我叫Cody Hong,是一名馬來西亞Youtuber/視頻創作者,我生活的最大意義就是製作影片,曾經在空中當過兩年的空少,後來發現天空不適合我,果斷選擇回來地球表面,繼續追求我的電影夢,是一个身体很瘦但梦想很大的男生。热爱拍片,喜欢透过我的镜头把欢乐带给大家,希望大家会喜欢我的影片!
I'm Cody Hong. Established Malaysian Youtuber, Independent Film Maker, Content Creator. I born to make films, I live my life to create content. Used to be an air steward in the sky for two years, and realized the sky doesn't belongs to me. Came back to the ground quickly and start chasing what I belongs to, Creating Content.
I have a skinny body but with a big dream.
I love film making, and I love to share my stories through my lens to everyone of you.
Hope you guys enjoy !
I'm Cody Hong. Malaysian Youtuber,
Film Maker, Content Creator.