sport b
Colasa is an avant-garde artist known for his eerie actions and imaginations. He is constantly challenging the limit of morality though his works, and abnormality to present the melancholy of his inner soul. In addition to his stencils graffiti, Colasa also continuously experiences with new materials and substances to enhance the completion of his works.
Having studied art since childhood, Colasa insists on the defiance of traditional art forms and adopts a rather unconventional creative method-graffiti. With his very own unique style and Chinese ink inspired techniques, Colasa is making a name for himself in the international arena!
Colasa was born in Taiwan and majored in art related fields through out his academic career. After graduating from high school, Colasa fell in love with skateboarding and graffiti. At the time, street culture or subculture was still very new to Taiwan, and so he had to look towards the internet to find anything related graffiti art. After university, Colasa found a job working in a tattoo parlour and has continued to master his craft as a professional artist ever since.
“When I started doing stencil graffiti, I was experimenting with a variety of different colors. However I’ve naturally gravitated towards using just black and white. I guess it’s sort of my way to showcase my own unique style. Audiences tend to think that my work is very dark and full of violence, but what I truly want to express is actually the lightness after dark.”
In the past, Colasa’s work tends to focus on technique and objective meaning. However, he now tries to bring excitement to his work and sees his pieces as coming truly from the heart
Colasa’s impressive resume includes collaborations and exhibitions with the NIKE, CONVERSE, Heineken, NIXON, Espionage Gallery in Australia, Eslite Bookstore, MOCA Taipei, TBA Magazine, WELLA, PROTON, TAIPEI 101, agnès b, and adidas.
academic poster 在 29 Academic poster ideas - Pinterest 的八卦
Jul 19, 2016 - Explore jing's board "academic poster" on Pinterest. See more ideas about academic poster, research poster, scientific poster. ... <看更多>