你知道美國的「權利法案」是什麼嗎?這是美國憲法的前十項修正案,確認了美國公民的基本權利。新興的美國在1791年12月15日通過了這項法案。第一修正案確保人民的宗教自由、言論自由、出版自由,以及和平集會請願的自由。被稱為「權利法案之父」的喬治‧梅森 (George Mason) ,仔細的寫下這些確保個人自由的修正案。終其一生,他都是捍衛人類權利與自由的鬥士。「權利法案」還確保了哪些自由呢?憲法的十項修正案保證人民有權組織「管理良善的義勇軍」,並能持有武器;人民有保有私人財產的權利;被控犯罪之嫌疑犯有權接受公平對待;免於不合理蒐證與逮捕的權利;免於陷己入罪的權利;快速與公正的審判;以及律師代表發言的權利。美國到現在還繼續增加更多的修正案,以定義並保護人民的自由。1870年通過的第15項修正案就賦予所有美國男性,不論其種族都享有投票的權利。而1920年通過的第19項修正案,則更進一步讓女性享有這些權利。哪一項憲法修正案你認為最重要? 想了解權利法案的內容,請參考 https://ait.org.tw/zh/the-bill-of-rights.html #TodayinHistory
Do you know what the American Bill of Rights is? It is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of American citizens. The new United States of America adopted them on December 15, 1791. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and the press, the rights of peaceful assembly and petition. George Mason, the "Father of the Bill of Rights," carefully wrote out these amendments to ensure individual liberties. He was a lifelong champion of rights and freedoms Do you know what other freedoms the Bill of Rights guarantees? The first 10 amendments guarantee the right of the people to form a "well-regulated militia," to keep and bear arms, the rights of private property, fair treatment of those accused of crimes, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom from self-incrimination, a speedy and impartial jury trial, and representation by counsel. The United States. has continued to add amendments to these first 10, defining and protecting personal liberties for all Americans. The 15th Amendment gave the right to vote to all male Americans, regardless of race, in 1870. The 19th Amendment expanded those rights to women in 1920. Which amendments in the Constitution do you think are most important? Read the Bill of Rights here: https://www.archives.gov/founding…/bill-of-rights-transcript
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