// 地球生病了😷
Warning: Graphic & disturbing images. Here's how bad things have gotten. Born and raised in Florida and I've never seen it this bad.
We’ve been battling both Red Tide in the Gulf and toxic Blue-Green Algae from the Caloosahatchee & Lake O.
Pictures are recent and within July, most from Lee County. We've also had issues for Collier, Charlotte, and Sarasota counties too.
UPDATE, ONE WEEK LATER: Thankfully within the past week my goal was to raise awareness and it looks like it's working across the country and world! Finally many are realizing how bad conditions are in SW Florida and how they can help.
My first recommendation would be to join the Facebook Group "The South Florida Clean Water Movement." Valuable information including ways to help and more awareness events.
The newest Red Tide update as of Wednesday, August 8th, still has moderate to high amounts across SW Florida. We also have pockets of Blue-Green algae from Lake Okeechobee down the Caloosahatchee.
Fantastic support at the local level from both officials and citizens cleaning up our beaches of dead fish and trying to treat the toxic Blue-Green algae within the Caloosahatchee. While it doesn't solve the problem, every bit does help.
Want change? When the time comes...VOTE for it.
*SHARE* & Spread Awareness! - Matt Devitt WINK Weather
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